The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 10, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 154
Members of the Revolutionary Party,
Who are Now in New Tort, are
Projectors of the Scheme.
leaders Intend to Formally Announce
Their Plans in a Few Days New
Organization to be Known as the
National Paity.
New York, Sept. 9. The Times has
the following:
The Cuban revolutionary party in this
-city is engaged in the formation of a po
litical party for Cuba, to be known as
the national party. The plana of the
leaders have so far progressed that a
meeting will be held today or tomorrow
to select a committee. of from 200 to 250
Cubans as a nucleus of organization.
The movement is in the hands of T. Es
trada Pal ma, Field G. Pierra, Horatio
S. Reubens, and others who are well
known. So far the plans have been kept
quiet, but the Cuban leaders will, with
in a few days, issue a manifesto setting
forth their purposes and cause it to be
widely distributed among their followers
in Cuba.
According to Field G. Pierra, the prin
ciples of the new party will be based on
the principles contained in the war res
olutions of congress, passed on April 9,
1S9S. Ou explaining this and other fea
tures of the political scheme, Mr. Pierra
said :
"Our intentions are in this movement
to follow closely the desires of the Amer
ican government and the law9 laid down
by it for the rehabilitation of Cuba.
When once the preliminaries of the par
ty organization are arranged, we shall
fiend a committee of two or three to
Cuba to undo political work that has al
ready been started and that is in con
flict with the ideas of the United States
"By this I mean that some of our peo
ple have already made arrangements
to hold a town election in the province
of Santiago de Cuba, the people to elect
a governor in October, and we propose to
see that this is stopped and no political
machinery is put in motion in Cuba un
til, in the opinion of the American gov
ernment, the Cuban people are ready for
"If the purely Spanish element wish
to assimilate with the new party, well
and good. It will be received without
reference to its sentiment of the past.
The commercial interests of many of the
Spaniards are important, and as they
would suffer by returning to Spain, it is
not unlikely that the new party will
eventually contain many of the old-time
'How will the Cubans take to politics?
Well, we are now in' politics naturally.
It may be a slow process. What a Cu
ban arrives at by a process of political
reasoning, an American will reach by
instinct. But we ex pest to prove that
we are capable of self-government. The
Cubans seen by the Americans during
the war, with the exception of a few
leaders, were of the loweet class, which
forms not more than a third of our pop
lation. This was largely the negro class.
Judging by them, the Cubans are iudged
Exports Have Increased, While Imports
Have Fallen Off.
Washington, Sept. 9. The fact that
British imports into the United States
have faleen off greatly in the past year,
while American. exports to Great Britain
have greatly increased," has been an
nounced from time to time dnring the
year, but the full year's figures just pre
Eented by tbe treasury bureau of statis
tics bring to the surface some nierestinz
details not heretofore publisl These
show that while the exports mi the
United States to the Unite '.- Kingdom
have increased twelve per e-'-' , the im
ports from the United Ki lom" have
fallen off thirty-five per cent. The fig
ures from the bureau of statistics : Im
ports, $109,133,365; exports, $540,860,-152.
This Move Will be Made Necessary by
the Return of Major-General Shaf
tor to His Old Command.
San Francisco, Sept. 9. The call has
the following :
Major-General Shafter is expested in
San Francisco in about two weeks. He
has applied to be assigned to his old
command, the department of California,
and it is generally conceded that his re
quest will be granted. In that event
General Babcock, now on his way from
Manila to San Francisco, will be his adjutant-general,
he having filled this of
fice under General Shatter's previous
. The assignment of General Shafter to
the department of California, of course,
retires General Merriam to his own de
partment, the Columbia, his jurisdic
tion having been merely temporarily ex
tended over California during the war
with Spain.
There are now 318 patients at the di
vision hospital. Ninety-four invalids
have been sent home on furloughs. Nine
convalescents were today sent to the
new hospital of the Red Cross Society.
Private Charles Yuger, of company K,
First Washington volunteers, has died
ot typhoid fever.
Victor Peterson, of company E, Eighth
Caiifornia regiment has died of typhoid
Former Named by the Democrats and
Latter by the Silver Republicans-'
Populists Have Named B. F. Hues'
ton, of Tacoma, for Supreme Judge
Ellkn8bohg, Waeh., Sept. 9. The
Democrats renominated James Hamil
ton Lewis for congress by acclamation.
The Silver Republican convention re
nominated Congressman W. C. Jones by
After reflecting all night the Populist
state convention unanimously decided
to concede the demand of the Democrats
and yield them one supreme judgo. This
removes all obstacles to fusion. The
clause of the conference report recom
mending that the Populist have tbe pa
tronage of the supreme court was strick
en out and the report adopted.
A committee was appointed to notify
the Democrats and Silver Republicans.
The convention then proceeded to
nominate supreme judges. B. F. Hues
ton, of Tacoma was named for supreme
judge on the third ballot.
free Pills
Send yonr address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they Lave been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegela
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the
teeth. tf
Governor Lord Finds the
Recruits All Right.
Will Use His Influence to Have the
Men Sent to Manila or Honolulu
General Miller and Staff Call on
Governor Lord.
San Fbancisco, Sept. 9. Governor
Lord, of OregoD, again vieited the re
cruits from his state today. After talk
ing with the men, he became convinced
that they were in good condition.
He then made a short speech, saying
he was pleased to have found them so
well taken care of. He promised to use
all the influence in his power to get the
men off to Manila to join their regiment,
or to Honolulu, at any rate.
The governor then sent a diepatch to
Portland, stating that, after a thorough
investigation, he found that the exag
gerated reports of the men being neg
lected and the sick were not borne out
by thejfacts.
In the afternoon General Miller and
his staff called on the governor, who
will be tbe guest of the general to
American Commission to Conclude
Terms of Peace With Spain
Washington, Sept. 9. It is officially
announced that Senator George Gray,
of Delaware, has been selected as the
fifth member of the Paris peace commis
sion. This completes tbe personnel of tbe
commission, which stands composed as
follows :
Ex-Secretary of State Day, Senators
Frye and Gray and Whitelaw Reid.
In selecting Gray the president has
given democratic .representation on the
commission. The appointment probably
will necessitate the retirement of Gray
from the Anglo-American commission,
which is conducting sessions in Canada.
Gray is one of the best-known men in
pnblic hie, having been a prominent
figure in the senate for the last twelve
years. He is a member of the senate
committe on foreign relations, thus mak
ing three members of that committee,
Davis, Frye and Gray, on the peace
Now that tbe commission is com
plete it is expected the American case
will be made up and the commission
given final instructions. The com
missioners will meet here about Sep
tember 15, prior to sailing for Paris, at
which time they will meet the president
and be made aware in a general way of
the views of the administration.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results. When
taken early it prevents constipation.
And in latter stages it furnishes prompt
relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co.
The Damage
that "cheap" baking pow
ders do cannot be reckoned
in dollars and cents.
Schilling's Best is safe.
Royal make tbe food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
So Open is Their Opposition to the
American Authorities That a
Serious Rupture is Feared.
Nkw York, Sept. 9. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says:
The attitude of the Philippine insur
gent leaders is daily becoming more
dangerous. So open is their opposition
to the American authorities that tbe
situation is strained and reconciliation
may be difficult.
What makes the situ&tion - more
troublesome is the undisguised rivalry
between the followers of General Agui
naldo, the self-proclaimed dictator, and
General Pilar, who covets the honor
which Aguinaldo has acquired.
General Pilo Pilar is in command of
the insurgent troops stationed south cf
Manila. He uses the'ra in a way that
is most annoying to Aguinaldo, and at
the same time makes every effort to
show his utter disregard to the Ameri
can officials. His forces continue to
patrol tbe city, encouraging lawlessness
in every direction.
Aguinaldo's course is no less annoying.
He no longer attempts to conceal his
hostility to the officials who represent
the United States, and yesterday issued
an order prohibiting his soldiers from
entering the American lines. This
course was probably deemed necessary
in order to prevent them from becoming
so well dieposed toward Americans as
to destroy his power by repudiating Ids
The attitude of the rival leaders can
not fail in the end to injure the cause of
Philippine independence. Certainly it
will prevent the presentation of a strong
case before the peace commission in be
half of the Filipinos.
E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years standing.
He advises others to try it. It also
cures eczema, skin diseases and obsti
nate sores. Snipes-Sioersly Drug Co.
of the
Vive Camera Gonstiustioo
Universality of Work
Perfect Photographic Results
Superiority of Lenses
Multiplicity of Exposures
Suitability for either elass
plates or Cut Fi ms or both
Requiring no Holders what
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Quality of Leather Covering
and Finish TJneqaaled
Simplest Shutter with pieat
est Latitude for Exposures
Finest Snap-Shot results
Perfect Flash Light Pictures
) Doing anything photographic
The Dalles, Oregon.
We 'M
..Half Piuee..
R. JVI. Williams & Co,
The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of
Secona Easiern Oregon District Agricultural socisty
Embracing the Counties of
Will Be
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack,
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran Shorts, 0??"
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flonr
nee : every
Wa sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get oar prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We, the undersigned, have this day,
Sept. 9, formed a co-partnership for the
purpose of carrying on a general mer
chandise business at Boyd, Ore., where
we will, at all times, keep on band sea
sonable goods at right prices.
In a short time our stock will be in
In your Boy. We want him to look as
neat as your neighbors. We believe in
clothing a boy in a properly made and
fitted echool suit; it helps make a man of
him; stimulates his desire for learning.
We were boys once ourselves, we know.
Our interest in your boy does not cease
after having sold him a suit; tbe suit,
must give good wear; must give satisfaction
-Our $3.50, $4,00 and $4.50 school suits are
the ones we are talking about. They repre
sent the best our money can buy.
We have a hundred or more suits of last
season's stock, which we are selling at just
Held at
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
creased and we will be better able to ac
commodate you. Call and get prices, as
we are glad to see yon any time. Thank,
ing von for past favors and soliciting;
your future orders, we are yours Bespt.
Southern & Butler,
Boyd, Ore.
Everybody reads Tb Chronicle.