I MlllumiM I, . jt fflMLf St MOB VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1898 NO 160 PROF. P. Prof. P. G. Daut, the Optician of The Dalles, Oregon, a Doctor of Refraction, We here ehow the portrait of Prof. P. G. Dant, who haa been ia The Dalles for the past nine months, and is recognized as an optician of high scientific attain ments and skill, and enjoys, to an unusual degree, the confidence of his patrone. He has just completed an operating rcoui, known as a "Dark Room," atid is lighted with the new Ascetylene gas, which gives light at all times of the day. The examination of the eye for errors of refraction and accommodation, and a thorough familiarity with the tests, such as the professor U9es for the detection of anomalies of the ocular mueclers, are the very best known. He has many tes timonials in hia possession of people he has fitted in different states, but they be ing of not much interest to toe home people, he furnishes a great many home tes timonials, hut for lack of epaca we print from some of the people you know. Bye Helps. Eye Hurters. Spectacles are eye helps if right, eye hurters if wrong. ' Who is to know in time to let you stop the mistakes? Not tho average optician is a spectacle seller, for he is unable to distinguish between optical defects and diseases. Prof. Daut is the only graduate of disease of the eye. He gives you a thorough examina tion free of charge, and advises the use of glasses only when needed. If you don't need them, be tells you so. The Dalles, Or.,July 22, '98. To whom it may concers : This is to certifyt hat the undersigned has purchased glasses of Prof. P.G.Daut, tte optician, which have given entire satisfaction. I verv cordially recom mend his work to the public. Verv renneot.fnllv. ! Rev. W. V. Boltz. Rector of the Church of Christ. The Dalles, Or., July 6, '93. The undersigned takes pleasure in saying that he, having been troubled with his eyes, called on the optician. Prof. P. G. Daut, in February last, and secured lenses which have proved to be very beneficial. Respectfully, L. Grey, Ev. Lutheran Pastor.' "I Can't See" As well as I could, is the complaint you hear, not onlv from older people but from the young as well. Age is no cri terion for the wearing of glasses. Many are born with greater detects then come with age. Young people inherit and cultivate defects by strain or abuse. Young, old or middle-aged, if you are not getting the service from your eyes that you think you should, you ought certainly ascertain the nature of your trouble. The Dalles, Or., June 9, '98. Prof. P. G. Daut, 'Dear Sir: It affords me the greatest of pleasures to inform you that the glasses which, you fitted to my eves are giving perfect satisfaction. I have not known for several years the pleasure of being able to see objects distinctly until I began to use your lenses. Thanking you for your kindness, I remain Respectfully yours, A. E. Negus. The Dalles, Or., April 14, '98. I wish to add my testimony, and will oay to those concerned that iny daugh ter had been troubled with her eyes for the past few years, and had been fitted by different so-called doctors with blue tint glasses, her eyes getting constantlv worse until she was compelled to wear gla98 at all times. I finally called on Prof. P. G. Daut, tho optician, and he fitted her, saying that she must only wear them half the time and while read ing or studying. His directions were G. DAUT followed, and now she only wears them a few hours each day and her eyes look natural. The vision is good again. The professor can handle a child better than any optician I have ever seen, and I can recommend him to any parent whose children's eyes are effected. Respectfully, Mrs. Anna Nichols. lour Mind's Eye Has perpetual unison, but everyday eyes cannot always be depended upon. Don't neglect them ; yon can't afford it. 1 give you the most exacting examin ations that will leave no defect uncor rected. No glasses can give more comfort, and in very few cases as much, because my lenses are absolutely coriect. I don t fit by guesswork. I have been properly taught, besides having had years of experience. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 29, '98. To all whom it may concern: Several months ago Prof. P. G. Daut, of the Daut Optical Co., gave my eyes such a test as no other optician has given them before, and his glasses which I am now wearing are giving me thorough satisfaction. I recommend his compe tent and efficient service to any one who may have visionary troubles. Yours sincerely, A. G. Hoering. The Dalles, July 25, '98. Prof. F. G. Daut, Optician : . With pleasure I write to express my gratitude for the glasses you fitted for me last. May. They are very satisfac tory. I can see far and near with them better than any I have ever tried. It is really wonderful how good I can see with them and how little I could see without them. I wear the glasses continually, and can see to read, sew and do any thing I have to do. I like them very well. Martha A. Stone. Fits Like a Coat. The need of having glasses that fit the eye like a coat fits the back; the need of accurate lenses properly cen tered to the glass, all are absolutely nec essary for tte preservation of the most precious of all senses, the sight. We have no old fogy ideas, but adapt the latest and best methedB in our fitting and examinations. No charge for the latter. The Dalles, Or., May 14, '98. To the Public: The undersigned wishes to state to the public that my eyes were so affected that it was impossible for me to read the papers, even the large head lines, and especially of evenings I was like a blind man. I had to feel my way and was unable to see anything or any body. It seemed as if a dark wall would rise up and shut off everything, so I con cluded to call on Prof. Daut, the opti cian. After consulting him he told me if I followed bis instructions he could bring my eyes out all O. K. I finally consented, and within three months, with bis lenseB, I am able to read toy papers and can now see of evenings with out glasses. He is without doubt a thorough doctor of refractions, and I can not say too much for him as an able op tician. Any one troubled with their eyes will do well to see him. Verv respectfullv, E. Waud. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 25,'98. To whom it may concern : This is to certiry that Prof. P. G. Daut, of the Daut Optical and Jewelry Co. of The Dalles, Or., tested my eyes and prescribed glasses during Novem ber, 1897. I have been wearing the glasses obtained from his test ever since and they have proved entirely satisfac tory in every respect up to the present time, and so tar as I am able to judge will continue to give satisfaction. I can heartily recommend him to any ono needing work in his line to be a careful and competent workmen. William Menefee, Of the Jacobsen Book & Music Co. Your Own Judgment. If your horse needs a shoe to a horse shoeing shop. If you need a suit of clothes to a tailor or clothier. If you need dental work to a dentist. If you need medical attendance to a physician. If you need your eyes attended to, go to an optician for lenses. Don't go to a man who has read all that he knows out of a book. No man can learn by books alone; it takes prac tical experience, and Prof. P. G. Daut has had both. He guarantees satisfac tory results in all cases. The Dalles, Oregon, April 23, '93. Prof. Daut, Dear Sir: For the past eight years my eyes have been failing me, especially my left eye, having run a cornstalk in it while gathering corn. For 4 or 5 years I could not eee to read with it and was un able to get glasses to see witn until I went to you who fitted me with glasses. I can now read the finest of print with either eye and the lenses are giving me the best of satisfaction. M. Parkins. April 14, '98. To whom it may concern : During the month of February I called on Daut, the optician, for a remedy for a failure in my eyesight, caused from in tense heat and bright light from the fire box of a locomotive. After having my eyes fitted with lenses, in less than one month I could notice a wonderful im provement in my eyesight. M. M. Say re. 'Wrong About Tour Eyes. You have been wrong in thinking you ought to put off wearing glasses as long as possible. This very thing is responsible for so many eye troubles. All eyes be gin to fail at forty years of age ; some more than others, and when complicated with incorrected defects, failure begins much sooner. A correction at the right time will save your eyes. Neglect is bound toinjure them. Attend to them at once. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 26, '98. Prof. P. G, Daut : Having purchased a pair of lenses of you about five months ago, will say that they have proved a great benefit to my eyes. I am relieved of that tired and strained feeling of my eyes which has troubled me for some time, and am also relieved of headacheB caused from my weak eyes. I am well satisfied with your work. Respectfully yours, Miss Wara Turner. The Dalles, Or., May 20, '98. About ten months ago I called on Mr. Daut, the optician, to be fitted for glasses. I suffered with nervous head ache, which I felt sure was caused by the detective glasses which I was wear ing at the time. Mr. Daut fitted me with lenses which have given perfect satisfaction, and I am also relieved of the headache. I can cheerfully recom mend Mr. Daut as an experienced eye specialist. Mrs. P. Cram. Looking Into the Future. I venture to predict to a certainty that some day you will have to wear glasses. I venture to say that when that time comes, no glasses will give you ease and comfort if you continue to' strain your eyee, after nature warns. The eye is a window of your soul ; don't abuse and strain it. Treat it as you should and save money and eyes for your life time. The Dalles, Or., May 16, '98. I have bought glasses for about ten vears from different ones ; but the lenses I had made by Prof. P. G. Daut, the op tician, are without doubt the best I have eyer had. His glasees have im proved my eyes wonderfully. I can rec ommend him as an honorable optician, and a man who deserves to be classed among the' best refractionists ' and eye specialists. With best wishes, I am Yours to serve, C. Berrv. The Dalles, Or., May 29, '98. The glasses which I had fitted to my eyes by Prof. P. G. Dant, the optician, are giving perfect satisfaction and I can recommend him to anyone needing any thing in the optical line. August Btichler, Prop, of Columbia Brewery. The Dalles, Or. Sept. 8, '98. To whom it may concern : This is to certify thnt Prof. Daut has fitted my daughter with glasses, which 8be has been wearing for six months, and they give perfect satisfaction. She has been fitted before by some of the leading opticians but never could eee as well as now with the glasees furnished by Prof. Daut. He has done other work in my family (fitted my wife and myself with glasses) which give the best of sat isfaction, and I can heartily recommend him to any' one wishing work in this line. In the case of my daughter, would say, that she was unable to recognize people across the Congregational church with any glasses she had previous to the ones furnished by Prof. Dant, but can with them. C. B. Cushing. Shooting Pains In the temples dull aches across the forehead blurred vis;on letters and lines running into one another skip ping of words and letters in reading seeing objects double floating specks that come and go aversion to bright light a confusion of objects, which can be reduced by closing the eye momen tarily that tired feeling in back of your eyes infiamation in the minute veins overrunning the whites of the eyes all which are symptoms of the optical de defect that I can remedv with a proper adjusted glaes. A $10.00 examination free. Portland, Or., Sept 8, .'98. Prof. P. G. Daut, Optician, The Dalles, Oregon. My dear friend : Having been troubled for the past fourteen years with my eyes and having tried everywhere to get glasses, thought there was no relief as so many had told me there was no lense or remedy to give relief. For the past ten years I have been unable to see anything clearly, and was thrown out of work of all kinds on account of not being able to see good enough. So when I came to The Dalles I thought I would try you, and to my eyes you have fitted a lense or pair of glasses which are the best I ever saw ; my eyesight at present is very much improved and I will do all I can for your careful judgment in your profession as an optician. You certainly deserve the pat ronage of any one who is in need of eye attention. lam your well wisher, and if at any time I can say a word for you I will be only too glad to do so. Truly yours. W. H. Aiken. What Will People Say? Many people, even in our own enlight ened America, are willing to sacrifice themselves and their .children to the prejudice of "what pesple say."' The foolish prejudice against the use of eye glasses by children often results in the greatest suffering, and often in the per manent disability of one who might oth erwise make a mark in the world. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 16, '98. Prof. Daut, Optician, Dear Sir: I deem it my duty, not only to myself, but to you, to offer you my sincere thanks for the able manner in which you have treated my eyes. They were very bad, but thanks to your skill I am able to eee as well today as at any time in my youth, for in my youth I had splendid sight, but four years of hard service during the Civil War and tryining service on the frontier, left them in bad condition. But thanks to your skill I am able once more to see as good as I ever could. The glasses are just magnificent. I am gratefully yours, T. J. Lynch. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 8, '98. Prof. P. G. Daut, Dear Sir: Eight months ago I took my sister Isabel 1 to yon to undergo a treatment of her eyes. She bad been in a critical condition for the past fonr years and for two years has been unable to attend school, also her general health was failing, caused from nervous eye strains. We had resorted to different remedies but all proved a failure until you fitted het- eyes, and a marked im provement has been noticed both in eyes and in health ever since. To me you have given entire satisfaction, and I Bha'l with pleasure inform my friends of the ability you used in your good optical work! Yours truly, Miss Alma Heroux. Io It Today If you have the faintest suspicion that your eyes are not just right. If they bother you in any way, it is best to have them examined at once. The longer they are deprived of the aid they need the weaker they become. I know what I am talking about. The Dalles, Mav 3, '98. Prof. P. G. Daut, Dear Sir: The eye water yon gave me has done my eyes more good than anything I have ever tried, and the lenses you fitted are perfectly satisfac tory. Mrs. Julia Knaggs. Don't Gny. Many people have saved their vision bv using glasses; but for them, their lives would be valueless. Nearly all young people who wear glasses are de formed, not outwardly but inwardly. They have a deformed eye; it's either too ion g or too short; it isn't failure, Something J4iee Also a sample line of Fashionable Fancy Vests, wear. . -.- R. JK. Williams & Co. rLteading Clothiers. like old people have, but a deformity understand me, a deformity of their eyes. So, for mercy's sake, don't guy them. The Dalles, Or., July 16, '98. Prof. P. G. Daut, Dear Sir: I extend to you my heart felt thanks for the good your glasses have done mv daughter, Lily. Her eyes have been afflicted for five yearB, being troubled with double vision. This gave us much alarm, as she had been given up by three doctors, with the advice to keep her out of school and away from books. After you fitted her with lense?, three months ago, in less than a month she felt an improvement in her eyes, and they now have the appearance of a perfect eye and the vision is good. She does not wear the glasses only about a third of the time. I am well pleased with the work and will help you when I can. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Wm. Sherar. -The Common, but Beautiful Sunlight, Is composed of seven colors. An ob ject that absorbB and does not reflect any of them, ia called black. Black is not acolor, but is really an absence of any color whatever, while white is a combination of the seven original solar colors. A child is a five-year-old before it can recognize any of these colors. One vision out of every seven is color blind. Ninety-eight out of every 100 have defective eyes. If your eyes are good, you ought to be thankful, but don't try to make yourself think they are when they are not. If you do, there will be a day of judgment. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 1, '98. Prof. P. G. Daut: I feel it my duty to thank you for the excellent services which you rendered my eyes : Though I have been fitted in Portland, Seattle, Buffalo and New York, I can not but declaim the fine judgment and ability displayed by yourself in obtaining the proper corrections, and must say in justice to you, for the benefit I have de rived from your lenses, . that never be fore, since requiring glasses, have my eyea been in their present good condi tion. In fact all my former corrections, it eeems to me now, have served to hurt my eyes. Again tendering you my thanks and wishing you every success in your good work, I am Gratefully yours, Otto Meyer. XV orth Knowing. Your eyes work fifteen hours daily, and anything that will help them do their work is worth knowing. Of course I can't tell yon much in this little space, but if you will come in and eee me, I'll tell you all I know about your eyes. I don't know it all, and the man -who thinks he does about any subject nearly always knows the least. Portland, Or;. July 20, '98. P. G. Daut, the optician, fitted my eyes with glasses which have given me entire satisfaction. He is a first-class optician and deserves the liberal patron age of the people. Prof. H. M. Ryan. . Viento, Wasco Co., Or. Sept. 10, '93. Prof. P. G. Daut, OpticianThe Dalles, Dear Sir: Your treatment to my eyea has been very successful, as they to put on after arriving home at the close of a days steady work at store or office, is one of our House or Smoking Jackets. The comfort to be had out of one, will Boon pay for the cost. We have just re ceived a very choice assortment of the above, made up in the very latest way, of the newest materials. Would like to show them to you. New York's very latest party Correct thine: for are now. well. I am many times obliged to you. Very sincerely vours, Aaron Boggs. The Dalles, Or., April 4, '98. The glasses fitted to my eyes by Prof. P. G. Daut, the optician, of The' Dalles, suit me better than any I have yet had. Very Respectfully, Mrs. J. M. Fleming. The Dalles, Or. Sept, 8, '98. Prof. P. G. Daut, Dear Sir: I waa fitted with a pair of your glasses some time ago and they are perfectly satisfactory. Tom A. Ward. The Dalles. Or., Sept 14, '98. Prof. Daut, about a year ago, fitted me a pair of glasses which" are giving per fect satisfaction. Dr. S. H. Frazier. Kotice to Delinquent Taxpayers. The delinqent taxes of Wasco county, as shown on th6 rolls now in the hands of the sheriff are $60,000, an amount al most equal to the indebtedness of the county. Every citizen will doubtless admit that this state of affairs should not exist, and that all taxes should be collected. On account of hard times in the past the county court Las shown leniency to taxpayers, but that leniency has reached the limit, and the court cannot wait ' longer on delinquents to make settlements. For thia reason a warrant has been attached to each de linquent roll commanding the sheriff to collect all taxes by seizure and ' sale of property. With a bountiful crop now in eight, there can no longer be any rea sonable excuse for the non-payment of taxes. The sheriff is bound by oath to comply with the terma of the warrants attached to the tax rolls for the collec tion thereof, and has no option in the, matter. Delinquent taxpayers can eave the cost of seizure and sale of property by eettling their taxes at once. Robert Kelly, ' Sheriff and Tax Collector for Wasco County. Dated, August 4, 1898. JTree Pills Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action, and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowel 8 greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. . (2) One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That la what It was made for.