The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 28, 1898, Image 1

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NO 169
Both Branches Get Down to
The Governor's Message Was the Spe
cial Feature of the Day's Proceed
ings at Salem.
Salem, Or., Sept. 27. Both branches
of the legislature cot down to busiuess
today, but there were no striking features
of the proceedings. During the after
noon bills were introduced in rapid suc
cession. The feature of the day's pro
ceedings was, of course, the governor's
message, which was read this afternoon.
The message was almost universally
commented upon as an excellent state
document, especially characteristic of
the governor.
The announcement of the senate com
mittees this morning put that body in
condition for efficient work. The intro
duction of bills, with an occasional reso
lution, occupied the day there.
A funny scene marked the afternoon
session. Reed, of Douglas, introduced a
resolution calling on the secretary of
state to supply senators with copies of
tbe senate journal of 1897. Selling did
not notice the year mentioned, and
straightway interposed an objection in
the interest of economy. Quite a ripple
passed through the chamber before at
tention was called to the joke.
"If you want the record of proceedings
or laws of the Oregon legislature of 1897
you'll have to go to hell to get them,"
exclaimed the Bey. Dr. Driver, senator
from Lane.
The house also had a busy but feature
less day, aside from tbe assembling of
both branches of the legislature and
state officers there, and the delivery of
the governor's message. Eleven bills
were introduced, some of them being
identical with bills introduced in the
senate. Politics was kept in the back
ground all day., A resolution to provide
five daily or weekly newspapers for each
member during the session was passed
after the number of papers to be allowed
was cut down to three.
Selling's bill to fix the compensation
of certain state officers, that was pre
sented in tbe senate this morning, con
tains the following schedule of annual
salaries: Governor, $5000; justices of
supreme court, each, $4000; secretary of
state, $4000; treasurer, $4000; state
printer, $3500; attorney-general, $3000 ;
superintendent of public instruction,
$1800 ; reporter, supreme court, $1000;
clerk of supreme court, $3000.
It is provided that "no other salary,
compensation, fees, percentage or com
missions shall be allowed to or be re
ceived by any of the officers mentioned
in this act, whose salaries are hereby
In the section pertaining to the sala
ries of the governor and secretary ' of
state, it is also particularly specified
that the sums named include payment
for all services rendered as members of
any board or commission, as now re
quired or as may be required by law, or
may hereafter devolve upon either of
them. Present fees shall continue to be
charged, but shall go into the state
treasury monthly.
By the terms of the bill the governor,
secretary of state and treasurer shall
constitute a board to determine the
number of deputies or assistants which
shall be allowed to each of the officers
named in the act, and to fix the com
pensation of each such subordinate.
In the Senate,
Salem, Sept. 27. The senate convened
at 10 a. ni. After tbe reading of the
Journal, President Simon announced
standing committees as follows:
Agriculture and forestry Looney, Kel
ly, Clem.
Assessment and taxation Mulkey,
McKay, Porter, Cameron, Taylor.
Claims Howe, Fulton, Daly of Lake.
Commerce and navigation Selling,
Howe, Proebstel.
Counties McKay, Taylor, Howe,
Cameron, Patterson.
Education Kuykendall, Harmon and
Elections and privileges Brownwell,
Harmon, Wade.
Engrossedjbills Daly of Benton, Reed,
Enrolled bills Patterson, .Cameron,
Federal relations Driver, Proebstel,
Fishing industries Reed, Michell,
Horticulture Daly of Benton, Patter
son, Looney.
Insurance and banking Bates, Haines
Printing Michell, Selling, Haines.
Irrigation Proebstel, Cameron, Mor
row .
Judiciary Fulton, Brownwell, Kelly,
Michell, Dufur.
Medicine, pharmacy, dentistry Daly
of Lake, Kuykendall, Morrow.
Military affairs Haseltine Taylor,
Penal institutions Haines, Looney,
Mining Cameron, Harmon, Smith.
Municipal corporations Haseltine,
Harmon, Smith.
Public buildings and institutions
Adams, Haseltine, Reed.
Public lands Porter, Mulkey, Howe,
Driver, Wade.
Railroads Brownell, Patterson, Daly
of Benton, Mackay, Morrow.
Revision of laws Kelly, Reed, Fulton
Daly of Lake, Smith.
Roads and highways Bates, Looney,
Daly of Benton, Proebstel, Clem.
Ways and means Taylor, Kuyken
dall, Mulkey, Selling, Adams.
Without loaing any time, the mem
bers commenced to run in their bills.
la The House.
Salem, Or., Sept. 27. The house was
called to order at 10:05 this morning.
A concurrent resolution of the senate
to have a joint committee examine into
the books and accounts of the secretary
of state was laid on the table.
The senate appointed Bruce C. Curry,
of Clackamas, mailing clerk.
A resolution by Ross that the speaker
appoint a committee to arrange for
appropriate exercises on February 14,
1899, to observe the anniversary of
Oregon's admission to tbe Union was
Young secured the adoption of a reeo
lution to have each member provided
with 200 2-cent postage stamps.
The first bill to be introduced was sent
up by Fish and Game Commissioner
McGuire, providing for a general means
of propagation and protection of salmon,
and taxing of fishing gear to assist in
defraying the expenses of propagation.
It was decided to meet in joint session
at 2 p. m.t to receive the governor's
House bill No. 2, by Whitney, was in
troduced, providing for the matter of
assessment and taxation of certain real
estate and making mortgages of real es
tate for the purpose of taxation. The
bill is a virtual reinstatement of the
mortgage-tax law.
Other bills were introduced and the
house then adjourned to meet at 2 p. m.,
in joint session.
Upon being called to order this after
noon, the house went into joint session
with the senate, to hear the governor
deliver his message, after which it re
sumed business, returning under a sus
pension of the rules to the first order of
business petitions, memorials and re
A number of resolutions were read and
one bill introduced ; but before it could
be read a motion to adjourn until
Wednesday morning at 10 carried.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between F.
S. Gunning and J. D. Hockman, under
the firm name and style of Gunning &
Hockman, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All parties knowing them
selves indeoted to said firm are respect
fully requested to make an earlv settle
ment. The Dalles, Oregon, August 30, 1898.
F. S. Gunning,
J. D. Hockman.
Oregon Legislature Met in Joint Session
Yesterday to Hear lis
Reading of IL
Construction of the Nicaraugua Canal
Imperative Disposition of Cuba,
the Philippines and Porto Rico De
mand Immediate Attention.
Salem, Sept. 27. The following is a
synopsis of the gorvernor's message to
the legislature :
Our country has reached a critical
period in history. The next few years
will mark an advance or retrograde
movement in its destiny. Momentous
questions have grown out of the Span
ish war. The construction of the Nic
aragua canal has become imperative,
and the disposition of the Philippines,
Cuba and Porto Rico is a question de
manding the best brains and wisest
The Pacific coast is vitally interested,
and Oregon needs a seuator at Washing
ton of experience, capacity and courage.
These matters will probably be passed
upon this winter, so the election of a
senator should not wait until the regu
lar session.
The failure of the legislature to or
ganize in 1897 left tbe state without ap
propriations, and forced it to run on
credit. Consequently many warrants
were draws, vouchers issued and claims
filed. This business should be disposed
of, and not left for . the regular session,
when two appropriations would afford a
a chance to raid the treasury with dick
ering and jobbery.
The business of a supreme court has
grown so rapidly that the docket is be
hind two years. A commissioners' court
is recommended.
Attention is called to the invitation of
the French republic to participate in the
world's fair in 1900.
The governor states that in 1895 a
contract was made with J. Lowenberg
and the Northwestern stove foundry, for
the sale of convict labor and the lease of
the stove foundry, but Loewenberg had
defaulted in payments, and immediate
attention is necessary to secure the large
amounts due.
With these various matters out of the
way, the regular session will have an
opportunity to pass the remedial legisla
tion promised in the party platforms
and so necessary to the welfare of the
Skagway Now a Subport.
San Francisco, Sept. 27. Skagway,
Alaska, has been created a subport of
entry, and the collector of that district
has been authorized to station a deputy
collector and inspector of customs there
with authority to enter and clear ves
sels, receive entries, collect duties, tees
and other moneys, and perform such
other duties as the interest of commerce
may require.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results. When
taken early it prevents constipation.
And in latter stages it furnishes prompt
reliff. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood. Wood.
Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood
always on band for sale at minimum
rate. Jos. T. Petees.
'Phone 25. .
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20. Chapman block. tf
Dse Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for tbe
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Steel range, six hole, high shelf $27.50.
Steel range, four hole, high shelf
Steel range, four hole, high clote
Steel range, four bole, high closet end
reservoir $32.00.
1 qt. fruit cans, twenty-five cents per
djzen, at Mays & Crowe.
Fresh Shoalwater Bay Oysters at An
drew Keller's.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
unburn and wind chafing. ft
Order your fruits, vegetables and fish
from Stadelman Commission Co. Phone
Leave your orders for dressed chickens
with the Stadleman Commission Co.
Phone 345.
Have your bicycle repairing done by
Chas. Burchtorf, corner of Third and
Federal. Phone 49.
The oyeter season has opened and in
order to be up to the times, the Palace
of Sweets have fresh oysters on sale in
every style. Give them a trial. 9-3 tf
Sainton, halibut, crabs, clams, lob-
Btsre, tbrimplj and in fact any thing
desired in the line O' fish, on Wednes
days and Fridays at the Stadelman
Commission Co.
In the future Andrew Keller, tbe pro
prietor of the popular cafe, will serve
Shoalwater Bay oysters in any style,
and extends an invitation to his numer
ous old friends and patrons to make him
a call.
Free Pills
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince Jyou of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
Btipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the syS'
tern. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Sheep for Sale.
Band of fine stock sheep, between
2500 and 2600 head ; (about 900 lambs,
balance old sheep.? Price $2.50 per
head. Ample range and hay for 2000.
Will sell either sheep or hay or both. In
quire at this office. 8-27 3
Seal Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acreage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at the office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
An iron grey gelding, brand indistinct,
looks like a quarter circle with a bar
under it, . The animal is unbroken.
Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles
south of The Dalles. The owner can
have same by proving property and pay
ing all charges. Ed Wilson.
Sept. 1, lmo.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures
eczema and all ekin diseases. .It gives
immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
"Today is Yesterday's Pupil."
Maybe sometime in the past you've bought unwisely. A Wrap, per
haps, mars your peace of mind whenever you think of it. Price paid too
much, or you were deceived in style. Then let today be "yesterday's pu
pil." Determine in tbe future to buy Wraps from a reliable house that
leads in assortment, fine quality and low. prices. Think it over it will
save von many a dollar, many a worry.
Piece of mind makers. The quality is right, stvle is right, and
yours to wear Exclusively. We make this last very important fea
ture possible bv having one only of a style in our finer goods. See our
rhow window for
Silk Waists,
Flannel Waists,
Silk Petticoats,"
Silk Dress Skirts,
Capes and Jackets,
R. JVT. Williams & Co.
The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of
Second Eastern Oregon District flgricffltnral society
Embracing the Counties of
Will Be
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack,
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. - A. S. MAC ALLISTER, Pres.
Wasco Warehouse
4--y "pl f1TJT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
tj-JJ. '- use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our (roods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Cloudy Weather Preferred foir Sittings.
Chapman Block.
Held at
for Seed Grain of an kinds,
for Feed Grain ot aii kinds,
for Rolled Grain, an kinds,
for Bran, Shorts, "l
for "Byers' Best" Pendle-