The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 14, 1898, Image 3

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uci Goods Just Opened. J
Made by those who give the matter their undivided thought, differ from
the ordinary kind in man' ways fit and finish is better, and they have a dis
tinctive stj'le that makes them desirable when you wish to appear well dressed.
The assortment includes Beavers, Kerseys and Fancy Cloths, and these jackets
are the correct length (22 and 23 inch.) Prices are from
We expect to open up a second invoice today, (Monday,) consisting of
Jackets and Capes, on which the prices will range from $1.75 to $15.00.
The Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
Thursday night
At the Vogt Opera House.
Wash boilers 50 cents.
)b inch hose 2?4 cents.
Lawn mowers $2.75.
Steel ranges $20.00.
25 per cent discount on all
ware at Mays & Crowe's.
Don't fail to see Prof. Miller in Lis
wonderful balloon ascension and para
chute with Leondor Bros. show.
The Eagle Acetylene Gas Generator
can be seen in use at the P. S. Daut
optical parlors. Karl Gottfried, Agt.
Don't tail to see the twelve famous
Peri sisters in their acrobatic and Cu
ban dances with Leoudor Bros. show.
The early morning train was several
hours late this morning having been de
layed by a burned bridge near Pocatella.
Tickets for the Alpha Mandolin and
Guitar Club musicals on eale at The
Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Admission
25 cents. Reserved seats 10 cents extra.
Marsh & Medler's drug store in Wasco
was entered by burglars Monday night,
and the contents of the till were taken.
The burglars affected an entrance
through a rear window. They secured
lees than $5. Nothing besides the till
was molested.
Tickets for the Alpha Mandolin and
Guitar Club's inusicale are selling rapid
ly, and in order to get a satisfactory loca
tion, so that the performance can be
thoroughly enjoyed, it will be necessary
to secure seats at once. Everyone will
attend and standing room will be in de
This forenoon John W. Heebner had
his hearing before Justice Bayard, he
being charged with disorderly couduct
and using obscene language in the prcs
ence of ladies. He plead guilty of the
charge and was fined fifteen dollars
The proceedings to put him under bonds
to keep the peace was continued.
The great Exposition building at Port
land will be a blaze of glory from Sept
22 to Oct. 22, and there will be the moe
beautiful of electric lights ever seen
tne nortnwest. ah tne colors of Jfhe
rainbow will be represented, andthe
most beautiful effects will result, And it
will be one of the sights of a lifetime.
Mr. Hockmnn, who was formerly i iij
partnership with Mr. Gunning, and Mr
Sandrock who ran a wagon makers shopl
in conjunction with the same, haves
since the fire located in the J. L. Thomp -
son blacksmith shop on Third street
Both gentleman are splendid mechanics!
in their respective lines and will gainft
their share of the public patronage.
A neater or more commodious milinery
parlor than that of Mrs. C. L. Phillips
could not be found in the state. On ac
count of the large amount of business
and consequently the extensive stock
which she is forced to carry ehe has en
larged and remodeled her store. At
present a beautiful collection of ladies
street bats are on display while in a
few days she intends to have a splendid
collection of imported patterns on ex
hibition. On account of the delay in
completing the work which the mechanTl
ics have been doing on the building she
is forced to postpone her fall opening un
til next week. It will be a delightful
treat, however, for the ladies to examine
the fine collection of hats which she will
exhibit on that occasion.
The Goldendale public school will re
open on Monday, Sept. 19th with the
following corps of teachers : Prof. Rousb,
principal; J. H.Hill, grammar depart
ment ; Mrs. Lottie Chappell, 1st inter
mediate; Miss HattieGunn, 2d interme
diate; Miss Lydia Cbaney, 1st primary;
and Miss Mollie Hutton, 2d primary. It
is the intention of the board of directors
to make the school second to none in the
county, but to do sd it cannot be entirely
successful without the co-operation of
parents or guardianB. The old part of
the school house is being thoroughly re
paired by James H. Hill and will be
ready in ample time for the opening.
The school census of that district, as
shown by Supt. Colburn's report is 331,
being larger than any other three dis
tricts in Klickitat county combined.
Later reports from the wrecked steam
er Hattie Belle state that the damage to
the boat is not as serious as was at first
thought. The vessel is said to be in a
better condition than was the Regulator
and if the necessary machinery for re
moving her from the perilous position
were on the spot it would be a matter
of but a short time until she could be put
into service again. In our account of
it yesterday a mistake was made in
stating that Captain Hosford was in
command of the vessel and was at the
wheel at the time of the accident, as it
was Captain McNulty who had charge
of the boat. When we consider, how
ever, the number of years that Captain
McNulty has run boats on the Colum
bia without an accident, we will be
forced to Eay that the fault was not due
to him. The freight was nearly all
gotten off without being damaged
Manila Social.
J. W . NeEmith'9 Womans Relief
Corps, will give a "Manila social" at
Fraternity hall, on next Saturday even
ing. A good program will be rendered,
refreshments eervea anc some unique
entertainment provided. The public
are most cordially invited to attend. A
email admission fee will be charged
which will be announced later, also the
program in
full. Remember the
The Bee Hive restaurant in the East
End is open day and night. Oj'steis
eerved in every style.
A eet of false teeth. One tooth broken.
Leave at this office and receive suitable
The Little Coat Hu Bad Lock on tHe
Trial Trip Arrives this Afternoon.
Our people were badly disappointed
yesterday evening by the failure of the
Inland Flyer in reaching this city.
When they were going through the
steel bridge yesterday the packing blew
out of the throttle valve, which forced
them to tic up and wait three hours for
the machinery to cool off before theY
could replace the packing.
After the repairs were made, they fan
to Columbia Beach, where they re
mained during the night. As the ma
chinery is new and tight, the propeller
was only run 150 revolutions a minute,
whereas the limited number of revolu
tions is 350. The little craft made the
run through the rapids in a magnificent
manner and got along nicely from the
Cascades to this place, reaching the D
P. & A. N. dock at about 2 :30.
As soon as the boat whistled a large
crowd gathered on the dock and for sev
eral hours the boat was crowded with
people who were inspecting and admir
ing the little craft.
It is indeed worthy of admiration,
being well finished, handsomely fur
Dished and the neatest vessel through
out that has ever plowed the waters of
the Columbia. The machinery works
heavy at present and. until such time bb
it is in perfect trim, no attempt will be
made to speed her, as soon, however,
as it is in proper shape ehe will make a
record that will be little less than
The genial commander, Captain Al
den, of the Flyer, greeted the visitors,
who flocked aboard, in his usual jovial
manner, and it was plain to eee that
there was not one among them all who
were not anxious to make the trip down
tomorrow on the beautiful little raft
with the young but popular captain.
tack of Space in the Vault in the Connty
Clerk's Office Necessitates a Change.
The question of making sufficient room
for the various documents and records
which have been accumulating in the
ivault in the county clerk's office since
,S53 is at present a question for the
ccunty officials to decide.
The yault is kept in perfect shape but
there are at present too much matter
stored there for the limited space afford
ed by the present furniture. More room
is needed and the question is whether
the vault will be enlarged or new steel
furniture put in which will afford ample
room for all documents, records and
everything of that nature that it is neces
sary to put there for the next twenty-five
years at least..
The plan suggested by County Clerk
Kelsay is probably the most feasible of
any yet spoken of, it being to put the
furniture which is at present in the
vault in the county court room and have
the same replaced with steel furniture
which will be perfectly fire proof. The
We have just received a large stock of
Cole's Air Tight heaters, which will
sell from 53.50 to $12.00. Every stove
warranted. Call and eee our stock of
heaters before purchasing.
167 Second St. . THE DALLES, OR.
furniture which will be put in the court
room can then be used for all documents
of which a record is kept in the vaults
and this will give an abundance of room
and, at the same time, place all valuable
papers in much less danger of being de
stroyed by fire.
IThis is certainly the plan that should
be adopted, and that it would be approv
ed bv everv common eense man in the
.county cannot be doubted.
Will Exhibit in Your City Monday.
Why you should not fail to eee. Be
cause it is good, instructive, and full of
mirth ; funny clowns,' and the best
talent ever brought to your city; re
fined classical display of ancient and
modern statuary ; world's famous airel
artists, acrobats, leapers ; the only lady
clown today in America; in facl, all the
famous artists picked from both hemis
pheres placed before you in one ring,
where you can see and. hear it all. Do
not think that because it is only one
ring it must be a small affair. It is the
largest, beet, and only show coming.
Having ourselves been the leading at
tractions with Barnum and Bailey,
Sells, and the Kingling Brothers' great
shows. We know what pleases the pub
lic and will endeavor, year after year, to
give to the amusement loving public
a show, good, pure, devoid of all inde
ciences and trust, with the help of those
that see and wish a good ehow to visit
your cities will give credit where such
is due. We will soon stand as an
honest, upright business enterprise in
the Northwest and will make it our
sincere obligation to hold the trust
placed in us. Yours,
Leoxdor Bkos.
The formal opening of fall and winter
millinery will be held at the Campbell
& Wilson millinery parlors on Second
street, on Friday and Saturday, Septem
ber ICth and 17th. The largest, most
stylish and complete lino of millinery
goods ever shown at The Dalles will be
on exhibition.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs,
under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For tale by
all druggists;
The Misses Taylor will open their kin
dergarten end primary school at the
Baptist church on Wednesday, Septem
ber 14th, at 1 o'clock p. m., instead of
Monday as heretofore etated. Session
from 1 to 4 in the afternoon.
pier nton.
Casli tn Your Gncctts. '
All countv warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after September 8
1898. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasnrer.
Our Fire Sale is still on. . All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
Noxt Door to Land Office,
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop-
ular prices. Call and see him.
QetYour priptiiat t.7.5 office.
A Clipping From an Eastern Paper on
The Bright Side nt Life in Libby
Chaplain M'Cabo delivered his fa
mous lecture on "The Bright Side of
Life in Libby Prison" in the Armory in
Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday evening,
May 6. A large audience greeted the
lecturer and enjoyed a great treat.
Although this lecture has been delivered
in all parts of the United States and de
livered many times, it still attracts
multitudes wherever it is announced.
Some go because they have never heard
it, and many go because they have
heard it. The lecture is the same, yet
not the same. The chaplain always
introduces something new. Sometimes,
after delivering a thrilling passage or
relating a stirring story he tells his
audience that this is not in the lecture.
It is an entertaining, amusing, instruc
tive and happy address. But the most
important factor in the lecture is the
personality of the Chaplain himself.
He was quite a young man when he
went through that wonderful and woeful
experience in Libby. He makes it
quite amusing to look back on his life
in prison from the remote standpoint,
but at the time there could not have
been anything very bright in the long
and weary days and months of unpar
alleled suffering.-
Ons Minute Lough Cure, cures.
That is what it was raaJe for.
Complete Line of
School Supplies, Stationery, Fishing Tackle, Notions, Ham
mocks, Baby Carriages at bedrock prices, at the
Jacobsen Book & Music Go,
Where will also be found the largest and most complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
New Vogt Block,
12 Perfect Pictures on
12 Glass Plates in
12 Seconds without reloading
Every pai
lures siiiii
ally ground, tested and guaranteed. Shutter
sets itself aud is always ready. Plates
changed by the turn of a button. Anyone
can take pictures with the "Cyclone." It
cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and
requires no extras.
Send for
1898 Catalogue.
No. 1. 2ix2y $.3.50
No. 2. 3'.xl'4, $6.00
No. 3. 4x4, $10.00
t nnde to produce perfect pic- -jf3a5! f 1 -J-7 - 1 ft
y and easily. Every Lens sneci- rj'ffJiSjs lyl.'' J 4 ' I 3
Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
Wfl.sTnino-tnn Strfifif-,.
. : s
Industrial Exposition
orrss IN '
OQTOBER 22, 1898.
The Finest and Grentest Exposition Ever Held
in the Northwest.
...Horlicultural ani Agricultural.
Products of Oregon and Washington will be dis
played in wonderiul profusion, including
more varieties than ever before gath
ered together in one exhibit.
Gold'Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded
Marvelously Rich, Specimens from Our
Gold, Silver and Other Mines.
Hcs been engaged for the season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and Aero
batic Performances.
Very Low Rates on All Railroads.
ADMISSION Adults 25 cents, Children 10c
The Dalles, Oregon.
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