The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 155
Empress of Austria was the
Killed by an Italiao Anarchist While
Walking From the Hotel to the
Boat The Assassin Arrested.
Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 10. The
empress of Austria was assinated near
the Hotel Beaurivage this afternoon by
an anarchist, who was arrested.
It appears that her magesty was walk
ing from her hotel to the landing place
of the steamer about 1 o'clock, when an
Italian anarchist suddenly appeared and
etabbed her to the heart. The empress
fell, and was carried to the Hotel Beau
rivage. where ehe expired.
The stretcher upon which the empress
was carried to the hotel was hastily iru
provisedwith oars and sail cloth. Doc
tors and priests were immediately Earn
moned, and a telegram was sent to
Emperor Francis Joseph.
All efforts to revive her majesty were
unavailing, find she expired at 3 o'clock.
The medical examination shows that
the assassin must have used a small
triangular file. After striking the blow
he ran along the Rne De3 Alpes, with
the evident intention of entering the
square Los Alpes, but before reaching
it he wa9 seized by two cabmen, who
had witnessed the crime. Tbey handed
him over to a boatman and a gendarme,
who conveyed him to the police station.
The prisoner made no resistance. He
even sang as he walked along, saying:
I did it," and "She must be dead."
At the police station he declared that
he was a "starving anarchist,' with no
hatred for the poor, but only for the
Later, when taken to the courthouse
and interrogated by a magistrate in the
presence of three members of the local
government and the police officials, he
pretended not to know French, and re
fused to answer questions. The police,
on searching him, found a document
showing his uame to be Luigi Laochini,
born in Paris in 1874, and an Italian
A great crowd quickly assembled
around the Hotel Beaurivage, where the
officials proceeded after interrogating
the prisoner. The police searched the
scene of the crime for the weapon, and
the accomplice of the assassin.
It appears that a boatman noticed
three persons closely following the em
press, who was making purchaees in the
The local government, immediately
on receiving the news of her majesty's
death, half-masted the flag on the hotel
de ville (the municipal office), and pro
ceeded in a body to the Hotel Beauri
vage, as a token of respect.
The excitement increased, and many
of the shops on the Kursaal were closed.
The empress' wound was just over the
left breast. There was hardly any
bleeding. A priest was secured in time
to administer the extreme unction.
The assassin, while being interrogated
by the magistrate, said that he came to
Geneva with the intention of killing the
Due d'Orleans, but the latter bad
already left. Laochini (or Luccesi) fol
lowed the duke to Fvian, about twenty
five miles north of Geneva, on the lake,
where he was again unsuccessful. lie
then returned to Geneva and learned
from the papers of the presence of the
Austrian empress. Yesterday be dogged
her footsteps, but found no opportunity
to carry out his purpose, thoughg he
watched the Hotel Beaurivage all day.
This afternoon, about 1 :30, be said,
he saw the valet of the empress leaving
the hotel and going toward the landing.
He inferred from this that the empress
was going lo take the steamboat, and he
hid himself behind a tree on the quay,
with the- file concealed in his right
sleeve. In a few minutes the empress
accompanied by her lady of honor, ap
peared, and the assassin struck the file
Laochini confessed that he has been
an anarchist since he was thirteen vears
"It all anarchists did their duly as I
have done mine," he said, "bourgeois
society would soon disappear."
He admitted that he knew the crime
was useless, but eaid he committed it
for the sake of example."
In spite of minute searching, the
weapon of the murderer has not been
Dense crowds still surround the Hotel
Beaurivage this evening.
The Ministers Will Tomorrow Decide
Whether or Not to Reopen the
Paris, Sept. 10. The Liberale says
the examination of the Dreyfus caEe has
led General Zurlinden, the minister f jr
war, to the conclusion that the prisoner
is guilty, "as did his predecessors, " and
that, conaesquently, the general has de
cided to resume the military governor
ship of Paris next week.
A semi-official note, issued this even
ing, says the minister for war has
handed to the minister for justice the
papers in the Dreyfus case, with a
definite opinion thereon. The council,
it is added, will Monday decide definite
ly upon the course to be pursued.
If HI! I LU 20 YEARS Party, either
Lady or Gentleman, of good church
standing as CORRESPONDENT and
MANAGER here. Need not leave
home. Salary $800 first year. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope to A.
T. Elder, General Manager, care Chronicle.
The Business Portion of New
Westmister Burned.
THE LOSS OVER $2,000,000
Several Persons Perished Only the
Course of the W7ind Saved the
Catholic Institutions.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept 11. The bus
iness portion of New Westminster was
totally destroyed by fire this morsing.
It is impossible to estimate the property
less at thij writing, but it will exceed
Despair and suffering are the lot of
hundreds of homeless people. Food,
clothing and aid of all kinds is being1
hurried from Vancouver to the ill-fated
"Royal" city.
It is not known how many people lost
their lives, but it is feared several were
burned to death. Campbell, a fireman,
fell off the roof of a burning building
and was killed, A woman dropped dead
from fright. One woman, who had been
confined two weeks ago, died while they
were moving her from a burning house.
So extremely fierce were the flames
that apples on the trees on the side of
the etrcet opposite from the burning
houses, were roasted.
Three steamers were destroyed, the
Edgar, Gladys, and Bonaccord.
Every industry eave the big Royal
City planing mills and the Cleve Can
ning Co. are wiped out.
The fire started about midnight on the
river front, and was caused by a epark
from a steamer. Fanned by a fierce gale
the flames leaped with such rapidity
that within three hours ten streets were
ablaze. The fire was first noticed at
one of the wharves and from there it
spread down to the Canadian Pacific
railway depot and crossed the street at
that point. From there it went up the
street, taking in the other side of Front
street, and Columbia street the chief
business thoroughfare of the city.
From Columbia street the fire spread
rapidly, taking in the entire business
portion of the city, and taking in the
English cathedral, the Baptist church
and the Central Methodist church in its
whirlwind ot flame.
The wind was blowing furiously down
the Fraser river toward the mouth. If
it bad been blowing the other way the
whole of the Catholic church buildings
and the convent, hospitals and other
structures would have been burned to
the ground.
The Loss is roughly estimated at $2,-
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
500.0C0, and the insurance $1,500,000.
Bank vaults withstood the fire. One
insurance company's vault was blown
UP by gunpowder.
A citizens' committe has been formed
in Vancouver to give relief to the sufferers.
Deafness Cannot beXared
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine casds out of ten are cansed
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Masonic Temple Bnrned.
Columbus, O., Sept. 11. A dispatch
to the State Journal from Washington
courthouse says the Masonic temple was
destroyed by fire this morning. The
Springfield (O.) fire department ren
dered timely assistance. The loss on
the building is about $10,000. Frank
L. Sutton, who had a large department
store in the building, lost his entire
stock, valued at $60,000. The losses are
In your Boy. We want him to look as
neat as your neighbors. We believe in
clothing a boy in a properly made and
fitted school suit; it helps make a man of
him; stimulates his desire for learning.
We were boys once ourselves, we know.
Our interest in your boy does not cease
after having sold him a suit; the suit
must give good wear; must give satisfaction
Our $3.50, $4,00 and $4.50 school suits are
the ones we are talking about. They repre
sent the best our money can buy.
We have a hundred or more suits of last
season's stock, which we are selling at just
Half Price..
R. flL. Williams & Co,
Louie Comine who has been left al
most destitute by the loss of his home,
and stcck of valuable stone, is desirous
to do stone cutting and supply monu
ments, headstones or anything in this
line. Persons needing anything be
carries will help one of the sufferers of
the late fire by calling on him and ex
amining his designs or writing to him
and making known their wants. He can
be found at the west side of the Fourth
street bridge. Sept. 1, tf
Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says
that for constipation he has found De
Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for stomach
and liver troubles. Smpes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
You 'Can
tl O tl fl O
xcept In p
Iieading Clothieirs.
The Tenth Annual Fa?r and Race Meeting of
Secona Eastern Oregon District Agricultural society
Embracing the Counties of
Will Be Held at
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any informaticn regarding the fair write to .T. O. Mack.
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. A. S. MAC ALLISTER, Pres.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot e.n kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 0?" feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
frJ H'l OUT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
"V"'AA A J'J use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We, the undersigned, have this day,
Sept. 9, formed a co-partnership for the
purpose of carrying on a general mer
chandise business at Boyd, Ore., where
we will, at all times, keep on hand sea
sonable goods at right prices.
In a ehort time our stock will be in
creased and we will be better able to ac
commodate you. Call and get prices, as
we are glad to see you any time. Thank
ing you for past favors and soliciting;
your future orders, we are yours Bespt.
Soutiiehs & Butler,
Boyd, Ore.
Everybody reads Tnic CnRCNicL.