An 1 iTKyA ;' TEE EXCELENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is ! manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svritp Co. only, i. r.d we wish to impress upon all the i j.;.ortance of purchasing the true ant original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by tha California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing of the Cali Iwrnia Fro Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneScial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FttANCISOO, Gal. LOUISVILLE. Ky. NEW TORE. N. T. I'KKSUNAL 3IESTIO.N, Geo. Young, of Itidgeway, is in the city. I M. A. Moody went to Portland this 1 afternoon. D. B. Gaunt, of Centervillo, ia in the city today. M. M. Cailaghan is in the city from hia home near Kings ley. T. II. Johnston, of the firm of John ston Bros., of Dufur, is the city. Thomas Leaho, of Endersfiy, made the Chronicle office a pleasant call today. V. H. Garrett, an enterprising travel ing salesman, is in the city from Port land. Mrs. Medler, of Wasco, snd Mrs. Fleck, of Grants are registered at the Uiuati!!a house. Mrs. J. M. Toomey and children re turned Irotn Lone Beach last night, where they have been for a few weeks. Mrs. George Liebe went to Portland on the boat this morning for a few weeks visit with friends in the metropolis. Malcolm Mclnnls, bookkeeper for the "Whsco Warehouse Company, went to Portland on the afternoon train today. Ex Representative R. E. Misner, of Crook county, who is at present en gaged in the liquor business in Mitchell, . ia in the city today. f Attorney Pierce Mays and family re Married to Portland this morning after I liiivini spent a month on the Mays farm on Tygh Ridge. Mrs. William Maher returned from -.the Cascades last evening where she ihas been taking a few weeks outing. "Mrs. Maher returns greatly improved iu health. Ieafnefts Cannot be Caret1. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, nd that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia en tirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken ont and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which ia nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous snr iaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaf nesa (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. $J3To&. by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Notice. Louie Comine who haa been left al most deetitue by the loss of his home, end stock of valuable etone, ia desirous to do stone cutting and eupply monu ments, headstones or anything in this line. Persona needing anything he carries will help one of the sufferers of the late fire by calling on him and ex amining his designs or writing to him and making known their wants. He can be found at the west side of the Fourth street bridge. Sept. 1, tf E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve waa worth $50.00 to him. It cured hia piles of ten years ataniing. Be advises others to try it. It also cares eczema, skin diseases and obsti nate sores. Snipea-Siaersly Drug Co. A CRITICAL TIMEi During the Battle at Santiago. SICK OR WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. Tbe Packers at the Battle of Santiago fie Cuba Were all Heroes Their Heroic Efforts In Getting Ammunition and Rations to tue Front Saved the Day. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from Sandiago, I)e Cuba, on July 23d, says: "We all had diarrhoea iu more or lesa violent form, and when we landed we bad no time to see a doctor, for it waa a case of rush and rueh night and day to keep the troops sup plied with ammunition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep ut work and keep our health ; in fact, I eincerely believe that at one critical time this medicine waa the in direct eaviour of our army, for if the packera had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting sup plies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My coin rad and myEelf had the good fortune to lay in a eupply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely eaved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this med icicle, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dea Moines, Iowa. For sale by Blakeley and Hough ton. Dissolution Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between F. S. Gunning and J. D. Hockman, under the firm name and style of Gunning & Hockman, ia this day dissolved by mu tual consent. All pBrtiea knowing them selves indebted to said firm are respect fully requested to make an early settle ment. The Dalles, Oregon, August 30, 1S9S. F. is. Gunning, J. D. Hockman. ESTRAY. An iron grey gelding, Drand indistinct, looks like a quarter circle with a bar under it, . The animal ia unbroken. Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles south of The Dalles. The owner can have same by proving property and pay ing all charges. Ed Wilson. Sept. 1, lmo. THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Fig?, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For eale by all druggists. ONE FOR A DOSE. Remove Pimples, Prevent Bilioojness, Purify the Blood, I--c3 1 j".' w? w"1 mu "ample free, or fail box tai Sold druggists. DR. BOSANKQ CO. Phil" fZ lteal Estate Sale. The Laughlin estate offers for sale all their land property in, and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Laughlin. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. Que Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents constipation. And in latter stages it furnishes prompt relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Thousands of ptrsous have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Wiich Hazel Salve. It heal3 promptly and cures eczsma and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Ca.u til Your Checks. - All countv warrants registered prior to July 21, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after August 27 1898. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. To Cure a Cola In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Order your fruits, vegetables and fish from Stadelman Commission Co. Phone 345. ' One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It was made for. Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for unburn and wind chafing. fc Persistent lis A cough, which seems .to kang on in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs energetic ana sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-liver oil. SGDTT'S has proved its effectiveness in cur ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is th reason why the cod-liver oil, par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys tem; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so etiective as thisf Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man aad Ujft are on tne wrapper. 50c. and Si. 00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChsmUts, New York. The Chief Burees3 of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills lie ever used in him family during forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, eick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in 6ize but great in results. Suipes Kinaerly Drug Co. AY oatl. Wood. Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood always on hand for sale at minimum rate. Jos. T. Peters. 'Phone 25. . DeWitt's Witch Siazel Salve Cures Piles, SccMs. burnft. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thi: Is what it was mads fr. MKCHZINE Revolutionize Amatuer Photography. 12 Pictures In 12 Seconds. Easy to work. Simple of Construe struction. Moderate in price. No extras. ...Made In Three Sizes... No. 1 For pictures 2. x 2 $3.50 No. 2 " " 3,'4 x 4V $6.00 No. 3 " " 4x5 $10.00 One turn of the button does it. Superior Lens, Universal Focus, Au tomatic Shutter. Always Set. This Camera makea 12 pictures without re loading. Call and see samples or write for cata logue. M. Z. DOHNELL, Agent. Ue pre Doing fleat ard Irtstio .priptir.. For treasonable We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qive us a trial. $r)roiir;l pub. 5o. Cons: CYGL0J1E Ii mm Window Glass SDipes-K!nersly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON Just What You tuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Ileal imita tion creton effecta at ordinary prices, Good papera at cheap paper prices, Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints D. W. VATJSE, Third St Hi? -i? v v yp- 'y y -v1 l Wagon and Carriage Werk. S g Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third anil Jefferson. Phone 159 ttr tr tJUt fer -r .ftr ifV - JUtr -iT A -Mr l Take Vouir rTeals at trie Clarendon tcstautant. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. be Clarendon Is the best Restaurant in Tbe Dalles. JVIeals at Hll Hours.. Seeond St. The Dalles, Or. Sheep for Sale. Band of fine stock sheep, between 2500 and 2600 head ; (about 900 lambs, balance old sheep. Price $2.50 per head. Ample range and hay for 2000. Will sell either sheep or hay or both. In quire at this office. 8-27 3w MM W j GENERAL I BttlDituS 1 g ...AND... 4 1 lloisesiioefs. I ORTHERN y PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car M IS.VEAPOI.r DCIUT1I KAKGO 11 SAND FOIi CBOOKSTOS wiNsireo HELENA an JiUTTE Elegant Toxirist TO Thiirough Tickets TO CniGAGO WASHINGTON I'HILA DKLI'IUA JVJSW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, mans and ticki'tt cal on or write lo W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. ARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., ib rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregcii State jslorrval Sool -hijU'M.'IjTI Uleston, Op. The most successful years work of the State Normal School at Weston, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation ot twenty Btudents. pall Jrm Operas Sept. 5, 1898. Full course of study, scientific and professional, vocal and instrumental music. Healthful location, good society, and pleasant surroundings. Board in families from $2.50 to $3.50. Rooms for those who desire to board themselves can be had at reasonable rates. ..BOARlDirlG fmiiii.. Boarding hall for yonng ladies in con nection with the school, under tbe care ful supervision of a matron. Board, fuel and lights at $2.50 to $3.50 per week. Catalogues and information furnished upon application. ..ST. WS PDEIHL Under the direction of the Sistsrs of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Institution Is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on the line of the Union Pacific; thence it is easy of excess for all those who de sire to secure a comfortable home and a pro gressive seat of learning for their daughters or wards. Tbe location of the Academy is one of the most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion of Oregon being proverbial for its purs water, bracing air and picturesque scenery. The Academy is incorporated and authorized by the State to confer Academic honors. Board and tuition per Scholastic year, JlfiO. Studies will be resumed Monday, September 5th. For detailed information apply to the Sister Superior. aug21-lm Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Cigars. Why do we retail more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pass cigars of the same grade? Not because we have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety ; no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar caae in the state and keep oar cigars in better condition. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Depart timb schedule. Arrivb Fob From Dalles. From. Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail. 11:50 p.m. sas City, St. Louis, 3:10 a.m. Chicago and East. Epokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis. St. Paul, Flyer. 5:30 p. m. Dulutb, Milwaukee, 6:50 a.m. Chicago and East. 8 p.m. From' Portland. 4 p.m. Ocean Steamships. All Suiting dates subject to change. For San Froncisco Augnst 7, ia, 17, 2, and 27. 7 p. m. To Alaska 5 p. m. Sail Aug. 8, 23. 8 p.m. 4 p.m. Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.Sunday To Astoria and Wav Saturday .Landings. 10 p. m. 6 a.m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. in. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Kewberg, Ex.teunduy Sal em & Way Lund's. 7 a. m, Willamette and Yam- 8:30 p.m. Tues,l li'ir. hill Rivers. Mon.,Wed., and evt. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-landings. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. Tue.. Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue., lhur, and. Sat. and Way-Landings. and Sat. Leave Lv Riparia Snake River. Lewistos. 1:45 a. m. Riparia to Lewiston. 5:45 a.m. Mon., Wed. Sun.,Tues. Friday. and Thur. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s agent The Dulles, or address W. H. HURLBNRT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlan LEAVE. OVERLAND EX-1 Eress, Salem, Rose- ' urg, Ashland, Sac- I 6:00 F. M. 1 Franciseo, Mojave, f Los Angeles, ti faso, i New orlcuus and ! 1 East J 8:30 A.M. Rosebcrg and way sta tions fVia Woodbnrn fori I Mt.Angel, Silverton, West Scio, Browns- y I ville,Springneld and I L Natron j ( Corvallis and way J J stations ) P. M Dally except Sundays. Daily except Sunday? 17:30 A. M. :50 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except Sunday). 4;50p. m. rlv Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m 7:30p.m. jAi..McMinnville. .Lv. 5;50a,m 8:30 p.m. CAr. .Independence.. Lv.) 4:n0a.m Daily. fDauy, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Ban Francisco with Occl dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from J. B. KIRKXAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of JeOerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:20 a. m.: 12:30, 1:55, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05 p. m. (and 1 :30 p. in. on Saturday only, and 9:00 a. m and 8:30 p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at Portland daily at 6:40 and 8;30 a m.; and 1:35, "4:15, 6:20 aud 7:55 p. m., (and 10:05 a. m, 3:15 5:10 p. m. on Sundays only). Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Frtilay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. KuE-SiR, Manager. O, H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. 5i Pass. Agt Tne ColufntJia PacKinoGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF . Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)EIED beef. etc. J. S. SCHKNK, President. . M. Beal , Cashier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A (General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Bchbkcx. Ed. M. Williams, - Gxo. A. Libb. H. M. Bball.