The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 13, 1898, Image 3

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I hIIim!'
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Carload of the celebrated Wil
son Heaters just received. All
sizes and kinds at your own
ecu- uooas uast upenea.
r -
Made by those who give the matter their undivided thought, differ from
the ordinary kind in many ways fit and finish is better, and they have a dis
tinctive style that makes them desirable when you wish to appear well dressed.
The assortment includes Beavers, Kerseys and Fancy Cloths, and these jackets
are the correct length (22 and 23 inch.) Prices are from
We expect to open up a second invoice today, (Monday,) consisting of
Jackets and Capes, on which the prices will range from $1.75 to $15.00.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Thursday night
At the Vogt Opera House.
Wash boilers 50 cents.
inch hose 2 cents.
Lawn mowers $2.75.
Steel ranges $0.00.
25 per cent discount on all granite
ware nt Maya & Crowe's.
Watch out for Jacobsen Book and
Music Co. 'a ad in tomorrow's Issue.
Don't fail to see Prof. Miller in Lis
wonderful balloin aeceneion and para
chute with Leondor Bros. ehow.
The Eagle Acetylene Gas Generator
can he eeen in use at the P. S. Daut
optical parlors. Karl Gottfried, Agt.
Don't tail to eee the twelve famous
Peri sisters Jin their acrobatic and Cu
ban dances with Leondor Bros. show.
Tickets for the Alpha Mandolin and
Guitar Club musicale on sale at The
Snipss Kinersly Drug Co. Admission
25 cents. Reserved seats 10 cents extra.
Ladies Aid eociety of the Congrega
tional church will meet at the residence
of Mr9. E. M. Wilson on Wednesday:
afternoon. A full attendance is requested.
The Good Intent society of the M. E.
church will meet at the residence of
Mrs. Win. Michell on Wednesday after
noon instead of Thursday as was an
nounced in yesterday's paper.
Mr. P. Pollman, a wealthy resident of
Baker City, is building an opera house
to take the place of the one recently de
stroyed by fire. The building will cost
Today about twenty sacks of wool ar
rived at the Wasco Warehouse from the
vicinity of Fife, on the John Day river.
This is probably the last wool that will
arrive in The Dalles this season.
The clothing of a Huntington boy
named Jennings caught fire the other
day. The child's left side, from the
waist to the shoulder, was badly burned.
Mrs. Jennings was butned on the hands
while tearing the clothing from her boy.
The East End tonosorial parlors,
formerly occupied by Mr. Pintler, have
been purchased by a first-class barber,
Mr. Fredrick Blandon, who desires to
meet all the former patrons of that
barber shop and feels safe in assuring
them satisfactory work,
About twenty thousand pounds of
freight in tha way of merchandise was
ebipptd from the Wasco Warehouse to
day for Dayville. The handling of this
and other freight along with the large
amount of wheat that is crowding in
keeps the employes of that warehouse
exceptionally busy.
Owing to the difficulties experienced
in putting in the new steam pipes in the
electric light plant, it waa impossible to
have the machinery in a condition to
run last night. Everything has been
thoroughly overhauled, however, and
tha lights will be turned on this evening
and no further trouble ia expected.
On next Monday, Sept. 19th, tl.e
Leondor Bros, combined shows will be
in The Dalles, find as they come well rep
resented and with a number of new
novelties, everyone will turn out to see
them. This will be the only show of the
kind in The Dalles this year, and it will
be a treat to old and young, especially to
the latter, who take great delight in such
Numerous competent critics who have
heard the playing of the Alpha Mando
lin and Guitar Club state that their
performing has never 'been excelled in
The D-illes. On Thursday night they
will give their musicale and everyone
should attend in order to see what
splendid local talent The Dallea has, as
well as to hear one of the moBt select
programs ever rendered in our city.
A. L. Brown and William Tripp, of
Baker City, had an accident with a 3000
ponnd road grader Friday morning.
While the machine wa9 being taken np
a steep hill it roiled backwards, pulling
the four horses with it and throwing the
men out. One wheel passed over Mr.
Brown's right leg and hip and Mr. Tripp,
whose leg was gashed by a sharp iron,
nearly bled to death before he could stop
the flow of blood. The wounded men
were prostrate for over an hour. Both
men will recover.
The petition which waa before the
county court yesterday afternoon re
sulted in the lease formerly granted to
Hood River being revoked and the
stream being declared a public highway.
The petition waa strongly resisted by
the Hood River Lumber Company, but
without avail. Since the county court
granted the petition after mature de
liberation the matter will be taken to a
higher court, and if the leasers are suc
cessful their intentions are to construct
a targe sawmill at once which will fur
nigh employment for numerous work
infcmen. Prof. Daut, the scientific optician, has
put in what is knowm as the ascetylene
gas lights in his optica
parlors, and has
found the eame to be)
superior to any
thing yet discovered fok- the purpose he
desires it. The gas gi
ea a strong clear
light, and bis darkroom, which he uees
for testing eyes, is
he best on the
Pacific Coast
He is donvinced that the
gas will work witho
Whealdon, the -insur:
fail, and Mr.
nee agent, says
that having such a pi
knt in a building
will not increase the
rates of insurance
as it ia considered perfectly safe in every
regard, and not aa liaely to be. instru
mental in starting fire
aa is the coal oil
The formal opening of fall and winter
millinery will be held at the Campbell
& Wilson millinery parlors on Second
street, on Friday and Saturday, Septem
ber 16th and 17th. The largest, most
stylish and complete line of millinery
goods ever shown at The Dalles will be
on exhibition.
The Little Vessel Driven on the Rocks
Below the Cascades.
At about three o'clock today, the little
steamer Hattie Bell, which has been
chartered by the D. P. & A. N. Co.,
was coming through the rapids below
the locks when it was driven by the
force of the current on to the shore in
almost the same identical place in which
the Regulator wrecked a few weeks ago.
We understand that the eteamer waa in
charge of Captain Hosford, an old river
man, and who ia considered one of
the best ship masters on the river. No
lives were lost in the wreck and as in
formation concerning it ia meagre, little
can be said about the damage done to
the steamer.
A strong wind waa blowing a the
time of the accident and this probably
aided the water 5n running the vessel
oa the rocks. '
The accident is certainly an unfortu
nate one for the D. P. and A. N. Co., as
they were short of boats to carry the
immense amount of freight which is
being shipped over their line, and it
was with difficulty that thia boat could
be eecured. At present the Regulator
ia wrecked in the Locks while the Hat
tie Bell lies on the rocks below, pro
bably in as bad a condition.
Outstanding warrenta on school dis
trict No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will
be paid on presentation at my office.
Interest ceases on and after this date.
C. L. Schmidt, Clerc.
The Dalles, Sept. 12, 1898.
Salem people are at present very busy
making preparations for reaping their
harvest. This does not consist of wheat,
or hops, or prunes, but good, sound
gold-standard dollars, which legislators
and others attending the approaching
legislature and state fair will have to
part with for board and lodging. To
have a legislature and state fair running
at the same time will put the citizens
of Salem in mind of by-gone days, but
tha electric roads have done for the
numerous hacks, and the cry of, "All
aboard for the grounds," will be heard
no more. With a legislature and state
fair in full blast at the same time, and
the certainty of a second legislature
fairly treading on the heels of the first,
Salem people may well believe that an
era of prosperity for the city is dawning,
and it will be remarkable if they do not
reap as rich a harvest this fall and win
ter as has been gathered by the farmers
and orchardista of that section.
Board for school children. Rates $14
per month, including washing. -8-16-lm.
Mas. F. Drews.
. . . 'J
We have just received a large stock of
Cole's Air fight heaters, which will
sell from $3.50 to $12 00. Every stove
warranted. Call .and see our stock of
heaters before purchasing.
167 Seconl St. THE DALLES, OR.
The Dalles Portland and Astoria Navigation Company's New Boat Left Portland
at Eleven O'clock Today, Bound for The Dalles,
This evenini the people of The Dalles
will have the opportunity of seeing what
may prove to be the handsomest, fast
eat and best constructed vessel that haa
ever plowed the waters of the upper
A number of the officials and stock
holders of the D. P. & A. N. Company
left on the morning train for Portland,
for the purpose of 'coming up on the
newly constructed Inland Flyer, on her
first trip.
This intention was to leave Portland,
at 11 o'clock today, and run the new
craft to this city on her trial trip. A
slight delay, however, prevented them
from leaving until 11 :30.
Th6 trip from Portland, however can
94 fyi.Mi
MpliliaiiiMi FlUIBffiDQflll
tion in order to make it as etrong as
possible so as to stand the strain of the
treacherous, rapids water below the
Cascades. Fully as much care was ex
ercised in the matter of her machinery,
so that it would be satisfactory in every
The engines were made to order by.
the Marine Engine Works in Chicago,
and the boilers are the best that can be
secured. They will carry 250 lbs of steam
which is an unusual amount for such
a mall vessel, and with such power and
a deeply set propeller it should be able to
plow throngh the water at a phenome
nal rate of epeed.
The passenger accommodations on the
Flyer are superior to those of any boat
on the river, and it will be a pleasure for
the patrons of the company to make the
trip between thia city and Portland on
tbia elegantly furnished craft, as well as
for the hundreds of. tourists who make
the trip every year to view the unsur
passed scenery of the Columbia.
In consideration " of the swift water
and stormy weather with which the
Flyer will have to contend, the best ma
terial that could be Becured waa used in
the construction of the vessel, and it ie
put together is such a way aa to be equal
to any vessel now running on the river,
Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods
from 25 to 50 per cent reduction.
MavB cS3 Crowe.
Noxt Door to Land Office,
J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Posloffice, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Qet Your prii?tii
not be taken aa a eample of the speed
which tbe new boat can make, aa the
machinery ie t ght and the engineer of
the little vessel will not turn her lose
until the bearings have smoothed off a
The owners of the boat as well as the
builder, Joseph Supple, expect that in
the matter of epeed the Flyer will eur
pass any boat that has ever mn cn ti e
Columbia, and have endeavored by ev
ery possible means to have her fulfill
this hope.
The Inland -Flyer ia one hundred and
ten feet long, eighteen feet beam, seven
feet hold, and can easily accommodate
over one hundred and fifty passengers.
Great care was taken in ita construc-
from point of strength.
'It waa inspected Fiiday by Local In
spectors Edwarda and Fuller,and, owing
to various changes which it waa neces
sary to make, the first trip had to be
put off from Saturday until today.
The Flyer will be in charge of Charles
Alden aa captain and Win. Gillam as
engineer, both old and reliable river
men, and with such a veseel and com
manded by such men, the patrons of the
D. P. & A. N. Co. need not have any
timidity about traveling on thia popular
Since the opening of the fishing season
it has been discovered that not as many
salmon aa were originally figured on are
in the river, and the catch so far haa
been comparatively light. On the lower
river quite an amount of trouble is
caused between the fishermen and the
cansers over the price paid for fish. Thia
however, is not the case in this vicinity,
a9 the prices paid is satisfactory to the
fishermen, and owing to advance in
canned salmon is equally satisfactory to
the operators of canneries. On account
of the unusually large run of last season
the fishermen expected almost too
much, but if the present catch keeps np
they will make a good profit.
JLssGnffl , L
- -- Miami pH
Washington Street.
at tfyis office.
With Us Again.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co. will return
to The Dalles after a long absence and
commence a series of refined entertain
ments in the Baldwin Opera House
next Monday night, September 19ih.
The name is enough to assure our
readers a first class Ehow in every re
spect. They are not classed with medi
cine shows, nd give the public a big
show for a very small price. They carry
eleven performers,- all new to this city
but Jerry the funny little man forty
inches high, who is a great favorite in
The Dalles. Be sure and eee them
Monday irght. The admission is only.
15 cent3. .
To Cure a Cola in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tLe money if
it fails to cure. 25a.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 22, 1898.
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held
in the Northwest.
...Horticultural an! Agricultural...
Products of Oregon unit Washington will be dis
placed in wonder. ul profusion, including
more varieties than ever before gath
ered together in one exhibit.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded
Marvelously Rich Specimens from Our
Gold, Silver and Other Mines.
Has been engaged for the season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro
batic Performances;
Very Low Rates on All Railroads.
ADMISSION Adults 25 cents, Children 10c.
The Lightest
and Simplest
Plate Cameras.
Eastmans No. .2 Eureka Jr.
Makes Pictures 3x3 Inches; weighs 12 oz.
Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies.
Send for Catalogue.