COLiE'S v ww m y y a jok i www ft 7 in fiiir unntnr I tiinnnu 11 UU1 so UD 01 ffl 1UUI c . - Shoes for Ladies, Jflisses and Children. Ladies' Box Calf, lace (heavy sola walking shoe) : $3.50 Ladies' Vesting top lace, (new coin toe) $2 50 to $3.50 Misses' Kangaroo Ca!f, lace, uood school shoe $1.75 and $2.00 Misses' Kangaroo Calf, button, good school shoe, sizes 11. to 2 $1.50 and $2.00 Child's Kangaroo Calf, lace, good echool ehoe, sizes 8K tolL $1.50 SPECIAL. Ladies' cloth top, button, square toe Laihe9' Vici Kid, button, square toe 9 $3.00 shoe for $4.00 ehoe for $1.85 $1.85 6 Shoes for Men and Boys. Men's Patent leather, lace .$4.00 Men's Box calf, leather lined, winter weight, 'ace 4.50 Men's Box calf, winter weight, lace 4.00 Men's Box calf, tan, lace, winter weight 4.00 Men's Vici kid, new cMn toe, lace 4.00 Boys' Calf lace, sizvs 2o' to hA $1.75 and $2.00 Boy 8' Vici Kid, lace, dress shoe, 2,' .i to 5X $2.00 PEASE & MAYS. 9 I ALL GOODS MARKED IN ! PLIN FIGURES Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. FEIDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Until further notice the steamer Dalles City will leave this city on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m. The Eagle Acetylene Gas Generator can be seen in use at the P. S. Daut optical parlors. Karl Gottfried, Agt. Are you fond of date6? If so, remem vberthe dates of the harvest festival which is held annually in the Salvation Army Barracks are Sept. 17th to the 20th. Everyone invited. Owing to the rush of work in the Chronicle office we desire a good boy to run messaged and work in the office. Must be deligent and attend strictly to business. Apply at once. Dr. D. Rigge, veterinary surgeon, treats all diseases of domestic animals on scientific principles. Special dentist ry. Diseased teeth extracted. Can be found at the farmers hotel. Headquar ters at Sexton's feed yard. Today Sheriff Kelly turned over to the county treasurer $2366.15. Of this amount $1858.05 was of the 1897 roll, while $508.10 were delinquent taxes from 1896. Mr. Kelly is doing slendid work in collecting the delinquent taxes, a9 the above plainly shows. A trial run lasting one week will be made at the La Grande sugar factory, beginning September 25th. Afterward the factory will oegin work in earnest. The people of La Grande will make the occasion of the opening of the sugar fac tory one of general jubilation. The Fossil Journal that Portland was selec gallantly opines ed as the place hours. At present the boat is good for eighteen miles per hour and when the machinery is overhauled and some changes made it will be good for not less than twenty-five. The case of John W. Heebner,who was charged with having threatened to kill his wife, and who also was in danger of being put under bonds to keep the peace for his actions, was tried in Justice Bayard's court today, and resulted in the dismissal of Heebner. Roger B. Sinnot was attorney for the defendant and A. A. Jayne for the prosecution. Yesterday Major D. E. Hail, claim agent for the O. R. & N., was in the city adjusting claims for damage done by fire on the Snipes and Kelsay ranches below town. He drove to the scene of the damage and on arriving found thej fire which we spoke of in yesterdav' lSBue, raging in the grass and along th fences. Mr. Hall at once etripped o his coat and helped the section hands put out the fire after which be viewed the damage and settled the claims satis factory to all concerned. Mr. Hall is an exceptionally genial and accommodat ing official and gains many friends for the O. R. & N. wherever he goes. LAST NIGHT'S MUSIC ALE. A large Audience Delighted at the Vogt Last Night by the Recital. PERSONAL MENTION. for holding the next session of the Na tional Editorial Associa ion, in recogni tion of the Oregon Pre s Association's' having sent a woman delegate Miss Rose Michel, of The E illes Chronicle to the meeting at Derwer this year. Tbo ladies' department, of the Oregon Industrial Exposition, will show the re sults of much Bkillful needlework ac complished by the ladies of the north west, all of whom have the privilege of entering their productions and compet ing for prizes. Every facility will be offered the ladies to display their pro ductions from Sept. 22 to Oct. 22. This evening a farewell party will be iven by the friends of Misa Georgia Sampson, at the K. of P. hall. Miss Sampson will leave for St. Louis next Monday night, where she will visit relatiAes, an, in all probability, she will be gone a year. Miss Sampson has a large circle of friends who will be pres ent at the party tonight to do their part i in making ber farewell a pleasant event. A telephone message from Portland last night stated that the Flyer had ar rived at 9 o'clock, after an easy ran from this city. The little boat was run under a low pressure but in spite of this fact made splendid time, going from the Locks to Portland in lees than four R. Sexton, of Wasco, is visiting in the city. T. W. Brown, of Fife, is at the Uma tilla House. Miss Ina P. Cooper is visiting friends in the city. Mrs. J. V. O'Leary returned to her home in Portland yesterday. J. P. Hillstrom and wife, of Hood River, are at the Umatilla House. Lafayette Davis, and enterprising larmer, ol Jingaley, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Van Houten are in the city from their home at Hay Creek. Mrs. W. W. H. Dufur and daughter, Blanche, are in the city fiom Dufur to- Iday. Mrs. M. C. Shelton came up on the 5:25 train last evening and took the stage for Goldendale this morning. The recital last evening by the Alpha .landolin and Guitar Club was well i ittended and there was not a single one i if the large audience who did not leave erfectly delighted with the perform ince. The program was opened by the Upha Two-Step March by the, entire :lub. The audience was informed be orehand that the pupils had taken les ons but six months, and several not hat long, and for this reason their skill- iui playing was a surprise to every one. 'J The opening selection was loudly en cored and followed by the playing of Gay Coney Island by the stare of the Club, Professor Ryan, Clinton Alden, Irwin Parkins and James Rees, assisted by Miss Georgia Sampson on the piano. Their playing was immense and this election alone was well worth going to hear. Miss Myrtle Michell rendered two charming vocal solos and the encores she received was sufficient proof that the audience know good singing when they heard it and appreciated the same. The duet by Professor Ryan and Er win Parkins, and mandolin solo by Lela Kelsey were both good, the latter amusing every one as well as surprised them at seeing such a little girl handle a mandolin so skillfully. The guitar quintet was very pretty, while every member in the Club distinguished them selves by their splendid work in Watch Hill and La Golondrina. Professor Ryan's solo was well received, while the guitar duet by Messrs Rees and Parkins was hard to beat. Throughout, the mueicale was a com plete success and if they should care to give another like performance, only the announcement need be made and a full bouse is assured. Expression of Appreciation. I take this manner of expressing my thanks to the people of The Dalles who so liberally patronized the musicale which myself and class gave at the Vogt last evening, also to the teuibers of my class and others who assisted so kindly in making the recital what it was. Respectfully, H. M. Ryan. NOTICE. A meeting of the Emergency Corps will be held at the Umatilla House to morrow for the purpose of deciding whether or not delegates will be sent to Portland to perfect a union with the Red Cross Society. NOTICE. The Bee Hive restaurant in the East End is open day and night. Oysters served in every style. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. The Bright Side of Life lu Llbliy Prison Yesterday Mrs. D. M. French received the following from W. H. Iliff, of Port land, which speaks well for Bishop Mc Cabe, who will lecture in this city Thursday September 22d. Mr. Iliff says : "I have had the pleasure of hearing Bishop McCabe's lectuse 'The Bright side of Life in Libby Prison' on several occasions and do not hesitate to say that it is the finest lecture I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. I con gratulate you that you have secured so great a treat for The Dalles." One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it waj made for. Poor food is a power for bad. Schilling s Best tea baking powder coffee flavoring extracts soda and spices , are a power for good. m . For sale by L." Rorden & Company We have jnst received a large stock of Cole's Air i'inht heaters, which will sell from $3 50 to $12 00. Every stove warranted. Call and see our stock of heaters before purchasing. r s Benton Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All sizes and kids at your own price. Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Mays Crowe. Noxt Door to Land Office, Washington Street. .4 OVAL NOT ..THE JifiSDWRRE DERIiERS., 167 Seconl St. . . THE DALLES. (JR. ' J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posl office, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop- lular prices. Call and see him. (jet Your Prirjtiijd at tl)$ office. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING. A Dollar Slionf " or Fifteen Centfi. Tlie Most Extensive Stock and Largest : Variety Ever Offered in The Dalles J at Campbell and VTlisons. j The grand opening at the Campbell and Wilson Millinery parlor9 takes place this afternoon and tomorrow. The par lors are equal to any that we have ever seen in The Dalles, and in passing it is impossible to overlook the neatly draped windows as well as the many beautiful pattern hats which are on display. The prevailing colors in millinery goods this fall are numerous and excep tionally' pretty and at the same time dif ferent from those of other years. The principla ones are royal.cadet, and army bine, while black and white will also be the rage in trimmings, and cactus pink and cerese will also be considered very stylish. The shepherdess is the most fashionable hat for this season, while the short back sailors will be worn again this fall. Flumes, tips and mercury wings will be used to a great extent in trimming. The Campbell and Wilson parlors have the most complete line of the above mentioned goods that has ever been in The Dalles. Their parlors are perfectly in accord with the splendid stock; of goods they carry and they extend a general invita tion to the ladies to call and see for themselves. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for August 31, 1898. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Brookman C A Beuham A Clarno, Ethel Carlson, Gnst Easttmrn, Dora Frase, Jas G (2) Grayhara, Geo Graham, W A Grimee, Thos Hayes, Mary HaBkell, Cora Hickman, Vera (2) Hurlburt, Lillian Hill, Chas E Harvey, Jack Hall Mrs L J Johnson, Chas A Jordan, It M Johnson, Martha J Johnson, P A Jones, M Johnson, Carl Kelley, Olley Kils. Mrs Annie Kelley, MraB Lewis, Eva N Lieed, A C Le Masters, C Mayfield, S M Martin, May McKellar, J A Martin, Samuel E McCray. Maud Miller, McKeynolds, Jacob McDonald Airs D S McNeil, Mrs Mattie McKillop, Wm Nelson, Alof Nelson, S A Neiderburger, Gus NeUon, Accurb Nace, Serapbina Oaks, J H Rine, F A Rano, Marvin (2J Robertson, A W Rand, M Spevoy, J B Huart, S Wm Strood, Martha Stevens, N N Wiberg, Nellie Ward, D J Wood, Ed Wickhatn Malinda Woodcock, Irene Whitney, F vyatters, E H J. A. Crossen. Announcement. The formal opening of fall and winter millinery will be held at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors on Second street, on Friday and Saturday, Septem ber 16th and 17th. The largest, most stylish and complete line of millinery goods ever shown at The Dalles will be on exhibition. Hamlin's W give a dollar sh September 19th J House and only fifteen cents to consists of choictJ music, refined comedies and only forty inche their program is don't fail to bri dren Monday nig zird Oil Company will next Monday night, at the Baldwin Opera charge their patrons ee it. Their program vocal and instrumental specialties, laughable eir funny little man high. Every part of clean and refined, eo : the ladies and chil li t. THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrnp of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package." For iale by all drnggistSj Attention, Foresters. The members of the Foresters of America will meet promptly at 7 o'clock tomorrow, Friday evening, as all busi ness must be transacted before 9 o'clock in order to turn over the hall ' for a dancing party. By order of chief ranger. LUST. A set of false teeth. One tooth broken. Leave at this office and receive suitable reward. WANTED. A good cook and house keeper to work on a farm. Address John Fredburg, Gorman, Sherman county. 9-10 2w II J ' 1 T ' i nmictTPin wvnnon i OREGON 1 j inn UU UAJUdlllUlL OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 22d, CLOSES OCTOBER 22, 1898. The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held In the Northwest. ...Horlicnltural anJ AEricnltnraL. Products oftOreon and Washington will be dis placed in wonderrul profusion, including more vnrieties than ever before gath ered together in one exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded Marvelously Rich. Specimens from Our Gold, Silver and Other Mines. BENNETT'S RENOWNED MILITARY BAND Hes been engaged for the season. Astounding Aerial Feats and. Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on All Railroads. ADjMISSIOX Adults 25 cents, Children 10c. Complete Line of School SnpplieR, Stationery, Fishing Tackle, Notione, Ham mocks, Baby Carriages at bedrock prices, at the Jacobsen Book & Music Co. Where will also be found the largest and most complete line of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. 12 Perfect Pictures on 12 Glass Plates in 12 Seconds without reloading Magazine BIGL0J1E Cameras. Everv part made to produce perfect pic tures simply and easily. Every .Lens speci ally ground, tested and guaranteed, bh inter sets itself and is always ready. Plates changed by the turn of a button. Any one can take pictures with the "Cyclone." -It cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and requires no extras. IN THREE SIZES CBnfl fnK No. 1. 13.50 " no. 2. 3x4;i, $6.00 1898 Cataloane. No. 8. 4x4. 110.00 3U 7U. Z. DONNELL ' to V ) 1