C3J COliE'S nn Ul a A Corset Opportunity. P0S00Q We have decided to close out two of our well known lines of Corsets, Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and kinds at your own price. 2 ' 2 .EOT BLffilT.. onrt jir iiii 6 6 He Ooierlcan Lafly and tjeliff Fitting. Corsets that sell regular from $1.00 to $2.50. We shall put them in two lots and sell them while they last at 95c and $1.50 Lot No. 1 goes for 95c. Lot No. 2 goes for $1.50. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. 9 Ths Dalles Daily Ghronicle. SATRUDAY - - OCTOBER 29, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tonight Air Ship At the Vogt' See the Ghost march at the Baldwin Monday night. Eighteen in. air tight heaters. $2.50. Twenty-one in. air light heaters, $3.00. Twenty -four in. air tight heaters, $3.50. Also a full lineof the celebrated "Wil son" heaters at Mays & Crowe's. 'Fresh Eastern Oysters in bulk at The Dalles Commission Co. License to marry was today granted to J. Frank Fulton and Lillian Hurlbut, both of Wagco county. . Arrangements are now being made by 'Condon & Seufert to extend the tele phone line from Dufar to Tygh immedi 'sUttely. , - ' The Congregational church in this f is receiving a new coat of paint, which ; adds much to the appearance of this, . neat church edifice. . - (The"Tuni6r"claS8 of the state univer versify at Eugene has elected Homer D. Angell, of this city, as president of the class, and oratorjfts well. . Tonighf aiiil tdnrorrow Ensign Hawks will conduct themeetings at the Salva tion Army. Tonight he will speak on the "Social Work of the Army." Salem had quite a blaze Thursday night when the Fashion livery stables went up in flames. Somehow this seems to be a "fiery" year everywhere. 'ThSarar3ixon will leave the wharf tonight about 9 o'clock, making an extra , trip to Portland on account of the im mense;aiapUDt of freight on hand..---'' Yesterday after the cabinet in Wash ington the president issued his annual proclamation, setting apart Thursday, November 24th, as Thanksgiving day. j The Air Ship will arrive in the city this evening and land at the opera house. Be there to eee the company start on a tour to Klondike., The plaV is a good one. See it. The evening services at the Congrega. tional church tomorrow will be under the direction of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the church. A musical program will rendered, and an address by the pastor. A cordial welcome is extended to all. About fifteen of the members of the Baptist church in onr city will attend the dedication of the chnrch atHartland tomorrow. The wagonette has been se cured for the trip, and it will be a pleas ant as well as a profitable visit for them. The merry-go-round, which has sur vived the fair for the past week, will make its last trip late' tonight, when a gold watch will be given to the prettiest girl. The children have greatly enjoyed this pastime, and many of the older children have felt it their duty to "ride for the sake of holding on the babies." fAmoDg the attractions at the Hal- 1 . . . r - ... . loween party luonuay evening will De a photographic collection by Mrs. Tolmie. An excellent musical program is being prepared, which includes a negro sketch by Messrs. Hampshire and Clark. Re freshments will be served, so come pre pared to enjoy every feature of the even- ng- Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Staniels gaye a wedding supper last night at their residence in honor of the marriage of their son, Harold, to Miss Mary Gib son, of Wasco. Among their guests were Mr. and Mr9. Lemison, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoering, Mrs. Agnes Vincent, Cora and Ila Fowler, Emma Ulrich and Ivy Reno, Messrs. Esping, McCoy, Fowler and Whitney. After supper dancing was the principal enjoyment nntil a late (or early) hour. A desperate battle occurred in Grant county between five Indians and a sher iff's posse, which was in pursuit of the redskins, on account of the latter having shot two settlers last Wednesday. Dur ing the fight one member of the posse and all five of the Indians were killed. Settlers have sent to Canyon City for more ammunition, stating that Indians are gathering aronnd Izee in large numbers. The trouble arose over the Indians accusing the whiles of stealing horses. Today we were shown some brooms made at the new factory in the East End. They are first-class in every re spect, and were made of broom corn which cost .the manufacturers, Merton & Co., $130 a ton. At the Midwinter fair in San Francisco this same broom was awarded the premium. Here is a splendid opportunity for us to show ap preciation of the industries in our own city. Let us help this new enterprise along and in the near future the factory can be enlarged, more workmen employed and The Dalles be benefited thereby. , Such enthusiasnfas s'ltresenFnan, lfested in our schools over the writing question, has not been known for some time. Prof. Garrison has been doing some volunteer work in . the different rooms, aud yesterday a contest was had to decide which pupil was the best writer in the room. In Miss Michell's room, Lucy Fox was decided the best; in Miss T. Rintonl'e, Lillian Frazer; Miss L. Rintoul's, Cora Dunham; Mrs. Baldwin's. Georce Walther: Miss Mar tin's, Alberta Shepherd; Miss Bailee) ijcua muufc. - - The funeral of Hensen McCoy took place yesterday afternoon at Dufur, un der the auspices of the order of Odd Fellows, of which he has been a mem ber for the past forty-four years. A. J. Bngham, of Dufur, conducted the ser vices, speaking feelingly of the deceased, and the sorrow felt by all at the loss of such a kind neighbor and friend. A large number of Odd Fellows and Re beccas were In attendance, among them Messrs. T. Ward, W. H. Butts, Adolph Phirman and Paul Paulsen, of Columbia lodge. About fifty conveyances followed the remains to the cemetery, and the pall-bearers were brother Odd Fellows, consisting of Messrs. Moore, Heisler, Butler, Trout, Butts and Phirman. Mr. A. N. Varney had the misfortune to dislocate his shoulder, this morning. While helping to carry a large dry goods box up the steps to his residence, the entire weight fell on him, knocking him from the porch and dislocating his. shoulder. Mr. Varney has decided to' join bis wife, who is now in Massa chusetts, where they expect to make their home, and was packing the houseV hold furniture. The accident will prob ably delay the journey. We are very sorry to learn of their intention to leave The Dalles permanently, as we can illy afford to part with such valued residents as Mr. and Mrs. Varney. The latter will be greatly missed in musical circles, where she is ever ready to render as sistance. The reporter yesterday stated that thu local land office was receiving daily an average of three applications for publication notice to make final proof. We could have added that homestead filings are coming in at the rate of three a day. This would canse most people to wonder where on earth all this land is located. The office is also very buey with cash purchases of forfeited railroad lands, the limit of time in which such can be made expiring on January 1, 1899. This is causing the settler to "get a move on." It is fortunate tbat a good wheat crop and fair prices exist to help the farmer at this particular time, all of whom are anxious to get their share of the forfeited lands, when situated so as to avail themselves of the opportunity. 9 9 Worthless Hoodlums. Last night several hoodlums of about fourteen and sixteen years of age were tearing around generally np near the merry-go-round and finally succeeded in scaring up a fight, which is the height of some boys' ambition. Nightwatch- man Phirman arrived on the ecene and endeavored to quiet them, when Carl Qstlund, who late'y ran away from the reform school in Salem, raised an iron bar and struck at him, corning within an inch of striking him, which would cer tainly have been fatal had ha not dodged in time. Ostlund was taken to .be city jail, where at last reports he was still confined. As the watchman took the young villian to his present quarters, there followed in his wake about a dozen boys of the same ilk, brag ging as to how near, they came to down ing the officer. This element in The Dalles seems to be endeavoring to get the upper hand of reform schools, parents and officers. It is appalling to think of the future in store for them if a stop cannot be made to their wild career. Many of them can not be kept in school, which is too often the fault of parents who refuse to nphold the teachers when they attempt to cor rect them. Others, whose parents can not afford to keep tbem there fail to find employment because of their worthless ness. Who is to blame for this state of affairs? We have just received a large stock of Cole's Air light heaters, which will sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Every stove warranted. Call and see our stock of heaters before purchasing. .THE HfiSDWaRE DEALERS.. 167 Seconi St. THE DALIES. OR. CLEAN UP THE STREETS. The Subject May Be s Chestnut, Hat One Worth Opening. . MVe cannot refrain from making an other plea in behalf of the appearance of our streets, for a small effort on the part of each individual citizen would make such a marked difference in the general effect which oar city produces .Remaining longer ine visitor is im pressed with the immense amount of business which is going on, but spend ing just a short time in our city one can not fail to have unfavorable impressions when upon looking around they see the streets and sidewalks covered in debris here a box; there an old plank, block ing the way; old tin cans, papers, etc., scattered promiscuously abroad and everything in disorder. All these small matters, be they ever so trivial to those who are accustomed to viewing them, give the city an untidy appearance. The cities, such as Denver, which are noted for their pretty, clean streets, employ men who go through them every night, removing every scrap which has collected during the day and sweeping the pavement. A place the size of The Dalles could not be expected to do any thing of this Vind ; but each individual owner of property can do his part. Suppose every merchant should make it his business to see tbat the6idewalk and street around his nlffi nf hnainpea in carefully cleaned and the scraps of pa per, etc., removed every morning, what different looking business streets we should have. It would require but a few moments of the porter's time, and not only add to the general appearance of the city, but to the attractiveness of his particular store. Any purchasers would naturally expect to find the best goods at the neatest looking place. Can we not prevail upon our citizens to study this matter over and decide to make an effort along this line? Foddin' Head Wilson Says: "The fool saith, 'Put all thy eggs in different baskets;' which means, scatter your money and your attention ; but the wise man saith: 'Put all your eggs in one basket, and watch the bas ket.' " We have only one basket, and we are watching it in optics. Having made a thorough study of the subject, graduat ing from three of the best colleges, we are enabled to give you a scientific ex amination. ' It doesn't matter whether you buy a $10 glass or a $1 glass, or any glasses at all, you get an examination. Everybody reads The Chronicle. Schilling's Best tea coffee soda baking powder flavoring extracts and spices are as good for your health as they are for your hunger. . For sale by1 ' L. Rorden & Compan- 1S5 Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Jh&irv& c&5 Crowe. Noxt Door to Land Office, Washington Street. J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posl office, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. She Set Het J4eatt. On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in our magni ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on . such easy terms, that her rlesire was gratified. Everyone tbat hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned instruments, tbat has any music in the soul, is charmed into wanting ODe. They can be found in The Dulles only at 170 Second Street. Jacobsen Book & Music Co Easter nTOregon's LeadingiMusic House. A. Ad. KELLER, Renowned Old QrO FiHO SbIoOH 118 October 15 A. AD. KELLER The Dalles, Or. 90 Second St., second door from Court. H THE DALLES, OREGON. Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey 9.90. SI worth of checks good for 10c drink, or cigar. checK witn each ach purchase Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac. Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars. 1 The Largest and Best of August Buchler's Home-made Beer and Porter. A 72 ERIC AIM SILVER L TRUSM C... jfZ LIGHT, 1 Retains ' ' Severest Hernia with Comfort. No Y Hi; I No; COOL, Easy to Wear. pressure on Hips or Back. nnderstraps. ever moves. Is Used by Many Leading institutions throughout the United states and Canada, and have been adopted by Guy's and West minster Hospitals, Lonion. England. In this Truss the principle hitherto so greatly desired hits at last been achieved, that of firmly and constantly hold ing the rupture with a gentle hand-like pressure. It docs not pass aronnd the hip like other trusses, but over the hips, the silver wire lyinu In the holiow of side, thereby allowing the free movement of the hips aud limbt, allowing the wearer to stride out freely, and doiug away with the fear and drend that something will go wrong that usually attends the wealing of other trusses. Its lightness is featherweight in comparison with other trusses. It is bo lirht the wearer scarcely knows he has anything on, and this is a vre-.t comfort, enab ling the wearer to forget his ailments. It can be altered by the wearer to the shape of the' body, not bei ng made of hardened steel, and can, with a little judicious and careful bending, be made strouger or weaker in pleasure, as desired. M. Z. Donnell, Druggist. Tie Dalles, Or. and a thorough one at that, which-alone ia worth your time to know your eyes. T fit all cases of eyes, a8d am permanent', ly located in The Dalles. I am no traveling fake, and best of all I guarantee all work In optics to -give you entire satisfaction. ' Yours to serve, Pkof. P. G. Dact, the optician. Two doors west of Keller's bakery. The Dalles, Oregon. . THAT JOYFUL, FEELl.NC, With the exhilernting eense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanli ness, which follows the "use of Syrop of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. , . -- To Care s Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Solicitor Wanted. Dear Editor : If you know of a eo licitor or canvasser in your city or else where, especially a man who has solicit ed for subscriptions, insurance, nursery stock, books or tailoring, or a man who can sell goods, you will confer a faror by telling him to ccrrespoul with us; or if you will insert this notice in your paper and such parties will cut thia ' notice out and mail to us we may be able to furnish them a good position in their own and adjoining counties. Ad dress, American Woolen Mills Co,, Chinat?0. o-12 2w ONE FOR A DOSE. Remove Plmpliw, Pravent Biliousness, Purify the Blood. It, r. i 1 1 A movement of the bowels each day is necessarr J?ncS T, jn,' "? Wl11 m'l sampl free, or full box for too. Sold b, droggisu. DR. 30SANK0 CO. PhlUu hi