The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 21, 1898, Image 3

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Real Kid Gloves
for 89 Cents
An Imported Real Kid Glove in six shades Tans, Browns, Modes,
Eeds, Greens and Blacks. The real value of this glove is $1.25. All
gloves sold by Pease & Maj's carry the manufacturer's guarantee.
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets.
Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Jackets in endless variety. Made
A in the latest styles in Kerseys, Beavers, English Meltons and Fancy
W Cloths. On all Jackets sold Saturday we will allow
A Discount of 15 per cent.
Our stock is practically unbroken in sizes and colors.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
OCTOBER 21. 1898
Eighteen in. air tight heaters. f2 50.
Twenty-one in." air tight heaters, $3.00.
Twenty-four in. air tight heaters, $3.50.
Also a full line of the celebrated "Wil
son" heaters at Mays & Crowe's.
Ride up to the fair tomorrow in Ward
& Robertson's wagonette.
Hicely furnished room for rent. For
-particulars inquire at this office. 20-lw
Del Norte will be the central attraction
at the track this afternoon, and it looks
as if everybody will be out.
In the excitement over the fair, save a
little enthusiasm to be expended when
the young ladies give their Halloween
party on the 31et.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Just received. A consignment of
plain and mixed pickles, olives, pickled
onions, and chow chow, in bulk, at the
Dalles Commission Co.
If The Chronicle his cal ed too late for
dinner, leave us on the porch and give
U i n, hand-out. There's room for the
filling process to get in its work today.
Freeh Olympia and Shoalwater Bay
oysters by the pint, quart or gallon, de
livered, at greatly reduced prices at the
The Dalles Commission Company. 12-1 w
Tomorrow night will be the night for
real enjoyment at the pavilion, when
everybody can take a very active part
in the evening's pleasure. Come with
your dancing pumps on, or your slippers
either, or dance in your boots, any way
B3 you can get the most enjoyment out
of it.
About a week ago a broom factory was
started in the East End, unpretentious,
but nevertheless the best of brooms are
manufactured there. Mr. Sheridan,
who is at the head of the concern, is an
old hand at the business, having made
brooms for all the loading firm? of the
County Clerk Kelsay has been doing
his duty during the past few days, and
his efforts to secure a weddiDg for the
fair are untiring. He has come to the
conclusion that the inducements offered
by the management are not sufficient,
and says if they willonly furnish the
hearse he will procure the corpse.
Mary Anderson, who is now Mrs. de
Navarro, and hyesin Eng!and,has allow
ed herself, her new English home and
her two-year-old baby to be photograph-
ed for the first time for publication.
Some twenty pictures have been made,
and the best of these will appear in an
early issue of The Ladies' Home Journal
The baby's picture is, of course, the cen
tral one of interest.
The last race on the official program
yesterday afternoon was a quarter-mile
dash : but fur some reason it was de
clared off and a five-eighths mile dash
substituted. There were five horses en-
old I
V. broo
tared, which got away under a good
start and made a very pretty race.
Volta came in first, Nervosa second
Uncle True third witti Barnato and
Twister a close iourth.
The state railway commission is no
more. The governor has eigne 1 the
special emergency bill abolishing the of
fice. The commission is now in the midst
of their regular report. They do not
know even that the Btate had dispensed
with their services. "The report is half
finished, and will never be finished.
There is a lot of other business which
the members will have no time to wind
up. '
Everybody wants to see the roadster
match race, by what is termed the
"slower horses" which is to be called at
1 o'clock this afternoon. The horses
may not be quite so fast as some others,
but the names of the owners are proof
that it will not be a "slow" race. The
horses entered are Doc S, owned by C.
F. Stephens : Baby F., by H, Fowler ;
Snip, by Mell Murchie; Mamie, by W.
H". Hobson.
Dalles young ladies are hereby notified
that it will not be necessary for them to
go South for "Hobson's kisses," they
can be secured right here at borne, by
calling at Pease & Mays' store tomorrow.
The Chronicle force may be "HobBon's
choice," having already been treated to
a sample of that article, which they as
sure you are not only the Bweetest kisaee,
but the latest candy out. They don't
come high, and you must have them,
five for five cents. - '""-
Yesterday Capt. Lewis received a let
ter from the wife of Gen. Bacon, who is
attending to his correspondence in his
absence. She informs him that the
General is styi at Walker, preparing for
the winter's campaign.- Speaking of the
fight at Bear Island, she says it was
a narrow eBcape ; that nearly half of the
men in the Third infantry were recruits
and hardly competent to lead or fire
their guns. General Bacon is a person
al friend of Capt. Lewis.
Mr. Baldwin informs us that Samuel
Wells, the great Shakesperean reader is
to visit The Dalles, and that a series of
four entertainments will probably begin
Monday. Fifty cents will be charged
for one evening, or $1.50 for the series.
Mr. Wells comes very highly recom
mended, having complimentary notices
from such men as Chauncey Depew, and
Dalles people should improve such an
opportunity, which is seldom given us.
From all Bources may be heard com
plimentary remarks regarding Wasco
rounty'a exhibit at the Portland exposi
tion. "It is the best we have ever had.
II was proud to say I live in a county
where such truit can be raised." So say
visitors from here, and Mr. Varney, who
haa had charge of the display, says noth
ing in the exposition causes more favor
able comment than does this one section
of the building. Among other things
there is a watermelon, which if 'twere
hangin' on a vine would make the vine
groan, as it weighs 74 pounds. Let them
beat Wasco if they can.
After the second race yesterday the
jockeys had some trouble, and aa Boyn
ton rode up to the judges stand awaiting
the signal to dismount, Karrin, the
rider of Little T. G., rode up beside him
and made . a wicked etrike at him with
the butt of bis whip. Boynton received
the blow on the cheek bone, and as
quiet as a flash retaliated, striking Kar
rin in the mouth, splitting Doth his lips.
The riders then dismounted "and wre
enmmoued before the judges, as a foul
was claimed. On returning to the weigh
ing room they again came together, but
were separated by friends and rushed to
their quarters.
Site Wu Greeted by a X.aree Audience
'Hello" Evening Also Helps to
Attract the People.
r-v- . - - -
p II. L i J. Id. LI Uo
We have ju9t received a large stock of
Cole's Air light heaters, which will
sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Every stove
warranted. Call and eee our stock of
heatera before purchasing.
167 Seuonl St. THE DALLES, OR.
JPaddin Head Wilson
Those who failed to reach the pavilion
at an early hour last evening had the ex
treme pleasure of standing during the
remainder of the evening, for the pros
pect of hearing Portland's "queen of
song" was such an incentive that a very
large crowd was in attendance.
As she came upon the stags she was
greeted with loud applause, and her first
selection was a Lullaby, which always
attracts nn audience. Each succeeding
number called forth uore enthusiasm.
Her voice 19 that rich contralto of
which one never wearies, and all seemed
to enjoy the last number, the "Cuban
Hammock Song" as well as the very
first solo.
While giving visitors from abroad a
hearty greeting. The Dalles people were
ever noted for their loyalty to home
taiem, ana eo our orchestra was none
the less appreciated because of the
famous singer who was among us, but
received their share of applanee.
At the close of the program a grand
ru6h was made for the telephones, and
the rest of the evening was devoted
to the Oregon Telephone Co., which in
advertising its line, had also given those
present an opportunity to enjoy programs
being rendered in far off cities. This
project had its desired effect, and the
first "Hello" over the long distant
'phone will certainly not be the last.'
Tonight Mrs. Heed will again sing,
which will be the last opportunity to
hear her, as ehe leaves tomorrow for
Portland. The program runs thustly :
Ben Hur Chariot Race Pau'l
Overture Beatrice Shaeferr
Woodland Serenade. ........ Mascheroni
Mrs. Walter Reed.
Selection "America". Moses
(a. "Thy Beaming Eyes". . . .McDowell
(b. "When Love Is Kind".. (Old Melodvl
Mrs. Walter Reed.
Selection "Chicken Brigade". .Johnson
Waltz from Opera "Fencing Master".. .
". . . .De Koven
Ben Bolt .' Kneass
Mrs. Walter Reed.
Rage in Ireland Beyer
Post Dispatch Pryor
Last and Final Notice.
I hereby give notice that on and after
the 1st of November, 1898, 1 will, with
out further notice, proceed to levy upon
all property upon which taxes remain
unpaid for the year 1897.
Robebt Kelly, Sheriff,
Wasco County,
Says: "The fool saith, 'Put all thy
egga in different baskets;' which means,
scatter your money and your attention ;
but the wise man saith: 'Put all your
eggs in one basket, and watch the bas
ket.' "
We have on'y one basket, and we are
watching it in- optics. Having made a
thorough study of the subject, graduat
ing from three of the best colleges, we
are enabled to give you a scientific ex
amination. It doesn't matter whether
you buy a $10 glass or a $1 glass, or any
glasses at all, you get an examination,
and a thorough one at that, which alone
is worth your time to know your eyes.
I fit all cases of eyes, and am permanent
ly located in The Dal lea. I am no
traveling fake, and best of all I guarantee
all work in optics to give you entire
satisfaction. Yours to serve,
Pkof. P. G. Daut, the optician.
Two doors west of Keller's bakery,
The Dalles, Oregon. "
Solicitor Wanted.
Dear Editor : If you know of a so
licitor or canvasser in your sity or else
where, especially a own who has solicit
ed for subscriptions, insurance, nursery
stock, books or tailoring, or a man who
can sell goods, yon will confer a faror
by telling him to ccrrespoud with us; or
if you will insert this, notice in your
paper and such parties will cut this
notice out and mail to us, we may be
able to furnish them a good position in
their own and adjoining counties. Ad
dress, American Woolex Mills Co,,
Chicago. o-12 2w
The sheep, lands, building and every
thing needed to carry on the successful
business in sheep and wool growing, of
the late John Grant, in the Bath Can
yon and Pine Hollow near Antelope
Full particulars furniebed and bids in
vited for entire property.
J. Duff McAndie, Administrator,
tf Antelope, Wasco Co., Oregon.
With the exbilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal cleanli
ness, which follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substitutes
sometimes offered but never accepted
by the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
To Care a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to enre. 25c.
Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters, just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
price. . '
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
1k&irs7-& Crowe.
Noxt Door to Land Office,
Washington Street.
' a
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Posloffice, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders, will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
She Set
On a "Ludwig" Piano that she saw in our mnjrnt
ficent a-sortmciit, but despaired of getting it till we
sold her one at such n icusonable price, nr.d on
such finsy terms, that her defeire was gratified.
Everyone thnt hears a note struck on one of these
sweet toned instrument, thnt has any mnsio in the
soul, is charmed into wanting? our. They can be
foubd in The Dalles only at 170 Second Street.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co
Eastern Oregon's
Leading Music House.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, cTmTlV"
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
H'l OUT' This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
" use: every Back is guaranteed to give eatisf action.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if vou don't think eo
call and get our prices and be convinced. - -
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats..
12 Perfect Pictures on
12 Glass Plates in
12 Seconds without reloading
tfaqazinelfU fl V
Cameras. -rfS-ir
C- r. -i .- -1 2 r.
Every pnrt made to produce perfect pic
tures simply and easily, Kvery Lens speci
ally ground, tested end guaranteed. Shutter
sets itself and is always ready. Plates
changed by the turn ot a button Anyone
can take pictures with the "Cyclone." It
cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and
requires uo extras.
No. 1. 2!424, f.i.bO
No. 2. 3Jix4!4, ?S.OO
No. 3. 4x4, f 10.00
Send for
1898 Catalogue.
4- I b -
Renowned Old
Oro Fine Seloon
Pure food laws are good,
because much
tea baking- powder :
1 coffee flavoring extract '
soda and spice
is bad. Schillings Best
likes pure food laws. &
For sale by
L. Rorden & Compan'
I 118 October 15
S The Dalles, Or.
to.oo. 3
SI worth of checks i
S good for 10c drink,
or cigar. 3
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty iu Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August Buchler's
Home-made Beer and Porter.
German or Latin.
The undersigned desires to instruct a
few private classes in German or Latin
daring the next eight months, and takes
this opportunity to solicit pupils. All
desiring instructions in either of these
languages will please inquire for further
particulars at the Lntheraq parsonage,
220 West Fourth Street, this city.
Ktepect fully,
s24 lm. L. Gbby.
Win your battles againet disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Congb
Cnre produces immediate results. "When
taken early it prevents constipation.
And in latter stages it furnishes prompt
relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood. Wood.
Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood
always on band for sale at roinirnnm
rate. Job. T. Pktkrs.
'Phone 25.