The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 17, 1898, Image 1

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    wmw& wmm Ctenro
NO. 185.
The Story of the Disaster Told by the
8 nrriTors.
One Hundred and Sixteen of Those
Aboard the Ill-Fated Vessel Per
ished Heroism of Crew.
St. Keveiune, Oct,, 15. In the lower
end of the church there lie fifteen bodies,
among them those of four women and
one 13-year-old girl. The bodiee are
laid out reverently. The faces of the
victims present a Bad sight, showing how
rudely the waves and rocks had played
with their features. They were among
the passengers on the steamer Mohe
gan, which was wrecked in the vicinity
of the Lizard.
The whole village and neighborhood
are alive with excitement, and knots of
men linger about, talking with the
rescued members of the crew.
It is exceedingly difficult to trace the
events of the disaster, but so' far as can
be ascertained it seems that the weather
was not thick, but a strong eoutheast
wind was blowing, and there was a
heavy ground swell on, and a strong cur
rent running. Dinner was ready, and
Captain Griffiths waa about to proceed
to the saloon, when a sudden crash made
it apparent that the steamer had gone
asboie. The captain immediately went
on deck, and the survivors say they saw
him on the bridge doing all that lay in
the power of a brave man to lessen the
Authentic particulars of the events
occurring after the ship struck are not
obtainable. It seems, however, that one
of the ship's toata, containing several
women, got away safely, but waa cap
sized. A number of its occupants were
rescued by lifeboats. Another boat, with
sixteen hands, was picked up by a life
boat and sately got ashore, and two or
three other persons managed to reach
A lifeboat with a load of forty pas
sengers on its way to the shore passed
many who were battling for their lives
in the water whom it was impossible to
The villagers, headed by the vicar and
coast guard, stood on the shore and
cheered to the boat. When the lifeboat
entered the little cove, the fishermen
waded into the sea to help drag the boat
upon the beach, and tenderly carried the
exhausted survivors to their homes,
which had been already prepared for
their reception, and the vicar attended
the injured. The lifeboat was again
launched and put out for the wreck, on
its outward journey picking up three
survivors. The trip to the wreck was
fruitless, so far as taking any one from
the vessel was concerned, but on its way
back to tho shore, Bixteen other eur
vivorB were taken from the water. This
was just before daybreak.
Out of the 161 persons on board, forty
five escaped. Up to a late hour tonight
thirty bodies haye been washed ashore
at different points. A southerly wind is
now blowing, and it is expected the
bodies of many more victims will be re
covered by tomorrow. An inquest will
be held on Monday.
The rescued persons are receiving the
greatest attention from the inhabitants,
and the utmost kindness is being ehown
to the female passengers.
A. G. L. Smith, who was among the
saved, says his home is in Oregon. In
conversation with a representative of the
Associated Press, Mr. Smith said this
evening that he saw the captain on the
bridge giving orders, which were carried
oat as far as possible. As the ship sank,
the captain ran along the side and
jumped overboard. The vessel lurched,
and the passengers all Eeemed to be
thrown into the water at toe same mo
ment. Mr. Smith, who is a strong
swimmer, managed to get through the
mass of people in the water and secceed
ed in evading several who tried to clutch
him as he passed them. He says he
swam for three hours and a half before
he reached shore.
Get Strength, Vigor, Clear Complex
ion and Good Digestion, Not by Pat
ent Medicine, But in Nature's Own
Any honest physician will tell you
that there is but one way to get increas
ed "flesh ; all the patent medicines and
cod liver oils to the contrary notwith
Nature has but one way to increase
flesh, etiength and vigor, mind and body,
and that is through the etomach by
wholesome food, well digested. There
is no reason or common sense in other
methods whatever.
People are thin, run down, nervous,
pale, and shaky in their nerves simply
because their stomachs are weak.
They may not think they have dys
pepsia, but the fact remains that they
do not eat enough food, or what they eat
is not quickly and properly digested, as
it should be.
Dr. Harlandson eaya the reason is be
cause the stomach lacks certain digestive
acids and peptones, and deficient secre
tion of gastric juice.
Nature's remedy in such cases is to
supply what the weak stomach lacks.
There are several good preparations
which will do this, but none so really as
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which are
designed especially for all stomach
troubles, and which cure all digestive
weakness on the common sense plan of
furnishing the digestive principles
which the stomach lacks.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give per
fect digestion. First effect is to increase
the appetite, and increased vigor, added
flesh, pure blood and strength of nerve
and muscle is the perfectly natural re
sult. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the eafeet
tonic known and will cure any form of
stomach trouble except cancer of the
stomach. May be found at druggists at
50 cents for full sized package or direct
by mail from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Solicitor Wanted.
Dear Editor : If you know of a so-'
licitor or canvasser In your city or else
where, especially a man who has solicit
ed for subscriptions, insurance, nareery
stock, books or tailoring, or a man who
can sell goods, you will confer a favor
by telling him to ccrrespoud with us ; or
if you will insert this notice in your
paper and such parties will cut this
notice out and mail to us, we may be
able to furnish them a good position in
their own and adjoining counties. Ad
dress, American Woolen Mills Co,,
Chicago. o-12 2w
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf
Situation wanted as cook, by middle
aged, woman, country preferred. Apply
at this office. 10-8 dlw
We don't sends
of Schilling's Best,
you want it.
A Conference Was Necessary to Settle
Eiistitg Dines.
Total Carried .is About One Million
Two Hundred and Twenty-Two
Salem, Or., Oct. 15. The special ses
sion of the legislature came to aa end
this evening at 7 :30. A joint resolution
had been adopted to adjourn at 4:15,
but the appropriation bill, which had
occupied the best part of three days,
kept dragging along. A special train had
been arranged to go to Portland after the
session should close, and 5 o'clock was
set as the time for its departure, but it
had to await the elow processes of the
lawmakers, and it did not get started
till 7 :20 o'clock.
The general appropriation bill was the
subject of sharp contention, and for a
time the prospect seemed good for a
deadlock upon it. The house passed the
measure Thursday night, and the senate
wrestled with it nearly all day Friday,
finally passing it with certain amend
ments, chief of which were elminating
the item of $15,000 for the Ashland nor
mal echool, and another of $10,540.86 for
Captain John Mullan, allowing $500 in
full settlement of the claim of John Hall
for $6696.89, and allowing only five days'
pay for members of the houBe of 1897.
When the amendments went to the
honse this morning it concurred in that
striking the Ashland school from the
bill, but would not concur in the other
senate amendments. The measure was
sent back to tte senate in that condition
and the 6enate .siraightway voted not to
recede from its former action.
At this stage a conference comuiitt'3
was agreed upon, and it took np the
matter of harmonizing the differences 60
as to be acceptable to the two houses.
After more than an hour of hard work
the committee reported and the report
was adopted in both houses without de
bate or question. It was realized that
failure to adopt the recommedations
meant failure of the whole bill. The re
port sent the Mulligan and Hall claims
back to the ways and means committee
for consideration until the regular ses
sion, but it prposed paying all the
members of the house of 1897 for the full
time. The house took its medicine with
out a grimace; the eenate also swallowed
its dose, but full pay for the 1897 house
rankled, and after the bill was beyond
jeopardy, Driver, Howe, Fulton, Heed,
Looney, Adams, Clem and Dufur wanted
it to go on record that they were opposed
to paying those members for more than
the constitutional five days.
It was near 5 o'clock when the con
your money
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
. fern
Absolutely Pure
ference report was adopted, and after
that it was necessary that the bill be
engrossed, tor an amended must be ac
tually engrossed, not merely considered
so. The four clerks of the house com
mittee went at the work, but it was no
small matter, and it was 6:12 when the
engrossing committee was able to report
Wie bill for the signatures of the presid
ing officers of the two houses. In the
meantime the eenate had adjourned un
til! 6:15, but the house omitted that for
mality and continued constructively in
seesion, though Glen Holman presided
at an interesting session of the third
houas, and after that daring the eupper
hour the hall waj nearly deserted.
There were enough present when the
appropriation bill came back after
being enrolled and engrossed to make a
fair showing, when the speaker rapped
for order again and proceeded to affix
his signature as required by law. Then
the bill was hurried over to the senate,
where President Taylor signed it in due
form, and it was ready for the governos,
By the amendments of the conference
committee, $3310 were added to the ap
propriations in sundry small items, con
cerning which there was no dispute, and
TC2.237.75 was stricken out, leaving the
total of the bill about $1,222,000.
Three Doctors In Consultation.
From Benjamin Franklin.
"When vou are sick, what vou like
best is to be chosen for a medicine in the
first place; what experience tells you is
best, to be chcten in the second place;
what reason (i. e.. Theory") says is best
is to be chosen in the last nlace. But if
you ran get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Ex
perience and Dr. Reason to hold a con
sultation together, they will give yon
tne Deet advice tnat can be taken.'
When you have a bad cold Dr. Incli
nation would recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy because it is pleasant
and safe to take. Dr. Experience would
recommend it because it never fails to
effect a speedy and permanent cure.
Dr. Reason would recommend it because
it is prepared on scientific principles,
and acts on nature's plan in relieving
the lungs, opening the secretions and
restoring the By a tern to a natural and
healthy condition. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton.
Bsoklen'i Annca salve.
The best salve in the world for cutB,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, -and posi
tively cui ea piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mcuey refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Honghton, druggists.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was made for.
ck If
3.: . ffit
This guaranteed make
Is your surety.
The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of
secoaQ Eastern Orep District figrlciiltural so&istg
Embracing the Counties of
Will Be
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. A. S. MAC ALLISTEE, Pres.
YOU are cordially invited
(Cnt this out and forward it with $1.00 to The Inter Ocean Pub. Co., Chicago, III.)
I hereby accept the invitation to become a member of the Home Health
Club, and I enclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to
Tlie Weekly Inter Ocean, which, I understand, enlitUs me to a life member
ship, a record number, and a copy of Volume 1 of the Home Health Club
books (price, $1.00) free of expense.
Name .'.
Town or City
Street No.
State .
One of the most practical and beneficial courses of study ever offered to ita
readers by any newspaper. Not only are there a series of practical lessons In
paper each week, bat the subscriber is presented, free of expense, with a beauti
ful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membership in the great
club. Subscribe at once and get the special lessons now being published.
-sir i -
with us of just a few moments will convince
you that it is to our great advantage to dress
you well at a low cost to give you stylish,
tasty, thoroughly good Suits and Fall Over
coats or Trousers for less money than any
place we know of, for candidly, not at any
time in the past were we better equipped for
this service. Our progress tells a matchless
story of clean-ut business methods of a pop
ularity that moves forward with unquestioned
certainty because it has behind it, the people.
Held at
Continuing 5 days.