4 euci Shirt To Suit Rll Tastes, Vf. To Suit All Tastei 9 1 3 4 3 6 The attractive styles in making will doubtless meet with approval generally. The many kinds of goods and patterns shown in the garment make it easy to suit any taste. Not only that, but they're so priced, that additional incentive is offered for supplying your shirt waist needs here. Just a few suggestions from a large stock: At $3.25 Corduroy, in Navy, Garnet, Blue and Green. Sizes 32 to 40 At 5.00 Fancy Silk, handsomely finished At 5.50, $G.OO and.$G.50 Plain Taffeta Silk, full assortment of colors At G.50 Plain Black Satin, very dressy 9 9 ALL GOODS MARKED IN FLMN FIGURES PEASE & MAYS. Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The forecast official states that we will probably have rain tonight and tomor row. Today thirty new names were adde to the already lafee list in The Dalle: public schools. It is expected that th enrollment will greatly increase durin the next few weeks. Mrs. Peirano wishes to announce to' the ladies of The Dalles and vicinity that she has just received a complete stock of fall tmlinery and novelties, which she would be pleased to have fliom a'l and Pvn m ! np The average daily ecore at the Uma tilla House alleys was 65.6, while the daily high scores were : Maetz, Monday, 60, Tuesday, 52; Baldwin, Wednesday, 73; Maetz, Thursday, 59; iJirgfeld, Friday, 71; Maetz, Saturday, 61 , Sun day, 79, The Centerville correspondent of the Goldendale Agriculturalist says that for two Sundays past the Tadies of the W. C. T. U. have forced every etore in town to close. The ladies, the corres pondent adds, have become tired of violations ot theSunday law, and the Bale of 'bitters' The Wizard Oil Company, consisting of ten artists in their respective lines, arrived in this city last evening and will be with us for two weeks. Its company is the only one on the road which gives a dollar show for 15 cents, and it is need less to say that their performances at the Baldwin Opera House will draw ein menee crowds. A meeting of the water commissioners was held Saturday night for the purpose of considering the question of increasing the water power in The Dalles in case of fir?! A? their plan? are not fully per fected nothing Was done at this meeting. Another will he held thla evening at which matters of iinportah.ce will be de cided. Several cars of the construction train got off the track between the Cascades and Viento today which forced the pas Benger train, which was due here at 11 :30, to remain at the Cascade Locks until euch time as the track was cleared. The wreck must have been quite serious as they were still working on it at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and at that time the passenger had not yet left the Locks glanced and inflicted a terrible gash in one of his feet. He was brought to Hood Eiver and Dr. Shaw called to attend to his injury. Although be will be laid up for four or five months with the injury, which is extremely ' painful, still the doctor hopes that he will recover fully and that no serious results will come from the same. he past week has been the liveliest Dalles bowling circles of any since last winter. An unusual large amount of bowling was done, and the Ladies rec ord for the city was taken by Mrs. Fred Houghton, with a ecore of 73, The daily club were: Schmidt, Bradshaw, in the grocery line as can be quoted in The Dalles. Both are honest and reli able business men and will certainly gain their share of the patronage of the people of The Dalles and the surronnd ing country. The business will in future be run nnder the name of Smith and Cockerline. PROF. LANDERS' TESTIMONY. The Well-known and Eminent Edu cator Expresses his Opinion on Bishop McCabe's Lecture on Libby. "Score at the club were: Monday, 59, Tuesday 56 Wednesday, 55 ; Thursday, Mrs.Hough ton, 73,Bradshaw,68 ; Bradshaw, Friday, 66; Houghton, Saturday, 56; Sampson, Sunday, 63. We are informed that the freight rates on the O. R. & N. and D. P. & A. N. Co. have been raised on wheat between this place and Portland from three cents per bushel to four and one half cents. The rates on other goods have also been raised in proportion. The D. P. & A. N. people inform us that the rates have never been raised on freight since the opposition boat was running, and state that the rates were so low that they lost money on various shipments of goods which are difficult to handle. The music that will be enjoyed at the Oregon Industrial Exposition froai Sep tember 22 to October 22 will be the best in the land. It will cost much money, but the Exposition managers realize that nothing is too good for the people, so they engaged Bennett's Full Military Band, whose music is supurb. There will be concerts by this famous band afternoon and evening, and the pro grams will be arranged by compe tent music committees, the numbers being adapted to the better tastes of all audiences. There are a number of talented soloists in the band, and they will all be beard to the best advantage. Yesterday afternoon two employes of the O. R. & N. went in bathing in a slue about one mile below Hood River. One of the men was named Huston, and in attempting to swim across the slue he was taken with a cramp, and before any aid couldjreach him he sank and was drowned. A search was made for his body which was found this morning at about 8 :30 o'clock. Huston is a stranger in Hood River, having come to that place recently, and 'from what we could learn be is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. pt I kep I have heard Chaplain McCabe's lect ure "The Bright Side of Life in Libby Prison." Aside from his great popular ity in the ministry this lecture alone has given him a high reputation thoughout the United States. He speaks from the experience of an actual partici part in the ecenes and incidents of prison life. Besides picturing the con ditions of the inmates of Libby Prison more vividly than any pen can portray, he describes that side of prison life that is so little know outside ; how the "boys" make the best of everything to keep up their spirit, beguile the weary hours, and make their life then endur able. The lecture is replete with incidents and description that give it intense in terest. Chaplain McCabe's reputation as a singer is scarcely less than that of a lecturer. There are few singers in this country that possess more power of ex pression in song than he. I am glad to have the opportunity of hearing him again. S. J. Landers. Prin. High School. TH E LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. .To get the true and genuine article, look for the name Of the California Fig Syrrfp Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggists. FOR SALE. XT,. C t u:n Since the opening of the fishing seasonTnthat would throw any further light on up to last Saturday, the catch of fish Hhis identity. Coroner Butts was sum kept getting lighter so that the fish- imoned and left for Hood River on the V ermen and owners of canneries began to despair of making anything to speak cf from the fall run. Saturday the fish be gan to come more satisfactorily and the amount caught at present is on the in crease, so that the season promises to vbe a profitable one in spite of the gloomf prospect last week. Saturday W. E. Mason, who works on Congressman Moody's ranch near Hood River, was grubbing when the axe Une", o rlv en 1 The entire fruit crop (not gathered yet) of oar orchards on 15-Mile (about 12 miles from this city), consisting of fine variety of apples and other fruits, for sale. Apply immediately to Max Vogt & Co. COLtE'S HOT BUST.. n '-TrV;-r.TLT.T- ""3 r - i We have isist received a large stock of Cole's Air tight heaters, which will sell from $3 50 to $12.00. Every stove warranted. Call and see our stock of heaters before purchasing. pier&BeipQ "IT 00Q000 Carload of the celebrate d Wil son Heaters just recei ved. All sizes and kinds at your own price. Our Fire Sale' is still on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. ZLVSTefve Crowe. Noxt Door to Land Office, - Washington Street. ' OVAL ..THE HSOTRRE DEALERS., J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased fo greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For' CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop- jular prices. Call and see him. 167 Second St. THE DALLES, OB. Qet Your pri9tii at office, WHOLESOME ADVICE For People Whose Stomachs are Weak ana ' Digestion Poer. Dr. Harlandson, whose opinion in dis eases is worthy of attention, says when a man or woman comes to me complain ing of indigestion, loss of appetite, eour stomach, belching, sour watery-risings, headaches, sleeplessnese, lack of ambi tion and a general run down nervous condition I advise them to take after each meal one or two of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tab'.ets, allowing the - tablet to dissolve in the mouth, and thus mingle with the food eaten. The result is that the food is speedily digested before it has time to soar and ferment. These tablets will digest food anyway whether the stomach wanta to or not.because they contain harmless digestive principles, vegetable essences, pepsin and Golden Seal which supply just what the weak stomach lacks. I have advised the tablets with great success, both in curing indigestion and to build up the tissues, increase flesh in thin nervous patiente, whose real trouble was dyspepeia and as soon as the stomach was put to rights they did not know what sickness was. A filty cent package of. Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets can be bought at any drug store, and as they are not a secret patent medicine, they can be used as often as desired with fuli assurance that thev contain nothing harmful in the slighest degree ; on the contrary, any one whose stomach is at all deranged will find great benefit from the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. They will cure any form of stomach weakness or disease except cancer of the etomach. Full size package at druggists 50c or $1.00 or by mail from Stuart Co., Marsh all, Mich. BISHOP M'CABE'S LECTURE. was there, of the bright side of the sit uation which tried men's souls stories of the men who, under durance, bore themselves like Americans, whose sons todav stand as the representatives of the grandest army and navy of any of the nations of the earth. J.L. Millinery Opening;. first train. . I C. S. Smith and Frank- Cockerline tsoya, Dotn ot whom were formerly en gaged in the grocery business and who are experienced n this line, have pur chased the store of Fred Fisher in the East End. They took possession of their new stand thia morning and are now prepared to meet all their friends and Mr. Fishers former patrons and offer them as reasonable figures on anything At Mrs. -Peirano's on Wednesday, Sept. 28 oh, (consistingof the latest styles in fall and winter millinery and novelties) which the ladies of The Dalles and vicinity are cordially invited to attend. LOST. A set of false teeth. One tooth broken. Leave at this office and receive suitable reward. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents constipation. And in latter stages it furnishes prompt relief. Snipes -Kinerely Drug Co. 'The Bright Side of Life Prison'." In Libby One Minute Cough Cure, cured. That Is what it was made for. The dark side of Libbv and of other prisons has been told so many times by so many persons that there is almost nothing more to be said on that side of the snbject. Let ua hear of the "bright side", and that there was a bright eide, the writer of this (who was a boarder in that famous hotel for seven long months) can and does bear cheerlul testimony. All. should go to hear the bright stories from the lips of the chaplain who The strength of Schil ling 's Best coffee is "'me dium." The flavor is "ex tra" extra good. Schilling's Best baking powder flavoring extracts and spices are all money-back right here. tea coffee soda 177 For saie by L. Rorden & Compan;- BILLS ALLOWED At the Last Meeting of the Commis sioners Court. D S Kinney, county commis sioner : $ 37 00 N C Evans, county commissioner 32 00 BOCSTY ON WILD ANIMALS. Stockmen's Union, 103 00 I C Brown 2 00 L N Hajrnes ; 6 00 Frank Johnson -1 00 Rov Taylor '. 2 00 Gerome Wells 1 00 Peter Agidus 2 00 Martin Jackshaw. John Carlen C C Woodford A Y Marsh John A Freeman. . John Jackson. 00 00 2 00 7 00 D H Roberts ; 3 00 Louis Shadwits. L Francisco. J T Smith. . Fred Welle. J RO'NeU. 00 00 00 00 6 CO J H Teague 1 00 D L Warner 2 00 Burnard Sullinger Frank Gable C A Brown J W Russell John Ohlegschleger OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 22d, CLOSES OCTOBER 22, 1898. The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held in the Northwest. ...Honicultiral M A&ricnltiiraL.: Products of Oregon snd Washington will be dis placed in wondertul profusion, including more varieties than ever before gath ered together in'one exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded Marvelously Rich. Specimens from Our Gold, Silver and Other Mines. BENNETT'S RENOWNED MILITARY BIND Has been engaged for the season. Roy Taylor 2 00 JJ (J Jones. : John W Davis Joe Crate 00 2 00 1 00 Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on All Railroads. ADMISSION Adults 2o cents, Children 10c Jacobsen Book and Music Company. 170 Vogt Block, Call and examine the Xew Improved Light Running Domestic Sewing Machine before pur chasing elsewhere. Special prices the coining ' week at this store. You will also find the largest and most complete 'stock of Pianoe, Organs and other musical troodB, blank books and other office supplies, stationery, toys, notions and sporting goods in Eaetern Oregon. Prices to euit the times. THE DALLES, OR. 12 Perfect Pictures on 12 Class Plates in 12 Seconds without reloading magazinejyjQj!Cameras. Every part mode to produce perfeet pic tures simply and easily, Every i-ens speci ally ground, tested and guaranteed. Shutter sets itself and is always ready. Plates changed bv the turn of a button. Any one can take pictures with the "Cyclone." It cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and requires no extras. IN THREE SIZES No. 1. ZUx2K, 3-50 No. 2. 3Kx4;i, $6.00 No. 8. 4x4, f 10.00 Send fov 1898 Catalogue. 7U. Z. DONNELX