The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 01, 1898, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Gnronieie.
November i, 1898
Eighteen in. air tight beaters. $2.50.
Twenty-one in. air tight heaters, $3.00.
Twenty-lour in. air tight heaters, $3.50.
Also a full lineof the celebrated "VVil-,
eon" heaters at Maya & Crowe's.
Now is the time to have your Xmas
FotoB made by Gifford. 1-1 ra
Put your money in the bank and treat
with the German specialist. 1
Jackson Engine company will hold a
meeting this evening at the usual place..
A full attendance is requested.
It is reported that all the Indians en
gaged in the recent shooting near Can.yon
City, with a single exception, have been
shot and that there is no danger ot future
Monroe Grimes shipped five carloads
of cattle to Troutdale today, having pur
chased them from Messrs. Cram, Hinkle
and Lyle. Two carloads also came down
from Ueppner. '
The Dalles City brought the pile
driver from Hood Kiver to Lyle, where
a wharf will be built by the D. P. & A.!
N. Co., the one at Hood River Laving
been completed. j
N-Tonight and all day tomorrow you can
consult the German specialist free of
charge at the Umatilla House. Will re
turn December 1st, 2d and 3d. Cross
eyes straightened without the knife.
Catarrh a specialty.
Mr. C. E. Nestor, of the Oregon
phone line, is in the city soliciting sub
scriptions which will induce them to ex
tend their line to Prineville. Many are
responding liberally and we trust the
good work will go on.
S Yesterday in speaking of the fatal ac
cident to Airs. J. J. Gibbons we said it
occurred at CaEcades, instead of at Hood
River. The deceaeed lived four milea
from Hood River, and ber funeral was
held at the Christian church there yes
terday. One dozen of thoEe extra finish Platino
Fotos, made by Gifford, wili make you
twelve fine presents for Christinae.
Nothing would be appreciated more, and
now is the time to sit for them. Don't
put it off too long and then expect to
have them finished in time. 1-lm
Workmen are engaged m grading the
grounds surrounding th High school
building. These will n6 doubt be made
the most beautiful grcunds in the city.
as the building is so Situated that they
can be terraced to tie foot of the grade.
Many flattering remarks are made by
several of our prominent citizens regard
ing the wonderful ekill which Mrs. Dr.
Frank displays in correcting visional de
fects. Those suffering from impaired eye
sight, which often ends in total blind
ness, should not neglect calling on Mrs.
Dr. Frank, Room 38, Chapman block,
over U. S. Land' office. You will be
sure to find her in the office the entire
WMm . '
iff '
1 1
jr0 a young man as a
jjjjj designed and carefully
ored top coat of !hht colored
Covert Cloth or Whipcord. These
We show them in all sizes, and
fabrics suitable for young, middle
aged or elderly men.
mist ft MATS.
day on Saturday, November 5th.
This morning at the Farmer's Hotel
Mr. H. M. Woolen and Miss Ida Med
lar were united in matrimony by Jus
tice Bayard. Both the bride and groom
reside at Wasco, and are meuobors of
society circles there, the bride being a
daughter of B. F. Medlar, who is well
known in The Dalles.
Yesterday as Julius Bankonin, with
his wife and child, who live on Ninth
street, were starting out for a drive ijn
their cart, the horse became frightened
and ran away, going but a short dis
tance before the occupants of the gig
were thrown out. Mrs. Bankonin and
the child received several bruises which
are not thought to be Berious. s
"-Mjrs. Susie Parmenter, of Salem, grand
chief of the order of Ratbbone Sisters,
will be in the city Thursday evening aijd
exemplify the work at their meeting,
after which a general good time will be
had. Members are requested to make
an extra effort to be present, as it is de
sired to give her a hearty greeting and
receive as much benefit as possible from
her visit. ' !
This morning John Seymour, a Warm
Springs Indian, with his wife and family,
started out for home, when on reaching
the 5-Mile hill his wagon was crowded
off the grade and they were thrown ojit.
The children were bruised slightly, but
Mrs. Seymour had two ribs broken.
Agent McCowan, who was also on ijiis
way .home, brought the unfortunate
woman back to town, and summoned Dr.
Hollister, who attended to her woundsVl
It seems that another arrangement
has been made in regard to the Christ
mas boxes for the soldier boys at Manila,
and that a further opportunity will be
given to send them, as the Sunday Ore
gonian says : "The Emergency corps
will receive boxes for the soldiers at
Manila all through thig week." It has
been ascertained, however, that they
should be shipped from here by Friday
morning. Notice is also given that
none ot them must weigh more than
fifty pounds. The freight charges are
free from Portland, and as the D. P. &
A. N. Co., has previously carried them
free to that place, they will no doubt
do so again.
The gobgobblins and spirits were un
usually quiet last night, and must baye
been on their good behavior, - or else
most of the gates in our city were suc
cessfully held down by parties returning
from the entertainment, for few were off
their hinges this morning. However,
residents of the hill were reminded that
last night was Holloween when they at
tempted to come down the Rin heart
steps this morning and found them
blocked by a cart, which had been placed
so that it was impossible to pass. We
have learned Mr. J. C. Means was minus
a cart this morning which he is very
anxious should be returned. Speaking
very emphatically regarding it he said:
"If my cart isn't returned tonight I'll
find out who stole it and he will suffer
the consequences" Now, boys and girls,
return Mr. Meins' cart, and we advise
you to do so after he has retired.
A Large Attendance, and Successful In
Every Particular.
Not many more could have" edged their
way into the Baldwin opera house last
evening on the occasion of the Holloween
party given by the voting ladies of the
Congregational chucch. The receipts,'
which were over a .hundred dollars, will
give some idea 'oi the large number
which attended, although about $20 was
taken in at the candy booth and over
that amount at the lunch tables. '.
The program was good Hampshire
and Clark, as was expected, carrying
away the honors of theevening in their,
negro sketch. Strangers were heard to
remark : "That corned up to anything!
have seen in professionals." Other num
bers on the program were a male quartet
by Messrs. Poling, Doane, Landers and
Phelps, which so delighted the audience
that an encore was demanded. The
guitar trio by Mesers. H. D. Parkins,
Erwin Parkins and J. R. Rees was very
sweet, but round of applause failed to
bring them out again. Miss Myrtle
Michell's selection, "Past and Present"'
by De Koven, was loudly encored and
she responded with ' a lighter ballad,
"Rose, Sweet Rose." A number of the
ghosts of some of our liveliest young
ladies appeared in the ghost march, mak
ing the audience imagine they were with
Tom Sawyer in his graveyard act. They
evidently frightened themselves from
the manner in which they made their
The remainder of the evening was
spent in partaking of refreshments and
viewing the photographic collection
which was presided over by Mrs. Tolmie.
The Dalles has caany artists in this line
as was shown by the display last even
ing. Two photographs of twin pap
pooees taken by Moorehouseof Pendleton
attracted much attention, and are cer
tainly the finest Indian pictures we have
The young ladies are to be congratu
lated on the decided success of their
To Extend the Telephone.
The Prineville Review has the follow
ing concerning the telephone line:
"Messrs. Seufert & Condon, of The
Dalles, have written to Mr. M. A. Moore,
the president of the company, that they
will build from The Dalles to Sherar's
bridge. The business firms of The Dalles
would no doubt take some stock.
"If sufScient energy is put forth, we
could" have telephone connection with-
"0- '
It is the fine quality of
Schilling's Best
tea baking powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
that makes them go far
ther than great quantity
of inferior things. u
For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
We have just received a large stock of
Cole's Air Light heaters, which will
sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Every stove
warranted. Call and see our stock of
heaters before purchasing.
..THE Jifi$DWflf?E DEALERS.,
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
The Dalles. Other places with less busi
ness transactions have telephone con
nection with the outside and we eee no
reason why Prineville should not. If
our business men will only "loosen up"
a little it could be done. Our stockmen
throughout the country should also assist
liberally in this enterprise. We have
frequently heard the remark : 'If we
had a telephone line to The Dalles I
would have made $500 or $1000 by selling
when the market was up.' This remark
not only applies to our uheep owners
but also to our cattlemen. Then why
cannot they subscribe $500 to an enter
prise that will be of incalculable benefit
to every one. We then could be ap
prised of the state of the markets in a
few minutes after being received at The
With the exbilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal cleanli
ness, which follows the use of Srrup of
Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substitutes
sometimes offered but never accepted
by the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
Wood for Sale.
Oak &nd Tin- leave nrdarn at Rihard-
sbns blacksmith shop on Third street.
9-17 3mo H. H. Flemming.
8t JVIays
Have two lots of Ladies' Shoes which
thev desire to close out. To those who
want a genuine bargain we will say, call
early, as the price quoted will make
t hem quick sellers.
Ladies' Hand Turn, Button, Pointed
toe., widths B, C, and D, sizes 2)4 to 5.
$5.00 shoe for
Ladies' Kid, Buttcn, Narrow Square
toe, widths B, C and 1), sizes 2)4 to 5.
$3.00 shoe for
In addition to the above we offer
Misses' Kid, Button, Coin toe, eize3 11
to 2, at
65 cents.
Mieses' Pebble Grain, Button. Good
school shoe,
Boys Veal, Congress, 2)4 to)4 $2.00
shoe for - ;'
Dongress, 2)4
li : .
z Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from to 50 per cent reduction.
MavB c&3 Orowe-
Noxt Door to Land Office, - Washington Street.
J. H. CROSS nts removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Fosi office, where he will be pleased
to greet his mam' iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Educational Meeting.
Superintendent Gilbert flee ma to be
awakening an unusual interest in educa
tional matters all over the country, and
meetings such as have never been held
before are taking place in the different
districts. Saturday at Wamic about 175
people were present, and showed an en
thusiasm which speaks well for the peo
ple of that section. Next Saturday a
meeting will be held at Barrett school
house, four miles from Hood River,
where a new two-roomed school build
ing has just been completed. All teach
ers and friends of education are invited
to be present, when the following pro
gram will be renaered :
Greeting Song
Heading Grace Graham
Writing Katie Davenport
Arithmetic J. T. Neft"
Recitation Airs. R. R. Allard
Music ,. ,
Flair Raising and Dedication
Invocation Rev. J. W. Jenkins
Our School : P. G. Uarrett
Music '
Presentaiion of Flag R. R. Iuibler
Acceptance J.J. Gibbons
Raising of Flag and Flng Salute Schocl
TeacHem Kzaualuation.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
persons "who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county superintendent
thereof will hold a public examination
at The Dalles, Oregon, beginning
Wednesday November, 9, 1898, at 1
o'clock p. m. C. L. Gilbert,
- County school Superintendent. -Wasco
county, Oregon.
Dated this 31st day of October, 1898.
Thank. Yon.
The young ladies of the Congregation
al church are very gratekful to those
who so kindly assisted tbem in making
the Halloween party such a success,
particularly those who took part in the
entertainment. They take this means
of expressing their thanks.
Kxpreaslun of Thanks.
I desire to express my thanks to those
of my neighbors and friends who proved
themselves such true friends during the
illness and death of my dear wife..
' ' Maevin.Rand.
. " Lost.
Gold scarf pin ; design, horse shoe sur
rounding horse's head eight small
stones. A liberal reward to finder if left
at Times Mountaineer or Chronicle of
fice or at the D. C. & A. C. rooms.
Everybody reads Tax Chronicle.
She Set
On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in our magni
ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we
sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on
such :asy terms, that her desire was gratified'.
Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these
sweet toned instruments, that has any music lu the
sonl, is charmed into wanting one. They can be
fouud In The Dalles only at 170 Second Street.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co
Leadlng'Muslc House.
It's Human Mature.
This readiness to accept the wonderful
and miraculous in preference to com
monplace truth. A plausible and glib
tongued doctor can go from town to town
curing, or trying to cure, people, and
have a great influx of shekels, while
every community in which the so-called
doctor goes is supplied with quiet,
learned practitioners, who have forgotten
more than the fakir ever learned, and
they can give you the best treatment
within the reach of human knowledge.
While your home doctors carry you from
year to year, get up at all times of the
night and are your servants during the
dpy, and you pay them when you are
well or able, the fakir gets the cash, and
is gone forever. If your eyes are troub
ling you in any way, call on Prof. P. G.
Daut, the only graduated optician or
doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two
doors west of Keller's bakery. I am
here to stay, and can rati tee all eye work.
Prof. P. G. Daut.
Are You Interested?
The O. R. & H. Go's Now Honk
On the Kesourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers are requested to forward the
addresses of their Eastern friends and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will he eent them free. This is a mat
ter all ebould be interested in, and we
would ask that everyone take an in
terest and forward such addresses to W.
H. H cklburt, General Passenger Agent,
O. E. & N. Co., Portland.
Ladles, No More Darninff.
The Magic Hand Loom made of pol
ished rolled steel. . Latest invention for
mending clothing, underwear, table
linens or heels and toes in hosiery. A
child can work it. Perfect weave. Sent
postpaid for 25c. Great Western Ad
vertising and Novelty Co., 11552 Wash
ington St., Oakland, Cal. ol2-lai
. ,i Last and Final Notice.
. I hereby give notice that on and after
the 1st of" November, 1898, I will, with
out further notice, proceed to levy upon
all property upon which taxes remain
unpaid for the year 1897.
Robert Kelly, Sheriff,
Wasco County,
' Wood. Wood.
Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood
always on band for sale at minimum
rate. Jos. T. Peters.
'Phone 25.
. Ladies earn $8.00 per week working at
home, no canvassing, enclose self ad
dressed stamped envelope. Standard
Novelty Co., 101 Beekman St., New York