i - i t fir LfL top 000D00 'd 6- -1 '-""i"" 5 i l 'Is 3 3 i mm FALL. TOP COAT. Copyright, 1S0S, By Hart, SchaSner & Marx. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalies Daily Chrcmiele.i THURSDAY OCTOBER 6, 189 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Pim Olas -' Are delicious Sold by Pease & Slays. A nicely furnished room for rent. For particulars apply at this office. 10 3 lw Baker City will hold its first municipal election in four years on the first Mon day in November. A fine showing is made in the report of the condition of the First National bank, which appears in another column. The Walla Walla fruit fair opened yesterday under the most favorable cir cumstances, with over 6,000 people in attendance. Last night the Dalles City made an extra trip to Lyle, where they took on 1800 sacks of wheat. A small party took the opportunity to enjoy a trip on the Columbia by moonlight, and report a jolly time. Majestic; an imported kid glove of German manufacture, can be had in green, tan, brown, black and red for $1.00 at Peaee & Maya. This is without; exception the best glove for the nione; that we have had the good fortune t offer. The grand lodge, Knights of Pythia will convene in Portland on the 11th b this month. The Rathbone Sisterfe Roweny temple, No 20, will put on tlie beautiful work of the grand temple, op the night of October 12, at Elks' hal These eervices will be followed by a re ception and supper. Word has been received that the gentlemen who were expected to organ ize the Native Sons of Oregon in our city last week, will be here on Saturday, and an organization will be effected that evening in K. of P. hall. All native sons of Oregon over twenty-one years of age are invited to be present and be come members. A number of farmers took advantage of the fine weather today and made a visit to the city. The usual number of wheat teams are in evidence in the East End, and while the- price of wheat is not booming, business is. Yesterday a number of freight teams left for the Prineville country, and several from tb.it section came in today. The editor of a Pennsylvania paper thus takes bis readers into his confi dence "Fellow readers, in these piping times of hustle and bustle, and when you are receiving an advance upon your grapes, just take time between breaths and roll a cartwheel into 'The Breeze' office to apply upon your subscription. We're gosh-darned hard up, and don't care who knows it, either." The complimentary vote given Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, is a just recog nition of a worthy citizen. Judge Ben nett has persistently followed the course politically that assured him at all times failure to win the honors bis talents gsi rom fie hands of the finest tailors in this country Made as only one house can make them fashionable in cut, elegant in ma terial and finish, reasonable in price, the size to fit you, cour teous salesmen here to show them, perfect freedom to come in and try them on, and one thing more you have the fullest guarantee 7lith every Hart, Schaffner & Marx coat; this is their trade-mark : km i . i ft i r . t a IT" T 3 HART, 80HAFFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED made him deserve, and yet by his con scientious advocacy of what he believes right he has won respect from all the people of Oregon .-2HS3 School district, No. 52, near Mosirr will have appropriate exercises tomor row afternoon, and the "Stars and Stripes" will thereafter wave over the school building. Superintendent Gil bert will be in attendance, J.M. Carroll, teacher in No. 52, and Miss Lillian Acker man, of district No. 8, will suspend echool for the afternoon to attend, the exercises. The little squabble between Byers' new mill, at Pendleton, and the Star, at Tygh Valley, over the matter of Mr. Scholl as head miller, has been settled in a neighborly way, and to the entire satisfaction ot all concerned. Mr. Scholl goes to Pendleton and Mr. Shultz to the Star. Both men are full apprenticed German millers, with thorough experi ence in modern American mills and milling, and are fortunate in having up-to-date mills to operate. The owners of the respective plants are equally fortu nate in having secured such men to manage their expensive machinery. The Goldendale Sentinel says : "Satur day Mr. Thomas A. Hudson, from The Dalles, representing a company of cap italists of San Francisco, came to Golden dale to get statistics as to the yield of grain, etc., and of the amount of busi ness dono in the valley. The company proposes to build a narrow gauge road from Lyle to Goldendale, only asking from the people the right-of-way and sufficient grounds to build a depot and other terminal buildings upon. If they decide to construct this road, which we think they will, it will be here in time move the crop of 1899." Sheriff Matlock, of Morrow county, left Canyon City for Heppner Sunday having in charge V. R. McConigill, who is wanted for disposing of a band of 1600 sheep, upon" which the First National bank, of Heppner, held a mortgage. Re cently the bank made a demand for the sheep, and McConigill, it is eaid, claimed they had been lost in the mountain. An investigation, however, showed that they were being driven out of the country, and for the paet ten days Sheriff Mat lock and deputies nave been scouring the John Day country in search of them. They finally located 300 head, all that were left, and learned that McConigill had sold the rest, rested Monday. Portland is to Senator Mackay McConigill was ar- have a big dry dock will abandon his bill fofatering this Zwicker will enterprise, and Wolff & take the work in hand. This firm has for some time had the scheme in contemplation, and now are almost prepared to carry it into practical effect, in connection with their ship building plant. They purpose increasing their capital $250,000, of which a large amount already is subscribed, and avail able whenever needed. It is believed all the increased, capital stock will be secured within the next two or three weeks, when active steps will be taken in the consummation of the enterprise. 9 9 OLOTHINQ. 9 PEASE & MAYS, t The dock will be a floating one, built of steel, and suitable for all purposes for many years ahead. Not content with the popularity al ready gained, the East End this morn ing attempted to scare up a runaway. The event, however, was not a howling success. The leading participants were a four-horse team, a wagon, from which a load of wheat had just been taken, and a driver who certainly is an adept in the art of managing a runaway team. The latter fact spoiled a fine newspaper item, and as be turned the horses and made them run up on the sidewalk at the cor ner of Baker's saloon thus stopping their progress, our reporter in the East End heaved a sigh and started for greener fields. Reception to Be, and Mrs. Poling. Last evening the members of the Con gregational church and heir triends gathered at the home of Xlr. and Mrs. Truman Butler and g&vp their new pas tor, Rev. Poling, and bis wife a hearty welcome to our city ad to the pastorate of the church hereDuring the entire evening the house A-as well filled with those who were eager to meet the new pastor and assur him, as well as his ex cellent wife, tlfat ' never was a more heart felt greeffng given them than that extended by the people of The Dalles. The parlos had been artistically decorated wth cut flowers, and an at mosphere of welcome seemed to prevade the houseas guest after guest arrived and joined in social converse. Light re freshments were served during the even ing, tending to make everyone feel more at home. - . The impression which prevailed Sun day (after listening to Mr. Poling's ad dresses) that a better choice of .pastor could not have been made, was intensi fied last night when all had an ybppor- tunity to meet him personally. Woman's Foreign Missions oclety. This evening the convention of the Columbia river branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. church will convene in the auditorium of the church. Delegates from Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho will be present and the public is invited to at tend. The program for tonight is as follows : Prayer service led by Rev. J. i. wood; reception in charge of secre tary of Columbia river conference, Mrs. S. L. Burrill : words of welcome from auxiliary branch, Mrs. Smith French; words of welcome from the church, Rev. J. II. Wood; response by Mrs. Wilmot Whitfield. Thotoi Wanted. The D. P. & A. N. Co. desire to obtain photos of the following camping places, Moffits, Cascades, Stevenson, Sprague, (Rock Creek), Jewett's and Trout Lake. Any one having any of the above photos will confer a favor on the company by calling at their office. W. C. Allaway, General Agent. You need have no boils if you will take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. - 3 COIiE'S r I - I We have ja9t received a large stock of Cole's Air iight heaters, which will sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Every stove warranted. Call and" see our stock of heaters before purchasing. ...jnwBemon ..THE HfiOTRRE DEALERS.. 167 Seconl St. THE DALLES. OR. WHO WILL BE SENATOR? Echo Aoanera Who, While the People are Anxlonaly Waiting Bill Abol ishing Railroad Commission Was Passed. The Chronicle's special from Salem today says : The bill abolishing the railway com mission has passed both houses and now awaits the signature of the governor. A unanimous vote was cast. The measure providing exempt cer tificates for Astoria volunteer firemen passed the house. A bill creating the offica of game and forestry warden also passed the house. Curtis' bill to provide for regulating sturgeon fishing was made a special or der for Monday. The agricultural committee's report on fire at the agricultural college comes up this afternoon. Senate today worked on routine mat ter, doing no important business. The senatorial situation remains virt ually unchanged. So far Corbett's forces La re still firm. George may develop un expected strength any day. The vote today is as follows : Corbett 36 ;Eakin 6 ; Fulton 1 ; Williams C; Hewitt 1; George 17; C. B. Moores 1; John H. Smith of Clatsop 24. The silver members, as usual, vote to morrow on a new candidate. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady. .in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for eeven years she with stood its eeverest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not Bleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick., of N. C. Trial bootle free at Blakloy & Houghton Drug Store. Regular size 50c and . Every .bottle guaranteed. 4 The Vive Camera is the beet in nse. For eale by the PoslofHce Pharmacy, tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. tf Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for sunburn and wind chafing. tf Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the teeth. tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is wha t ws mde for. Schilling's Best Tea good, fresh-roasted. Spice fragrant, appetizing. Extracts delicate, delicious, aromatic Coffee exquisitely fine and delicate. Baking Powder strong, well-made. Soda somewhat better than others. Money-back. For sale by L. Rorden & Company 107 Our Fire Sale is si11 on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Noxt Door to Land Office, REIViOVAL::-MOTICE - J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posf office, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Qet Your priFtir? Todes apd Cloudy Weathep Preferred fo Sittings. MY WORK Chapman Block. 12 Perfect Pictures on 12 Glass Plates In 12 Seconds without reloading CYCLOJIE Magazine Cameras. Every part made to produce perfect pic tures simply and easily, Every l.eus sjecl ally ground, tested auC guaranteed. Shutter sets itself and is always ready. Plates changed by the turn of a button. Anyone can take pictures with the "Cyclone." It cost little, works easily, Peeps in repair, and requires no extras. IN THREE SIZES Send fop 1898 Catalogue. No. 1. 2'x2K, S3.50 No. 2. :H-x4;-i, f6.0U No. 8. 4x4, 1 10.00 7V. Z. DONNEL.L. OQusicI JVIusiel GQusieT In order to mcmce our stock ot SHEET MUSIC And make room for new music constantly arriving, we will for this week only, sell any or all of our entire stock of cop3righted sheet music at 1-2 off Marked Price. JacobsenBook and Music Co. Carload of the celebrated "Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and-kinds at your own price. Washington Strpfifc. 0 at tf?is: office. pabrie "We are ready to 9how them in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, B ;ots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principle. Those who make the earliest selections secure best results. The stock is complete and new aud we invite you to look at it. - p. Step.78. MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR.