rf n VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREQON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1898, NO 166 DONS MUST GET OUT OF CUBA NOW The AdiMstration fill Broofc No Fur ther Delay in Regard to the Eyac nation of tlie Island. PEREMPTORY MESSAGE SENT American Commissioners Or dered to Act Quickly. Spanish Board Will be Notified that Spanish Sovereignty Must be Re linquished I m mediately, In Accord ance With the Terms Preecribed in the Protocol. Washington", Sept. 23. A very per emptory message of instructions has been sent to the Cuban military com missioners, and is. to be the base of a note to the Spanish commissioners. The authorities in Washington will not make public the terms of the note, but its gen eral tenor is that the United States will not be satisfied with any further delay in the evacuation of Cuba. It is to the effect that the tern.8 of the protocol called for the immediate evac uation of Cuba and that Spanish sover eignty must be relinquished. The American commissioners have been informed that the -evacuation of Cuba cannot be delayed. No Action as Yet. Havana, Sept. 3. Mr. Robert P. Por ter, who is in Cuba on a special mission from the United States, has returned from Cienfuegos and Trinidad. He was accompanied by an assistant. During the trip Mr. Porter had occa sion to interview some of the leading planters of the island, gathering infor mation which he will eend to president McKinley. Mr. Porter expresses him self as pleased with the success of bis trip, during which he has obtained in formation as to the conditions in the island, which will be invaluable " to the the American government in shaping their policy for the future of the Cuban people. This morning the Bishop of Havana bad another long conference with the civil governor. It is understood that the meeting was in reference to the church charities interested in the relies of the suffering people. The American commissioners contin ue inactive, spending their days at the Trocha hotel, where, as far as can be learned no official business is being done. Advices from the interior continue re porting the want and distress existing among the Cuban troops. Private sub ecriptiona of money, food, clothing and medicines are being sent for their relief, In several of the interior towns new bos pitals have been opened. Captain-General Blanco, amplifying his decree of August 22d, has pardoned 119 persona who were exiled from the island, DISASTER IN A COAL MINE Explosion of Fire Damp Entombs Fifty Four Men Eight Dead Bodies Have Been Recovered Twenty Seven Men Escape Nineteen are Missing. Brownsville, Penn., Sept. 23. Fifty four men were entombed in the Umpire mine, of Snowden, Uould & Co., near here, by an explosion of gas, at 8 o'clock this morning. Two dead bodies have been taken out. those of James Hall and John Bennett. Searching parties are making frantic efforts to reach the en tombed miners. Immediately following the explosion of gas there was a second explosion of fire damp. There were 140 men in the mine at the time of the explosion. Of these, filty- eight in entries nine and ten. Four men, Jacobs, Davis, Walker and a Hungarian, were near the mouth of the entrance. The others were far in. When the ex plosion came these four men made a rush for the maiu landing, which they suc ceeded in reaching. They finally crawled out to open air. Of the fifty-eight men in entries nine and ten, these four are the only ones known to be alive. They say there is no possible chance for the escape of the other fifty-four. At 1 o'clock this afternoon five more bodies were recovered, and it was feared none of those still entombed will be taken out alive. The names of those taken out are Harry Hager, John Cart- ight, William Pritchard, John Haistua, S. Hastings. Later At 1 :30 p. m., twenty-seven of the entombed miners returned to town. They had escaped by traversing a mile- and-a-half underground passage. An other body, that of Robert Davis, has been recovered, making eight dead. Nineteen miners are still unaccounted for. All who escaped are injured or burned either slightly or seriously. The dead are unrecognizable, being 'burned and mutilated. A hastily improvised morgue was arranged at the entrance of the mine. The explosion is said to have been caused by the loosening of a large block of coal, which opened a pocket of gas. GOLD ON THE HUMBOLDT One Hundred Thousand Dollars Was Brought Down. Seattle, Sept. 23. The steamer Hum boldt has arrived here, twelve days from Dawson City, the majority of whom are glad to get back to civilization. There were only a few who had any gold dust. David Beilenberg had the largest sack. He told Purser Twiggs that he wa3 bringing out $60,000 spending money. Purser Twiggs estimates the total amount of treasure brought down on the Bteamer at $100,000. The troops that were taken up from San Francisco on the Humboldt left St. Michaels September 9 for Rampart City on the steamer Arnold. Among the Humboldt's passengers were A. C. Gardner, who is interested with some Chicago people in the pro posed construction of a railroad from Rampart City to the coast, and Robert Moran, of this city, who took up a fleet of river steamers this summer. AN ALASKA TRAGEDY Indian Murderer Kills Himself at the Funeral of His Victim. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 23. One of the strangest Alaskan tragedies that has yet been chronicled is the murder of an old Alaska Indian near the British Colum bian line, and the subsequent suicide of the murderer at the funeral a few days later. Wisttawb, one of the big men of the tribe, living near Shakan, in Southeast em Alaska, shot an old Indian named Dusk, who bad been blind for years, Wisttawh was detected in his crime, and was taken in charge by Dusk's relatives. He was compelled by tribal custom to attend the funeral of his victim, and did so amid the threaten ing looks of the rest of the tribe The strain was too much for him, how ever, and be killed himself before the services were over. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was mr.de for. GERMANY IS GIVING THEM AID SECRETLY Said to Be Supplying Filipi nos With Munitions. DRILLED AGUINALDO'S MEN Their Object Was to Assist the Insurg ents in Their Onslaught Upon the Americans. San Fbancisco, Sept. 23. The Even ing Post prints an article today in which it makes known the plans of the Ger mans in regard to the disposition of the Philippines. It will be remembered that some time ago the post published an exclusive ar ticle regarding the seizure of the La drone islands by the United States. The details of the plot on the part of this government were furnished by a gentle man high in opinion of government of ficials both of this country and Ger ntany. The same gentleman now states that Germany is endeavoring to embitter the followers of Aguinaldo against the Amer cans, ani she has officers in their, ranks secretly drilling them. The gentleman In question says this has been going on for years, and, prior to the interference of the United StateB in Philippine affairs almost every German vessel that landed there carried one or more officers in dis guise, and stacks of arms and ammuni tion for the insurgents. The Post's informant has just received a letter trom an authoritative source in Hamburg giving details 'of Germany's future in the islands. The plan is as follows : Germany will eend numerous trading vessels to the islands, and will arm 150,000 Filipinos, besides furnishing Krupp guns and artillery for field use The islanders will be thoroughly drilled by German officers, and by February, Aguinaldo will be prepared to make an onslaught upon the American forces. To aid this plot, the letter says, Germany is trying to induce China to purchase i large number of big war vessels, osten sibly to strengthen her navy, but really to ; be held for transfer to Germany should complications arise. The Ger man agents who have made a report to their government say it will be impossi ble for tne United states to land more than 50,000 men in the Philippines be fore Aguinaldo is ready to make bis coup. The German report of the con dition of affairs says America's only hope is to disarm the insurgents. The Post attributed the recent order ing of additional troops to Manila, after mustering out had been ordered, as an indication that the United States has been informed of Germany's -attempt to frustrate American acquisition of the is lands. RED CROSS AT MANILA First Explicit Report of the Work Re ceived at San Francisco. can tBANcisco, Sept. 23. All goes well with the Red Cross in Manila. The first explicit official report came by the steamer China to Mrs. Harrington, the state president, from O. H. J. Schlott, who states that his standing as financial agent and general representative of the Red Cross has been officially recognized by General Merritt, who has assigned for the hospital work one of tbe largest and best equipped houses in Manila. He also notes that General Merritt ordered that all Red Cross stores at Cavite and other points be taken to the place. Royal makes the food pare. wholesome and delicious. F0V0ER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., MEW YORK. YELLOW JACK AT HAVANA Number of Cases Reported as Being on the Increase. New York, Sept. 23. A dispatch to the World from Havana says : Of 8000 patients in Havana hospitals, fourth-three are suffering from yellow fever ot the most dangerous type, the deaths averaging three a day in the hospitals. Tbe number of cases outside hospitals is unknown, but 1263 persons have died eince September 1 ; 423 from fevers of various kinds. Twenty-two deaths from yellow fever have been of ficially reported. Reports of cases of fe ver among foreigners show that Ameri cans, British and French have been at tacked. Two members of the crew of tbe French gunboat Fullon are among the victims. THE LIST IS COMPLETED General Dodge Will Probably be the Chairman of the Commission. Washington, Sept. 23. The president said today that the commission to inves tigate the conduct of the war department has been completed, and will consist of nine members, as first announced. He has not announced tne full membership, Several of the members of the com mission, including General Granville M. Dodge, who will probably be chairman of it, arrived in the city today, pre par a tory to attending the preliminary meet ing to be held at tbe White House to morrow. General Dodge was cloeeted with the president for half an hour in the aftornoon discussing the details of the work to be undertaken. THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes ' it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name ot the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of tbe package. For sale by all druggists. Another Conspiracy. London, Sept. 23. According to spec ial dispatches from Peking, members of tbe European community there believe tbe emperor of China is in danger, It is added that the dowager empress desires to place Prince Kwang's grand son on the throne. The emperor real izes the strength of the conspiracy against him and has ordered the guards at tbe palace strengthened. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents constipation. And in latter stages it furnishes prompt relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. War is Averted. Buenos Ayres, Sept. 23. An' agree ment between Chile and Argentina to submit the boundary dispute between the two countries to arbitration has been signed. Wealth ..smd.. : Beauty Characterize every one of our nobby suits for fall. A wealth of style, beauty of fit; a wealth of patterns and shadings;' a beauty of finish, and no man can help recognizing the clear, clean saving of their dollars in our system of selling. The best dressed men in town are our patrons. A. JVI. Williams & Co. FADK! FAflGS! -FAIR! The Tenth Annual Fair Sficonfl Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Soci&tg Embracing the Counties of GILLIAM, CROOK, MORROW WASCO, SHERMAN, Will Be Held at THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR. Tuesday, October 18, 1898, Continuing 5 days. - Continuing 5 days. For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack, Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. . A. S. MAC ALLISTER, Pres. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. TTpnnfmqTt.P.rR fnv "Pfifid Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Snorts, g Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- nTI ITlmiT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family w'-'XA J- XJ IU nse . every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Cloudy Weathet Pyefeyped for Sittings. MY WORK Chapman Block w and Race Meeting of AND UMATILLA MY SUCCESS. " THE DALLES, OR.