The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 29, 1898, Image 1

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NO. 187.
Withdrawal of ttie Obnoxious French
ExBeflition From the English
Nile Possessions'
Withdrawal Must Be Made Uncondi
tionally Before Negotiations on the
Other Points at Issue in the Egyp
tian Question Could Be Entered
Cairo, Oct. 28. The boat recently
dispatched to Fashoda haa reached
Khartoum on the return journey, and
it is asserted that Major Marehand is on
Paris, Oct. 28. The French foreign
office has received a dispatch from the
diplomatic agency at Cairo, confirming
the reported arrival of Marehand at
London, Oct. 28. The Pall Mall Ga
zette this afternoon summarized the re
sult of the British cabinet meeting yes
terday, as follows:
Marehand must be withdrawn uncon
ditionally, and no undertaking or prom
ise can be given to discuss the questions
raised by France in regard to access to
the Nile, etc, When Marehand is with
drawn it will be determined whether
the question raised admits of discussion
and under what conditions the discus
sion can be proceeded with.
If Marehand is not withdrawn, there
will be no interference with his remain
ing at Fashoda, or date fixed for his
withdrawal. Necessarily reinforcements
will not be allowed to reach him. He
will be treated courteously as a visitor,
and will be regarded in no other light,
therefore it is left to France to adopt any
active measures to precipitate the con
flict. The Gazette adds that it has good
reasons to believe that while Russia has
counseled France to tide over the diffi
culty and avoid war, ehe has promised
to throw her weight in the scale at no
distant date for the purpose of bringing
the whole Egyptian question and Brit
ish occupation of Egypt to the front for
There does not seem the slightest
ground for the report of yesterday that
the British cabinet had decided to de
clare a British protectorate over Egypt,
It was based solely on a London dis
patch to Paris Soir. The papers do not
comment on the statement made, and
the St. James Gazette alone alludes to
the subject, urging the government to
adopt such a course.
Spanish Commissioners Seem About
Ready to Abandon Their Obstruc
tive Tactics, According to the Pres
ident's Advices. 3
Washington, Oct. 28. The president
was enabled to lay before the cabinet
today very encouraging reports from
Paris regarding the progress of the peace
negotiations which will be concluded
sooner than was expected from the out
look a few days ago.
It can be stated authoritatively that
the commissioners have not yet actually
begun the discussion of the Philippine
question, and that it will not be taken
up until next week.
The recent action of the United States
government, intimating that negotia
tions were proceeding too slowly, has
bad an effect upon the Spanish commis
sioners, and they are not likely to debate
the remaining propositions to the length
they did the settlement of the Cuban
The United States has not assumed
nor guaranteed the so-called municipal
debt of Cuba or Cuban municipalites,
but it is expected such debts will be
paid by the municipalities incurring
them, for by no reason could they be
charged upon Spain.
Griggs, Gage and Long were not pres
ent at today's cabinet meeting. Hay
said the Cuban question had not, as he
understood, been finally decided by the
Paris commission, but a complete settle
ment, it was expected, would be reached
by the end of the present week. The
Philippine question, he thought, would
be taken up by the joint commission
early in the coming week. Although
the members of the cabinet are extreme
ly reticent on the subject of the acquisi
tion of the Philippines, there is now
little or no doubt that nothing less than
cessation of the entire group of islands
will be accepted by the American com
French Court of Cassation Orders It,
as Well as Provisional Liberation
of the Prisoner.
Paris, Oct. 28. At today's session of
the court of cassation, M. Bard conclud
ed his report of the Dreyfus case, the
first part of which was presented yester
day, M. Mornard, counsel for Mme.
Dreyfus, demanded that an investiga
tion be ordered concerning the diver
gency of the testimony of the experts
who examined the bordereau in 1894 and
in 1897, and also to ascertain whether
the secret documents were communi
cated to members of the court-martial.
There was no excitement outside the
palace of justice.
The public prosecutor, M. Maneau,
followed M. Monard. Addressing the
judges, he said :
"Nobody can now take the Dreyfus
affair out of our hands, nor can you re
linquish it without dereliction of duty.
Your decisions must constitute for every
body an expression of truth and justice.
Revise the trial then, gentlemen, or at
least prepare a road for its revision."
Maneau concluded with denouncing
villainous attacks upon partisans of the
revision, and made a strong plea that
the court be not influenced by outside
pressure, but it decided in fayor of re
vision of the case and immediate pro
visional liberation of Dreyfus.
Bow to Prevent Croup. '
We have two children who are subject
to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack
is coming on my wife gives them Cham
berlin's Cough Remedy and it always
prevents the attack. It is a household
necessity in thisjeountry, and no matter
what else we run out of, it would not do
to be without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. More of it is sold here than
of all other cough medicines combined.
J. M. Nickle, of Nickle ,Bros., mer
chants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures
eczema and all skin diseases. It gives
immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Lost in a Gale.
Chicago, Oct. 28, The loss of the
steamer L. R. Doty with the entire crew
In the gale of Tuesday on Like Michi
gan is confirmed. On board were seven
teen persons, all of whom were members
of the crew. The Doty was'a wooden
steamer. She was 291 feet long and
lorty-one ieet beam, roe insurance
valuation was $190,000.
Two of Tnem Will Proceed By Way of
tlie Snez Canal and One Will
Cross tie Pacific.
Schley's Former" Flagship Will Leave
New York Early Next Week With
Supplies and Ammunition for Ad
miral Dewey's Fleet Helena Soon
to Follow Yorktown to Leave
San Francisco Soon.
New York, Oct. 28. It is stated at
the navy-yard that the cruiser Brook
lyn will sail for Manila by way of the
Suez canal Monday or Tuesday with
recruits, ammunition and supplies for
Admiral Dewey's fleet. On her way Bhe
will coal at Colombo, Ceylon. Work on
the cruiser Chicago is advancing rapidly
and it is believed that by next week she
will be ready for commission.
New York, Oct. 28. A Herald dis
patch from Washington says :
Two mote men-of-war will probably
follow the auxiliary cruiser Buffalo to
the Asiatic squadron. Orders have al
ready been given to the gunboat Helena
to prepare for her long trip through the
Suez canal to the far East, and as soon
as she is ready she will start. -
Policeman's Heroism Saves Him From
Almost Certain Death.
Philadelphia, Oct. 28. Vice-President
Hobart narrowly escaped being
killed in a runaway accident in this city
Accompanied by Messrs. Miles and
Hartman of the city council, the vice
president drove down Broad street in a
carriage, to watch the formation of the
procession. At Washington avenue the
team became unmanageable and dashed
down Broad street. The driver tried to
stop the team, but the frightened ani
mals ran the faster,
For blocks the wild flight continued,
but Hobart and his escort retained their
At South street a policeman ran out
and sprang at the horses' heads, seized
the bridle of the off horse. He was
dragged about ICO yards before the ani
mals stopped, but when they did a
mighty cheer went up from the thous
ands of spectators who witnessed the
heroic act.
Ladles, No More Darnlnc.
The Magic Hand Loom made of pol
ished rolled steel. Latest invention for
mending clothing, underwear, table
linens or heels and toes in hosiery. A
child can work it. Perfect weave. Sent
postpaid for 25c. Great Western Ad
vertising and Novelty Co., 1155 Wash
ington St., Oakland, Cal. ol2-lm
Perfect? No.
Near it? Think so.
Nearest? Yes.
Schilling's Best baking
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
From Portland, Will Be at the Umatilla
Honsa Oct. 31, Not. 1-2, 1998.
If you have a Chronic Catarrh, con
sultation is free of charge.
Do you blow mucus from the nose?
Are you troubled with bleeding of the
Are the nostrils obstructed, making
breathing difficult.
Are you hoarse at times?
Is the mucus dropping down from the
back of nose into the throat?
Is your nose stopped up?
Is your hearing affected?
Is your throat sore at times?
Do you spit a good deal when rising in
the morning?
Do you hem and hawk to cleat your
Catarrh is a dangerous disease, which
leads into consumption.
Weak eyes cured ; Cross eyes straight
ened without operation ; ' Catar
acts removed without a knife; Glasses
fitted where all others have failed ; Rup
ture and Hernia cured without trusses
or operation, sure cure for kidneys.
Chronic Rheumatism cured.
Do not fail to epe the German Special
ist. A friendly talk will cost you noth
ing, and is bound to result in a great
deal of good to you. Will return monthly.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there ia
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has lame back and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We
mean be can cure himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones up the whole system, acts aa a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. .It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced
that they are a miracle worker. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3
Are You Interested?
The O. II. & N. Co'a Mew Book
On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers are requested to forward the
addresses of their Eastern friends and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will be sent them free. This is a mat
ter all should be interested in, and we
would ask that everyone take an in
terest and forward such addresses to W.
H. Hcrlbubt, General Passenger Agent,
O. R. & N. Co., Portland.
The sheep, lands, building and every
thing needed to carry on the successful
business in Bheep and wool growing, of
the late John Grant, in the Bath Can
yon and Pine Hollow near Antelope
Full particulars furnished and bids in
vited for entire property.
J. Duff McAndie, Administrator,
tf Antelope, Wasco Co., Oregon.
Old fashions in dress may be revived,
but no old-fashioned medicine can re
place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Blake
ley & HoughtDn.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa.
says De Witt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills he ever used in him family
during forty years of house keeping.
They cure constipation, sick headache
and stomach and liver troubles. Small
in size but great in results. Snipes
Kinserly Drug Co.
Rpq You Hafitofit?
Then Come to Us.
A good many men beep on being "tailored;" some because they
imagine there's no fit outside of a tailor-shop; others because they are
hard-to-fit. Mistaken men, they do not know that modern methods of
clothing-making take account of all sizes and shapes of men, so thatready-for-wear
clothes that fit may be had in a thrice here.
Any Goods Voa Cdish.
There are styles and patterns enough to give you all a chance of a
good selection. If you don't like one, there are others, plenty of them.
Cost flothing to Investigate.
Williams & Co.
Fit the Hard-to-rlt.
CCnt thia out aad forward it with $1.00 to The Inter Ocean Pab. Co., Chicago, Ill.
I hereby accept the invitation to become a member of the Home Health
Club, and I enclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to
The Weekly Inter Ocean, which, I understand, entitles me to a life member
ship, a record number, and a copy of Volume 1 of the Home Health Club
books (price, $1.00) free of expense.
Name -
Town or City
Street No.
Utate .
One of the most practical and beneficial courses of study ever offered to its
readers by any newspaper. Not only are there a series of practical lessons in
paper each week, but the subscriber is presented, free of expense, with a beauti
ful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membership in the great
club. Subscribe at once and get the special lessons now being published.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?u kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTIe.
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our priceB and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Cloudy Weather Pgefepped foir Sittings.
Chapman Block.