The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 03, 1898, Image 3

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    CIKM3HG8 S8l8 pirej
g 1 FIRE!
i If you are going
. - Clearance &
Or if you are going
Grocery Windows.
J' Canned Goods of Every
on1 nf tlm iifv "hicf. . Va "harl in tliisnnrl
- It has been selected expressly for serving cold, thus insuring
health and comfort to the cook at your house this hot weather.
"We are satisfied with
Small Profits.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Mt. Hood Peaches are the best fo
canning at Stadelman Com. Co. Phon
3-15. 8-3J :
Choice Crawford peaches for canni
25 cents a box. The Dalles Co
mission Co.
Tomorrow fresh lobster, crab, clan
cat fish, emelt, salmon and halibutat
The Dalies Commission Co. I
Leave your orders for dressed chickcVs
with the Stadleruan Commission Co.
Phone 345.
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf
The oyster season has opened and in
order to be up to the times, the Palace
of Sweets have fresh oysters on sale in
every style. Give them a trial. 9 3 tf
Red Itleesina Orange and Orangeade
at the Pallace of Sweets. These are the
latest and most popular drinks in the
Eastern cities. Give them a trial. 8-25tf
Last night three carloads of nice fat
mutton sheep were shipped to the Unicn
Meat Co. hy Roe Griunee. Mr. Grimes
purchased the sheep from A. A. Bonney,
of Tygh Valley.
f Mr. Ciscel and daughter Delia are in
the city today from Wasco. Miss Delia
f has Euffered a great deal o! late with her
eyes, and had Professor P. G. Daut to
fit her with glasses today.
The Dufur Water Company elected
officers and board of directors Wednes
day night. W. R. Menefee was made
Superintendent, and C. H. Houghton,
C. P. Balch and G. W. Johnston were
Chosen as directors.
The funeral of the late Sarah A. Fritz
will take place from the Catholic church
at 9 o'clock on Monday September 5th.
Mass will be sung at the church, after
which the interment will take place in
the Catholic cemetery.
The case of Wand, wiio was charged
with obtaining money under false pre
tenses, was dismissed today, on motion
of the attorneys for prosecution. The
evidence in was not sufficient to justify
a trial. S. E. Van V actor appeared ior
the defendent and A. A. Jayne for the
The case of James Denton, who was
charged with larceny of money from
Louie a certain Chinaman residing on
the hill, was dismissed before Judge
Mays this morning the evidence being
insufficient to eanction his being sent to
the reform school. Attorney N. H.
Gates appeared for the defendant while
John Michell acted as attorney for the
A meeting will be held in Crysan
theum hall this evening at 8:30 by the
young men of the D. C. and A. C. de
siring to take part in a ministrel per
formance which they contemplate giving
in the near future. Anyone desiring to
to stay at home, take a look at Pease & Mays'
They contain a large assortment of
Loose Muscatel Raisins,
2 Cents a Pound.
take part should appear at the hall this
evening and suggestions that will add to
the success of the ministrels will be
hankfully received.
A serious runaway occurred at O. D.
Taylor's place, near this city, about 1 :30
this afternoon. Miss Anna Taylor was
driving a buggy, when the horse took
fright and ran away, throwing her out
on her Eide. Her right shoulder joint
was dislocated by the fall and she was
badly bruised about the body and head.
Dr. Logan was called and attended to
her injuries. He left her resting easy,
and although she was severely injured
she will be able to be around' in a few
While Mr. Nixon of DeMoss Springs
was coming into Wasco Wednesday, his
little son Nathan, aged about 8 years,
jumped to the ground from the head
wagon and attempted to get into the
trail wagon. However, he only suc
ceeded in getting caught by its front
wheel, which ran over his left leg, break
ing it above the knee. The little fellow
is gritty and eudured the suffering
bravely until brought into town, when
Dr. Sutclifle attended to his injuries. At
last accounts the boy was resting easy.
Contrary to past custom sheep in
Oregon are selling aB high as in Wyom
ing. And why shouldn't they? Al
though farther west, and consequently
from the great eastern markets, Oregon
sheep are better than the sheep of
Wyoming, to which state we export
each year many hundreds ot thorough
bred rams to improve their flocks.
Further, Oregon sheep are tapidly be
coming as good as the beBt in the Union,
and, at the present rate of improvements
in breeding, will soon be the best in
the world.
Yesterday Harry Smith, a young man
of about 24 years of age, was arrested
near 8-Mile, by Constable Hill, charged
with assault with a dangerous weapon.
The prosecuting witness is a man named
Longgreen, who alleges that Smith
threw rocks at him, and being proficient
ing the art, caused him great bodily and
mental pain. He further alleges that
after the assault he was unable to sleep
for several nights, and prays that his
assailant be punished to the full extent
of the law. Hia case has been set for
hearing ou Tuesday at 10 a. m.
Ine fruit fair parade this year at
Spokane it is evident is going to ba
something well worth seeing. Thenar
vest lestivai ceieoration will occur
prom ply at 2 o'clock Tuesday, the 4th
day of next October. The excursion
rates to the fair will be good from all
points in the Inland Empire on the 3d of
October or any day thereafter till the
last day of the fair, and will permit of a
five days' lay over in Spokane if it is
desired. Instead of the usual 5 cent a
mile, the rates for the fair will be 2
cents a mile. This includes the Spokane
& Northern road, aa well as all othera
which enter Spokane.
Tuesday afternoon Dufur people were
suddenly alarmed by the cry of fire,
which proved to be in J, A. Steven's
etubble fields north of town. A spark
Description y
fhrpiori fnnn trios. 3
from the threshing engine had ignited
a near by straw stack, from which the
flames communicated with the stubble,
and a large area was burned over. Had
it not been for the numerous hands
which answered to the cry for help, Mr.
Stevens would have suffered the loss of
many stacks of grain. Aa it was the
fire was extinguished with wet 'sacks
before it had reached any of the stacks,
for which Johnny of course feels thank
ful. We understand that Mr. Christman,
who is on his way to Silver Lake with a
traction engine and three heavily load
ed wagons, has reached the McGrail
place, about sixteen miles from to wn.
He pulled into the yard at that place
for water, and while attempting to back
out had a break down, and at present
is laid up for repairs. Bad break-downs
have occarred at every mark in the road
which has put them back a great deal,
and it is plain that Mr. Christman's
machine cannot stand the rough roads
Eastern Oregon. He hopes hower to
make a success of the venture of haul
ing freight from Hay Creek to Silver
And enjoyable party was given at the
residence of Simeon Bolton last evening,
and was attended by all those who were
camped at Stevenson during the hot
spell, and a merrier crowd of young peo
ple would be hard to find. The party
was given as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Barnett and family, who will leave
in a short time to make their future
home in Portland. Various games were
indulged in end refreshments eerved.
On the whole, the evening was extremely
pleasant, and on leaving, the gueets ex
pressed regrets that such genial friends
as the Barnetts should -leave and hoped
they would again return to make The
Dalles their home.
To Parents and Guardians:
Students failing of promotion at the
close of the spring term, and those doing
advanced work during the summer,
should report for examination, by their
respective teachers at the new High
School building at 9 a. ni. Saturday.
Sept. 10th. Intending new students
(except beginners in the first primary)
should also report any time Saturday
for assignment to schools and clssses.
9-3 lwk John Gavin,
City Superintendent.
Came to my place on 5-Mile over a
year ago, a bright bay mare ; weight
about 1000 pounds; two white hind feet;
no visible brand ; scar on right hip.
Owner can have the same by paying for
this notice. Wm. Floyd.
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh Valley Eoller Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
W. M. McCoekle, Prop.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was made for.
For the next thirty days we will
give special prices on the follow
ing gooda :
Rubber Garden Hose
Rubber BeltiDg J
Leather Belting .....( Per
Blue-flame Oil Stovesf (8Ilt.
Delft Enameled Warei
Screen Doors
Fisls Tacile
at special
low prices.
Call and see our stock. We will make
you special prices on evervthing in our
line during the month of August, as we
must make room for our Fall and Win
ter Goods.
167 Seconft St. THE DALLES, OR.
Something New Along; The Line of
Popular Education.
All the privileges of a regular city
library are secured to the members with
this wonderful plan, together with a
regular course of study (if desirable)
comprising the world's greatest histori
cal, scientific and social questions or
Members have access to. a library of
1000 volumes of the worlds choicest and
most interesting books with all the
privileges, musical, education, etc.,
which this wondeiful institution gives
at an exceedingly low price. The aver
age cost to members being about twelve
cents per month. This is made possible
by the co-operative plan and magnitude
of the business done. 500 people in ad
joining communities help pay for the
books that will come here. Besides all
all the above, each member is pre
Bsnted with a full five years subscription
to The Library Bulletin, a most excel
lent magazine published by The Par
melle Company in connection with the
Mr. O. K. Fitzsiinmons and Mr. H. E
Kiner are in the city in the intertsts of
the above and are having fine success.
Nearly enough members were secured
for one station in one day. The work is
intensely interesting to all and we
should baye at least two sections here to
accommodate all those who desire mem
bership. Don't fail to look into it.
Ileal Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acreage. Terms reasonable. .
Apply to the undersigned at the office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
An iron grey gelding, Drand indistinct,
looks like a quarter circle with a bar
under it, . The animal is unbroken.
Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles
south of The Dalles. The owner can
have same by proving property and pay
ing all charges. Ed Wilson.
Sept. 1, lmo.
Use Clarke & Falk'a Bosofoam for the
teeth. tf
The California Fruit
'Grower says, "To get
pure spices, buy them
whole and grind them at
Not necessary and
those pure spices may be
poor. Schilling's Best is
pure and good. 118
For saie by
L Rorden & Company
jnaier & Bentoa
Opposite French's Bank,
J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Qet Your prii?tj9
Service in Lntheran church, corner
Union and 7th streets, at 11 a. m. and
Sunday School at 9;30. There will
also be evening service at 7 :30
Christian church, Ninth and Court
streets, Rev, Boltz paetor Services
tomorrow as usual. Morning subject,
"The True Christian." Evening service
at 8, subject, "The Spirit Worketh More
Than It Cost." Sunday School at 9.45
a. m.
Methodist church, corner Fifth and
Washington streets, J. H. Wood pastor
Class meeting in the morning at 10.
Services at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Sun
day school at 12 :20. Junior League at
4 p. m.
At the Calvary Baptist church, corner
Seventh and Union streets, services
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.,
Elder W. S. Wilburn, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock and Young People's
Society at 6:30 in the evening. All are
cordially invited.
Services will be resumed, after the
summer recess, at St. Paul's Episcopal
church tomorrow. Morning prayer with
sermon, followed by Holy communion,
at 11. Evening prayer with sermon, at
7:30. Sunday echool immediately after
the morning service. Miss De Foreet
will sing a solo at both morning and
evening services.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs,
under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For eale by
all druggists.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between F.
S. Gunning and J. D. Hockman, under
the firm name and style of Gunning &
Hockman, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All parties knowing them
selves indebted to said firm are respect
fully requested to make an early settle
ment. The Dallee, Oregon, August 30, 1898.
F. 8. Gunning,
J. D. Hockman.
DeWitt's L,ittte Gariy Risers,
The famous tin!-- pills.
The Lightest
and Simplest
Plate Cameras.
Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jr.
Makes Pictures 3Jx3 inches; weighs 12 oz.
Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies.
Scud for Catalogue.
Washington Street.
at tf?i5 office.
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 22, 1898.
The Finest Jind Greatest Exposition Ever Held
in the Northwest.
...Horlicnltnral and A&ricnltiiraL
Products of Oregon and Washington will be dis
placed in wonder: u I profusion, including
more vnrieties tbau ever before gath
ered together in one exhibit.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded
Marvelously Rich, Specimens from Our
Gold, Silver and Other Mines.
Has been engaged lor the season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro
batic Performances.
Very Low Rates on All Railroads.
ADJJISSIOX Adults 20 cents, Children 10c
..Gfliis. FfiflW..
and Fafmeps
Keeps on draught the celebrated
edged the best beer iu The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come in, try
it and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
nf all ITtnHc olururc vn hanrl
Under the management of
Mre. W. G. Wilson and
Mies Myrtle Smith.
Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand.