mm TEE EXCEIB'CE OF SYBCP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fia Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon ail the importance of purchasing1 the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California- Fig Strup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding1 the worthless imitations manufactured by other pat ties. The high standing of the Cali Tornia F Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all ether laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN FRANCISCO, Cat. rOUISVILLE. Cj. NEW YORK. N. T. PERSONAL MENTION. S. D. Kelly, of Victor, ia in town. T. R. Blackberby ia in the city from Victor. James LeDue, of Dufur. ia in the city today. " R. E. Everett, of Wasco, is visitsng in The Dalles. AV. C. Harper Is in the city from hie home at Waseo. G. V. Slayton, of Prineville, is at the Umatilla House. Frank Button arrived on the local to day from Hood River. R. B. May, the popular traveling salesman, ia in the city. Captain Davidson, of Hood River, ia in the city on business. Mrs. Heineck, of Hillsboro, is visiting Mra Charles Phillips in this city. Mr. Mohr, the well known dairyman of Trout Lake, is in the city on business. Mrs. Ward and Miss ErEe Evans, of white baloion, spent last night In the city. Mrs. Hayes, of Fulton, left on this morning's stage to visit in Sherman county. Ira T. Rowland, the well-known ferry- .jnan 01 nooa mver, was in the city jjyesierciay. Charles Butler, of Port Townsend, the -wen-Known stock: bujer, is in the city - on DUHiness. E. I. Nixon of California, arrived on yereterday's train and will visit the jJBoberts family. "French Brothers, the well-known crain raisers of the High Prairie country, were in the city yesterday. George Nixon, of Spokane, left on the midnight train for Arlington, and other joints on-tlieo. K. & M. Miss Bertha Burckhardt, of Portland, arrived in the city last evening and is visiting the family of Mr. Geo. 1iebe. Professor J. M. Garretson, of Foreat Grove, is in the city visiting the family of Mra. Barret and his aunt, Mrs. Gar retson. Mr. A. S. Roberts, our representative in the legislature, left on the train this morning for Salem. He was accompanied by bis wile. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Liebe, of Port land, and Mrs. Gerechten, of San Fran isco, are visiting Mr. and Mra. Judge JLiebe ot this city. OUR CHURCHES. Services at the Episcopalian church as usual. Service in Lutheran church, corner Union and 7th streets, at 11 a. m. end Sunday School at 9:45. There will also be evening service at 7 :30. Rev. William H. Burr, of Condon will occupy the pulpit in the Congrega tional church tomorrow morning and evening. Sunday School at 12 :15. Christian church, Ninth and Court streets, Rev. Boltz pastor Services tomorrow aa usual. Sunday School at 9.45 a. m. Methodist church, corner Fifth and Washington etrecte, J. H.Wood pastor Class meeting in the morning at 10. Services at 11a. ui. and 7:30 p. m. Son day school at 12:20. Junior League at 4 p. in. At the Calvary Baptist church, corner Seventh and Union streets, services every Sunday at 11 a. ui. and 7 :30 p. m., Elder W. S. Wilburn, pastor. Sanday school at 10 o'clock and Young People's Society at 6:30 in the evening. All are cordially invited. A CRITICAL TIME During the Battle at Santiago. SICK OR WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. Tbe Puckers at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba Were all Heroes Their Heroic Efforts In Getting Ammunition and Rations to the Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from Sandiago, De Cuba, on July 23d, says: "We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to eee a doctor, for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops sup plied with ammunition and rations, but thanka to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health ; in fact, I sincerely believe that at one critical time this medicine was the in direct eaviour of our army, for if the packera had been unable to work there would have . been no way of getting sup plies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My com- d and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for out pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this medicide, tbe Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dea Moines, Iowa. For sale by Blakeley and Hough ton. German or Latin. The undersigned desires to instruct a few private classes in German or Latin during the next eight months, and takes this opportunity to solicit pupils. All desiring instructions in either of these languages will please inquire for further particulars at the Lutheran parsonage, 220 West Fourth Street, this city. Respectfully, L. Gkey. Bncklen's Arnica salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevtl sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. ESTRAY. An iron grey gelding, brand indistinct, looks like a quarter circle with a bar under it, . The animal ia unbroken. Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles eouth of The Dalles. Tbe owner can have same by proving property and pay ing all charges. Ed Wilson. Sept. 1, lmo. Sheep for Sale. Band of fine stock sheep, between 2500 and 2600 head ; (about 900 lambs, balance old sheep.) Price $2.50 per head. Ample range and hay for 2000. Will sell either sheep or hay or both. In quire at this office. 8-27 3 E. C. Blanks, of Lewiaville, Texas, writes that one box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him. It cured Mb pilea of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It aleo cures eczema, skin diseases and obsti nate sores. Snipes-Sinersly Drug Co. For Sale. Full section (640 acres; of fine wheat land in Sherman county, four milea from Columbia Southern R. R. All fenced and in cultivation. Easy terms. J. M. Huntington & Co. Phone 81. The Dalles, Ore. W. it. C. Meeting. All members of J. W. ?esmith W. R, C, are requested to meet at their hall thia evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of meeting the'departinent president. By order Mrs. V. Lewis, Pres. Mas. Oi.lie F. Stephens, Sec. Notice, Notice is hereby given that I have tbia day purchased the interest of L. McLellan in The D.tllea Steam Laundry and will collect a'.l bills and pay all debts against the same. A. S. MacAllistek. I ask my fiiends and patrons to accord to Mr. MacAllister the same generous patronage given to me. Sept. 6, 1898. L. McLellan. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa. eays DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used in him family durinz forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. ' Snipes Kinserly Drug Co. What is cott's mulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form- ing- properties, it contains -oa-Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly prized Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. Whssi Will it Do? It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. "We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of Cases. Be sure you ret SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50c and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. BUSINESS LOCALS. Everybody reads The Chboniclb. Fresh Shoalwater Bay Oysters at An drew Keller's. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for unburn and wind chafing. ft Order your fruits, vegetables and fish from Stadelman Commission Co. Phone 345. Leave your orders for dressed chickens with the Stadleraan Commission Co. Phone 345. Have your bicycle repairing done by Chas. Burchtorf, corner of Third and Federal. Phone 49. Girl Wanted To do general house work for a small family. Wages satis factory. Apply at thia office. The oyster season has opened and in order to be .up to tbe times, the Palace of Sweets have fresh oysters on sale in every style. Give tbem a trial. 9 3 tf . In the future Andrew Keller, the pro prietor of the popular cafe, will serve Shoalwater Bay oysters in any style, and extends an invitation to his numer ous old friends and patrons to make him a call. ONE FOR A DOSE. Remove Pimplea, Prevent Biliontmeas, Parity the Blood, FILLS A movement nf th. hiil. each day ia necessary ii. S '.Vi w? w,u m" nple free, or fall box for toe bold b7 dragguts. DR. BOSAWKO CO. PhiliL pZ Ileal Estate Sale. The Laughlin estate offers for sale all their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Laughlin. ........ .HrJUejtflBTCTlMnorilRkflTl. Trtr.Tl Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Tieala promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. To Care a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Wood fur Sale. Oak and pine, leave orders at Richard sons blacksmith shop on Third street. 6-17 omo H. H. Flemming. Furnished rooms to rent, also suites of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf For Sale Cheap, My residence in Dufur, also one gentle driving horse, phaeton and harness. For particulars, address or call on Mrs. E. Dufur, Dufur, Oregon. 9-lwd Steady Girl Wanted. To do housework, washing and cook ing. Apply at this office. 9 20-3t Wood. Wood. Beet grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood always on hand for sale at minimum rate. Jos. T. Peters. 'Phone 25. Are you fond of dates? If so, remem ber the dates of the harvest ' festival which is held annually in the Salvation Army Barracks are Sept. 17th to the 20th. Everyone invited. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies. Scalds. Burns. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It was made for; Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the teeth. PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegant Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car " ST. PAUL. U1N.NEAFOI.I KAKGO GRAND FOB CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA an UTJTTK Tourist TO Through Tiekets Chicago 10 WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NKW TORE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time curds, mans and ticket cal on or write to V. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon oe . D. A ELTON. Asst. G. P. A., "23 rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salem, Rose-1 Durg, ABniana, bae- 6:00 F. M 1 inuicuiu, vgucutoau 1 Francisco, , Mojave, New Orleans and I East I 8:30 A.M. Roseburg and way (sta tions Via Woodburn fori Mc.Anpel, Silverton, I West bcio, Browns- y ville, Springfield and Natron J F. Si Daily except Sundays. Daily except Sundays 17:30 A. M. MS&E' and Jl :50P.M INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (.except sunaayj. l;50p. m. Lv Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m 7:30 p.m. ?Ai..McMinnville..Lv. 5;50a, rc 8:30p.m. fAr. .Independence.. Lv.) 4:50a. m Daily. fDaily, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BDFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at tan Francisco with Occl dental and Oriental and Paclfio mail steamship lines lor JAfAi ana um.A. sailing dates on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc llitslKAUA, can De oDtainea irom J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in -the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Airent. All above trains arrive at and depart Irom urana central station, fiitn ana Irving scree lb YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jetlerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, al 7:20 a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 5:15, 6:25, "8:05 p. m. (ana u :du p. m. on aiuraay only, ana :uu a. m and 8:S0 p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at Portland dallv at 6:40 and 8:30 a m.: and 1:35. 4:15, 6:20 and 7:55 p. m., (ahd 10:05 a. m , 8:15 o:iu p. m. on sanaays only.). Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and rnnay ai:4ua.m. Arrive at rortiana, lues- aav, i nursaay ana baturaai it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. KoE.'vi.ER, Ianater. G, H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. dc Pass. Afft Just What Voatuant. New idea6 in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a einele stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonrs tor a small price, at oar store on Third street. - Also a fall line of bouse paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Cash In Your cnacki. All county warrants registered prior to Dec. 1, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after September 8 1898. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. ..CHAS. FRAflK- BateheiTS and Fafmefs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, ncknowl- ' edged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sandcuiehes . nf nil Tv"fTf1 aliravG rn hanrl 1.- . -S GENERAL Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TM and Jefferson. Phone 159 Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL (erf Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK UJANTTn HOUSE ESTABLISHED lfHIl I LU 20 YEARS Party, either Lady or Gentleman, of good church standing aa CORRESPONDENT and MANAGER here. Need not leave home. Salary $800 first year. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope to A. T. Elder, General Manager, care Chron icle. - WATER WORKS EXTENSION. Office of Water Commissioners, Tub Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 20, 1S9S. Sealed proposals, addressed to Simeon Bolton, clerk of the board, and endorsed on the outside 'Proposals for Water Works Extension, "will be received at this office until 8 P. M., October 10, 1898, for furnishing and laying 2400 feet 12-inch cast iron water pipe, 1000 feet 10-inch cast iron water pipe, 840 feet 8-inch cast iron water pipe, 2000 feet 6-inch cast iron water pipe, 275 feet 4-inch cast iron water pipe, about 11,000 lbs. "Specials," 16 double nozzle fire hydrants, 18 gate-valves with cover boxes, tak ing up and re-laying 2400 feet of 8-inch pipe. Bids may be made for materials and labor separately. Plans and specifications on file in this office. A certified check for $500 must ac company each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any or nil bids. SIMEON BOLTON, Clerk. Window Glass Srifes-taly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON tub CQiumfiia FacRing go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIED BEEF. ETC. BiacKsmiins ...AND... Hoisesfps. Watchmal H Where to Buy the Best. 9327 Sold at Retail in SO Days by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Company. Always fresh by bting kept in the finest case in the state. List of Cigars now on hand. All the leading brands 25o to 8 for 5 cents. Mi Preferida. 25c. La Integridad, 25s. " "3 for 50c List of 2 for 25 cent Brands, Estrella, High Life. Monogram, Maria Stuart, Henry the iourtu, General ATthnr, Banquet Hftll, Bouquet Do Oayo, Hueso, The Ideal American. List of lO cent Brand. Bouquet De Cayo, Hueso, Robt. Burns, General Arthur, Mono gram, Banquet Hall, Captain General, La Prefereucia. Onr 5 cent Brands. Rothchilds, The Owl Brand, La Preferencia, Fxport. 2 for 5 cents. Little Ilavanas, Blue Points. Cigarettes, Etc. Sales, increasing every day. timk schedule. From Dalles. Arrive From. Fast Mail Salt Lnkr, Denver, Ft. Fat Mail. 3:10 a. m. Worth. Omaha. Kan 11:50 p. m. sas City, St. Louis, Chicago ana x.ast. Spokane Fiver 5:30 p. m Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. Paul, Spokane - Flyer. 6:50 a. in. vuiuid, jaiiwauxee, Chicago and East. 8 p. m. Feom Portlanb. Ocean Steamships. 4 p. m. All Sailing dates subject to cnange. For San Froncisco Sept. 1, 6, 11, 16, :-l and 6 - 7p.m. To ALASKA Sail Sept. 17 5 p. m. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex.bunday E X.Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. To Astoria and Way Saturday 10 p. m. j-anaings. . a. m Willamette River, 4:30 p. m. Ex.bunday Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, baiem sc way Lana s. 7 a. m. Willamette and Yam hilt. K1VER8. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-Landings. 3:30 p. m. Mon.,Ved., and Fri. Tues.Thur. and but. 6 a. m Willamette River. Portland to Corvallis, and Way-Landings. 4:30 p. m. Tue.,Thur, aud Sat. Tue., rhur and Sat. Leave Lewiston. daily ' except Friday. Lv Riparia Snake River. Riparia to Lewiston. aaiiy except Saturday, For full particulars call on O. R. N. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HURLBNRT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland. Or Decided-"-""-"o-Advantages of the Vive Camera Goustiuction OVER THAT OF ANY OTHER. 1898 Vivos stand Compactness ' Lightness Simplicity Durability Universality of Work Perfect Photographic Results Superiority of Lenses Multiplicity of Exposures Suitability for either glass Superi orly unique and exclusive for plates or cut urns or ootn Requiring no Holders what ' ever . Quality of Leather Covering and Finish Unequaled Simplest Shutter with gieat- est Latitude for Exposures Finest Snap-Shot results . Perfect Fiash Light Pictures Doing anything photographic FOB 8ALK BY CLARK & FALK, The Dalles, Oregon. ..ST. IBIS PPEJIT.. - Under tbe direction of the Sistsrs of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, OR. This Institution is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on the line of the Union Pacific; thence it is eai-y of excess for all those who de sire to secure a comfortable home and a pro gressive sent of learning for their daughters or wards. Tbe location of the Academy is one of the most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion of Oregon being proverbial for its pura water, braciug air and picturesque scenery. The Academy is incorporated and authorized by the State to confer Academic honors. Board and tuition per Scholastic year, $160. Btudies will be lesumed Monday, September Sth. For detailed information apply to the Sister Supericr. aug21-lm