The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 15, 1898, Image 1

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NO 158
Immediate Removal From Camg of Five
More of tie Regiments fere Or
dered liy Eeaflnnarters.
Intention of Departmet to
Abandon the Camp.
Condition of the Sick Surgeon-General
Sternberg Calls Attention to Some
Additional Features of Col. Smart's
Report on Camp Conditions.
Camp Wikoff, Sept. 14 Notice was
received at headquarters for the removal
of five more regiments of infantry from
Cap Wikoff at once. The Tenth infant
ry goes to Hnntsville, Ala.; light bat
tery E, First artillery, to Jefferson' bar
racks, Mo., and light battery K, First
artillery, to Fort Sam Houston, Tex.
Heavy artillery batteries A and B, of
the First, will report to the commander
of the department of the Gulf by tele
graph. Companies A and F of the Sec
ond, go to Huntsville, F of the Fourth
ti Fort Adams, R. I., and F of the Fifth
to Fort Hamilton, N. Y.
The orders indicate the determination
of the war department to abandon Camp
Wikoff as rapidly as possible. The
Fourth and Thirteenth infantry left this
morning and the Seventh will go this
There are 721 patients in the general
hospital. There was but one death dur
ing the night. Thomas Fitzgerald of the
Seventy-first New York, is sick at hos
pital 40, of typhoid fever.
Movement Inaugurated in Jamaica
Having for its Object the Annex
ation of the Island to the Domin
nation Change of Nationality
Would Thus be Avoided, and Ja
maica's Troubles Brought to an
New York, Sept. 14 The fate of the
movement of the annexation of Jamaica
to the United States is eealed, says the
Kingston, Jamaica, correspondent of
the Times. For a week or two the mat
ter has been talked over; talked to
death and allowed to drop.
This has not been owing to the lack
of sympathy from the better-informed
colonists and those whose material in
terests are involved in the future of the
island. It may safely be said that these
to a man, favored the proposition.
Otherwise, indeed, it would never have
reached the importanco that it did at
the outset. But the color prejudice
proved too strong, and even those who
realized most clearly the magnitude of
the crisis and the completeness of the
solution that annexation would afford,
dreaded to face the personal antagonism
that their support of the movement
would invoke. Hence, when the full
strength of popular opposition was felt,
open sympathy promptly vanished.-
The gravity of the ciisis remains un
altered, however, and the darkness of
the Ehadow of industrial gloom cast over
the island by the prospective annexation
of Cuba and Porto Rico into the United
States is in no way relieved by this
concessicn to an unreasoning, popular
- In best-informed circles it is felt that,
facing a demand for annexation to the
United States as an alternative, no re
presentations that the Barbadoes con
ference may make to the imperial gov
ernment will produce the least effect
on the policy of the home authoritiep.
For this reason there is already on foot
an alternative annexation proposal
which, while not nearly so promising as
that for admission to the United States,
yet holds out some prospect for relief
from the crisis that surely threatens the
The proposal now is to seek admission
into the Canadian Dominion. While
the sugar market there is not eo large
as that of the United States, it is better
than none at all. On the other hand,
there will be no change in nationality,
and the color question would not be
touched. There are two cardinal points
at issue, and it might be that Canadian
annexation would eo assimialte them
and reconcile all conflicting interests f s
to be the most practical solution obtain
able. On this there seems to be an
agreement of popular sentiment.
It is not proposed, however, to take
any definite steps in the matter until
the Barbadoes conference has proved
its unity or otherwise. And no idea of
the outlook can be formfd here until
mail adviees are received of the course
of the deliberations of the conference.
This will not be until the end of this
week, for, although there is a telegraph
line to Barbadoes, the toals are so pro
hibitive as to preclnde its us.e.
That the Dominion government and
the people of Canada are favorably dis
posed, not only to the annexation of
Jamacia, but of the British West Indies
as a whole, is a strong point in the
propaganda; and the Canadian agent
here, one of the brightest and most
popular business men of Kingston, is
just the sort of a man to work cp the
Wcyler's Agitation Resulted in Adjourn
ing of Cortes.
Madrid, Sept. 14 The queen-regent
signed the protocol bill this evening.
The government had intended thecortes
to Bit until an indemnity bill for the
suspension of the constitutional guaran
tees had been passed, but the threatened
agitation on the part of Genetal Weyler
and others, together w:th the evidence
of divisions in both the liberal and the
conservative parties, convinced Senor
Sagasta of the advisability of closing
down debates, which would have hin
dered the free progress of the peace ne
gotiations. The cortes will be next con
voked to ratify the final treaty of peace.
It is rumored that Senor Perio, Senor
Crespo and Senor Lara, members of the
chamber of deputies, started for the
French frontier late this evening.
Deafness Cannot be:Cnred
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
named you have a mmbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine caws out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.
y Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
The entire fruit crop (not gathered
yet) of onr orchards on 15-Mile (about
12 miles from this city), consisting of
fine variety of apples and other fruits,
for eale. Apply immediately to
Max Vogt & Co.
Has Determined Upon Phil
ippine Policy.
They May Find It Necessary for Our
Government to Hold all of the
Islands Which Have Thus Far
Been Taken.
Washington Sept. 14. The members
of the peace commission saw the presi
dent this morning; and later spent two
hours in conference at the state depart
ment. Much satisfaction was expressed today
over reports from Madrid that the lower
house of parliament had passed the gov
ernment bill accepting the terms of the
protocol. The upper house already has
passed this measure, so that the last
fear of legislative opposition to the trans
fer of Cuba, the Ladrones and Porto Rico
is over.
There is little doubt that a general
line of policy has been agreed upon be
tween the president and his cabinet at
their meeting late yesterday, but there
is good reason for believing that the as
sertion that the decision was definitely
in favor of not permitting Spain 'under
any conditions to retain sovereignty in
any part of the Philippine islands is
based on a misconception, as the mem
bers of the cabinet and those of the peace
commission refuse absolutely to discuss
the subject with newepaper men, and,
therefore, what is said is based on infer
ence or roundabout information.
It is doubted that the commission will
start the negotiations at Paris with the
assertion that we have conquered Spain
in the Philippines and that Spanish sov
ereignty has aliady been forfeited.
This will Jfot, however, necessarily
signify that It is the purpose of the ad
ministration teYetain possession of the
entire group Of islands, or permanently
to deprive spain of h er possession of the
Pacific. - -
It is not believed that the adminis
tration has gone beyond determination
to retain the whole of the island of
Luzon, bnt it is understood to be the in
tention of the president to establish, at
the outset, the right of this government
to determine the fate of the islands, and
to make the conditions which gov
ernment shall be established there.
Notice so the Public.
That certain note given by the under
signed to Mark T. Kady, for $174.00,
dated June 23d, 189S, payable four
months after date, was obtained by and
through false and fraudulent.represen
iations. The consideration therefor has
wholly failed, and said note is now held
by said Kady contrary to his agreement to
return the'same. All persons are warned
not to pnrchase said note, and that the
maker thereof will not pay i t-',
William O. Patterson,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Dated Sept. 8, 1808.
An iron grey gelding, brand indistinct,
looks like a quarter circle with a bar
under it, . The animal is unbroken.
Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles
south of The Dalles. The owner can
have same by proving property and pay
ing all charges. Ed Wilson.
Sept. 1, lmo.
Costs More
to use Schilling's Best
tea because you drink
more. aS
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Free Fills
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure ofCon
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25o. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
We, the undersigned, hare this day.
Sept. 9, formed a co-partnership for the
purpose of carrying on a general mer
chandise business at Boyd, Ore., where
we will, at all times, keep on hand sea
sonable goods at right prices.
In a short time our stock will be in
creased and we will be better able to ac
commodate you. Call and get prices, as
we are glad to see you any time. Thank
ing you for past favors and soliciting
your future orders, we are yours Tiespt.
Southern & Butler,
' Boyd, Ore.
Notice is hereby given that I have
this day purchased the interest of L.
McLellnn in The Dalles Steam Laundry
and will collect all bills and pay all
debts against the same.
A. S. MacAli.isteb.
I ask my friends and patrons to accord
to Mr. MacAllister the same generous
patronage given to me.
Sept. 6, 1898. X.. McLellan.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore exieting between F.
S. Gunning and J. D. Hockman, under
the firm name and style of Gunning &
Hockman, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All parties knowing them
selves indebted to said firm are respect
fully requested to make an early settle
ment. The Dalles, Oregon, August 30, 1898.
F. 8. Gunning,
J. D. Hockman.
Cheap Excursion Rates.
To the Oregon State Fair, September
22d to 30th, 1898. Just think of it! Only
one fere for the round trip on the South
ern Pacific lines in Oregon to see the
highest class of attractions, exciting
sports and entertainments every day.
Special days all through the fair. One
fare for the round trip takes you to the
great exhibition and home again.
si'JccIaZ excursion
From Eugene, Albany, and Corvallip,
Monday, September 26, 1898, to Oregon
State Fair. For this excursion the
Southern Pacific will make a rate of $2
from Eugene and $1 from Albany for the
round trip, returning same day. Regu
lar rate one fair round trip good any
time during fair. Don't miss the best
fair ever held in Oregon.
Real Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of citv lots, blocks
and acteaee. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at the office
of the Wasco V arehouso Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
The Misses Taylor will open their kin1
dergarten and primary school at the
Baptist church on Wednesday, Septem
ber 14tb, at 1 o'clock p. rn., instead of
Monday as heretofore stated. Session
from 1 to 4 in the afternoon.
Our Btory is briefly told. We have just opened the
handsomest assortment of Men's Fine Neck Fixings it
has ever teen onr pleasure to talk about. In this lot
you will find the 'Ascot," the Puff, the Band Teck, the
New Four-iu-Hand, which, by the way, promises to be
come quite popular this season, and a choice lot of
Boxs, Ciaba end Tecks. All improvements in materi
als, colorings and finishings.
Neckwear which is etrictly high-grade, which will
appeal to the appreciative buyer of all tastes, at the
popular prices of
50e and 75e.
Hew Shaped Tecks at 25c.
A. jVT. Williams & Co.
The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of
Seconff Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Soeisty
Embracing trie Counties of
Will Be
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack,
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon.
Wasco Warehouse Oonpny
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTfeeo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
nTI 7,lrTlT ThisFlour is manufactured expressly for family
wVAA A J U.A . uge . every gack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We Be! I our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
I wish to announce to the public that
I will teach a limited number of pupils
on the cornet or piano. Instructions n
harmony and thorough base will be
given free with piano lessons. Prices
reasonable. For further information
call at my residence on East Fonrth St.
Sept. 1 tf Albeut T. Baldwin.
B. P. O. E."will find the "only" color, repre
sented in the lot.
Held at
A. b. MAO ALLlblJiK, ires.
Thousands of persons have been cured
of piles by using DoWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve. It beala promptly and cures
eczema and all skin diseases. It gives
immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drag
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Cb.aptu.aa block, tf