Shlkf' ill!! 'Clfc isrft VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1898. NO 134 SPJlfllSH ODTRflGES COMITTED IfJ Many Reports Are Current Concerning Them, Been Confirmed. "WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Reports have been received of numerous outrages com mitted within the Spanish lines. It is thought that some of them are exaggerated but ru mors of a massacre at Ceales have been confirmed. Battery N, of the Seventh regiment, under Captain McComb, was unable to pro ceed along the mountain trail with General Henr', and having lost a gun and six horses over a precipice, returned to Ponce. THE TAKING OF MANILA White Flag Went up Before the failed City Could lie AttacM " AMERICAN LOSS WAS LIGHT Merritt Thinks the Number of Casual ties Will not Exceed Fifty Span ish Works Were Carried by McAr thur and Anderson's Brigades. Washington, Aug. 18. The war de partment has received the following: "Manila, Auk. 13, via Hong Kong, Aug. 18. On August 7 Dewey joined me in a 48-hour notification to the -Spanish commander to remove the non combatants from the city. On the same date a reply was received, expressing thanks for the humane sentiments ex pressed and stating that the Spanish were without a place of refuge for non combatant? now within the walls of the town. 'On August 9 we sent a joint note in viting attention to the euffering in store for the sick and noncoinbatants in case it became our duty to reduce the de fences, also Betting forth the hopelesB condition of the Spanish forces, sur rounded on all sides, the fleet in front, with no prospect of reinforcements, and demanded the surrender as due to every consideration of humanity. On the same date we received a reply admitting the situation, but stating the council of defense declared the request for surren der would not be granted, but offered to consult the government if the time nec essary for communication via Hong Kong were granted. We eent a joint note in reply declining. "On August 13 I joined with the navy in an attack on the city. After about half an hour's accurate shelling of the Spanish lines, McArthur's brigade on the right and Greene's on the left under Anderson, advanced in a vigorous at tack and carried the Spanish works. "Our loss is not accurately knowu, but is about 50 in all. The behavior of the troops was excellent. The co-operation cf the navy was most valuable. The troops advanced rapidly on the walled city, upon which a white flag was shown, and the town capitulated. The troops occupied Malate, Binondo, and the walled city of San Miguel. All our centers are protected. The insurgents are quiet. No disorder or pillage. Mebritt." The war department has made public the order eent to Merritt last evening retarding the occupation of MaiiH by the American forces. The order fol lows : "Merritt, Manila: The president di rects that there must be no joint occu pation, with the insurgents. The Amer icans are in possession of Manila City, Manila bay and harbor, and must pre serve peace and protect persons within the territory occupied by the military and naval forces. The insurgents and all Qthers must recognize the military occupation and authority of the United States and the cessation of hostilities proclaimed by the . president. Use whatever means are in your judgment necessary to attain this end. All law abiding people must be treated alike. By order of the secretary of war. CoRBisi, Adjt. Gen." MERRITT GAVE HIS CONSENT Romoval of Augustin to Hong Kong on the German Cruiser Was Not Ir regular. Berlin, Aug. 19 A dispatch from Hong Kong, dated August IS, and evi dently official, says : The Kaiserin Augusta, which lest Ma nila with dispatches from Admiral von Diedrichs, after the fall of, will return there today. Augustin and his family arrived on the cruiser. Von Diedrichs, at the request of Augustin, gave them passage by arrangements with the American commander. Au gustin has left Hong Kong en route to Spain. DYNAMITE WAS- THE MEANS Frank Gelding, an Expert Miner and Minerologist, Commits Suicide By Blowing Himself to Atoms. Benton, Wis., Aug. 18. Erank Geld ing, an expert miner and minerologist, went to the powder-house of the Eureka mine and set off forty pounds of dyna mite, blowing the building and bis body to atoms. The only trace of his body that could be found was a leg, which was picked up some distance away. The report was heard several miles away. Gelding has operated mines in South Africa, California and Alabama. To the Sugar Pine Belt. Jamestown, Cal, Aug 18. Prince Poniatowski, VV. H Crocker, H. T. Crocker and others interested in the Sierra railway, have decided to imraedi ately extend that road to the Sugar Pine belt, twenty miles " aboye here. The Mesers. Crocker own about 30,000 acres of timber lands in this country. It is their intention to erect mills, where the timber will be cut and dressed, It is the general opinion that the . road will be . extended over the mountains into Nevada next season. PORTO RIGO Some of Which Have BLANCO'S ORDERS TO HIS GENERALS Property in Cuba Must Be Fully Pro tected Authorities Instructed to Co-Operate With the American Military Leaders. Havana, Aug. 16. (Delayed in trans mission.) General Blanco, in coram un seating orders to the military authori ties of the island, says : "The minister of war announced to me today that the preliminary agree ment of the negotiations between Spain and the United States bavins been signed, thus putting a stop to hostilities-) on land and sea, his excellency dictates the immediate positions, necessary for the troops and for preventing the rebels from taking possession without respect to the peace agreement, and to arrange with the commanders of the American troops any way of mutual accordance. "It will be observed that the troops are to aid in repelling any unexpected attack which may be made before en tering the agreement. Consequently your excellency shall issue an order to protect railroads and military roada and occupy all interior territoiy under your authority and attend to every comfort and assistance of troops, for which you are to arrange an agreement with the chief of the American troops, if any can be found in the territory who will bo in communication with the chiefs of the rebel forces, as providing for the observ ance of the armistice and vigorously re pelling any attack intended by the rebels." General Blanco has raised the previ ous censorship on all commercial cables and methods of transit. SICK SOLDIERS SENT HOME Members of the Second Oregon Brought Home by the Australia. San Fbancisco, Aug. 18. The Aus tralia brought back the following sol diers, who were discharged on account of sickness: G. P. Brown, company G, Seeond Oregon volunteers, Portland, heart trouble; Sergeant C. A. Bort, company K, Second Oregon volunteers, Salem, deafness; William Wann, com pany B, Second Oregon volunteere, con sumption; William Dye, company K, Second Oregon, epilepsy ; P. W. Shelby, company B, Second Oregon, Eugene, partial blindness. Wisconsin Banks Consolidate. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 18. The Wisconsin National batik, of this city, having a paid-up capital o$l,000,000, and of which Captain Fred Pabst is president and Charles Best is cashier, has absorbed the Central National bank of Milwaukee, purchasing "its entire stock. George G. Houghton, former president ot the Central National bank, will be assistant cashier of the Wiscon sin National bank. Royal makes tbe lead para, wboleaeaac aad tfellcleas. ml FflVDZR Absolutely Pure OVAL BAKING KWOER CO., NEW YORK. MORE TROOPS TO GO TO SANTIAGO The Administration Considers Vigorons Steps Absolutely Nercssars to Pre serve Order. Washington, Aug, 18. Dispatches of importance were were received and con sidered at the war department today. Immediately after the arrival of Alger at the department he had a consultation with Corbin. The conference was a protracted one. They were considering the dispatches received from Merritt and from Santiago. Conditions at Santiago are causing a great deal of uneasiness, and troops will be ordered there very soon. Already orders have been issued directing the Fifth regular infantry to proceed to San tiago. Inquiries have been made as to the condition of the immune regiments which have not yet sailed, with a view of eending them to Santiago, The government intends to take vigor ous measures to preserve' peace and keep Order at Santiago and the territory under United StateB control. The em phatic order issued to Lawton a few days ago will be followed by orders eending enough disciplined troops to enable him to carry out the instructions of the secretary. As a further step in this direction, the president today di rected that the Twenty-third Kansas regiment, colored, be dispatched to San tiago, to form an army of occupation in Cuba. - FOR GOVERNMENT OF MANILA Provisions Fmbodied in a Proclamation Issued by Merritt. New York, Aug. 18. A special to the World from Manila, under date of An gust 14th, via Hong Kong, says: Merritt has prepared a proclamation to the natives which provides a scheme of government for Manila and surround ing territory and other islands placed in our possession, the chief points of which are rigid protection to all in person al religion; municipal laws, tribunals and local institutions for punishment to remain until further notice, except where incompatible with military rule, subject to the supervision of the Ameri can genera, provost marshal and sub provost to be appointed with power to arrest civil as well as military officers; open trade for neutral nations, public property to be rigorously protected ; no interference with the people so long as they preserve peace. Merritt occupies the general's palaco. CAPTAIN CLARK SERIOUSLY ILL Moxtadk Point, LI., Aug. 18. Cap tain Clark, of the tjaUleship Oregon, is seriously ill, and cannot at present be removed from the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul. ' - ' Clearance STFLiIi Of. At Half Misses' and Children's Swiss Hats m In dainty shapes and shades; pinks, blues and whites ; some all swiss and others with chip straw crowns. 35c ones 18c 50c ones .. .now 25c Others worth . $2.50 are now ,.$1.25 2.75 are now 1.38 . 3.00 are now 1.50 There's nothing more becom ing to your little girl than a dainty Swiss Hat. The Sure Ia Grippe Core. There is no U3e suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters is tbe only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed toenreor price refunded. For sale at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store, only 50 cents per bottle. 1 BncKlen'a Ariocw bmt. The best salve in the world for cuts, brnieee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet so roe, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine, corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi tively cui es piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or mcuey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. The Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock bridge, Ga., while attending to his pas toral duties at Ellen wood, that state, was attacked- by cholera morbus. He says: "By chanceI happened to get hold,of a bottle of Cham bei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think . it was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. More than twenty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space ot time. Smpes-Kinersly Drug Company. . ... . . Now ia the time to spray with Paris Green. Clarke & Falk have the strang est you can get. - tf Price I a. a wilums & i m j Sale At Half We have selected alL short lengths or remnants , of Swiss and Cambric Embroideries and Inser-. tions in our stock, rang- , ing from f-yard to 12-" yard pieces, and have; marked them just half, the regular price. ' . 10K yards Embroidery at 10c per yard for 55c 6 yards Embroidery at 20c per yard for 63c ' 2 yards Embroidery at 15c per yard for 19c , 7 yards Insertion at 20c per - yard . .for 78o JUST HAIF tie REGULAR PRICE; Deafness Cannot beiCared by local applications, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cass out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnees (caused Dy catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. - 6-10 Persons troubled with diarhoea will be interested in the experience of W. M. Bush, clerk of the hotel Dorrance, Prov idence, R. I. lie says: "For several years 1 havo been almost a constant suf ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at tacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duty at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy. Much to my sur prise and delight its effects were imme diate. Whenever I felt symptoms of tbe disease I would fortify myBelf egainst the attack with a few doses. of this val ueabla remedy. The result has been very satisfactory and almoBt complete relief from the affliction." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. - Cleveland wheels are selling in epita of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our 98 models. . Maier & Benton. Price