The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 12, 1898, Image 3

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Ladies' heavy sole, box calf, lace $3.50
Ladies' heavy sole, kid, lace 3 00
Ladies' vesting top, lace .""".".31 .V.V. . . ..V . $2.50 to 4.00
Misses' vesting top, lace : 2 50
Misses' heavy sole, lace ' 2 00
J-te are Some Special
Inducements iop Close Buyers
Ladies' kid button ; $1.50 shoe for $1.00
Ladies glove grain 1.50 snoe for .85
Misses kid button 150 shoe for 75
Boys' kangaroo calf 3; 200 shoe for L00
Visit our Shoe Department and investigate these bargains.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Eighteen in. air tight heaters. $2 50.
Twenty-one in. air tight heaters, $3.00.
Twenty-four in. airtight heaters, $3.50.
Also a full line of the celebrated "Wil
son" heaters at Mays & Crowe's.
Booths' fresh eastern oysters at The
Dalles Commission Company. 10-10
Beat brand Vancouver Creamery But
terat The Dalles Commission Co. 12-lw
Sitnation wanted as cook, by middle
aged woman, country preferred. Apply
at this office. lOSdlw
The ladies of the Metfeodist church are
arranging to hold a fairon the 14th, 15th
and 16th of December.
Fresh Olympia and Shoalwater Bay
oysters by the pint, nart or gallon, de
livered, at greatly reduced prices at the
The Dalles Commission Company. 12-iw
At a meeting of the school board in
Portland Moaday -evening, Prof. M. M.
Strattoo, formerly of this city, was ap
pointed a teacher in the Central school.
-. Mrs. E, Setouts is very ill at the foome
ot Mrs. Storrs, on Second etreet.We hope
- soon to chromiele an improvement, al
though at present her condition is
In speaking of the election of officers
in the grand lodge, K. of P., the Ore
gonian says: "It Is expected that W. L.
Bradshaw, of The Dulles, will be elected
to the office of grand prelate.
The Pendleton Tribune has secured
the services of TomSawyer as city -editor
All that is required now is for the Eaet
Oregonian to e-mploy Huckleberry Finn
as a dispenser of city news, and Pendle
ton will certainly have the liveliest
time in newspaper circles yet known.
We are sorry to learn that another of
the old residents of the vicinity of The
Dalles is to take -his departure. Mr.
Wm. Floyd has rented his place near
this city, and, with his family, will re
move to Seattle. His health has been
failing for some time and the change is
made with the hope of benefiting him.
The Oregon boys at Manila will no
doubt rejoice at the arrival of a cargo of
Oregon hardtack which has recently
beenehipped to the Philippines. The
shipment consists of 2,000,000 pounds
packed and sealed in tin cases. It is
made of Oregon flour by Oregon hands,
and while it is hardtack it will be "from
home" to the boys. j
As the time approaches for our district
fair, the merry-go-round makes its n.
pearance and will make things live-
ly on the corner of Third and Federal
J streets. Soon the "nigger babies" will
I be lined up only to be knocked down by
the successful thrower. The streets of
The Dalles will put on their fair apparel
and everything will hum.
For quick answers and witty sallies
commended ns to the erstwhile editor of
The Chbonicle J. II. Cradlebaugb.
Yesterday as he was standing chatting
Exercise good judgment in shoe buying and you'll be sur
prised at the added comfort to youreelf. It isn't necessary
to get an expensive pair of shoes to secure a fit. We have
some good styles in good leathers, ranging in price from $2
to $4 to which we particularly call your attention.
with a newspaper reporter, our genial
postmaster.who is every ready for a joke,
came by and remarked for the benefit of
the reporter: "A man dropped dead up
on the corner a few moments since."
Cradlebaugh immediately retorted:
"What's the matter, Jimmie? Did some
body deliver his mail to him on time?"
The Pacific Bridge Co., which has the
contract for laying our new water mains,
we understand hasajraeed to give prefer
ence to Dalles citizens in regard to labor
thereon, and it is further understood
that Chinese and Japs will not be em
ployed on the work. This will bean im
provement over the usual method of im
porting labor and thus taking the money
out of town. We have as good, and per
haps better, workmen herethan the
average foreign product. y .
Jack Cradlebaugh, for several years
editor of The Chrosicue at The Dalles,
was in the city yesterday en route to
Portland. Mr. Crad-febaugh is one of
the owners of the jdolden Eagle mine,
and is its manager. The property is
Eitaated in the Uobimville district and is
Dromisincr. Pi thrpo-Btomn mill ;
- r - - f . . j u 1
the mine, anI from the ore reduced the
expense of development work has been
Kept up. lr. vraaiebaugli Ja an old
Coinstccker and bis opinion is that the
Baker City eoid belt is the
world. -Democrat.
Word has been received bv the ladies
of the Emergency Corps in this city that
the members of th Portland corps will
send a shipment of dried fruit to onr
soldier boys at Manila Thu laHiso
have decided to purchase a certain
amount to be sent from here, and sev
eral of our fruit men have signified their
desire to contribute to the shipment.
The D. P. & A. N. Co.. have kindlv of
fered to carry such lruit free of charge
to Portland where it will be added to
that sent from there. Any who wish -to
send any kind of dried fruit with what
is being shipped may io so by leaving
it at the D. P. & A. ST. wharf tomorrow
afternoon, but no later.
This morning Tom Driver's big dog
became curious as to the contents of the
reservoir now being repaired on the
ccrner of Third and Washington streets.
He accordingly began promenading
round its edge, sniffing as he went until
he finally became dizzv headed nrt
elipped in. He swam around for a few
moments, and coming to the conclusion
that he had no desire to become a water
dog, proceeded to get out. which was
not such an easy matter. Setting nn
howl for the steam fire engine to come
and pump him out, he attracted the at
tention of two young men who crave him
the necessary assistance. He is now a
cleaner and a wiser cur.
Ladle, No More Darning.
The Magic Hand Loom made of pol
ished rolled steel. Latest invention for
mending clothing, underwear, table
linens or heels and toes in hosiery. A
child can work it. Perfect weave. Sent
postpaid for 25c. Ureat Western Ad
vertising and Novelty Co., 1155 Wash
ington St., Oakland, Cal. ol2 lm
Nuisance to
the Traveling
Should Cease.
A bill has been introduced in the legis
lature to prohibit the lowering of upper
berths on sleeping cars when the lower
berth is occupied and the upper one is
not. The bill further says tht all lower
berths must be disposed of before corre
sponding upper berths shall be sold. A
fine of $500 dollars is to be the penalty if
the bill becomes a law.
Every traveler who has the extreme
pleasure of spending a night in the com
modious quarters of a sleeping car will
say "Amen" to this bill. However, it j
wuuia nave oeen well had a bill been
introduced prohibiting the "tipping"
system, now so extensively carried on,
and compelling the railroad companies
to pay their employes sufficient wages to
prevent the necessity of feeing sleeping
car porters and dining car waiters as
much as the fare amounts to in order to
obtain accommodations which should
be includeu when the railroad fare has
been paid.
So annoying is this practice becoming
that even the merest conveniences can
not be secured without the afnrpsnirl
"tip," and theBe brunettes will fairly
block the aisle as a traveler attempts to
leave the train unless in his every-wait-ing
"paw" has been dropped the neces
sary passport.
In a hotel ordiningear, where eeventy
five tents has already been paid as the
price of a meal, the hucgry tourist will
sit until the train leaves, wondering why
he is not served, when be has been so
amies in the laws of ettlqnette as to fail
in depositing another seyenty-five with
1 . .0 i .. .
iue -uarK-eyeu waiter wuo Btands for a
few moments in exDectancv.
If this nuisance to the traveline nublic
is continued, people who can barely af
ford to pay railroad fare will be
pelled to remain at home, or watch their
chance and walk the ties, where no
doubt will be found "tips" of a more
serious nature if passing trains are not
rsut tis not only an annoyance to
those who are not able to assist the rail
road company in paying their porters,
for tis not so much the pittance (al
though it has ceased to be a mere
pittance) which is expected that is ob
jected to, but the audacity which is dis
played by these legalized beggars, who
so persistently remind one of their pres
ence. The U. S. Assistant
Sec'y of Agriculture says
$10,000,000.00 of danger
ous food is sold every
year in America. v
Schilling's Best
r tea baking powder
coffee . flavoring extracts
soda and spices
have a lot of work to do.
- 118
For sale by
L. Rordeii & Company
If 8 5!
I L1I Uo
We have jupt received a large stock of
wuic s jxit ngns neaters, wbich will
sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Everv stove
warranted. Call and see our stock of
heaters before purchasing.
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
Do in g;g at Salem-r-Work Being Pushed to
a Finish.
Our Salem special today says:
Oregon's legal rate of interest is now
six per cent, as Daly's bill has passed
both houses.
Speaker Carter has introduced a meas
ure authorizing a Southern Oregon nor
mal school as Ashland. It passed the
The report of the committee on ways
and means will leave out all appropria
tions for the orphans' and babies' home.
The new pilotage bill passed the sen
ate. Young is chairman of the committee
to determine the salaries of officers in
the house.
Curtis' measure consolidating all fish
laws of the state into one act, passed the
Sessions are being held every night,
and all extra time is used.
Solicitor Wanted. "
Dear Editor : If you know of a so
licitor or canvasser in your city or else
where, especially a man who has solicit
ed for subscriptions, insurance, nursery
stock, books or tailoring, or a man who
can sell goods, you will confer a favor
by telling him to ccrrespoud with us ; or
11 you will insert this notice in your
paper and euch parties will cut this
notice out and mail to ns, we may be
aDie to furnish them a good position ii
their own and adjoining counties, Ad
dress, American Woolen Mills Co.
onicago. 0-12 2 w
With the exhilerating sense of renewed
neaun ana strengtn and internal cleanli
ness, which follows the use of Syrup of
tigs, la unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substitutes
sometimes offered but never accepted
by the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
MU8 Wllkiob'Xew Serial Is Humorous.
Miss Mary E. Wilkins' new serial is
the humorous story of an up to date city
woman who attempts to reform a quiet
village and educate the Dermic nrv in tlo
latest fads of the town. It is called "Tne
Jamesons in the Country," and its serial
publication will be commenced in the
next issue of The Ladies' Home Journal.
It will have Mrs. Alice Barber Stonhono
as its illustrator.
Last and Final Notice.
I hereby give notice that on and rOm-
the 1st of November. 1898. I will with
out further notice, proceed to Ip.w nr.
all property upon which taxes remain
unpaid for the year 1897.
Robert Kelly, Sheriff,
Wasco County,
A girl to do general housework 5n n
family consisting of two neoule. Inn
at the residence of Mrs. A. Thornbury,
Between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock.
10-11 lw
U U -
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
3VXsirvs cS3 Crowe. .
Noxt Door to Land Office, - Washington Street.
J. H. CROSS has
Block, next door to the Posf
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
ones." For CHOICE PAMTT.V rT-T?nrrEVRTT7'e! tiav
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him. -
UfasGO Warehouse
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otVn kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 0?
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
wv . UBe. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.'
Mr a sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't tbink so
call and get our prices and be convinced. "
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
. Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings.
Chapman Block
12 Perfect Pictures on
12 Glass Plates in
12 Seconds without reloading
Every part made to produce perfect pic
tures simply and easily, Every J.ens sneer
any ground, tested and guaranteed. Shuttei
Sets itsplf nnrl iu .i 1 ... .- - i ... ...
changed by the turn of a button. Anv one
5:ann,-a,e Pietures wttn the "Cyclone."" It
cost little, works easily, keeps la repair, and
requires uo extras.
No. 1. 2'x2!, J3.S0
No. 2. itW.XX . i
Send fop
1898 Catalogue.
'Ho. 3. 4x4. ' H).oo
Outstanding warrants on school dis
trict No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will
be paid on presentation at my office.
Interest ceases on and after this date.
- C. L. Schmidt, ClerV.
The Dalles, Sept. 12, 1698.
For the best results use the Vive
Camera. For sale by the Poetoffice
Pharmacy. tf
Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. AH
sizes and kinds at your own
removed his store to the Vogt
office, where he will be pleased
She Set
LudwfS" Piano that she saw in our maimf
?.Hnta''sortmentbut JeP"ed. of gettlnV it Till w
l?,Aher n? at sueh a feasonab'l pricf, and to
such easy terms, that her desire was mtifl
iveryone that hears a note struck on one of thk
S5fi W thai ? has Ruym"slc iu
Jacobsen Book & Music Co
Eastern Oregon's
Leading- Music House.
To Core a Cold in One Way.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tLe money if
it fails to enre. 25c.
Cmm In Your Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
v1' 1894 wiU to PaW ' ray
office. Interest ceases after September 8
1898- C.L. Phillips,
Coontv Treasurer.
Everybody reads Thk Chhonicle.
if I 'h I