The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 26, 1898, Image 3

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Ladies' Jackets, Misses' Jackets, Children's Jackets.
Steel range, six hole, high ehelf $27.50.
Steel range, four bole, high, ehelf
Steel range, four hole, high close
Steel range, four bole, high closet and
reservoir $32.00.
1 qt. fruit cans, twenty-five cents per
dozen, at Mays & Crowe.
Good fir wood at $2.50 per cord at
RoweACo's. 9-23 lord
One quart tin frnit cans 35 cts,
dozen at Maier & Benton's.
Fresh burned lime can be had at the.
H ugh Glenn warehouse for $1.30 a barrel
Wanted A girl to do general house
work and to assist In dining room work
Apply at Central Hotel. eep22-5t
At the Wizard Oil concert Saturday'
evening Miss Burgraff was the lucky
winner of the diamond ring, which is
reported to be a beauty.
Salmon, halibut, crabs, clams, lob
sters, shrimps, and in fact any thing
desired in the line of fish, on Wednes
days and Fridays at the Stadelman
Commission Co.
Smith and Cockerline, who have
bought the grocery store of Fred Fisher,
took possession today. The Chronicle
welcomes them to the business circles of
The Dallej, and wishes them success.
Are you preparing to aid in making
our fair a success? If not, do so at once.
Have you not some exhibit which will
interest others and advertise our section
of the country? Think the matter over.
The Tennessee Students are to be in
our city for two evenings next week,
Monday and Tuesday. The company is
composed of six first-class singers, and
press notices given them are very com
plimentary. The Antelope Herald Bays: AlEsping,
who for some time had charge of the
alleys in the Umatilla House, is in
charge of the setting up of E. C. Dicker
son's new alley. The old quarters have
been enlarged and refitted, and will
soon be ready for business.
Could anyone ask for more beautiful
weather than the people ot Eastern
Oregon are enjoying at present? The
rain of last Wednesday having cleared
the atmosphere, settled the dust and
left our roads in a splendid condition,
everyone seems to be enjoying the situ
ation to the fullest extent. In fact, we
"like the place."
Rev. DeForest being absent in Gold
endale yesterday, the pulpit of the
Episcopalian church in this city was
filled by Rev. Hammond, of Portland,
who recently came to the coast from
Chicago. At the Congregational church
Rev. W. H. Burr, of CondoD, conducted
services in the morning, . there being
no service in the evening.
For a time this morning it was feared
the Inland Flyer would be compelled to
Ladies' Fur Capes
Collarettes and
Plush Capes
A grand collection to choose from
Now i3 the time to make your se
lection while the stock is complete.
We have others up to $20.00. DO
NOT purchase before examining our
swell in order to accommodate the large.
list of passengers which thronged heJ
decks. Many were harvest hands re
turning home, while there were a num
ber of tourists who were indeed fortunate
in having such a perfect day in whic
to make the trip of all trips.
One would naturally expect the Oregon
hens to lay golden eggs, especially those
of the pold fields of Eastern Oregon.
However, they are beginning to show
silver tendencies, not only in price, but
size. Saturday Eddie Reed brought to
our office a epecimen of hen fruit which
weighed two drachms and it would take
very nearly sixteen to make one good
sized egg.
Mr. Emil Schanno shipped some of
this morning, where it will be exhibited
at the exposition. By the interest which
Mr. Schanno takes in the horticulture
of this section of the state, he has done
much to advertise the state, and deserves
much credit. In many ways unknown
to the people generally, he is working
indirectly for the welfare of the fruit
growers. Richard Gorman laid down his pencil
Saturday and left the local columns of
The Chronicle to the tender mercies of
a new reporter, who not only solicits the
sympathy of a suffering public, but also
asks their indulgence while we practice
our new lesson. Mr. Gorman left yester
day for Salem, not accompanied by an
officer, but of his own free will, and will
probably remain during the session of
the legislature.
The Prineville Review has an account
of the marriage of a former Dalles boy,
Albert Lee Weigel, and Miss Lola Wil
kins, of Corvallis, at the latter place last
Tuesday. Lee was brought up in this
city, removing with his parents to Prine
ville a few years ago, where he is en
gaged in the etock business and will
make his future home. He was a stu
dent in the academy here, and his old
schoolmates as well as friends, have only
the best wishes for his future.
With the state fair in full blast and
the extra session of the legislature con
vening today, Salem is in her liveliest
mood. Every train brings in not only
senators, representatives and numberless
clerke, but many others directly and in
directly interested. TheOregonian says
politicans are little in evidence in Port
land ; but certainly the effect ot their
visit is plain to be seen "in the beading
of that paper, which is minus a date,
probably due to the surplus of dates
with the Simon faction.
A ead case of destitution is reported
by the Salvation Army, who in spite of
the many criticisms which - are made
concerning them, are always found ready
to relieve the needy. The family in
question are living near the garrison and
the mother and one son are dangerously
ill with typhoid fever.while an infant ot
three years, who died yesterday of the
disease, waB buried this afternoon. The
county has taken the matter in hand,
and buried the child, while our citizenB
have rendered them assistance.
I There was enough business going on
& MAYS. 2
in the East End this morning to suffice
for two cities the size of The Dalles.
From early morning till late this after
noon the road from the warehouses
reaching far up on the brewery grade
was so crowded with wheat teams that
it was impossible to pass with a single
rise. Then in the stockyards were a num
ber of cattle, some belonging to the
acking company and a band which Mr.
aye had disposed of to Charles Butler
f Port Townsend.
At an adjourned session of the county
court of Grant county last week, it
was decided to levy a toll of one-half
cent per head on all sheep driven
across the North Fork bridge at Monu
ment. . This will affect Morrow county
sheepmen, who range their herds in
Grant county, as the bridge ia on the
trail over which these herds annually
pass. It is stated that the court took this
action for the purpose of making the
bridge self-sustaining, as it is claimed
over $600 was paid out on it last year
for repairs, the damage being caused
by the passage to and fro of sheep.
The railroad rate war ended Saturday
night. The new schedule of fares, for
mulated after the Canadian Pacific's
acquiescence- in the decision of the
interstate commerce commission took
effect yesterday, and Eastern travelers
will from now on have to pay from $20
to $40 more for tickets than formerly.
The ending of the war had a stim
ulating effect on travel the last few
days. Thursday and Friday, a large
number of tickets were Bold, and Sat
urday every train thpt left Portland
was crowded with people who took
advantage of the last opportunity to
get low rates, and several extra cars
were added to each train.
The beach back of the Umatilla House
is beginning to assume the appearance
of a big wood yard. Almost every day
one or more ecows laden with fuel ar
rives from parts down the river and re
turns hastily for another cargo, and
in spite of - the fact that load after
load of wood is distributed daily among
the residents, the piles continue to in
crease so rapidly that soon all the space
will be occupied, aud another place will
have to be chosen in which to pile the
same until it is Bold and distributed.
Mr. Reynolds alone has nine hundred
cords of wood on the beach, while other
wood merchants have considerable
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs,
under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For &ale by
all druggists.
Cash tn If oar Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after September 8
1898. C. L. Phillips, .
Conntv Treasurer.
To Care a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tLe money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
We have just received a large stock of
Cole's Air tight - heaters, which will
sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Every stove
warranted. Call and see our stock of
heaters before purchasing.
... Vernon
161 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
Simon Elected President of the Senate
A late dispatch from Salem is to the
effect that Joseph Simon is elected presi
dent of the senate. Carter defeats Max
well for speaker of the house. Carter is
radically anti-Simon. "
The factional complexion of the senate
and house are plainly opposite, as the
choice of president and speaker will
Member Gathered for Governor Lord's
Twenty-tlay . Session.
A representative of The Chronicle
was at Portland most of last week and
yesterday, and he reports conditions
quite different from that reported by
the Oregonian.
It is generally supposed that Senator
Simon will be the president of the senate,
though it was conceded that there was
considerable objection to him. If there
ia any eort of combined action, he will
be defeated today. It ia repeatedly
urged that be had held the place long
It is extremely doubtful if a caucca
can be called for organization in the
house. If . not Carter, or some other
Republican besides -Maxwell will be
In the matter of the senatorship, it is
pretty generally conceded that Corbett
cannot win. It ia not likely that a
caucus can be called on the matter, and
this failing, down goes the aged banker.
Most of the country members favor a
harmonious course and the candidacy of
Hon. M. C. George is growing in favor.
Salem will be full of Corbett lobyists
and boodlers. Graham Glass aud At
torney Joseph will lead the army of
sack-holders, but their presence will not
have the effect that they had hoped.
While a few weak-kneed members may
succumb to the "influence", yet most of
them will quail before the awful res
ponsibility of having foisted upon the
people a man whose very election is
significant of boodling, and one that can
never represent the Republican party or
the people. A member who cold
bloodedly trains with Glass and that
gang can expect that his constituents
will charge him with Bailing out.
The Chronicle expecti to hear regu
larly from Salem during the conteB1,
which will commence today.
The friends of cooks who
have a reputation to make.
Schilling's Best
baking- powder
flavoring extracts
and spices
And the friends of those
who have one to keep. ia
For sale by
" L, Rorden & Company
Our Fire'Sale is still on." All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
Noxt Door to Land Office,
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
retYour prirtir;$
PromDyspepsia and Stomach
Instantly Relieved and Permanently
Cored by Stnart'a Dyspepsia
A. New Discovery, Bat Not a Patent
Dr. Redwell relates an interesting ac
count of what he considers a remarkable
cure of acute stomach trouble and chron
ic dyspepsia by the use of the new dis
covery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
He says : The patient was a man who
had suffered to my knowledge for years
with dyspepsia. Everything he ate
seemed to sour and create acid and gases
in the stomach ; he had pains like
rheumatism in the back, shoulder blades
and limbs, fullness and distress after
eating, poor appetite and loss of flesh ;
the heart became affected, causing pal
pitation and sleeplessness at night.
I gave him powerful nerve tonics and
blood remedies, but to no purpose. As
an experiment I finally bought a fifty
cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets at a drug, store and gave them to
him. Alm03t immediately relief was
given and after he had used four boxes
he was to all appearances fully cured.
.There was no more acidity or eour
watery risings, no bloating after meals,
In order to reduce our stock of
And make room for new music constantly arriving, we
will for this week only, sell any or all of our entire stock of
cop3Trighted sheet music at .
1-2 off Marked Price.
JacobsenBookand MusicCo.
12 Perfect Pictures on
12 Glass Plates in
12 Seconds without reloading
Every part made to produce perfect pic
tures simply and easily-, Every Lens-specially
ground, tested and guaranteed-, till u iter
sets, itself and is always ready. Plates
-changed by the turn of a button. Any one
con tane pictures witn tne "uycione. it
cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and
requires no extras.
" Send for
1898 Catalogue.
No. 1. 2!4x2'X, 3-50
No. 2. 3x4;i, 6 00
No. 3. 4x4, 110.03
Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
Washington Street.
at ttyij office.
the appetite was vigorous and he had
gained between ten and twelve pounds
in weight, of solid, healthy flesh. ,
Although Stnart'a Dyspepsia Tablets
are advertised and sold in drug , stores,
yet I consider them a most valuable ad
dition to any physician's line of reme
dies, as they are perfectly harmless and
can be given to children cr invalids or in
any condition of the stomach with per
fect safety, being harmless and contain
ing nothing but vegetable and fruit es--Bences,
pure pepsin and Golden Seal.
Without any question they are the
safest, most effective cure for indiges
tion, biliousness, constipation and all
derangements of the etotnach however.,
slight or severe.
Stuart's Dyppepsia Tab'.ets are madS
by the Stuart Co., of Marshall, Mich.,
and sold by druggists everywhere at fifty
cents a package.
Little book on stomach diseases mailed
free. Address Stuart Co., Marshall
Tried f jr Larceny,
As we go to press the trial of N. BV
Myers is going on in Jastice Bayard'B'
court. Myers was arrested yesterday;,
the charge being larceny from the dwell
ing of W. G. Odell, near the Deschutes
Among the articles stolen was a watch,
which the culprit tried to diepose of to
G: A. Clarke. The result of the trial
will bo published in tomorrow's issue.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what It was nj-dc fir.
Additional local on Fourth page.