t 3 FIRE Fall 6 3 Tfcs Dalles Daily Ghfonicle. t- ; TUESDAY - - SEPTEMBER C, 1893 J j WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Choice Crawford peaches for canning 25 cents a box. The Dalles Com mission Co. Tomorrow fresh lobster, crab, clams, catfish, smelt, salmon and halibut at The Dalles Commission Co. Leave your orders for dressed chickens with the Stadleman Commission Co. Phone 345. Have your bicycle repairing done by Chas. Burchtorf, comer of Third and Federal. Phone 49. A meeting of the ladies' aid society of the Congregational church will be held at Mrs. Alex Thompson's on Wednesday afternoon. The two parties who were arrested for lighting cunday afternoon werel brought before the recorder this morti-i ing and fined $5 each and dismissed. 1 The oyster season has opened and in order to be up to the times, the Palace of Sweet9 have fresh oysters on sale in every style. Give them a trial. 9 3 tf Red Messina Orange and Orangeade at the Pallace of Sweets. These are the latest and most popular drinks in the Eastern cities. Give them a trial. S-25tf A letter from Prof. A. W. Lundeli announces that he will return on or about the 20th inst., and that he will be pleased to meet his friends and pupils in voice culture. 4t Robert Densmore,a prominent citizen of Mosier, returned from Idaho a few days ago. Before leaving Idaho ho re ceived a severe wound by getting a sturgeon hook imbedded in bis thigh, which is giving him considerable trouble. The old Fitzgerald ruins will be built upas soon as possible and until such time as Mays and Crowe have com pleted their new store they will locate in this building. The ruins is the property of Mr. Joseph Sherar and can be put in shape at comparatively little cost as the walls are in good shape and but little of them have fallen down. Some splendid bowling has been done by the bowlers at the Umatilla House alleys during the past week. The aver age score being 64.1 pins. The high daily scores were as follows: Monday, H. Maetz, 63 ; Tuesday, Carl Groehler, 69 ; Wednesday, H. Maetz, 66; Thurs day, H. Maetz, 66; Friday, Claud Kel sey, 66; Saturday, Mike Spicenger, 59; Sunday, H. Maetz, 60. Today David Patterson who was charged with having stolen two saddles had his hearing before Justice Bayard. In the first charge of stealing a saddle from Harrison Dufur lie was found guilty and placed under $200.00 bonds to appear before the grand jury. He is being tried on the second charged this afternoon but the trial waa not finished at the time of going to press. Attorney J. B. Condon appeared for the defend- E ASK FOR YOUR TRADE THIS SEASON, feeling that our dealings cannot fail to be season is so sonnd and substantial as to quality and value, as to leave no room for dissatisfaction on the part of the buyer. The honest merit of our goods is an effective appeal to the good judgment of the customer who realizes that nothing is cheap which does not possess sterling worth proportionate to the price asked. We aim to select and sell only such goods as will fill the expectation of the buyer from firat to last ; at the time of purchase it is mainly a question of style, afterward it becomes a test of eerviee and durability. You vi!l find us stocked with the goods that meet the?e de mands, and as time proves the geouiness of our quality, you wi!l feel like coming for more. We are eellers of goods of high grade and quality .strictly mod ern in style, and very low in price. If this is the stylo of doing business that strikes 3-ou as promising the best results for buyers, come right along, for we ehall meet yonr expectations and give the best satisfaction. We have tried to state our position fairly and without boasting. The facts we have pre sented for your consideration we can substantiate at any time with quality and price. We have an earnest desire to do just as well by you as we possibility can on every purchase and to thereby merit and obtain your future esteemed patronage. ase 8t Ways. s:SSt&.,"rn8 waa attorne-vfor The case of Harry Smith, who was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.was tried before Recorder Gates last night. The plaintiff in the case, August Longreen, alleged that Smith assaulted him with rocks, severely in juring him. The charge of assault with a dangerous weapon was withdrawn and I another charge of eiinple assault brought in, to which Smith plead guilty and was fined $15 and discharged. J. RivoloD, who was arrested Sunday for defacing property and making an assault with a dangerous weapon, will have his hearing at 9 o'clock tomorrow. At an entbUElaetic meeting held in Schanno's hall last evening, it was de cided to give a genuine, first-class min strel show, in about six weeks from this date, by the local talent of The Dalles. The boys should be well patronized in this performance, as they have always entertained the public with their serv ices gratuitously in the past, and it would not be more than deserving for the public to assist them with their "general manager; G. A. Clarke, stage tnanager; Prof. Wm. Birgfeld, musical director, and H. C. Liebe, correspond ing secretary. It is the intention of tho Commercial Club to have an exhibit of Wasco Bounty's resoursea at the Portland Ex position. Emil Schanno has been ap pointed by the president and board of f irectors of the Club to make a collec ion of grains, vegetable?, fruits, and 5n fact a fair sample of Wasco county's products. Mr. Schanno will make a Urip to Portland to secure space in the exposition building after which be will rfroceed to select the exhibit. It will 4e his endeavor to have one of which the county 'may well feel proud and one that will equal any that will be at the exposition. A pleasant surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott, at their residence on Ninth street, last evening. Quite a number of young folks, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Parrott, called in a body, and declared their intentions of spending the evening with them. Al though the attack was nnexpected, it called for an unconditional surrender of the premises to the young people. Games were indulged in, refreshments served, and a general good time was enjoyed, until the lateness .of the hour reminded the merrymakers that they must evac uate, and they left with pressing invi tations to reiurn again. - It has been said by many that there would be a shortage of storage room for wheat in The Dalles warehouses on account of the large amount of wool still uneold. Mr. Lord of the Wasco Warehouse informs as, however, that such will not be the caee. ''We are", be Btated, "storing all the wool on the second floor, which leaves, us ample room on the first floor of our warehouse to Btoro all the wheat that will come in this fall. We Beldom store any wheat on the upper floor of our warehouse, so that we have as much storage room as usual." 9 mutually profitable and satisfactory. In the first place oar new line of goods for the V A MURDEROUS ASSAULT. C. A. Bryant, of Mosier, the Victim ot an Unprovoked Attack 'Which Might Have liesulteil Seriously. A quarrel which might have resulted in the death of one of the best citizens of Mosier, occurred in Mrs. Mosier's etore in that town yesterday morning. C. A. Bryant, treasurer of the Stachys Mining Co., was purchasing goods in the Etore, when David Barrie, the clerk in the establishment, with scarcely any provocation, struck him a murderous blow on the side of the head about one inch below tho temple with a heavy scale weight. He followed np the first attack by throwing a second weight, and seizing a third, attacked Mr. Bryant, at the same time making threats against his life. Although Mr. Bryant was dazed from the blow he received he suc ceeded in standing off his adversary and escaped without any further injury. After the trouble Mr. Bryant boarded the train for this place and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Barrie. Constable Hill went to Mosier yesterday afternoon and brought up Barrie who will be tried tomorrow. Mr. Bryant's injury, while very painful, Is not danger ous and he will be fully recovered in a short time. Had the weight struck him one inch higher, however, it would cer tainly have killed him as it struck with terrible force and such a blow in the temple wou!d cause death nine times out of ten. Mr. Bryant is known by many of our townspeople and is con sidered honeBt, upright and honorable in his dealings, and is apparently a gen tleman in every regard. Fire at Vancouver. Vancouver was visited by two fires Sunday night. The first was dis covered in the library of Rev. J. E. Williams' reeidence, and did consider able damage before it was extinguished. Rev. and Mrs. Williams were at church when the fire was discovered. The eecond fire occured at 2 a. m.. when the big fruitdrver of Rands & Sons was entirely burned with a quan tity of dried prunes. What insurance, if any, was carried on the dryer is not known. The fire department responded very promptly in both cases and rendered good service in checking the flames. Have You Heard The New(? The Southern Pacific will give you a rid'j to the Oregon State Fair on any of their lines in Oregon for one fare for the round trip, good going and returning any time during the fair. The State Fair is the people's institution and should be patronized liberally. Come and see what resources Oregon has. One fare for round trip.- To Core a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Use Clarke & Falk's Roeofoam for the teeth. tf For the next thirty days we will give special prices on the follow ing goods: Rubber Garden Hose - Rubber Belting i Leather Belting ( Blue-flame Oil Stoves( qq Delft Enameled Warel Screen Doors 0-2 EM Tas&le at special low prices. Call and see our stock. We will make you special prices on everything in our line-auring the month of Angust, as we must make room for our Fall and Win ter Goods. ...(lief & Belli ..THE HOWflRE DERL.Ef?S.. 167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR. SATURDAY'S COUNCIL MEETING The Question of Lights Still Unsettled. Orders Issued for Repair of Streets and Sidewalks. Other Matters Taken Under Consideration. A meeting of the Common Council of this city was held Saturday evening with Mayor Nolan in the chair and Councilmen Kuck, Johnston, Clongh, Gunning, Stevens, Keller and Butts in attendance. The minutes of the iast regular and special meeting were read and approved. The petition of R. Cooper and others, asking that Benton street, near R. Mays reeidence, be opened between C and D street and also to Clay street, was re ferred to committee on street and public property. The committee on fire and water, to whom the matter of raising the bell tower waa referred, asked for further time, which was granted. It appearing that the ordinance re garding peddling in Dalles City is be ing evaded, the matter, of. inqairy into the same, and report of such amend mentsas are be necessary, waa referred to the judiciary committee. The special committee on lights re ported that lights, for the streelsViould j not be procured without increasing an ! indebtedness and increasing the cuy revenue. No action in the matter wae taken. It was ordered that the moneys in style "A" fund be transferred to the general fund, this being a fund created three years ago to pay off the then out standing warrants. The marshal was ordered to proceed to repair the Hidewalk in front " of H. Herbring's property on Third street and the walk on the east side of the Newman property on Liberty street, the same be ing reported in a dangerous condition. Bills against the city were allowed and ordered paid as follows : Chas Lauer, marshal $75 00 (.ieo BrowD, engineer 75 00 A Phirman, mghtwatch 00 00 Ned Gates, recorder 50 00 C J Crandall, treas 20 00 Electric Light Co 12 80 Maier & Benton, mdse 24 73 Mays & Crowe, mdse and labor. . . 29 08 Louis Richardson, labor 1 55 Gunning & Hock man, labor 145 K Kurtz, hauling two hoso carts to. to fire 5 00 Dalles City Water VVorke.rent. . . . 32 00 DW Mann, hauling 3 50 I E Ferguson, hauling 1 50 E Benjamin, sawing wood 150 Chas Jones, labor 41 00 Frank Egun, labor 4 CO I W Rotiinson, labor 35 60 Jno Lake, reeling hose 2 00 Guttapercha & Rubber Mf'g Co., 500 feet hose and two plugs. ..527 00 Schilling's Best 'soda is somewhat better than the "other" sodas good as possible so it wears the Schilling's Best label. 149 For sale by L, Rorden & Company OF GOODS SAVED Opposite French's Bank, ffEffOAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS lias removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posfoffi.ee, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY .GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Qet Your priptirj W A Johnston, mdse 4 10 G A Bordess, labor 5 00 Dalles Lumbering Co., mdse 24 94 F F Burham, hauling 6 25 Ralph Rowland, labor 1 00 J A Price, labor 1 00 Jack Staniels, lubor , 5 70 Joe Schooling, labor 2 00 Chas Schmidt, epecial police 2 00 T J Driver, eame 2 00 Paul Paulsen :.. 2 00 J Heibner, eame 6 00 Bert Thurston, same 2 00 J Hicker, labor 1 60 California Restaurant, meals 60 FOU sale. 320 acres of land, estate of W. J. Meins, 10 miles south of The Dalles 200 acres of which is good leve tillable land, balance pasture with living water; Small house, good stables and barns. Will be sold at a bargain ; one-third cash, balance credit. Enquire of J. C. Meina or W. H. Wilson, attorney. J. C. Meixs, Administrator Estate of VV. J. Meins. augl3-lmo d-w THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies aiay use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggists. ; School Notice. ' To Parents and Guardians: Students failing of promotion at the close of the spring term, and those doing advanced work during the summer, should report for examination, by their respective teachers at the new High School building at 9 a. m. Saturday. Sept. 10th. Intending new students (except beginners in the first primary) should also report any time Saturday for assignment to schools and clssses. 9-3 lwk John Gavin, City Superintendent. Notice. Louie Comine who has been left al most destitue by the loss of his home, and stock of valuable stone, is desirous to do stone cutting and supply monu ments, headstones or anything in this line. Persons needing anything be carries will help one of the sufferers of the late fire by calling on him and ex amining his designs or writing to him and making known their wants. He can be found at the weBt side of the Fourth street bridge. Sept. 1, tf . . , i Attention, Alotnersi Miss Taylor's Kindergarten school in the First Baptist church will open Mon day, September 13th. All children over three jeara will be taken. " 9-3 3t NOTICE. Board for school children. Rates $14 per month, including washing. 8-16-lm. Mas. F. Dbews. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents constipation. And in latter stages it furniehes prompt relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. FROM THE FIRE. Washington Street. at tty.5 office. OREGON OPENS IN . PORTLAND, SEPT. 22d, CLOSES OCTOBER 22, 1898. The.Fincst and Greatest Exposition Ever Held iu the Xorthwest. ...Horlicnltnral and Airiculttral.. Products of Oregon find Washington will be dlsr plajed in wonderful profusion, including, more varieties than ever before gath ered together in one exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be AwardcdT. Marvelously Rich. Specimens from Our Gold, Silver and Other Mines., BENNETT'S RENOWNED MILITARY BANK Has been engaged for the season. Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on All Railroads. ADMISSION Adults 23 cents, Children 10c. ..GflflS. FRANK- and Fafmeps ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BKEK, acknowl edged the best beer iu The Dalles, at the usuul price. Come iu, try itaud be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sandcrjiehes of all Kinds always on hand. $2.50 The Lightest and Simplest of Plate Cameras. $2.59 Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jr. Makes Pictures 3x3 inches; weighs 12 oz THE SNIPES-KINERSLY DRUG CO. Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Send for Catalogue. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Tho famous little pills. Industrial Exposition