TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the orig-inality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig- Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup "Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty cf the excellence of its remedy. It is iar in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and "bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKWCISCO, Cal. IiOriSVILLE, Ky. NEW TORE. N. T. PERSONAL MENTION. W. H. Zall ia in town from Moro. f L. Rorden returned from Portland on last night's train. Mrs. Kate Smith, of Albina, is visiting . friends in the city. j G. C. Blakeley was ar passenger on the I delayed traiu last night. Mi88 Maude Clarke went to Portland on the boat this morning. C. M. Dunkan and wife of Grass Val ley, are visitors in the city. Miss Minnie Gosser is attending the meeting of the Bathbone Sisters in Port land. Miss Rachel Morgan was among the passengers on the Sarah Dixon thi9 morning. Thomas Berry returned yesterday from Pendleton, where he has spent the last three months. V. C. Allaway was a passenger for Portland this morning, where he goes on business lor hia company. B. E. Parkins, who has been visiting with the family of M. Parkins, returned last night to his home in Wray, Colorado. Mrs. J. H. Wood, accompanied by her ;-Eon, Willie, and little daughter, Mary, will leave on the delayed train for Port land. Jilies Sadie Heineck will arrive in the 'city tomorrow. and will assist her aunt, Mrs. Phillips, in her millinery store during the winter. Mrs. H. Laurettson and daughter, Miss Emma Jacobsen, were passengers for Portland on the boat this morning. iJLhey will attend the exposition. Mrs. D. M. French will leave for Salem on the delayed train, having received word of the death of her neice, Miss Claire Smith, who has been ill for some time with consumption. For the past month John McNeil, one of our brave soldier boys, has spent the time with relatives in The Dalles and at Mosier. The time of his furlough is drawing to a close and he left this morn ing for Vancouver. From there he will go to Texas to join his regiment. COLLISION IN PORTLAND. Two O. It. & N. Freight Trains Collide Causing a Disastrous Wreck. A rear-end collision between twoO. R. N. freight trains occured at 8:20 o'clock yesterday morning in Portland under the bridge where Union avenue crosses Sullivan's gulch, on the East Side. Each train was drawn by two engines. Two engines were wrecked, four box cars smashed into kindling wood and the caboose of the first train wrecked and thrown down a steep embankment into the water of Sullivan's gulch. Almost miraculously no lives were lost. The trainmen saved themselves by jumping. The tangled mass of wreckage lies piled up beneath the Union avenue bridge, where hundreds of peoDle visited it. At the bottom of the gulch, and partly submerged by water, lies the caboose of the firet train. The end ia knocked out aud there is a great gaping hole in the side. Both engines are a heap of tangled iron, and the tenders are fit only for a junk shop. Engine No. 82 lies with its rioso down the steep embankment and only a few feet from the water. What is left of engine No. 117 is on the other eide of the track. Two box cars follow ing were smashed into splinters and jammed in under, the wreck of the en gines. A big furniture car was lifted, turned crosswise and heaped on top of the debris. Bursting sacks of grain were scattered on both sides of the line. Both trains were bound for Portland. The bead one was an extra. It stopped just west of Grand avenue to do some' switching. The rear train was pulled by a double-Leader, consisting of engines No. 117 and 82. There is a curve a quarter of a mile east of where the extra stopped. The grade is also steep and the rails were slippery with rain. " The engineer of 117 saw the danger the minute bis engine poked its nose around the curve. H whistled for brakes, reverted the lever and jumped. Other members of the train followed the example. There was a mighty crash as 117 plunged into the caboose of the extra. Mingled with the grinding eoundof iron and the snapping of wood splinters into small bits, was the hiss and roar of steam, which sent great clouds skyward, and caused Officer Andrew to turn in a fire alarm.' The fire department respond ed promptly. The firemen formed a bucket brigade and helped to smother the fire in the furnaces. The track of the Southern - Pacific crosses the O. R. & N. track a ehcrt distance west of the scene of the acci dent. The Southern Pacific regular pas senger train came along and forced the O. R. & N. extra to come to a standstill until it should pass. The crew of the rear train, supposing the track was clear, as it should have been ordinarily, did not see the danger until rounding the curve. Then it was too late. Ladles, No More Darnlue;. The Magic Hand Loom made of pol ished rolled eleel. Latest invention for mending clothing, underwear, tab'e linens or heels and toes in hosiery. A child can work it. Perfect weave. Sent postpaid for 25c. Great Western Ad vertising and Novelty Co., 1155,' Wash ington St., Oakland, Cal. ol2 lai Notice. United States Laxd Office. Notice is hereby given, that township three south of range twenty-one east of Wilmette meridian, Oregon, has been surveyed, and an approved plat of the survey thereof will be filed in this office on the 10th day of November, 189S, at 9 o'clock a. m. On and after said day, applications for entry thereon will be received at this office. The Dalles, Or., Oct. 6, 1898. Jay P. Lucus, Register Otis Pattebsox. Receiver. Photo Wanted. The D. P. & A. N. Co. desire to obtain photos of the following camping places, Moffits, Cascades, Stevenson, Sprague, (Rock Creek), Jewett's and Trout Lake. Any one having any of the above photos will confer a favor on the company by calling at their office. W. C. Allaway, General Agent. Last and Final Notice. I hereby give notice that on and after the 1st of November, 1898, I will, with out further notice, proceed to levy upon all property upon which taxes remain unpaid for the year 1897. Robert Kelly, Sheriff, Wasco County, E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obsti nate sores. Snipes-Sinersly Drug Co. NOTICE. Outstanding warrants on school dis trict No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest ceases on and after this date. C. L. Schmidt, Clerc. The Dalles, Sept. 12, 1898. Wanted. A girl to do general housework in a family consisting of two people. Inquire at the residence of Mrs. A. Thornbury, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock. 10-11 Iw Casta in Your Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1,894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after September 8 1898. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Wood. Wood. Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood always on hand for sale at minimum rate. Jos. T. Petkbs. 'Phone 25. For the best results use the Vive Camera, For sale by the Postoffice Pharmacy. tf Furnished rooms to rent, also suites of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf You need have no boils if you will take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. The Vive Camera is the best in use. Jbor sale by the Postofhce Pharmacy, tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf y Hi Hi - Who' would prescribe only j tonics and bitters for a weak, T. V puny cniia s its musues ana nerves are so thoroughly ex hausted that they cannot be whipped into activity. The child needs food j a blood- m mafcinc, nerve-strengrthening and muscle-buildingf food. w 1 Scott's Emulsion t of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, and you still have a tonic in the hype-phosphites of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, 5J 50c. and $i .oo, all druggists. HOW SHE FIXED HIM. )ne Way of Disposing: of an Obnoxf ioas Suitor. He was a thea tric lover, and she didn't (ike his style a little, bit, says the Nev York Sun. He was constant in his devotion, however, and that made matters worse. She had tried gentle means to get rid; of him, but he had disregarded them with painful persistency. In this moment of her desperation be felt it incumbent upon him to pro pose to her as men under similar cir cumstances so often do. Which they wouldn't if they had any sense at all. "Dear one," he exclaimed, hurling himself tragically at her feet, "I love you. My life is yours. Will you take it?" She did not look like a murderess. "Mr. Singleton," she responded. with calm determination, "I will." He gazed at her rapturously. "Don't do that," she begged, draw ing1 back from him as if in horror. "I have taken your life, as you requested me to do, and you are henceforth to all i-nte.nts and purposes deadi." He seemed dazed. "I do not, Mr. Singleton," she con tinued, turning aside, "desire to have a dead person in. the house, and if you do not go away at once I shall ring f oi an ambulance and have you removed to the morgue." Then the dreadful situation in which his own precipitate folly, had placed him was revealed, and he removed him self with promptness and dispatch. ACRES OF PINK POND LILIES. Floral Display That Delights Con necticut Railway Travelers. One of the most beautiful floral ex hibits in New England is upon "Tad pole," a famous pond lily pond on the line of the Norwich & Worcester rail road, one mile above Jevvett City, Conn The surface of the pond is now a mass of pink and white pond lilies, and their fragrance is carried for miles by the summer winds, says the New York Sun. No one knows how long this remark able garden of pond lilies has been in existence, but for many years Tad pole's lilies have been sought by picnic parties from near-by couuties in this state, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Cartloads of the flowers are carried away, but there seems to be no diminu tion in the supply. The railroad comes suddenly utxs-q theipond, which it divides in halves, and in au instant the passengers detect the fragrance of the lilies and throw ip the windows, the better to view th beautiful and unusual sight. In one eection of Tadpole there is a large tnacl of lilies the blossoms of wTiich are ol so rich a pink as trbe almost rose mlored, it is said. They are of exceed ingly rare beauty and ate much sought after by collectors. v Tadpole's unromantic name comes from its being a favorite place foi young frogs. It has been known by this title for years? but an effort is now making to&hang-e its name to the stil more unromantic one of Clayvilf pond. . ;,j;;r. German or -Latin. The undersigned desires to instruct a few private classes in German or Latin during the next eight months, and takes this opportunity to solicit pupils. All desiring instructions in either of these languages will please inquire for further particulars at the Lutheran parsonage, 220 West Fourth Street, this city, v Respectfully, s24 lm. L. Gbey. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it ws mtle lor. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is whrt it was mide for. DeWitt's Litue fcarly Risers, The famous Settle sills. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IX " -A- VJ.V AUftUl V UUJL -A- fWUj CLOSES OCTOBER 22, 1898. The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held in the Northwest. ...Horlicnltiiral and AariculturaL.. Products of Oregon and Washington will be dis placed in wonderful proiaslon, including more varieties than ever before gath ered together in one exhibit. 6old, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded Marvelously Rich Specimens from Our Gold, Silver and Other Mines. BENNETT'S RENOWNED M1LITAEX BAND lias been engaged for the season. Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on All Railroads. ADMISSION Adults 25 cents. Children 10c. Where to Buy tlie Best. 9327 Sold at Retail in 30 Days by the Snipss Kinersly Drug Company. Always fresh by being kept in me nnest case in me state. LiBt of Clears now on hand. All the leading brands 25c to 3 for 5 cents. Mi Preferlda. 25c. La Integridad, 23c. " " 3 for 50c List of 2 for 25 cent Brands, Estrella, High Life. Monogram, Maria Stuart, Henry the Fourth, General Arthur. Banquet Hill. Bouquet De Cayo, Hueso, The ideal American. List of lO cent Brand. Bouquet De Cayo, Hueso, Robt. Burns, General Arthur, Mono gram, Banquet Hall, Captain General, La F referenda. Onr 5 cent Brands. Rothchilds, The Owl Brand, La Preferencia, Fxport.' 2 for 5 cents. Little Havanas, Blue Points. Cigarettes, Etc. Sales increasing every day. Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON In Business Again ...R. B. HOOD... Has opened a Second Hand Store In His New Building cn SECOND STREET. He carries a full stock of new and second hand furniture, and is prepared to bnv furniture of those who desire to leave the city paying a reasonable price for the same. Wall (?aper Window Glass EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE : Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai. LEAVE. OVERLAND EX-1 nress. fiulpm. Rose- ' 6:00 P.M. LAW OUCICBbl X CLOU, New Orleans and East '8:30 A. M Roseburg and way bta- nons fVia Woodburn fori I Mt.Angel, Silverton, I IWcst Scio, Browns- y ville.Sprlngfleld and P. Si Daily except Sundays. Daily -except Sunday . 17:30 A.M. ?. ul w J i I :50P.M I , . fnnuvua J INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except Sunday). 4;50 p. mj t Lv. Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m 7:aup. m. Ai..McMinnviile..Lv. 5;50a, 8:30 p. m. . fAr. .lndfc Independen ee. Daily. fDany, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARb Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Han Krflnnlseo with OflrH dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship aura iur jurAA um tauA. sailing dates on ny uucaiion. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from J. B. K1RKXAND, Ticket Agent Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where mrougu ucKeta to ell points in tne Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart (row Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. - Patsengcr Depot, foot of Jederson street. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at a. m.; iz:j, i:oo, o:io, o:zo, a:u& p. m. (and 11 :30 p. m. on Saturday onlv. and 9:00 a. m and 3:30 p. ni. on Sundavs only). Arrive at Portland dailv at 6:40 and 8:30 a m.: and 1:35. 4:15, 6:20 and 7:55 p. m., (and 10:05 a. m , 3:15 o:iu p. m. on eunaays oniyj. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tuee- uuv, in arson y ana saturaaj us:uap. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. Kx-EH-LER, Manaaer. G, H. MARK HAM, Asst. G. F. tfc Pass. Agt Just What You uuaftt. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a eingle stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonrs for a small price, at oar etore on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENERAL BANKING BUS1NES - Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold en New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. TRe Goiumtiia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of -jV BRAND HAMS & BACON xRIED BEEF. ETC, OQ OQ $6.50 PER TON DELIVERED. For car load lots call on E. KURTZ, Agent, Tel. 38. The Dalles, Or. rs B .is m rJi Depabt timk schedule. Abriv Fob From Dalles. Fbom. Fast ..." Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Mail - Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail. 11:50 p.m. sas City, St. Louis, 3:10 a.m. - . Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Fiver Minneapolis. St. Paul, Flyer. 5:30 p.m. Duluth, Milwaukee, 6:50 a.m. Chicago and East. 8p.m. From Porttanb. 4 p. m. Ocean Steamships. All Sailing dates subject to change. For San Froncisco Oct. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23,26, 9. 7 p. m. To Alaska 5 p. m. ' SaU Sept. 17 8p.m. A p. m. Ez.Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.Bundaj To Astoria and Way Saturday landings. 10 p. m. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex-Sunday Salem &. Way Land's. 7 a. ra, Willamettk and Yam- 3:30 p. m. Tues.Thur. - hill Rivers. Mon.,Wed., and Sot. Oregon City, Dayton, and FrL and Way-Landings. 6 a.m. -Willamettk River. 4:30 p. m. Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue., Thur and Sat. and Way-Landings. and Sat. Leave Lv Riparia Snake River. Lewiston. daily Riparia to Lewiston. daily except except Saturday. Friday. For full particulars call on O. R. fc N. Co.'s agent The Dalies, or address W. H. HURLBN'RT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or QJORTHERN y PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car BT. PAUL. MINNEAPOI.I DULIITH rAKGO GRAND FOB CBOOK9TON WISJflPEO HELENA an BUTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO " T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalies, Oregon or A. D. ARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 25 rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon Stitchers and Fapmeirs Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, acknowl edged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sancjcaiehes of all Kinds always on band. f vvvvvvvvvvvsn B$OS I Wagon and Carriage Werk. 9 Fish Brothers' Wagon. S TM and Mersoii. Phone 159 GENERAL BlacKsmiilis ...AND... 4 iisesips.