The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 17, 1898, Image 3

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Shoes for Ladies, JVIisses and Children.
Ladies' Box Calf, lace (heavy eola walking ehoe) $3.50
Ladies' Vesting top lace, (new coin toe) $2.50 to $3.50
Misses' KaDgaroo Calf, lace, good school ehoe $1.75 and $2.00
Miesea' Kangaroo Calf, button, good school shoe, sizes
l to 2 $1.50 and $2.00-
Child's Kangaroo Calf, lace, good school shoe, sizes 8,.
toll . .." $1.50
Ladies' cloth top, button, fqnare toe $3.00 shoe for $1.85
Ladies' Vici Kid, button, square toe $4.00 ehoe for $1.85
Shoes for
Men and Boys.--
Mn'a Gatfnl leatner, lace $4.00
Men's Box calf, leather lined, inter weight, lace 4.50
Men's Box calf, winter weight, lace 4.00
Men's Box calf, tan, lace, wiritpr weight 4.00
Men's Vici kid, new c-in toe. lace 4.00
Boys' Calf lace, sizs 1 to 5J $1.75 and $2.00
Boys' Vici Kid. lace, dress shoe, . to 5X $2.00
-- v.. j, , , ,. ,.ijic tjmm-x irX MTj:
Tb3 Dalles Daily Cbronicle.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1898
The Wasco County Christian Endeavo:
Union will hold its fifth annual conven
tion in this city, beginning the evening
of Sept. 30lh and continuing through
the next two days. First meeting on
Friday evening at the Christian church,
the other sessions at the Congregational
church. All Christian Endeavorers of
this and adjoining counties are cordially
invited to attend.
Yesterday evening a drunk who was
creating a disturbance io the East End
and by fighting and using abusive
language, was arrested by Marshal
Lauer and Nijjlitwatchnian Phirman.
On the way to the city jail he resisted
the officers and in order to bring him to
bis senses the marshal was forced to use
bis club freely and with a tew blows
Iayed the offender out. He was placed
in jail and will have his hearing today.
On Monday night the . Wizard Oil
Company will open a two weeks engage
ment in the Baldwin Opera House in
this city. The troupe consists of ten
people and ia far euperior to any medi
cine show on the road at present. Jerry
Sullivan, the funny little man, will be
the attrrction for the children and also
for the older people as his turns are
highly amusing. When the Wizard
Oil Company played here two years ago
they drew a crowded house every night.jf
and since that time they have added!
much to the attractiveness of their per-'
formance, and will do the same during!
this engagement. Go and see them and
enjoy a good laugh. It is weU wortn
the money. Admission 15 cents.
The following program will be ren
dered at Fraternity hall tonight, be-
The Farewell tj Miss Georgia Sampson
The First of tlie Season and a Most
1'leasant Affair.
Next week
The Wizard Oil troupe
At the Baldwin Opera House.
Until further notice the steamer Dalles
City will leave this city on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m.
The Eagle Acetylene Gas Generator
can be seen in use at the P. S. Daut
optical parlors. Karl Gottfried, Agt.
A regular meeting of the Elks will be
held at their hall tonight. All members
are requested to be present as bueiness
ot importance must be attended to.
Are you fond of dates? If bo, remem
ber the dates of the harvest festival
which is held annually in the Salvation
Army Barracks are Sept. 17th to Jthe
20th. Everyone invited.
The "Eagle" Acetylene generator,
which is in use at Prof. Daut'a Opt.
parlors, has been in use also in the
Catholic church. Its cost. in six months
with thirty-six lights has been $13.
Two cars of cattle were shipped to
Port Townsend last evening by Charles
Butler, a cattle buyer of that place.
They were purchased from Mr. McPher
eon, of Hay Creek.
Jerry Sullivan, the funny little man
who is the most attractive feature in
the Wizard Oil Company, arrived in
this city today. The troupe will arrive
tomorrow and open up a two-weeks en
gagement Monday night.
Today William Vogt, who for several
years has served as clerk in C. L.
Stephens Dry Goods store, resigned his
position to accept one with A. M. Wil
liams & Co., where he will begin work
Monday. His place in Mr. Stephen's
store will be filled by Bert W Hollister,
a practical dry eoods man from Iowa
who thoroughly understands the lusi- Henry Beckley of Elkton, Douglas
ness. fl! County, died at the Farmer's Hotel in
t.riA nnmhpr of friAtirla tlm rnn n f 1al
- v. .&.v..ww J u 1 1 u J .
has in this city. - f
g nning at e :du o'cioc : overture, Mre. The music was furnished by Professor
J. M. Patterson ; recitation, Miss Grace
Hobson ; piano solo, Emily Crossen ;
male quartette, Messrs. Landers, Weigel,
Sexton. Leist; recitation, Miss Nova
Dawson ; vocal solo, Miss Lei a Kelsay;
select reading, Mrs. Maud Eddon ; in
strumental duet, Prof. Ryan and Mr.
Clinton Alden; "Manila Punch" will be
served with other refreshments. A col
lection of curios from Manila will be on
display. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to ali. Admission 15 cents.
Prof. Landers, principal of our High
school, has kindly given to the commit
tee his opinion of Chaplain McCabe's
noted and popular lecture," Bright Side
of Life in Libby Prison." ' We desire to
call attention to his statement that this
lecture gives us a viewof the bright side,
that side, that every lecturer or author
has wholly ignored. These tell us of the
Rev. W. H IlifFs estimate of this lecture,
All who fail to hear the Chaplain
Henry Beckley of Douglas Ceanty
Dies In This City Last Night.
The first dancing party of the season
was held at the K. of P. Hall last even
ing and was as pleasant an affair as was
ever held in The Dalles.
The party was given as a farewell to
Miss Georgia Sampson and the large
number in attendance epoke too plainly
We have jnotireceived a large stock of
Cole's Air I'iJit heaters, which will
sell from $3.5C
warranted. C
beaters before
to $12.00. Everv stove
111 and see our stock of
piBier & BentOQ
Carload of the celebrated "Wil
son Heaters just received,- All
sizes and kinds at your own
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
I Noxt Door to Land Office,
Washington St.rppfc.
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him. '
Qet Your priptii at ttyis office.
The Married and Single Men Roll The
Former Are Extremely Lucky and
Win the Sapper.
Byans, quartet and the excellence of the
same added much to the pleasure of the
evening. Shortly before ten dancing be
gan and not until long after twelve did
the merry crowd break up and 'repair to
the Palace of Sweets and Andrew Kel
lers where they partook of abundant re
freshments. Before leaving the ball,
however, Miss Sampson was bidden fare
well by all present and if the many
wiahea for a pleasant journey will count
for aught, her trip will certainly be one
of the most pleasant of her life.
She expresses the warmest feeling of
appreciation to her friends for . the de
lightful party given in her honor, and
expresses regret that she must spend a
year away lrom The Dalles arid those
many kind friends. While in St. Louis
she will enter the conservatory of music
where she will take a years course.
starvation, the sickness, the unmeasured: Anose Pre89n,; ne P"y were : Mr
suffering of the ''boys in blue" in this?! nd Mra G c Blakeley, Mr and Mrs M J
prison pen, so the Chaplain's lectur ooxiel, Mr and Mrs H W French, Mr
will be wholly new to all. Also notices Mnd Mra w E Garretson, Mr and Mrs C
... i ' -m j-f n ii n.iMn4 linn a i i i . nm
4,Crandall, Mr and Mrs A J Tolinie, Mrs
French, Mrs Fairfoul, Misses
lose a wonderful chapter of our nation'sTNona R,lch Clara Sampson, Elizabeth
nthis city last evening. In company with
lis son J. H. Beckley, two daughters
nd two neices he left Portland last
vening for Omaha, where they intend
ed attending the exposition. Shortly
after leaving that city he was taken Bick
Hand as he grew rapidly worse his son
telegraphed ahead to have a doctor at
Bonn, Elizabeth Schooling, Laura
Thompson, MissLy tie. Mies Cushing,Maie
Cushing, Edna Glenn, Minnie Sandrock,
Anna Sandrock, Beula PatterEon,
Georgie Sampson, Etta Story, Myrtle
Michel), Elizabeth Sampson, Adele
DeForrest, Vic Marden, Grant Mays,
Joe Bonn, R J Gorman, A D McCulley,
Alfred Huott, Samuel Nutting, Fred
Weigle, Ray Logan, John Weigle, Gns
Bonn, Fred Wilson, M. A. Seufert, L H
Heppner, Frank French, Arthur Clark,
A L Gnde, F A Cram, H D Parkins,
John Hampshire, Ed M Williams.
at I Thft nlpjisanr. pffpfrf. and rprfpif. pnfpf.v
fche depot when the train arrived. Dr. Lith wh!nh naaSiTn nt V;aa
Doane was in readiness, but when the lnder a)1 conditio9, makes it their
train pulled in Mr. Beckley was about
. j .-u
T r ... : . . : i r n i i .
state exactly what bis malady was as he
was troubled with violent pains in the
chest and stomach, and as be was a sub
ject of heart disease, his death was prob
ably due to that cause. He was taken
to the Farmer's Hotel and was dead in
less than one-half hour after the train
arrived. Mr. Beckley was about sixty
four j ears of age and figures as one of
the most prominent citizens of Douglas
county, being an ex-Senator from that
county and a prominent man in politics.
J. C. Crandall prepared the remains
for interment and they were shipped
below on the early morning train today.
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For iale by
all druggists. '
The Bee Hive restaurant in the East
End is open day and night. . Oysters
served in every style.
A set of false teeth. One tooth broken.
Leave at this office and receive suitable
Freeh Shoalwater Bay Oysters at An
drew Keller's.
A lively bowling tournament took
place on the Club alleys last evening be
tween the single and married men, and
as it is often the case, luck predominated
our science and the married men bore
away the palm of victory.
The single men put up a splendid
game but fortune did not smile on them
as could be plainly seen by the center
after center was taken out by the skill
ful young fellows, while the married
men on the other hand seemed to have
nothing to do but throw the balls care
lessly on the alleys and strike followed
strike on their side.
The wager for the tournment was an
oyster supper, and at the conclusion of
the match the successful team was taken
to the Palace of Sweets by their op
ponents and treated to all the place
Quite a number of spectators were
present at the tournament and much
entbnsiasm was shown. Another match
is expected as soon as the married men
get one of their "lucky streaks." The
scores were as follows:
Bradshaw.. 45 64 38 66213
Houghton 43 42 34 44163
Ogden 33 54 66 37170
Tolmie 43 32 38 -84152
DeHnff 40 3 28 29133
Philips 46 33 24 36139
Totals 255 261 208 246 970
Sinnott 31 41 45 43-185
Schmidt 51 38 34 38161
Sam pson 35 38 26 43142
Ketchum 38 41 34 22135
Stadelman ....22 29 23 31105
Ballard.. 35 44 38 19136
Total 212 231 200 201 844
I have beard Chaplain McCabe's lect
ure "The Bright Side of Life in Libby
Prison." Aside from his great popular
ity in the ministry, this lecture alone
has given bim a .high reputation
throughout the United States. He speaks
from the experience of an actual partici
pant in the scenes and incidents of
prison life. Besides picturing the con
ditions ot the inmates of Libby Prison
more vividly than any pen can portray,
he describes that side of prison life that
is so little know outside; how the
"boys" make the best of everything to
keep up their spirits, beguile the weary
hours, and make their life then endur
able. The lecture ia replete with incidents
and description that give it intense in
terest. Chaplain McCabe's reputation
as a singer is scarcely less than that of
lecturer. There are few singers in this
country that possess more power of ex
pression in song than he.
I am glad to have the opportunity of
bearing him again. J. S. Landees,
Prin. High School.
Everybody reads Thk Chronicle.
Service in Lutheran church, corner
Union and 7th streets, at 11 a. m. and
Sunday School at 9:45. There wilt
also be evening service at 7 :30.
Kev. C. F. Clapp, of Forest Grove
will occupy the pulpit in the Congrega
tional church tomorrow morning' and
evening. Sunday School at 12:15.
Christian church, Ninth and Court
streets, Rev. Boltz pastor Services
tomorrow as usual. Morning subject,
"Truth's Purchase ;" text, Prov. 13:20.
Evening service at 7:30; subject, "The
Fate of the Fools Friend ;" text, Prov.
23:23. Sunday School at 9.45 a. m.
Methodist church, corner Fifth and
Washington streets, J. H. Wood pastor
Class meeting in the morning at 10.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Sun
day school at 12 :20. Junior League at
4 p. m.
At the Calvary Baptist church, corner
Seventh and Union streets, services
every , Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.,
Elder W. S. Wilburn, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock and Young People's
Society at 6:30 in the evening. All are
cordially invited.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results. When
taken early it prevents constipation.
And in latter stages it furnishes prompt
relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The famuus lii tie pills.
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 22, 1898.
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held
in the Northwest.
...Horticultural suit A&riciItiiraL
Products of Oregon and Washington will be dis
. played in wonderiul profusion, including
more varieties than ever before gath
ered together in one exhibit.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded
Marvelously Rich Specimens from Our
Gold, Silver and .Other Mines.
Has been engaged for the season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and. Acro
batic Performances.
Very Lew Rates on. All Railroads.
ADMISSION Adults 25 cents, " Children ICC.
Jacobsen Book
and Music Company.
170 Vogt Block,
Call and examine the New Improved Light,
Running Domestic Sewing Machine before pur
chasing elsewhere. Special prices the coming
week at this store.
You will also find the largest and most complete
stock of Pianos, Organs and other musical
goods, blank books and other office supplies,
stationerv, toys, notions and sporting goo J a in
Eastern Oregon. Prices to suit the times.
12 Perfect Pictures on
12 Glass Plates in
12 Seconds without reloading
Every part made to produce perfect pic
tures simply and easily, Every Lens speci
ally grouud, tested and guaranteed, tthulter
xete itself and is always ready. Flates
changed by the turn of a button. Any one
can take pictures with the "Cyclone." It
cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and
requires no extras.
No. 1. 2ix24, 3.50
No. 2. 3;.4X4;4, fii.00
No. S. 4x4, 1 10.00 '
Send fop
1898 Catalogue.
ifitf ' if?.'-'