COLtE'S SPECIAL Ladies' Jackets, iilllte SEE CORNER WINDOW FOR ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Good fir wood at Kowe & Co's. $2.50 per cord at 9-23 lwd One quart tin fruit cans 35 eta. per dozen at Maier & Benton's. T- 1 1.' a ; l l J a 4K xresu uunieu nine can lib uuu hi me Hugh Glenn warehouse for $1.30 a barrel. No need for any lady to be cold this winter. Five dollars will buy one of the jackets or capes displayed in Peaee & Mays' corner window. Wanted A girl to do general house work and to assist in dining room work. Apply at Central Hotel. Eep22-5t Do not but your winter jacket, ladies, until you have eeen Pease & Mays' of ferings at $5.00. Their corner window will ehow them to you. Mr. Burgraff, who formerly had charge of the California restaurant in this city, is having the foundation laid for a build ing on the burnt district, and when com pleted he will again enter the restaurant business. An object lesson for the economical is furnished by the display in the window of Pease & Mays' grocery department Any article in the window for 5 cents If you are hungry remember the gooi things which the ladies of the Christia church will spread before you this even mg. Then there is to be an excellent program beside. Now stage coaches have been nut on by the Prineville stage linewhich make the twenty-three-hour trjp' a great deal f more attractive to the traveler than I formerly, fairly makiifg some of them I stage-struck. The result of the trial of N. B. Myei s for lart&ny which was held last evening before Justice Bayard, web that the prisoner was bound over in tbe sum of $100 to appear before the next grand jury. Still the East End is crowded with wheat teams, fourteentoeing noticed on the brewery grade t one time this I morning. Yestecday the Wasco ware f house took in2S0O eacks. Not many sales are being made as yet. The price i today is about 53 cents. J. S. Dellinger, ot Astoria and his associates, contemplate the starting of anew eveting newspaper in Portland, to commence about the 15th of October, Mr. Dellinger was the former pro prietor of the Evening News, at Astoria, and he is the principal job printer and bookbinder in that city. The Tennessee Students are to be in our city for two evenings next week, Monday and Tuesday. The company is composed ot six first-claes singers, and press notices given them are very com plimentary. The performance will take place at the Baldwin opera house. Don't forget the dates: October 3d and 4th. In looking over a copy of the Daily Alaskan Newe, a bright, epicy sheet Misses' Jackets, Children's Jackets. Ladies' Fur Capes.. Collarettes and Plush Capes A grand collection to choose from for Now is the time to make your se lection while the stock is complete. We have others up to $20.00. DO NOT purchase before examining our stock. PEASE published at Skagway, we find that it is edited by an old Dalles boy, William Sheffield, who has become quite a famous newspaper man, having recently been connected with prominent papers in Seattle. Will, like many of our Dalles boys, is making his way to the front, and those who know him are sure he is succeeding. This morning a demented young woman by the name of Miss Rosa N. Prather was brought to this city from Hosier. Upon examination she was adjudged violently insane, and seemed to be concerned as to the safety of her soul, insisting that some one is endeav oring to steal it. She was taken to alem on the afternoon train. Drake C. O'Reilly, general manager of he Columbia & Southern Railway, says he completion of the road to Moro has ieen delayed on account of the difficulty f procuring men. This trouble is now over, and men are coming in looking for ork about as fast as places can be found or them. These men have probably een employed in the harvest fields or pyards. The road will be completed tMoro, twenty-eight miles from Biggs, in about four weeks. We learn that Mr. K. B. Hood has purchased the property of J. E. Barnett, on the hill, and has decided to make his home here. We felt certain Mr. and Mrs. Hood could never be thoroughly weaned away from The Dalles, and wel come them home again. At the same time, it is with regret that we part with such citizens as J. E. Barnett and family, who will remain in Portland, as they were ever foremost in every work of eform and in the interest of the city. The Bittner Company which so cap tivated Dalles people last fall, are now giving a series of plays in Salem, and yesterday afternoen a part of the com pany visited the state insane asylum and gave an entertainment for the benefit of the patients confined there, Manager Js-inersly nas nad some cor respondence with Mr. Bittner, and it is probable we will in the near future have an opportunity to again hear this pleasing company. Yesterday was the opening day of the Washington 6tate fair at North Yakima, and a few Dalles people, principally those who are interested in the races, are in attendance. This is fine fair weather in every sense of the term, and it is to be hoped will continue, or again return, when onr fair opens. The view which can be obtained from the fair grounds on such a day as this would be considered worth tbe price of admission by many who are compelled to con tinually gaze upon level plains. The sound of the fire-bell, although familiar to citizens of this place, will never become eo much so that it will not strike terror to every heart, for we know "whereof it speaks." And so this morning whenjat about 8 o'clock j its clanging was heard the streets were I in an instant thronged and soon every 1 one was rushing toward the hill fear ing anotner disastrous tare on ac count of tbe fierceness of the wind. 9 $5.00 1 DISPLAY. & MAYS. With difficulty the hook and ladder company made the ascent, only to be informed that the fire was out, the cause of the alarm having been the burning out of a chimney in the house occupied by Mr. Fleming, on the cor nor opposite D. P. Ketchum'a residence, on Eighth street. No complaint did they make however, for all were too pleased that this time, at least, we had been spared. A letter received this morning by Leslie Butler from h who is still are having m Skaguay, says that the finest of weather. exceptional for this time of tbe y She also says that great excitement is now prevalent over the Athn mine, about one hundred miles from Skaguay, and that one man j had brought in a nugget worth $300. The morning of the day that the letter was written Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Michel). who left Goldendale overland in April, reached that city and were so delighted with the surroundings that they had at once determined to purchase property and remain at least during the winter. Starting out with the prospect of having Bomewhat ot a pleasure trip, they had found that "all is not gold that glitters", but among the pure gold was some alloy. However they were not regretting their journey, but only glad to reach civiliza tion. The Sunday Oregontan, in the cood ness of its heart, has taken up the mis sion of such papers as the Heart and Hand and other matrimonial agencies, and in its last issue published a heart rendering appeal from an eastern widow for a husband. Dalles young men are not slow to notice sich-like items, and accordingly one of our society young men devoured the article and had just seated himself to answer the lone widow, when in stepped an elderly gentleman from a neighboring vicinity and asked if there was anyone in the room who could write a proposal of marriage. The young man reluctantly said he thought he could; bnt a moment afterwards was eorry that he spoke, for his senior said: "Then jist set down an' answer that air widder an' tell her I'm her pickle." He did as he was bid, and the widder will no doubt soon be a' happy bride, which proves that though there may be a sur plus of women in tbe East, there are as many men in tbe West who are ready to protect foreign production. FOB SALE. Thoroughbred bull dog, eight months old. Call on or address Howard Mel ville, care of Wizard Oil show, Baldwin opera house. TBE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of tbe California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For ale by all druggists. To Care Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. is wifef they , really ear. We have just recaived a large stock of Cole's Air litjht beaters, which will sell from $3 50 to $12 00. Every stove warranted. Call and see our Etock of heaters before purchasing. .THE HfiOTftliE DEMEUS.. 1 167 Seconl St. THE DALLES, (JR. K. OF P. DOINGS. Friendship Lodge No. 9 Receive An Official Visit From Grand Chancellor Patterson. Last evening, the occasion of the reg ular convention of Friendship Lodge No. 9, K. of P., was one much enjoyed, re ceiving at that time an official visit from Otis Patterson, Grand Chancellor j of the domain of Oregon. Mr. Patter-I son is the present receiver of the land office of this place, and though he when chosen to fill the office of Grand Chancellor, was a resident of , Heppner, Tbe Dalles now claims him as her property, and as one of the new citizens of The Dalles, he was right royally welcomed and entertained last evening. The Knights were most ably assisted by the members of the Rath bone temple of this place, and other ladies, relatives and friends of members of the order. The members of Friendship Lodge, assisted by visiting brethren, received the Grand Chancellor in mystic style, of which our reporter is not versed, and after exemplifying the secret work and giving the members a few Pythian thoughts, the lodge closed their secret session so that the ladies who were i 1 waiting conld be admitted. Daneic ; was indulged in till Judge Bradeha called a halt in the festivities to adjour: i to the banqueting hall, where temptin ; viands were spread in profusion. It is needless to siy that this feature of the occasion was very much appreciated. The arrangement of the tables and the general success of the banquet reflects much credit upon the ladies who planned the affair, and upon Mrs. Keller who had charge of the tables. Judge Bradshaw acted as toastmaster. The following toasts were responded to: The grand lodge of Oregon, Grand Chan cellor Patterson ; Friendship Lodge No. 9, J. A. Douthit; The Uniform Rank, H. H. Riddell ; Home receptions on lodge nights, C. L. Phillips; the endow ment rank, Prof. John Gavin ; the ladies of Ratbbone Sisters, J. H. McKibben, editor of The Senator. Judge Bradshaw, the present grand inner guard, in hia most graceful man ner, presented eacii person and his al loted subject, and by his cleverness aided much in assisting the speakers, all of whom spoke extemporaneously. After a pleasant hour or more of danc ing, the Knights and ladies repaired to their respective homes, feeling that Friendship Lodge and Temple had added another jewel to their Pythian crown, in the royal manner in which they had entertaiued the grand chancellor. luaiBf & BentOQ Indigestion doesn't thrive on Schilling s Best tea baking powder coffee, flavoring extracts soda . and spices unless you eat too much. Hi For sale by L. Rorden & Compan'- Our FireSale is still on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Noxt Door to Land Office, iIAL J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posl office, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop- ' ular prices. Call and see him. Qet Your prii?tii PEKSONAi. MEJiTION. Mr. S. P. M. Briggs wae in the city from Arlington today. Constable Hill will leave this evening for a business trip to Blalock. Mr. W. A. Stark wa9 in the city from Mosier yesterday, returning home today. ( Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinton will eave this evening lay their home at iakeoven. dpn Onqafiplr! nassed thronch the city last evening on his way to his home in Wasco. Dr. Pilkington arrived in the city this mornin? from Prineville on the way to Portland. Miss Edna Moody made but a short visit to our city, and will return to balem this evening. Mrs. J. Robinson and little daughter are among the visitors to the exposition in Portland. Mr. Lee Wigle and bride are in the city today on their way from Corvallis to their home m Prineville. Miss Fannie Lyons spent the day in the city as the guest of Mrs. E. M. Wil son, and will leave this evening for her ome in Walla Walla. Miss Laura Thomndbn will leave in he morning for Bortland, where she will act as bridesmaid at the wedding of her friend, Miajr Skillman. Mr, and Mrs. Truman Butler were among the passengers on tbe boat this morning bound for Portland and a few days visit to the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. McKee, who have been in our city since Saturday, he having the agency and giving instructions in the use of the new air brake, left this eftsrnoon for California. Mr. Peter Martin, who returned yes- OQusicT JWusicI OQusiel In order to reduce our stock of SHEET 2UUSIC And make room for new music constantly arriving, we will for this week only, sell any or all of our entire stock of cop3"righted sheet music at 1-2 off Marked Price. Jacobsen Book and MusicCo. 12 Perfect Pictures on 12 Glass Plates in 12 Seconds without reloading JWagazinei jCameras. Every port made to produce perfect pic tures simply nnd easily, Every Lens speci ally ground, tested and guaranteed. Shu iter .sets itself and is always ready. Flutes changed by the turn of u button. Any one can take pictures with tbe "Cyclone." It cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and requires no extras. IN THREE SIZES Send fop 1898 Catalogue. No. 1. 214x24, H.S0 No. 2. 3x4;4, 6.00 No. 3. 4x4, $10.00 Z. DONNELL Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and kinds at your own price. Washington Street. . at ) office. tsrday, in company with Mr. T. A. Hud son, from a tour of inspection of the lands of The Dalles Military Road Co., left this morning for his home in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. E. !. Waterman, of Athena, Oregon, and Miss Grout, of Io va, arrived in the city yesterday and are guests of Mm. Waterman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Snipes, near this city. All for 15 Cents, Tonight. The Wizard Oil Company will give another big show tonight, and many fine presents will be given away to persons buying admission tickets. The admis sion to all parts of the house wid only be fifteen cents, and everyone attending will get a present coupon, so don't fail to see them tonight. Bring the ladiea and children and go early and get a good seat. For Sale. Sixty head of etock cattle from year lings up to six-year-old cows. For fur ther information see Dad Butts. 28-iit Cash In Your Cbeclcs. All countv warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1S94, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after September 8 1898. C. L. Phillips, Coantv Treasurer. For Sale Cheap, My residence in Duf-jr, also one gentle driving horse, phaeton and harness. For particulars, address or call on Mrs. E. Dcfde, Dufur, Oregon. 9-1 wd Additional local on Fourth page.