The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 20, 1898, Image 1

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    r' "-ui i i ,nr.f , i till- rfcy . . r i i i
NO 162
They will ask you that the very first thing, if it's made for you by M. Born &
Company. There's something about their perfectly tailored suits that impresses
they always hit the target. A representative of this PEERLESS TAILORING
HOUSE will be at our store on Wednesday and Thursday, September 21 and 22,
1898, and submit a Superb line for your inspection. Measured free of cost just as
well come in and be measured anyhow.
jMecu York Cash Store.
Fifty-First Iowa, Twentieth Kansas, First
Tennessee, First Washington, and
the Oregon Recruits in Lnct
Much Conjecture as to Cause
of Change. '
War Department Announces That the
Move is" Merely in Eurtherance of
a Plan to Garrison the Philippines
Cuba and Porto Rico.
Washington, Sept. 10. The following
troop9 now at San Francisco have been
ordered to Manila:
Fifty-first Iowa regiment.
Twentieth Kansas regiment.
First Tennessee regiment.
First Washington regiment.
Recruits for the Second Oregon regi
ment. Arrangements for the embarkation of
the troops will be made at once.
It was stated at the war department
that no exigency had arisen which made
it neeeseary to send the troops now at
San Francisco to Manila, but the order
issued today was in accordance with the
general plan of the department regard
ing a garrison for the Philippines.
It was also said the plan included 20,
000 men for the Philippines, 12,500 for
Porto Rico and 60,000 for Cuba.
The troops to be sent to Manila under
today's order will fill the complement
for that station.
Washington, Sept. 19. The war de
partment has amended the orders rela
tive to the dispatch of reinforcements to
the Philippines so as to encrease the
number by 1161 privates and 36 officers.
These are made up of four companies of
the Twenty-third infantry and recruits
for the Tenth Pennsylvania, First Ne
braska and First Colorado. These troops
made up the expedition under General
King, which recently left San Francisco
on the Arizona for the Philippines, but
was stopped by the department's order
when two days out and returned to its
Increased Activity of the Volcano
Frightens Neapolitans.
Naples, Sept. 18.--A state of gloomy
apprehension prevails among the popu
lation regardfng the eruption of Vesuvi
us, which is hourly becoming more ac
tive and menacing. Streams of lava are
spreading in every direction. The most
threatening of these flows through the
Vedrino valley, which is almost filled.
The observatory, which originally stood
at a height of 610 meters, is now only 27
meters above the sf a level, owing to the
sinking of the ground. Seven new
craters have formed around the central
one, and this has not tended to diminish
the fears formerly felt, which were
based upon the eruption of stones and
scoria similiar to that which occurred
in 1892.
Truth About the Trouble at Manza
nillo Subsequent to the Suspension
of Hostilities Castillo and his
Staff to Return to Santiago de Cuba.
New York, Sept. 19. A dispatch to
the Herald from Santiago de Cuba says:
In regard to the etory about the
trouble at Manzanillo, prior to the news
of peace, it is said the Cubans had cap
tured the small steam launch Fernando
in the harbor. One Cuban was killed
the next day, when the Spanish attempt
ed to recapture the launch. The Fer
nando was taken by the Cubans to
Guamo, on the Cauto river, a town which
they were then occupying.
Salvador Rios, in command of the
Cubans, after the news of peace, hearing
that it was the intention of the Span
iards to march to Guamo for the pur
pose of bringing back the Fernando, in
formed theSpanish colonel in command
at Manzanillo that, notwithstanding the
suspension of hostilities, if any move
was made an attack would be begun by
the entire force of Cubans. The Cubans
then began making preparations for the
attack, and mined the entrance to the
Cauto river.
The Spanish commander gave no fur
ther intimation of a desire to disturb the
Cubans, but he refused to allow, the
Cubans to come to town to purchase
A government steamer went Sunday
night to bring back General Castillo and
bis staff from Santa Cruz, whither they
had gone to confer with the Cuban pro
visional government.
Caah in Your Cneclta.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after September 8
1898. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasnrer.
Which ,
do you like best grocer
bills or doctor-bills?
Use the wholesome
baking powder Schil
ling's Best. a
ade It?
Denies that He is Unfriendly
to America.
Philipino Congress May Ask for a Pro
tectorate They are Kindly Dis
pased Toward Us.
New York, Sept. 19. The following
dispatch has been received at the Asso
ciated Prees office :
"Manila, Sept. 19. The Filipino gov
ernment desires to inform the American
government and people that the many
rumors circulated regarding the strained
relations between the Filipinos and
American forces are baoe, malicious
slander 8 of an enemy to both parties;
are without truth and are circulated for
the purpose of prejudicing the appeal
of the Filipinos for release from the
opposition and cruelty of Spain.
"The relations of our people and yours
have been and will continue of the most
friendly nature, and we have withdrawn
our forces from the suburbs of Manila
as additional evidence of our confidence
in the great American republic.
Washington, Sept. 19. The Associ
ated Press dispatch conveying Aguidal
do's message to the American people
waa regarded with much interest at the
White House. The president read the
statement with evident appreciation of
its importance, but did not volunteer
any information as to the attitude of
this government. Officials near him
spoke of the message as a "very im
portant" document.
If Troops at the Presidio Are Not
Housed During the Coming Winter,
a Large Increase in the Number of
Hospital Cases is Inevitable.
San Fkancisco, Sept. 10. While Gen
eral Miller, in charge of the Presidio
military post, is strongly in favor of
substituting substantial barracks tor the
tents now iu use, be will not act in the
matter until the return of General Mer
riaoi from Honolulu.
Without an express appropriation
from congress, nothing but temporary
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
structures can be erected for the bar
racks. But even those would be vastly
superior to the scant protection against
the elements which the tents afford.
The necessity of more careful bousing
of the troops during the coming winter
is made apparent by the increase in the
sick list at Camp Merriam. There have
been nine cases reported at the division
field hospital, making 318 in all, as
against 300 when the camp was moved.
Among tbe new cases are two of measles
and one suspected typhoid fever case.
Individual Responsibility, However, is
Not Fixed in the Report, the Board
Having Been Unable to Secure
the Guilty Soldiers.
San Francisco, Sept. 19 The board
of survey appointed to discover the Ten
nessee volunteers responsible for the out
rage on the Thomas family, has made its
report to General Miller.
The board reports that it has been un
able to discover the names of any of the
participants iu the riot, except those of
tbe four Tenesseeans who have been
tried already by court-martial Ander
son, Davis, Clark and Scruggs.
In the report, the board states its be
lief that members of the Kansas, New
York and Iowa regiment?, and the Cali
fornia heavy artillery were a part of tbe
mob, but that the greater part of it was
from Tennessee.
There is no evidence to show that in
jury to the property of the Thomases
was caused by any other than the Ten
nesseeans, and is the belief of the board
that most of the members of the other
commands that joined themselves to the
Tennesseeana were attracted as specta
tors. koticb.
Outstanding warrents on school dis
trict No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will
be paid on presentation at my office.
Interest ceases on and after this date.
C. L. Schmidt, Clerc.
The Dalles, Sept. 12, 1893.
No. 4434 Ladfeir Cate. lhadenf
Seal Flush, handsomely ahibroid
ered with ijautache bran, storm
collar, edged with Aurora fur,
farmer satin lining 13-inch
length. Oar price 7. S3 OO
R. JVT. Williams & Co
FAB R ! FAare! FAirei
The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of
Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Socistg
Embracing the Counties of
Will Be
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack.
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. A. S. MAC ALLISTER, Pres.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SmSlfeeo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr Thl8 Flonr 18 manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted. . .
For the Fall and Winter season of
1898 9 are here in profusion, await
ing your inspection.
Our stock is now almost complete,
and never before, we can conSdently
say, have we had concentrated un
der our roof, a collection of garments
of such worth and etyle, and low
pncedness as we are showing at the
opening of this seaeon.
Cloaks for
Novelties Abound.
Held at
Sheep for Sale.
Band of fine stock sheep, between
2500 and 2600 head ; (about 900 lambs,
balance old ebeep.) Price $2.50 per
head. Ample range and hay for 2000.
Will 6ell either sheep or hay or both. In
quire at this office. 8-27 3w
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it was made for.