Fruit Oaas. 1 quart 2 quart ........... 50c doz G5c doz In Our Corner Window You will find displayed a line of Summer & Fall Weight Woolen Dress Goods. We offer you these goods at 40 Cents per yard while they last. We are satisfied with Small Profits. T Th3 Dalles Daily Ctonide. WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 17, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Crushed violets, the latest flavor for ice cream soda at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give it a trial. tf Furnished rooms to rent, aleo suites of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf Lost A pair of spectacles with silver frame. They were probably dropped somewhere cn Second street. Finder will please leave at this office or Parkin's barber ehop. augl7 3t A pair of 14k gold framed glasses in a black leather case, was found near the scene of the fire on Second street. The owner can have them by proving property and pacing for this notice. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge socials and ice cream festi vals solicited. Don't forget that onr ice cream sodas are the be6t in thecity. Dr. Urban Fisher, of Mt. Angel Col lege, is in the city in the interest of that institution in which he ia a professor. He informs ua that the prospects are good for an unusually large attendance at Mt. Angel this year. Yesterday thirteen cars of stock sheep were ehipped to North Dakota by R. H. Guthrie. He feels that range in East ern Oregon is getting too scarce to make the bueinees profitable, and he has re solved to ship all his sheep to Dakota. C. H. Valentine, the assistant general organizer of the endowment rank, Knights of Pythias, for Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado and Utah, spent yesterday in the city and left for Hepp ner on the f :20 train last evening. Hon. F. N. Jones, of Sherar's Bridge, returned on the Spokane local last evening from California, where he has been vigltiug his sister who has been very sick. Mr. Jones is pleased to be back 'to Oregon once more on account of the extreme heat which he eays was even worse in California than in Eastern Oregon. Some residents in the neighborhood of St. Mary's Academy complain again that some hoodlum boys visit their gar dens in the evening and steal grapes, etc. The boys are well known and should they try again to commit like depredations they will receive a recep tion that will leave a lasting impression on their mind and body. On next Friday evening Mr, and Mrs. I. N. Sargent, of this city, will celebrate the sixtieth annivereary of their wed ding, at their home on Liberty street. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent may be reckoned among the pioneers of this state and are highly respected by all who know them. Invitations have been issued to many of their friends to be present, and the old couple have the congratulations of all on this happy event. The enterprise of the Seufert-Condon Telephone Company was never better demonstrated than just after the recent fire. Scarcely had the flames been sub dued until they had a crew of men on the ground digging holes, re-setticg poles and stretching wire. So rapidly did they rush the work that all the damage done was repaired last night and ths ex change is once more in perfect working "A word to the wise is sufficient.". PEASE order. Work is also beiner pushed bv the Electric Light Company to get their line in shape, and we will have lights again about tomorrow evening. H. W. Canfield, C. L. McKenzie, John Whiters, John Cannatt and J. F. Rich ardson were elected Saturday as dele gates to the populist Etate convention at Ellensbnrg. The friends of C. W. Bush nell, of Rosalia, claim that the delegates named favor his nomination for cong ress, and that Bushnell will go to the state convention with 20 of the 35 dele gates from Whitman county. They ad mit that L. C. Crow of Palouse, wha is a candidate for the congressional nomi nation, will have 10 delegates. The preliminary examination of Chas. Deckert charged, with having stolen rifles from Mays & Crowe on the night of the fire, was held before Recorder Gates yesterday. As no evidence of im portance could be found against him to sustain the charge, Deckert was dis missed. ' Henry Wickman who is held for the same charge will have his hear ing at 10 o'clock today. Att.y. E. B. Dufur will appear for the defendant, while District Attorney Jayne will ap pear in behalf of the state. It is gener ally believed that the boy is innocent of the charge and that he will be released. Yesterday Mrs. D. A. Sturgess, of Mo sier, brought in a sample of a new variety of prunes, known as the "Ten ant," Abot three years ago they se cured one of the trees as an experiment, and they find that this variety is su perior even to the Italian prune, since it ripens earlier and' will remain on the tree longer than the other varieties. Mrs. Sturgess informs us that ' last sea son some of the Tenant prunes were on the trees in good condition in the latter I part of September. In a short time they will experiment in evaporating the prunes, and if they prove a success they will put out a large number of trees of variety. Among the numerous losers in the re cent fire there were Vprobably none who suffered so severe a lias as Louie Com ini. Shortly before Ihe fire he put in a large stock of costly tombstones and all were destroyed, lea ng him after years of hard labor alz ost penniless with a wife and family on his hands. He has however, who are . They will imme in raffling the pet numerous friends ready to help hii diately assist hiij goat which is suet a favorite among the young folks aroi nd town. Evervone should lend a Iping hand in euch a cause as this. It I s hard to tell when a like misfortune : y' befall us and place as ' in like strait so that assistance of friends would needed as in this case. To Cleanse the System Effectually yet gently, when costive or biilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently overcome ha bitual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liyer to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co."" "' . ' Wented. Wanted. , School children to board. Kates J14, including washing. Mrs, F. Dbews. aug 16-lmo-d and W. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famcus li;t!? r-iil-s. & MAYS. THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER, JR. T. Allen McQoary Arrives in the City on His Strange Mission Around the World for an Arkanaaw Girl and S5000 OO. List evening a large throng gathered on Second street in front of Daut's op tical parlors to listen to the youth, T; Allen McQaary, which the St. Louis Globe-Democrat has termed "the Mis souri Don Quixote," who arrived in this city Monday cn his way around the world for ,$5000 and a bride, the daugh ter of a rich Southern planter. It appears that McQuary fell desper ately in love with the young lady and as the feeling wns mutual they desired to be married immediately. The old gentleman objeced and finally as a bluff offered McQuary his daughter and $5000 if he would make the trip around the world front east to west Btartmg penni less in Missouri on May 19, 1897, and re turning 18 months later, having made the trip on horseback and by water, and forcing him to make the expenses of the trip on his way. McQuary'a history of his experiences as told in the little book which he sells alter his lectures is an interesting one and too long to publish here, while his lectures are interesting'and instructive. Mr. McQuary will lecture again this evening and has chosen The Dalles as the place where he will secure a hor6e and begin bis long ride to Missouri and has no doubt that he will be able to reach his destination by the date which is set for his arrival October 19th of this year. The young globe trotter is about 24 years of age, of pleasing appearance and an interesting talker. He is accord ing to the contract dressed in the garb of a knight of the Sixteenth century and carries with him records and docu ments sufficient to convince the most ekeptical that he is not a fake. NOTICE. ume to my place on o-Alile over a year ago, a bright bay mare ; weight! about 1000 pounds ; two white hind feet no visible brand ; .scar on right hip, Owner can have the same by paying fo this notice. Wu. Floyd. aug9-w4t Real Estate Sale. The Laughlin estate offers for sale all their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Laughlin. TYGH VALLEY ROLLER MILL At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at) prices to suit the times. Also mill feed W. MMcCobklb, Prop. mchl6-6m - Look Oat. All persons using the city water for ir rigating purposes are warned thai anyJ inirmgement ot trie rules will be strictly enforced. - J. B. Cbossen, Supt. GIto Us a Rest. Gallery closed till August 22nd. It will pay yon to wait for GirrosD. Clarke & Falk have the purest and strongest Paris Green in the market. jnesoR Fruit Jars. Pints......... 60c doz. Quarts,.... ..75c doz. 2 quarts $1.00 doz. Vaoum Fruit Jars. Pints.. 90c doz, Quarts $1.00 doz 2 quarts... ....$1.25 doz FOB SALE BY ...jnaier&Be ..THE fii$DTOE DERIiEflS., 167 SeiM St. THE DALLES. OR. CAMP SAMPSON BREEZES Zephyrs From One of the Numerous Camps Alone the Colombia Where Dalles People are Spending the Hot Spell. Miss Sargent, of The Dalles, is a guest fit Maple Dell. Mrs. Bnrgett will spend the week at Camp Sampson. County Clerk Ed Kelsay and family were guests at Camp Hobson Sunday. l Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, of the Dalles, spent Sunday at Camp Hobson, near the locks. Miss Morgan spent the week at Maple Dell, returning to her home Sunday night. Mrs. North, of Walla Walla is spend ing the summer with Mrs. Sargent, at Maple Dell. Mr. W. Sones and Miss Dastain were among the numerous visitors at Camp Hobson Sunday. Sheriff Kelly and wife spent Sunday at the residence of D. L. Cates, visiting the camp in the evening. The greatest excitement prevailed among the Dalleeitea in camp Monday morning, after hearing of the fire at home. All were ready to return, be the weather hot or cold. Mrs. and Miss Lyle are the latest ar rivals on the camp grounds. The camp is the recent site of Camp Dewey, and will still be known as the same with Mrs. Lyle as hostess. Sampson and Hobson have an easy time since the (Philippines are not' with us. "John T. Sherwood" euffers most of all since Mr. Phillips left, for there is no one left to pitch the tune. Mrs. Hobson established Camp Hob son Thursday. Mr. Hobson joined her Saturday. He is compelled to wear his wife's cape, and declares he is going home tomorrow, where he can keep warm. Mrs. Moore, Miss Moore, Eulu Creigh- ton, Hazel Williams and Lena Moore, and Messrs. Charles Creighton, John Cooper, William, Eugene and John Moore and Irwin Parkins, were among those who sought the cool breezes at tne Cascades Sunday. The young folks of the Locks gave a very pleasant dancing party on the plat form at the campgrounds last Saturday night. The platform was Mghted with Chinese lanterns hung in the trees an 3 was a pretty eight. The camp received invitations and those who accepted had r yery pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Crandall. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Chrisman, Misses Elizabeth Bonn, Clara and Flora Sampson, Mesdames Bnrgett and Morgan, and Messrs. Victor Sampson, Joe Bonn, Charles Burgett, Will Frank and Paul Paulsen, of The Dalles, and Mr. Fleet, of Cascades, are among: the names registered at Camr V-Sampson this week. A party of Dallesites, from Moffett, took advantage of the transfer Saturday and visited Camp Sampson. Mrs. Ai des chaperoned the party. They were : Misses Cora and Pearl Joles, Elizabeth, Martha and .Burnie Schooling, Prof. Ryan and Richard Gorman. Dick had visited Camp Sampson before, but his friends were pleased to see him again, on his return from a trip to the coaet. Everybody reads The Chronicle. Pi) ' i 'WW,IHiihi guii juj. .imili i u i. We have just received a shipment of Gents' Victors. The name is sufficient guarantee of quality. Jl?? lrry Doetor has to be satisfied with a small variety of medicines, but the practictioner in civil life and the sick have the entire col lection of drugs known to science at their command. We have a full and complete stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES of great purity snl efficacious because fresh and in perfect condition. We desire to impress this fact because so many drugs become worthless through age. M. Z. DONNELL" ...DRUGGIST... Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. The delinqent taxes of Wasco county, as shown on the rolls now in the hands of the sheriff are f 60, 000, an amount al most equal to the indebtedness of the count'. Every citizen will doubtless admit that this state of affairs should not exist, and that all tasea should be i collected. " On account of hard times in the past the county court Las shown leniency to taxpayers, but that leniency has reached the limit, and the court. cannot wait longer on delinquents to make settlements. ' For this reason a warrant has been attached to each de linquent roll commanding the sheriff to collect all taxes by seizure and sale of property. With a bountiful clop now in sight, there can no longer be any rea sonable excuse for the non-payment of taxes: The sheriff is bound by oath to comply with the terms of the warrants attached to the tax rolls for the collec tion thereof, and has no option in the matter. Delinquent taxpayers can save the cost of seizure an l sale of property by settliog their taxes at once. Robert Kekly, . Sheriff and Tax Collector for Wasco County. Dated, August 4, 189S. - The Best Kerned? for Flux. Mr. John Mathias, a well known stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., eays: "After suffering for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of stating that the half of one bottle cured me." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. Snipes-Kinereiy Drug Co. NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife. JosEpn Kohlek. The Dalles, Aug.43. lw To Caro a Cold to One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. - All druggists refund tLe money if it fails to cure. 25c. Schilling's Best means: we have taken your money and spent it for tea coffee soda tjaking powder flavoring extracts ana spices as well as we know how to. Your grocer pays your money back if you don't like them. For sale by - L. Rorden & Company PROFESSIONALS. JJ.A- STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French Sc Co.'s Bank Phone 6, THE DALLE 3, OEEGOU J)AN ROBERTS, Attorn ey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. 3eeond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. TILLMAN CARLSON, D. D. With Dr, 8. H. Frazier, Dentist. Plates: Partials, 5; fall upper or lower, S7.90. Ottice 'phone 276. Umatilla House, 87. Rooms 1 and 2, Chapman Block. J-RS- GEISEXDORFFEK IICEDT, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 32S Vogt Block B 8 HUNTINGTON H S WILSO" HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. THE DALLES, OEEGONl Office ovr First Nat. Lank. FRED. W7WILFON, AITORSEY-AT- LAW, tt- THE DALLES, OREGON. Office ovci First Nat. Bsnk. The Pocket Kozy Camera It measures l?.lix5?i inches when closed. Strictly a Him camera. Pictures 3Jx3j. no glass plates, plate holders or dark rooivt: Loaded io broad sun-light for 12 pictures at a loading. Clear Under, three stopB and time' or instan taneous exposure. Catalogue free on application. M. Z. DONNELL, DRUGGIST, THE DALLES. OREGON. $2.50 The Lightest aud Simplest of Plate Cameras. $2.50 Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jp. Makes Pictures 3x8 icches; weighs 12 oe. THE SNIPES-KIN ERSLY DRUG CO. Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Send for Catalogue. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEKAL BANKING BDEIKB3 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago St. Xxiuis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. NOTICE. All freight for . points east of The Da'les must be delivered at the O. R. & N. depot by 3:30 p. m. in order to go forward the same day. All freight fop points west of The Dalles must be de liverde at the depot before 5 p. m. to gr forward on train No. 23, leaving at 7 :45 next morning, except perishable freight which will be received from 7 a. m. un til 7:15 a. m. on the date tho trait leaves. Jas. Ireland, Agent. ' a4S0d- De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to deceives you when you cail for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co.