I C COIiE'S R Corset Opportunity. JL We have decided to t 3 He fiipioaii Laffy aatf He Kid Fitting. Corsets that sell regular from $1.00 to $2.50. We shall-put them in two lots and sell them while they last at 95c and $1.50 Lot No. 1 goes for 95c. Lot No. 2 goes for $1.80. 4 All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Ths Dalles Daily Gitfonicle. FRIDAY OCTOBER 23, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Air Ship At the Vogt Tomorrow night. Eighteen in. air tight heaters. $2.50. Twenty-one in. air tight heaters, $3.00. Twenty-four in. air tight heaters, $3.50. Also a full lineof the celebrated "Wil son" heaters at Mays & Crowe's. Fresh Eastern Oysters in bulk at The Dulles Commission Co. , It is requested that all those interest ed in foot ball, meet at the fair ground Sunday at 9:30. What's the matter with Oregon? She's all right, when this year's income from grain, hops and wool is $14,000,0(Xk It is reported that E. Hayes has rent ed his extensive milling interests at Steveneon, Washington, to Fred Fisher, who recently left this city for Portland, and D. Parrott, of Goldendale. The meeting of the library association, which was to have been held this even ing, has been postponed until Thursday of next week, on account of the death of the Infant son of Mrs. Wm. Mansfield. f Today the property of Mrs. Nellie 'Bolton, on Fourth street, between Liber 4 "ty and Union, was purchased by Mrs frank Seafert. Thisis very desiraol . residence property,,6n one of the pret tieet streets in city. The Peodle Tribune with today' issue changes management, Homer Hal lock stepping out and Elmer P. Dodd taking charge its owner and general manager. The paper will be discontinued a? a daily and continued as a weekly. Shakespeare's great play of "Othello" will be produced by Mr. Wells tonight at the Baldwin. This will be hie last appearance here and is by all odds the very finest of all his truly wonderful impersonations. Admission 25 cents. Besides the exceptionally fine program which you will hear Monday evening at the Halloween party, a sweet booth will be presided over by sweet girls, where you will be delighted to Tie served with French kisses. This is not the old fashioned postoffice game, but just a new kind of candy. Dr. aTryXnriene!dt w"Eo is chief Aiospital steward at Cavite, and the only physician thus employed in the hospitals there, is a brother of Mrs. W. L. Brad-' ba w. J"" In writingrto- his relatives" he reports the hospitals at Manila very much overcrowded. The D. P. & A. N. Co. have finished their new dock at the Backus landing, Hood River. The company will build an additition next spring, but now have a dock that will answer all purposes for a landing place until high water comes, and then their boats will land in town, as formerly Glacier. Mr. Harold Staniela and Miss Mary Gibson were married Wednesday at Wasco. Mr. Staniela is a painter in the close out two of our well c9 C-nploy of D. W. Vans", and the bride is one of Wasco's popular young ladies. They will make their home in this city, and start out in married life with the best wishes of a host of friends. Mies M. V, O'Leary, whosework was so much admired at the pavjJion during the fair, will open an art Zudio in room 3 of the Chapman blocksome time dur ing the early part of ryfxt week. China painting, crayon worjt and oilpainting will be taught. Orders for china paint ing will receive f special attsntion. Farther particulars will be given later. Richard Dee. infant son of William and Henrietta Mansfield, died last even ing at 4:30 o'clock at their home on Laughlin street. The little fellow had been with them but four short months, but long enough to entwine himself abont their affections, and make the home decolate without his presence. The funeral will be held at the residence this afternoon. f We failed to recognize an offspring of our old friend, the Dufur Dispatch, which called at our office this morning dressed in a new suit of clothes and as neat as wax. The new comer introduced itself as the Dailv DieDatch. and informs "in can every usy except ounaayy Caul asuTten as you like,-little visitor, you are welcome. If any of The Dalles young men have a sweetheart who is visiting in San Francisco, whom he is contemplating conversing with over the long distance 'phone, we would advise him to first read the article w yesterday's Oregonian entitled, "Love at Long Distance." Absence may makes the "heart irrow fonder;" but if it doesn't at the same time replenish the pocket book, yon cer tainly haven't $20.50 to spend on a con versation, no matter how eweet it may be. Word was received at Baker City yes terday by telephone from Canyon City of a eerions affray, in which Indians shot horses ridden by F. Duncan and F. Moeier. The Indians then went to the home of John High and shot him. His wounds are not fatal. The scene of the trouble is on the eoath fork of the John Day river, about thirty .miles southeast of Canyon City. A well-armed poeee from Canyon City has taken up the trail. Hard fighting is expected, as the In dians are well armed. An Oregon City paper has been mak ng much ado over the land office busi ness beine done in that citv. m V ; n e mention that they are receiving home stead entries at the rate of one a dav. What of that? notices foroublication ar being issued at The Dalles office three u meg mat last, or three a day. Yester day twenty were issued for the week. The general business of the office is also booming, and bids fair to be livelier next month. The Dalleu doee a land office business in every line of trade as well. Word was received here today that Governor Lord this morning appointed H. D. McGuire, the present fish com missioner, to succeed himself. This will no doubt meet the approval of all in oil it r r known lines of Corsets, 2 PEASE & MAYS. 9 terested in the fish industry in Eastern Oregon, as he has proven himself thoroughly fitted for the place. The Astorian aays of him: "If the wishes of the people of this city were considered paramount to political issues, Mr. Mc Guire would hold the office forever. He is the right man for the .place." Complaints have been made by one of our churches as to the annoyance caused almost every Sunday evening by boys who are allowed to run the streets, and so congregate on the outside of the building and not only disturb the ser vice, but go 80 far as to cut the ropes by which horses are tied near by. Re cently the watchman was called and some miscreants were pretty badly frightened. Would it not be well to eend the watchman in pursuit of par ents who eo far forget their duty as to allow boys of that age to run wild, not only on Sunday, but every night during the week? t During the fair last week some light jfiugered individual took from the fair grounds a number of expensive horse blankets, a bridle and some other ar ticles, belonging to J. O. Mack and J. Pv 'fnTnA.n. I TUZ . 1 1 . - llc uiartsuai was at once sent iriTwTrnnir. ri f trio (hiaia .1 - A " uat,To, mjju na xjv clue to their whereabouts was found he was preparing to offer a description of the stolen goods to be sent to neighbor ing tovrias. However, conscience most have been getting iu ita work, or the marshal was making it too warm for him, as the culprit decided last night to return the articles, and secretly left them at Mclnerny's e4ore. The briele, which had Mr. Mack's name engraved on it, was previously found behind the fair grounds. The newest thing in farcical produc tions is ""The Air Ship" which will be presented at the Vogt opera house, Oc tober 2Sth. The author, J. M. Gaites, devised it to make tbeatre-goer merry, and that is the object of the manage ment of the company. It is said to oe a clever up-to-date a spectacular musical farce comedy, possessing original ideas, new songs, dances and specialties. Special new scenery, which is not com mon with farce comedies, has been painted for each act by J. H. Young. "The Air Ship" contains three acts. The second act shows the office of the inventor that is used as a headquarters for mayor, chief of police, superintend ent of Sunday school, detective agency, matrimonial bureau and other business In the eecond act Dawson City in winter is shown, and flight of a real air Rhin. This is a new Dhase of nt H CM riialicm The air ship contains members of the company. After getting all the gold in Klondike and husbands for all the pretty girls, and air machine returns, landing in a terrific thunderstorm. Some vivid scenic effects are nsed in this act. The play winds up at Old Point Comfort. M OLLIE V- O'LEARY. Art Studio. Room 3, Chapman Block. China painting a specialty. 5 IT BUST We have iust received a larze stock of Cole's Air Tight heaters, which will sell from $3.50 to $12.00. Every stove warranted. Call and see our stock of heaters before purchasing. ...IQaier&Beojoq .THE Hfi'SDWROE DEALERS.. 167 Second St. THE DALLES. OR. THAT WOOLEN MILL AGAIN. Is It Too Late, or May We Not Yet Stand a Show? The Goldendale Sentinel evidently has no doubt as to the validity of the dis patch publiehed in a Seattle paper re garding the establishing of a woolen mill in our city, for it aays: "A woolen mill is to be established in The Dalles. At last the citizens of that place have aroused enough interest to induce capital to start the most needed enterprise of any. The large woolen mills which were destroyed by fire at Tacoma, will be rebuilt at The Dalles." After reading the dispatch as publish ed in The Chronicle Tuesday, some of onr citizens were loath to accept it as a mistake and began questioning to find out whether some of onr capitalists had not arranged the matter as a surprise to those, ot us who eeem to be doing noth ing but waiting for them to start the ball rolling. Some of the most enter prising ones have gone so far as to cor respond with the owners of the Tacoma inili, inquiring as to the possibility of pet securing the mills at The Dalles. y Is it too late to make this dispatch not a mistake, but a clorions realitv? lf definite arrangements have not been made to remove it to Dallas, the man agers wpuld be made to see the superior ity of The Dalles over any place as a site for a woolen mill. The largest wool-ehipping point in the United States certainly ought to receive some consideration when it coraes to a question of the most profitable place in which to rebuild the mill. If the com mercial Club were to take the reatter in hand and place before the owners the advantages which this place has over any other city in the coast, layiag before them every detail as to water power, ete , it may be we might yet receive recognition in the matter; and if we do, Dallas and every other contestant will be in the shade. THAT JUVrCL FKEL1.VO With the exhilerating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanli ness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine, Manufactured by the California Fig Old fashions in dress may be revived. out no old-fashioned medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Blake ley & Houghton. ' ' Better late than nev er" try Schilling's Best tea coffee soda baking powder flavoring extracts and spices now, and get money-back here if you don't like tVi pm 178 For sale by L. Rorden & Compan Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods - from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Mays e&5 Crowe. Noxt Door to Land Office, J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Postoffice, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED,' SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Those Cbrlstmas rackages. A number of the relatives and friends of the soldier boya at Manila were dis appointed last evening when word reached here from Portland that Christ mas packages would have to ba in Port land today at noon tn order for the Benders to receive the benefit of free transportation. It had been previously supposed that they would be given un til November 9th in which to prepare their packages; but at about 4 o'clock Dr. Kinehart received a telephone mes sage from her sister in Portland to the contrary. As many as could be reached were informed, but very few were able to ship their boxes today. The Emergency Corps doea the ship pin? from Portland, the O. K. & N. steamships carrying the boxes freight free to San Francieco, where they are pat on the government transports. The name of the soldier for whom the box is intended ia marked upon it, his com pany and regiment, and Manila. A red cross must also go on every package, so I the ladies of the Portland corps have ! been keep very busy. - i It is unfortunate that our people could not have been informed at an earlier date, as many will no doubt be com pelled to forege sending presents, as the freight charges would be enormous. The corps in this city, however, was not io the least responsible for the occurrence, having received no hint of the change in the date for their shipment. It's Human Nature. This readiness to accept the wonderful and miraculous in preference to com monplace truth. A plausible- and ghb- tongued doctor can go from town to town curing, or trying to cure, people, and nave a great influx of shekels, while every community in which the so-called doctor goes is supplied with Cjuiet, learned practitionors, who have forgotten more than the fakir ever learned, and they can give you the best treatment within the reach of human knowledge. While your home doctors carrvyou from year to year, get up at all times of the night and are your servants dnrinn d?y, and you pay them when yoa are wen or able, the fakir gets the cash, and is eone forever. If vonr n f k ling you in any way, call on Prof. P. G. Daut, the onlv erad lift t.pH Antir!an doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two dooro west of Keller's bakery. Iam here to stay, and guarantee all eye work. ( Pbqf. P. G. Daut. Thousands of persons have been enred of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all ekin dispanpn Tt ;,oa immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co. Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and kinds at your own price. Washinsrton Street. v4 She Set On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in our magni ficent assortment, but despaired of getting it till we sold her one at such a reasonable price, and on such oasy termf, that her desire was gratified. Everyone that hears a note struck on one of these sweet toned instruments, that has any music in the soul, is charmed Into wanting one. They can be fouud in The Dalles only ut 170 Second Etreet Jacobsen Book & Music Co Ea9terh;Oregon's Leading'Muslc House. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used in him family -during forty years of honse keeping. They cure constipation, sick headacher and stomach and liver troubles. Small in eiBe but great in results. Snipes- Kinserly Drug Co. Opera HlotrsF' Saturday, October 29.. ONE NIGHTdNLY' . -Jd orr.cr j l-f TOOT -T5ut.i TOUIL mil NOW "TO MAKE THE WORLD LAUGH." A Spectacular Musical Farca The Air By JOS. If. GAITES. With the Original Great NEW. YORK CAST Superb Scenery, Elaborate Costuming, and a splendid Company of 20 ARTISTS 20 Beatf 75 cent8 ck seats 60 centeu children 2.- npntj?. caat .n ..,iA i Shin Klnersly Drug Co. """"'f