The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 23, 1898, Image 1

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NO 138
A Soldiers Tribute to a Vic
torous Foe.
Most Remarkable Document From a
Vanquished Adversary Thanks
and Best Wishes Tendered By the
Spanish Soldiers.
Washington, Aug 22. A document
entirely unique in the annals of warfare
was cabled to the war department today
by General Shatter. It is in the form of
a congratulatory farewell address issued
to the soldiers of the American army by
Pedro Lopez de Castillo, a private Span
ish soldier, on behalf of the 11,000 Span
ish soldiers. No bimilar document, per
haps, was ever before issued to a vic
torious army by an vanquished adver
sary. The president was very much
impressed by the address, and after
reading it carefully, authorized. its pub
lication. The following is the text of
the address as cabled by General Shat
ter: Santiago de Cuba, Aug, 22. H. O.
Corbin, Adjutant-General, U. S. A.,
Washington: The following letter has
just been received from the soldiers just
embarking for Spain :
"Major-General Shatter, Command
ing the American Army in Cuba. Sir :
The Spanish soldiers who capitulated in
this place on July 16th last, recognizing
your high and just position, pray that
through you all the couragous and no
ble soldiers under your command may
receive the greatest wishes and farewell
which we send them on embarking for
our beloved Spain. For this favor, which
we have no doubt you will grant, you
will gain the everlasting gratitude and
consideration of 11,000 Spanish soldiers,
who are your most humble servants.
Pedro Lopez djc Castillo.
"Private of Infantry."
Also the following letter, addreseed to
the soldiers of the American army :
"Soldiers of the American army: We
would not be fulfilling our duty as well
bom men in whose breasts there lives
gratitude and courtesy, should we em
bark for our beloved Spain without send
ing to you our most cordial and sincere
good wishes and farewell. We fought
you with ardor, with all our strength,
endeavoring to gain the victory, but
without the slightest rancor or hate to
ward the American nation. We have
been vanquished by you (so our generals
and chief judged in signing the capitu
lation), butour eurreuderand the bloody
battles preceeding it have left in our
eouls no place for resentment against
the men who fought us nobly and gal
lantly. You fought in compliance with
the same call of duty as we, for we all
but represent the power of our respec
tive states.
"You fought us as men, face to face,
and with great courage, as before stated,
a quality with which we have not met
during the three years we have carried
on this war against the people without
morals, without conscience and of doubt
ful origin, who would not confront the
enemy, but hidden, shot their noble
victims from ambush and then immedi
ately fled. This wae the kind of warfare
we, had to sustain in this unfortunate
. land. Yon have complied exactly with
all the laws and usages of war as recog
nized by the armies of the most civilized
nations of the world ; have given honor
able burial to the dead of the vanquished ;
with humanity have respected and cared
for vour prisoners and their comfort,
and, lastly, ta us, whose condition wae
terrible, you have given freely of food,
of your stock of medicines, and you have
honored as with distinguished courtesy,
for, after the fighting, the two armies
mingled with the utmost harmony.
"With this high sentiment of appre
ciation from ns, all there remains but to
express our farewell, and with the
greatest sincerity, we wish you all
happiness and health in this land which
will no longer belong to our dear Spain,
but will be yours, who have captured it
by force and watered it with your blood,
as your conscience called for, under the
demand of civilization and humanity,
but the descendants of the Congo and of
Guinea' mingled with the blood of un
scrupulous Spaniards and of traitors and
adventurers, these people are not able
to exercise or enjoy their liberty, for
they will find it a burden to comply
with the laws which govern civilized
"From 11,000 Spanish soldiers.
"Pedro Lopez de Castillo,
"Soldier of Infantry.
"Santiago de Cuba, August 21, 1898."
Shaftee, Major-General.
Attempts Being Made to Stir Dp Strife
Among the Porto Ricans-Coming
of the Commission Awaited.
New York, Aug. 22. A dispatch to
the Herald from San Juan Eays :
Order prevails, although some evil-
disposed persons are trying to stir up
racial and religous differences among the
ignorant population. The sooner the
commission arrives to settle matters and
dispel doubts the better for the future.
The streets are filled with furniture
laden carts returning from the suburbs.
At the palace and other government
buildings the work of packing the
archives is going on. Telegraphic com
munication was opened yesterday with
all parts of the island.
It is still impossible for large ships to
enter the harbor and there have been no
importations. Some scarcity of food
supplies exists. The mines in the har
bor have been raised so as to allow ships
to enter.
Tbe Sate I. a Grippe Care.
There is no use suffering from this
dreadful malady, if you will only get the
right remedy. You are having pain all
through your body, your liver is out of
order, have no appetite, no life or ambi
tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com
pletely used up. Electric Bitters is the
only remedy that will give you prompt
and sure relief. They act directly on
your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone
up the whole system and make you feel
like a new being. They are guaranteed
to cure or price refunded. For sale at
Blakelev & Houghton's drug store, only
50 cents per bottle. 1
Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers.
The delinqent taxes of Wasco county,
as shown on th6 rolls now in the hands
of the sheriff are $60,000, an amount al
most equal to the indebtedness of the
county. Every citizen will doubtless
admit that this state of affairs should
not exist, and that all taxes should be
collected. On account of hard times
in the past the county court Las shown
leniency to taxpayers, but that leniency
has reached the limit, and the court
cannot wait longer on delinquents to
make settlements. For this reason a
warrant has been attached to each de
linquent roll commanding tbe sheriff to
collect all taxes by eeizure and sale of
property. With a bountiful crop now
in sight, there can no longer be any rea
sonable excuse for the non-payment of
taxes. The sheriff is bound by oath to
comply with the terms of the warrants
attached to the tax rolls for the collec-
tion thereof, and has no option in the
matter. Delinquent taxpayers can save
the cost of seizure and sale of property
by settling their taxes at once.
Robert Keely,
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Wasco
Dated, August 4, 1898.
Yon invite disappointment when you
experiment. DeWitt'e Little Early
Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough' little
pilla. They cure constipation and sick
headache just as ecre as you take them.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Old Glory Waving Proudly
O'er New Scenes.
America's First Break Toward Terri
torial Expansion Impressive and
Beautiful Ceremony at Honolulu.
San Francisco, Aug. 22. The steam
er Belgic this evening brought the fol
lowing: Honolulu, Aug. 12. Precisely at eight
minutes to 12 o'clock today the Hawaii
an flag descended from the flagstaff on
all the government buildings, and ex
actly at five minutes to the same hour,
the Stars and Stripes floated on the
tropical breeze from every official flag
staff. The ceremony of today was a most im
pressive one. To hear the strains of
"Hawaii Ponol" for the last time, as a
national anthem, to hear the bugle blow
taps as tbe Hawaiian ensign sank from
his position, and to notice the emotion
of many who had been born under it
and had lived under it, was solemn:
But then came the bright call for rais
ing Old Glory, and the strains of the
"Star Spangled Banner" broke forth as
that banner was unfurled to the breeze.
Then cheers broke forth, and eyes
which had been dim tor a few moments
became bright and lightened up when
the Stars and Stripes blew out.
The picture presented in and around
the extensive building was most strik
ing. In the grounds and around all the
approaches were crowds of onlookers of
every station of a varied nationality.
Notably remarkable was the number of
Hawaiians. Within the grounds the
military and naval display was fine.
Hawaiian troops, United States marines,
the mounted patrol,' the police and the
citizen's guard presented a splendid ap
pearance, while the platform for the ex
ercises and the verandas of the execu
tive building were gay with brilliant
summer dreases, dancing feathers and
ribbons and the brightest faces that
Honolulu possessed.
The ceremonies opened with prayer
by Rev. G. L. Pearson, pastor of the
First Methodist church, of this city.
United States Minister Sewall then rose,
and, addressing President Dole, who bad
risen, presented him with a certified
copy of the joint resolution of congress
annexing the Hawaiian islands to the
United States.
President Dole answered, acknowledg
ing the making of the treaty of political
union, and formally yielded to Minister
Sewall, as the representative of the gov
ernment of the United States, the sove
reignty and public property of the Ha
waiian islands.
Over Twenty Thousand Spaniards Sur
rendered at Santiago.
Washington, Aug. 22. A dispatch
received, by Adjutant-General Corbin to
night from General Shatter indicates
that, with the fall of Santiago, 23,726
Poor Man's
tea is Schillings Best. It
goes far and makes meat and
potatoes luxurious. 30
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Spaniards surrendered. Of this number
a few less than 3000 were guerrillas and
volunteers, making the total to be re
turned to Spain about 21,000. Genera
Shatter recommends that all the cap
tured Maueer rifles and the ammunition
for the same be shipped to some arsenal
in the North, with as little delay as pos
sible, in order to prevent rust. There
are several million rounds of this am
munition, he reports, and probably 10,
000 to 12,000 atacda of these arms. A
large number of those turned over by
the Spaniards were Remingtons, and
other inferior weapon. General Shatter
reports that there is no sickness among
tbe incoming regiments.
Tbe Vive Baa all tbe Advantages of Er
ery Other Camera and In many
Ways superior to Any.
No other camera so simple and sure,
or eo quickly operated.
No other camera of the price takes
such large pictures, or carries so many
exposures at one loading as the $5.00
No other camera will allow of either
using or not using holders at the will of
the operator.
No other so inexpensively or readily
enables one to uee either glass plates
or cnt films, and in such numbers.
No other will hold glass plates and
cut films so that both can be used at the
same time.
No other camera includes, free, a full
complement of universal metal combi
nation holders.
No other camera has such simple,
light and universal holders, or those
which also hold any size of glass
plates or cut films under the full size ad
vertised for the respective eizes and
styles of Vive cameras.
No other camera is so small and com
pact for the size of pictures taken.
No other is so easy to understand and
The magazine of the Vive camera
holds so many S. R. V. backed glass
plates or cut films that daylight leading
is unnecessary ; quickly enabling the
operator to carry in the camera and
make from one to over one hundred ex
posures at one loading.
Avoid buying a camera where the re
quired additional glass plate holders
alone, almost double tbe advertised
price, and then not be able to carry them
in the camera.
We guarantee eyerv Vive camera to
do and be all that we claim in our cata
logue, and to take pictures fully equal
to illustrations shown therein. We also
emphatically guarantee every sample
picture we advertise, to be taken with
the Vive, as stated.
Vive Camera Company.
For sale by Clarke & Falk.
The Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock-
bridge, Ga., while attending to his pas
toral duties at Ellenwood, that state,
was attacked by cholera morbus. He
says: "By chance I happened to get
hold of a bottle of Chambeilain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I
think it was tbe means of saving my
life. It relieved me at once." For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
Real Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acteage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to tbe undersigned at the office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
Clearance Sale
STILtli Ofi.
Misses' and Children's
Swiss Hats......
In dainty shapes and shades;
pinks, blues and whites ; some
all swiss and others with chip
straw crowns. ,
35c ones now 18c
50c ones now 25c
Others worth
$2.50 are now ..........$1.25
2.75 are now 1.38
3.00 are now 1.50
There's nothing more becom
ing to your little girl than a
dainty Swiss Hat.
A. 1.1. WILLIA
wasco warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Sijr,'
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use : every
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
ascade linn
Board and room $7.00 and
Camping on the grounds
For particulars address
We have selected all
short lengths or remnants
of Swiss and Cambric
Embroideries and Inser
tions in our stock, rang
ing from f-yard to 12
yard pieces, and have
marked them just half
the regular price.
10 yards Embroidery at 10c per
yard for 55c
6.J yards Embroidery at 20c per
yard for 63c
2) yards Embroidery at 15c per
yard for 19c
7. yards Insertion at 20c per
yard for 78c
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
$8.50 per week; $1.25 per day
25c each
........ ...50c to $1.00 per week
274 Taylor Street, Portland, Oregon