The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1898, Image 1

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NO 168
Both Houses Convened at
the State House.
Senate Republicans in Caucus Decide
Upon Temporary and Permanent
Officers, Everyone of Whom Were
Salem, Sept. 2G. In obedience to a
call issued by Governor Lord, the Ore
gon legislature convened in special ses
eion at thestate capital today.
The attendance of tnembera in both
houses is nearly full.
Thus far the proceedings have been
eatirely harmonious.
A caucus of senate Republicans was
held early in the day, and the program
regarding selection of temporary and
permanent officers then formulated was
carried out, Joseph Simon being chosen
president, and most of the other offices
going to Multnomah county men.
In the house temporary organization
was effected, and an adjournment was
taken to give the credentials committee
time to formulate a report.
The report was adopted when the sen
ate reconvened, and the new members
were sworn in by Chief Justice Wolver
ton. The resolution providing for perma
nent organization was presented by
Reed of Douglas, and adopted.
The election of others proceeded with
the following results :
President, Joseph Simon, of Multno
mah. Chief clerk, S. L. Moorehead, of Junc
tion. Assistant chief clerk, S. F. Yates, of
Reading clerk, J. D. Lee, of Multno
mah. Calendar clerk, Frank C. Middleton,
of Multnomah.
Sergeant-at-arms, Joseph S. Purdom,
of Grant's Pass,
Doorkeeper, W. W. Smith, of Clacka
mas. Mailing clerk, V. H. Humphrey, of
Pages, Harvey Bell and Frank Hart
man. The minor officers of the senate were
then sworn in.
A resolution calling upon the secretary
of state for his report on the financial
condition of the state was presented and
The senate then adjourned until 2 p.
m., when the rules of the seseion of 1897
were adopted.
Mulkey of Polk introduced a resolu
tion for a joint committee of two from
each bouse to examine and report upon
the books of the secretary of stale. It
A bill was introduced by Brownell of
Clackamas to repeal the act creating the
etate railway commission, and passed to
its second reading.
Mackay of Multnomah introduced a
bill to provide new pilotage rules for the
port of Portland.
Daly of Benton introduced a bill to
reduce the statutory rate of interest to
6 per cent.
The senate then adjourned until 10 a.
XXI. tomorrow.
Rontine In tne House.
Salem, Or., Sept. 26. At 10:30 a. m.
Ralph E. Moody, member from Multno
mah and chief clerk at the last two ses
sions of the house, called that body to
order. The following temporary officers
were named :
George T. Myers, temporary speaker.
A. V. F. Snyder, temporary clerk.
Messrs. Hill, Hawson, Massingill,
Nichols and Gregg were appointed a
committee on credentials.
Ross, of Multnomah, just previous to
adjournment, made a motion that the
Republican members go into caucus on
organiz tion.
On motion of Moody the house ad
journed until 1 :30 p. ni.
The house met and organized at 1 :30
this afternoon with E. V. Carter,; of
Jackson, as speaker.
The other officers elected were:
Chief cl?rk, A. C. Jennings.
Assistant chief clerk, A. V. R. Snyder.
Sergeant-at-arms, Frank Metter.
Doorkeeper, A. D. Griffin.
Calendar clerk, M. P. Isenberg.
Clerk, D. B. McKay.
He Says That He Will Resume Com
mand of the Department of Cali
fornia. San Francisco, Sept. 26. Advices
from General Shafter to friends in this
city say that he will soon return to re
sume his station here as commander of
the department of California, relieving
General Merriam, who will probably be'
assigned to his former duties as .com
mander of the department of the Co
lumbia. Brigadier-General Miller says he may
go to Manila on one of the first trans
ports to leave with what remains to him
of the First brigade, of which the Wash
ington regiment is now considered a
part. In that case, Colonel Funeton,
with the Kansas, Iowa and Tennessee
regiments, forming the second brigade,
will go last.
Should no general officer be assigned to
duty as commandant at the presidio,
Major G. H. Kinsie will be General
Miller's probable successor to that title.
Terrible Conditions Reported in Santa
Clara Troops Are Starving and
Desperate and General Gomez Has
Sent an Appeal to This Country for
Relief. '
New York, Sept. 26. Telegrams
were received at the Cuban legation last
night from commissioners who arrived
at Key West, says the Pres.s correspond
ent at Washington, sent to this country
by General Gomez, the Cuban insurgent
These telegrams depict the situation
in the province of Santa Clara as most
critical. The Cuban army is said to be
starving. The vegetables are almost
gone, and the last mules and horses have
been killed to feed the sick. Old people
and children are said to be dying by
dozens every day.
The general appeals for aid and says
the situation is desperate. The Span
iards are doing all they can to make the
insurgents' situation more terrible. It
is feared that serious results may arise
from this, and the Cubans cannot be
blamed if they are forced to take the
necessaries of life. This they could do
by capturing a town, but they have
pledged themselves not to violate the
armistice, and they, therefore, appeal to
the United States in order to avoid a
Ileal Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for eale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acreage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at the office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa.
says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills he ever used in him family
during forty years of bouse keeping.
They cure constipation, sick headache
and etomach and liver troubles. Small
in size but great in results. Snipes
Kinserly Drug Co.
Captain Barker Receives Or
ders to This Effect.
Iowa Will by Tomorrow Be in Condi
tion to Accompany the Oregon,
and Work on Other Vessels to Join
the Fleet Is Now Being Rushed to
New Yoee, Sept. 26. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington saye:
Instructions given by the navy de
partment to Captain Bakrer, command
ing the battle-ship Oregon and senior
officer of the equadron which is under
orders to proceed to Manila, require him
to sail during the present week to Hono
lulu. Reports received at the navy depart
ment announce that the Oregon is ready
for the voyage, and the Iowa will be in
condition to sail tomorrow, .while the
supply-ship Celtic, the distilling-ship
Iris and the four colliers, which will ac
company the battle-ships, will be ready
during the next few days.
The department is considering the ad
visability of attaching the engineering
repair-ship Vulcan, which did such ex
cellent work in Cuban waters, to the
squadron. Admiral Dewey is in need of
such a ship. The Vulcan received or
ders yesterday to come North at once.
She will undergo such repairs as may be
necessary, take on board supplies and
will be ready for the voyage, it is stated,
by the latter part of the week. With
the Vulcan at Manila, it will be un
necessary to send the ships to Hong
Kong for repairs.
Sheep for Sale.
Band of fine stock sheep, between
2500 and 2600 head ; (about 900 Iambs,
balance old sheep.) Price $2.50 per
bead. Ample range and hay for 2000.
Will sell either sheep or hay or both. In
quire at this office.
8-27 3.
An iron grey gelding, orand indistinct,
looks like a quarter circle with a bar
under it, . The animal is unbroken.
Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles
south of The Dalles. The owner can
have same by proving property and pay
ing all charges. Eo Wilson.
Sept. 1, lmo.
Remove Pimples, Prevent
Care Headache and Diniwn.. .
fr,r health Th Jw.?.owe'8 Mcn ia necessary
l-Ii ""J, f b7, neither snpe nor sicken. To coll
tec Sold bj drues-ists. DR. B0SANK0 CO. Phila. Pa.
For Sale.
Full section (640 acres; of fine wheat
land in Sherman county, four miles from
Columbia Southern R. R. All fenced
and in cultivation. Easy terms.
. J. M. Huntington & Co.
Phone 81. The Dalles, Ore.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate reeults. When
taken early it prevents constipation.
And in latter stages it furnishes prompt
relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood. Wood.
Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood
always on hand for sale at minimum
rale. Jos. T. Peters.
'Phone 25.
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf
dee Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the
DeWitt's Little cany Risers,
The famous little pills.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and dellclou.
Absolutely Pure
During the Battle at
The Packers at the Battle of Santiago ds
Cuba Were all Heroes Their Heroic
Kflforts In Getting Ammunition and
Rations to tlie front Saved the Day.
P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from Sandiago, De Cuba, on
July 23d, says : "We all had diarrhoea
in more or less violent form, and when
we landed we ' had no time to see a
doctor, for it was a case of rush and rush
night and day to keep the troops sup
plied with ammunition and rationSj but
thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to
keep at work and' keep our health ; in
fact, I sincerely believe that at one
critical time this medicine was the in
direct saviour of our army, for if the
packers bad been unable to work there
would have been no way of getting sup
plies to the -front. There were no roads
that a wagon train could use. My com
rad and myeelf had the good fortune to
lay in a supply of this medicine for out'
pack-train before we left Tampa, and I
know in four cases it absolutely saved
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicide, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines,
Iowa. For sale by Blakeley and Hough
ton. A Chicago dispatch of late date says :
"The Loudon auction sales, are looked
forward to ad a factor which will have a
stimulating influence upon the present
condition of the wool trade. Many-close
observers of the strength of foreign
markets think that there will be an ad
vance ot fully five per cent, upon merino
wools. There will be about 230,000 bales
of wool offered at these series, and if good
competition asserts itself with a reason
able advance, all doubts regarding the
values of American wool will be re
moved. It is reported npon good
authority that several hundred thou
sand pounds of foreign wool now lying
in bond at sea-board points, is soon to
be shipped to foreign ports. If a fair
remuneration is received by the shipper
in this venture large lines of other wool
will certajnly follow. It may be the
mean 8 of opening the eyes of some large
manufacturer to the reality of present
cheapness of American wools, and re
lease the market from the inactivity
and sluggishness that has so long ex
isted. Dissolution Notice.
Notice io hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between F.
S. Gunning and J. D. Hockman, ucder
the firm name and style of Gunning &
Hockman, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All parties knowing them
selves indented to said firm are respect
fully requested to make an early settle
ment. The Dalles, Oregon, AnguBt 30, 1898.
F. 8. Gunning,
J. D. Hockman.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures
eczema and all skin diseases. It gives
immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug
Today is Yesterday's Pupil."
Maybe sometime in the past you've bought unwisely. A Wrap, per
haps, mars your peace of mind whenever you think of it. Price paid too
much, or you were deceived in style. " hen let today be "yesterday's pu
pil." Determine in the future to buy Wraps from a reliable house that'
leads in assortment, fine quality and low prices. Think it over it will
save you many a dollar, many a worry.
Piece of mind makers. .The quality is right, stvle is right, and
yours to wear Exclusively. We make this last very important fea
ture possible bv having one only of a style in our finer good?. See our
show window for
Silk Waists,
Flannel Waists,
Silk Petticoats,
Silk Dress Skirts.
Capes and Jackets,
K. Jil. Williams & Co.
The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of
Second Eastern Oregon District Hgrlcultural society
Embracing the Counties of
Will Be
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5, days.
For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack.
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. A. S. MAC ALLISTER, Pres.
Wasco Wareh
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTL'lf
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
TIOUT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
''"' KAi. . nse . every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell onr goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get out prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings.
Chapman Block.
Held at