The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 22, 1898, Image 1

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    C V J
t '" "V . M
NO. 181.
The Fiye Men Who Were " RepiM In
jured Yesterday Have Since Died
From Effect of Their Bnrns.
Fuller Details of the Frightful Disaster
Cause of the Accident Cannot Be
Ascertained Until After a Careful
Inspectipn of the Boilers Has Been
Portland, Friday Oct. 21. The acci
dent to the torpedo-boat D avis on her
official trial trip down the Columbia
river yesterday proved even more dis
astrous and appalling in its results than
the first brief dispatches received yes
terday afternoon intimated. The "seven
reported yesterday has given way to the
more grewsonie record, "seven dead.'"
Following are the names of those who
lost their lives in the explosion, death
in each instance being due to the ter
rible scalds which no medical skill could
heal : Charles Maneely, fireman, un
married; Harry Wood, married; Paul
Laithle, fireman, unmarried; James
Ryan, married; Axel Johnson, married;
Albert Buehl, unmarried.
The accident which sent these eeven
men into eternity occured about 11 :40
a. m , as the boat was off Tenas IUitiee,
near Cathlamet, on her way to Astoria.
The explosion was due to the bursting of
one of the steam tubes in the forward
boiler. The seven men were penned up
in the small fireroom, and there was no
chance for them to escape. The explo
sion came without warning, and in an
instant the men were blown down by a
blast of steam, smoke and fire.
Willing bands were soon to the rescue,
and Dr. E. H. Thornton, the company's
physician, who was on board, did every
thing in his power to alleviate the suf
fering of the hapless victims.
The boat was put at anchor immediate
ly after the accident occured. Messen
gers were sent out for . relief, but owing
to the distance to the nearest telegraph
station and the time required for assist
ance to arrive from Astoria, twenty
miles away, it' was a long and tedious
wait not only for the suffering victims,
but also for the doctor and the willing
though helpless sympathizers on board
the boat.
The first man to see the distress of the
ill-fated torpedo-boat was A. K. John
son, a fisherman, who upon pulling up
alongside the Dayis took J. E. Wolff on
board and rowed him to Brookfield, the
nearest telegraph station, with an ap
peal to Astoria for a tug boat and medi
cal assistance. Help finally came in the
arrival of the ship Lydgate in tow of the
Harvest Queen, and a gasoline launch be
longing to one of the canneries. Captain
Bailey, of the Queen, and Pilot Pope
left their ponderous charge at anchor,
hooked onto the disabled torpedo-boat
and started with all possible haste for
Astoria. Off Pillar Rock the tug Relief,
with Drs. A. L. Fulton and Jay Tuttle,
of Astoria, on board met the' Queen,
having come in response to the telegram
sent by Mr. Wolff. The Astoria doctors
boarded the Davis, and were a very wel
come relief to Dr. Thornton, Wjo was
nearly exhausted from his labors.
Medical skill, however, was without
avail. Maneely gave up the-struggle
soon after the Queen started with her
disabled tow for Astoria. Lultbie lived
about an hour longer, and Harry Wood
breathed his last just as the boat reached
Upon the arrival of the boats at As
toria the injured were removed to St.
Mary's hospital, while the dead were
taken to the morgue, where Coroner
Pobl began an inquest in the evening.
William Wood, Ryan, Buehl and John
son died within twenty minutes of each
other later in the evening.
The Davis left Rainier yesterday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and was making about
knots an hour when the awful
tragedy occured. It was her official trial
trip and just how or why the accident
occurred will not be known until an of
ficial investigation is made.
Insurgents in Control of the Southern
Philippines Spaniards Cooped
Up ia Cities.
Manila, Oct. 20. The United States
cruiser Bozton and the collier Nero,
which October 5th were ordered to pro
ceed to Hong Kong in connection with
the recent disturbances in and near Pe
king, have arrived in Amoy, -in the
province of Fo Kien, the former short of
coal and the latter with her cargo on
Well authenticated reports have
reached here of a terrible state of an
archy in the southern Philippines. The
Spaniards there are coop'ed up in the
principal towns.
The Americans still continue captur
ing the rebel vessels as they arrive at
Cavite. Two have been captured this
Word From Otis.
Washington. Oct. 21. Additional ad
vices fron Gen. Otis, commanding' the
American forces at Manila, were receivea
at the war department tonight. Adju
tant-General Corbin deciinea to mage
nnhlin the nature of the contents, but he
did say they made no reference to the
battle said to have occurred between the
snips of Admiral Dewey's squadron and
the Insurgents.
Acceptance of the Terms of the Ameri-
. can Ultimatum Now Seems Prob
able. New Yoek, Oct, 20. A dispatch to
the Herald from Havana says ;
An agreement between the commis
sions as to the date of evacuation again
seems probable. The American ultima
tum fixes upon January 1st, and th'is
date will be finally accepted by the
The commission has served notice on
n tending purchasers of brass and bronze
cannon from the Spaniards that the sale
is illegal. One New Yorker war about
to deposit $100,000 to guarantee his pur
chase. '
Dr.'Branner sent to Washington a re
port on health conditions in Havana
since January. His report ehows the
total number of deaths from fever to
October 13th to have been 652. Since
January 201 have died as a direct result
of starvation.
Those who have beard that Havana's
climate is good tor tuberculosis will be
interested in learning that 2243 died
from that disease this year. The num
ber of deaths, 346, in October, usually a
fairly healthy month, shows an increase
of all diseases.
BucKlen'a Arinca salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuiea piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mouev refunded. Price 25 'bents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists. '
your grocer money-back
other baking powders as
he does Schilling's Best?
The Spanish General Plotting to Set Un
a Eephlic in Cnha, But He
Moyel Tin Slowly.
Peace Protocol Signed Just as Decisive
Blow Was About to Be Struck-
Plans Had Assumed a Definite
Shape and Efforts Had Been Made
to Secure the Co-Operation of the
Other-Spanish American Republics
Ohicago, Oct. 21. A special dispatch
from Washington to the Tribune says a
(Story of a sensational natnre comes from
apparently good eources concerning a
plot formed in Havana among leading
Spaniards, including Generals Blanco
and Pando, to proclaim an independent
Spanish-American government in Cuba
which would eventually revert to Spain,
thus securing and retaining the sover
eignty ot that country.
The scheme was cleverly laid, and all
the preliminary steps were taken toward
hurrying it into execution. Only the
destruction of Cervera's fleet, followed
shortly after by the surrender of Gen.
Toral at Santiago, and the peace Jproto-
col, prevented more decisive action be
ing taken.
The plan was that Blanco was to pro
claim a reyolution in Havana against
the sovereignty of Spain, and declare a
Spanish-American republic, with him
self at the head of the government, and
all the various leaders of the civil gov
ernment, the commanders of the volun
teers and the Spanish army were to con
cur in the movement and ostensibly
sever their connection with Spain and
turn it over bodily to the hands of Blan
co under his new government.
The movement was to be entirely free
and independent of the insurgents, who
were not to be recognized In the affair
to any extent, but only the strictly
Spanish element was to be regarded.
With the major portion of the Spanish
in and about Havana all supporting the
new revolutionary government under
Blanco, it would be seen that Spain was
in a hopeless condition and would be
forced to surrender its sovereignty and
recognize the independence of the new
Spanish-American Republic.
But the plotters went further than
this. Envoys were sent to all the Span
ish-American governments to secure
their aid. This would secure the gov
ernment belligerent rights and a means
by which supplies could be secured to
carrv out the movement.
It's Human. Nature.
This readiness to accept the wonderful
and miraculous in preference to com
monplace truth. A plausible and ghb
tongued doctor can go from town to town
curing, or trying to cure, people, and
have a great influx of shekels, while
every community in which the so-called
doctor goes is supplied with quiet,
learned practitionore, who have forgotten
more than the fakir ever learned, and
they can give you the best treatment
within the reach of human knowledge.
While your home doctors carry you from
year to year, get up at all times of- the
night and are your servants during the
dpy, and you pay them when you are
well or able, the fakir gets the cash, and
is gone forever. If you r eyes are troub
ling you in air-y way, call cn Prof. P. G.
Daut, the only graduated optician or
doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two.
doors west of Keller's bakery. I am
here to stay, and guarantee all eye work.
Pkof. P. G. Daut.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
From Portlapd, Will 'Be at the Umatilla
House Oct. 31, Nor. 1-2, 1998.
If you have a Chronic Catarrh, con
sultation is free of charge.
Do you blow mucus from the nose?
Are you troubled with bleeding of the
Are the nostrils obstructed, making
breathing difficult.
Are you hoarse at times?
Is the mucus dropping down from the
back of noee into the throat?
Ia j'our nose stopped up?
Is your hearing affected?
Is your throat sore at time??
Do you spit a good deal when rising in
the morning?
Do you hem and hawk to cleat your
Catarrh is a dangerous disease, which
leads into consumption.
Weak eyes cured ; Cross eyes straight
ened without operation : Catar
acts removed without a knife; Glasses
fitted where all others have failed; Rup
ture and Hernia cured without trusses
or o Deration, sure cure for kidneys,
Chronic Rheumatism cured.
Do not fail to sfe the German Special
ist. A frienaly talk will cost you noth
ing, and is bound to result in a great
deal of good to you. Will return monthly.
Three Doctors In Consultation.
From Benjamin Franklin.
"When you are sick, what von like
best is to be chosen for a medicine in the
first place; what experience tells you is
best, to be chosen in the second place;
what reason (i. e.. Theory) says is best
is to ba chosen in the last place. But if
you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Ex
perience and Dr. Reason to hold a con
sultation together, they will give you
the best advice that can be taken."
When you have a bad cold Dr. Incli
nation would recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy because it is pleasant
and safe to take. Dr. Experience would
recommend it because it never fails to
effect a speedy and permanent cure.
Dr. Reason would recommend it because
t is prepared on scientific principles.
and acts on nature's plan in relieving
the lungs, opening the secretions and
restoring the system to a natural and
healthy condition. For sale by Blakeley
& "Houghton.
B. , . " 1 rereot
limnsriMsi In-.;f kxi i
T?nmnvs : 1 T
Cure Hedcae and Dyspepsia. .
Tine -ouwf Wifl mail XSiK Sfffli K,c?;
omoj ornggiato. DR. 8QSANK0 CO. Phiia. Piu
Are You Interested?
The O. B. & N. Go's Mew Book
On the ReBourses of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers are - requested to forward the
addresses of their Eastern friends and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will be Bent them free. This is a mat
ter all should be interested in, and we
would ask that everyone take an in
terest and forward such addresses to W.
H. Hoelbckt. General Passenger Agent,
O. R. & N. Co., Portland.
1'or Sale.
1,500 lambs about 800 shropshires,
balance merinos. Also 1000 ewes i all
youug and in good fix. Anyone - want
ing some good stuff will do well to call
on or address. ' Albert S. Roberts,
18-dlw-w2t Box 507, The Dalles.
Situation wanted as cook, by middle
aged woman, country preferred. Apply
at this office. 10-8 dlw
The bargain exhibits in the respective departments through
out our etore this week, will merit the attention of every con
servative buyer. A few hints here :
Cloak Department.
Seal Plush Capes, ncatlv braided,
collar trimmed In Angora Fur 13.50.
Needless to dwell in detail on our stock
in this department. We show leading
styles in Ladies', Misses' and Childrens'
Garments. The variety of our styles
and prices is such as to make choosing
easy ana a pleasure.
Dress Goods Dep't.
. 50c Materials at
33e yard.
Ladies wishing a material for a neat
and stylish street suit for immediate or
later wear, will find our special offering
ui interest.
Novelties in Braid Trimminz9 just
openea. complete stocs ot iiuings, etc.
HT.n ATTTNfrS See our latest arrivals in
UliUaXUiHu-O Astrakhans, Boucles and
Golf Cloakings.
Hat Department.
Jhn a Stetson C
While ) i oo
xnev h
wounier is ouering
lnnf I popular styles in men's
Hats worth up to $2.00
Go -where the cro-wds go.
, Hi
Wasco Warehouse Oompany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o?m?"ufe
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
qvi "Fl OUT Thia Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use : every Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. '
Renowned Old
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
$1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink,
or atgar.
check wim each purchase
Seen 1
It all
'til you've
Been Hera
Clothing Dep't.
Men's Suits
$3.50 to
Our special attrac
tion in Men's Suits
this week is a special
counter of Men's
On this counter we
offer suits worth regu
lurly 6.00, 17.50, 9.00
and 10.00, lu sizes
from 35 to 42, in square
cut, round cut and
double breasted.
Choice $5.00.
Two-Piece Suits.
Another attraction.
Others profit by It.
why not yon?
We have placed a lot
of Boys' Two-piece and
Three-piece Suits; ia
sizes from 4 to 19 years,
on a counter by them
selves and have marked,
them Just
Every suit very desir
able and worth every
cent of tirst price. Val
ues ranging from 75c to
Do you want a salt
$5 for $2.50.
The choicest are going
Knee Pants....
Styles worth ud to 85 cents.
We have assorted these into
two lots :
15c and 25c.
Go -where the crowds go.
Oro Fino Saloon
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August BuchIerTJ
Home-made Beer and Porter. ,