Fruit Cans. 6 4 9 In Our Corner Window 1 quart 50c doz. 2 quart G5c doz. 9 You will find displayed a line of uyiipJUuil $ Summer Hall J Woolen Dress Goods. We y 40 Cents a v t We are satisfied with Small Profits. Ths Dalles Daily Chponiele. TUESDAY AUGUST 16, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Crushed vioiete, the latest flavor for ice cream soda at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give it a trial. tf Furnished rooms to rent, also suites of rooms suitable lor housekeeping. Ap ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf lee Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge socials and ice cream festi vals solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are tbe beet in thecity. Max Vogt, who was out to his ranch when the fire occurred, came in yester day, and for once after a big fire, found himself not a heavy loser, although his building suffered somewhat. He is now congratulating himself. Miss Emma Jacobson and her brother, Johnnie, went down on the boat yester day to White Salmon, called there by the drowning of their cousin, Harper Hansen. Miss Jacobson will Temain for a few days, her brother returning last evening. Sunday evening many of our citizens noticed a large fire in a wheat field about two mileB below town, near tbe Anderson place. A rumor was afloat today that it was in Mr. Anderson's field, but nothing definite as to that has been ascertained, and it is believed to have been on an adjoining place. To add to the discomforts which the fire has caused, the electric light and telephone wires have been seriously im paired, and for a time we will be com pelled to go back to tbe days before we had these two conveniencies. Many of the 'phones are still in working order, but it will take some little time beiore all of them can be used again. Last night the town seemed so dismal that the blues were the prevailing complaint. We are now wondering how in the world we ever managed to get along without electric lights, and have made up our minds that we never lived until we had 'phones. During the progress of the fire three men were seen to carry away several rifles belonging toMays & Crowe, and before it was really discovered that they were stealing them, they had escaped to the country. Today they were over taken, brought back to the city and lodged in jail. The time for the prelim inary examination has not been set, but whatever its outcome we have only to say that anyone who would take advan tage of the distress of another to commit depredations of that sort, would, in the not overly-elegant expression of the im mortal Cradlebaugb. "use his grand mother's shin bones for knife handles." It baa always been a question in oar minds why, during a serious conflagra tion like that of Sunday night, so many men stand idly by seemingly uncon cerned aa to the result, and fail to see to what an extent a helping hand might aid those who are bravely fighting the flames. Our fire department is not a paid one, and on every such occasion take their Uvea in their handa in defend ing the .. property of others. On this particular occasion those who were fighting the flames were also compelled to carry out goods and cart them away, and although soliciting aid from many offer you these goods per yard ' while "A word to the wise is sufficient." PEASE standing by, in a number of cases were refused. On the other hand, many who were not members of tbe department and had no property in jeopardy were among the foremost to face the flames, bravely fighting till the danger was over. To them credit enough cannot be given. ' Harper Hansen Drowned. Sunday morning Mr. E. Jacobson and step-son, Harper Hansen, and Mr. Forbes, of California, left this city in a large fish-boat bound for White Salmon. When opposite Straight's landing, the Sarah Dixon came up, and seeing the boat steering directly across, whistled for the occupants to change their course. For some unaccountable reason Mr. Jacobson failed to- heed the warning, and consequently his boat was struck on the side by the steamer, which had slowed up aa much as possible. Mr. Jacobson held on to the mast, and Mr. Forbes grabbed a rope on the Sarah Dixon, but Harper Hansen was thrown overboard and was not seen afterward. The young man who was drowned was about 18 years of age, and a very indus- trioue, promising fellow. He was a brother of Miss Lena .Hansen, of this city, and a nephew of Mra. Henry Laaritson. His sister is at present at home on a vacation, which will no doubt be a sad one. The body baa not been recovered ; but the river will today be dragged and vevery effort made to find the remains. News From Co. I.' Camp. Company L, consisting of Misses Anna Thompson, Lizzie Bar tell, Julia and Clara Nickelso.n, Frankie and Georgia Richmond and Lena Thompson, whose camp is situated near Mcffett Springs, were pleasantly surprised by a visit from Misses Rachel Morgan and Rath erine Sargent, of Maple Dell camp lo cated at Cascades. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Motta and Price, of Portland, we spent a very enjoyable time boating on Lake Mystery, near the Springs. Upon onr return to camp, we gathered "cat-tails" which are abundant along the lake, and they also served as souvenirs. Last evening Company L entertained visitors from the "surrounding camps, numbering twenty-one in all. Candy pulling, music on guitars by Messrs. Reese and Parkins, and singing were en joyed until a late hour, when all ex pressed themselves aa having spent a pleasant evening, and their only regret was that the late hour came only too soon. A Guest. To Care a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tbe money if it fail a to enre. 25c. Don't expect Schillings Best tea coffee soda baking powder flavoring extracts and spices - to turn the world upside down. They won't; but they do take some of the wrinkles out of living. 7 For sale by - L. Rorden & Company Weight 9 at .5 they last. & MAYS. . 5 THE FIRE DEMON AGAIN . AT WORK The Dalles Suffers Another Great Loss One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars Go Up in Smoke. Caught In the Crystal Ice Company' Building and Destroyed Over One islock List of the Losers. After a respite of Beven years, the ter ror of Tbe Dalles, the fire-fiend, again made bis appearance in our city Sunday at midnight. Ilia coming waa heralded by the screeching of whistles, and be fore the bell could be ruig many were aroused, and, gazing put, were confront ed by a lurid light which told too plainly that our little city was again threatened with destruction. The fire was first discovered by Jim White, who npon returning from his customary trip to the 11 :45 train, saw that tbe building recently constructed by the"Crystal Ice Company on Ruch's lot, two doora from Maya & Crowe's hard ward Btore, waa all ablaze. By way of arousing the neighborhood he fired two shots, which ' were answered by two more from some men coming np the street. Just at tbia juncture a double- header freight train was passing and the engineers began blowing the whistles. Soon the fire-bell rang, and by thia time people were seen rushing from every direction to tbe ecene of the conflagra tion. Such a headway had it gained before being discovered that the large building next door, occupied by Johnston & Faulkner aa an implement warehouse waa enveloped in flames before a mo ment's time, and the email store of L. Comini was licked up aa if at one gulp. The row of houses across Second street then began to catch, and the Wilder photograph parlor, Lynch 'a barber shop, the old Times-Mountaineer office, owned by Vanbibber, Gilmore's restaurant, Hoyle'a carpenter shop, Gunning & Hockman'a blacksmith shop and Sand rock's wagon ehop were each soon swept away. At the same time the second hand store on the east aide of the ice company'a building waa burning, and tbe flames leaping across the street soon laid waste the warehouse of Pease & Mays. , At one time .it waa hoped the hard ware store of Maya & Crowe might be saved, but all efforts were vain and this business house, which had recently been fitted up until It was second to none 'in tbe state, had to go. Every energy was then bent to prevent their large new warehouse, over which were several suites of rooms occupied by the family of W. E. Walther, John Hampshire and mother and Dennia Bunnell and family, from suffering the same fate; but to no Fruit Jars. Pints....... 60c doz. Quarts........... .....75c doz. 2 quarts :..$1.00 doz. Yacuui Fruit Jars. Pints 90c doz. Quarts $1.00 doz, 2 quarts.... $1.25 doz. FOB SALE BY ..THE flfiSDWHRE DERLEHS. 167 Second St. THE DALLES. OR. avail. Previous to thia the dwelling house of Peter Anderson, occupied by Fred Bayley ; the adjoining building, in which waa stored hay, owned by J. H. Cross ; the wagon shed of Tom Ward and the dwelling house of Annie Dehm, oc cupied by Tom Ward, were laid in ruins. At one time the planing mill of Han sen & Thomsen caught, and only by su perhuman effort was it saved. Much in terest waa directed to the large barn of Ward & Roberteon, which waa the key to that section of tbe reaidence part of the city so ruthlessly devastated in the fire of '91. However, aa there was a west wind blowing, tbe large stables and that section were spared. Much anxiety was felt jn regard to the livery stable of Mur- chie Bros., very nearly opposite Pease & Maya' warehouse, and the horses were turned loose, running frantically down the street. Had it not been for the val iant work done here, much ot the East End must of "necessity have been de stroyed. Wet blankets were placed over Pease & Mays' atore arid Max Vogt's block, both of which became very hot, tbe plate glass in the latter cracking and the cor nice melting off. Men were also busy carrying water, with wbicb they satur ated J. T. Peters' implement house. At 3:30 the fire was under control, al though still burning briskly, and the streets in that vicinity were thronged with people and covered with articles of every description which bad been car ried from burning buildings. From that time on till noon yesterdaw the wa ter still played on the smoldering ruins, and many of our citizena did not close their eyes in slumber. Tbe excellent work ot the fire depart ment cannot be overestimated. The Dalles can never be grateful enough to tbe brave fire-laddies, who, without the slightest remuneration, bravely serve her when the demon fire so frequently makes hia appearance; fighting is the very jawa of death to save our homes. Far be it from us, who are at their mercy, to utter a word of criticism. Indeed no human beings could have done better. Engineer Brown stood nobly at his poet, and he informs ua that the supply of water was adequate for the emergency, the rumor that the water had given out having arleen from the fact that being anxious that the plnga be given every drop possible, he naed aa little aa he could for the engine, and consequently that supply had increased. The assistance rendered by the fire department of the O. R. & N. Co., un der the supervision of Mr. P. DeHuff, waa invaluable and timely. Much brave work was done by thia company of men. It baa been impossible to get a com plete list of the losaea sustained and in surance carried.- - The following ia aa near as can be eatimated at present : Maya & Crowe, between $ 55,000 and $60,000; inanrance, $38,000. Louie Comini, $2,000; no insurance. W. A. Johnston & Co., $6,000, insur ance, $2,000. The Dalles Crystal Ice Co., $5,000, in surance, $1,450. " Great Northern Furniture Co., lost not estimated ; covered by insurance. Pease & Maya warehouse,, Iosb not estimated ; covered by insurance. A. Sandrock, loes not estimated ; ' no insurance. Gunning & Hockman, $2,000 ; no in surance. Mrs. Gilmore, restaurant, $500; no lUaieryeutoi) We have just received a shipment of Gents' "Victors. The name is sufficient guarantee of quality. lCays & inenrance. , - Lynch Bros. , barber Bhop, loss not ea timated. " ' Wilder'a photograph gallery, $1,000; no insurance. W. H. VanBibber, old Timea-Moun-taineer building, $400; no insurance. Thos. Ward, household goods; cov ered by insurance. J. II. Cross, warehouse, $700; partly covered by insurance. Ward & Robin eon, building occupied by Johnston & Co. ; covered "by insur ance. - - - P. Anderaoif losa $1000; insurance $700. - FIRE NOTES. W. A. Johnston had his bands severe ly burned while carrying out goods from the implement building. " Dalles people have had bo many se rious experiences with fire that many who were not in the immediate vicinity of the conflagration packed their house hold goods, and were ready if the worst come. The large' safe of Mays & Crowe's, which waa supposed to be fire-proof, proved itself otherwise bv blowingopen. However all the valuable papers had been removed. The vault still remains steadfast. Several buildings caught during tbe progress of the fire, among which were the electric light plant, Columbia Brew ery and the Diamond Flouring Mills. They were quickly extinguiebed by thoee on the lookout. Several of the email bnildinga on the north side ot the burned district were owned by R. B. Hood, but the loss has not been estimated. Mr. Hood, who is now in California, ia ex pected here on a visit soon. While helping to aave some of the household goods belonging to Tom Ward, Harvey Allen was - pushed off a high porch in front of their home, and it ia feared, internally injured. Lateat reporta from his physician are to the effect that he is improving and ia likely to recover. " Mays and Crowe have removed part of their gooda into the vacant building on the corner of Third'and Federal Sts., and the remainder into tbe Vogt build ins on ' Washington. Nothing definite baa been planned as yet; but It is ru mored that this firm will probably erect a brick on their vacant Iota. During the fire Mr. Matthewa, who was sleeping in the building where the fire originated, after escaping went back to save a trunk full of some articles, and after throwing it through the window, jumped out himself, severely burning his handa and feet and otherwise shak ing him up, He waa getting along nicely yesterday. . Not the least interested in the result of the fire waa Louie Comi- ni'a billy goat, which . waa eeen to amble slowly np Third Btreet yesterday and planting himself directly in front of his former home, gazed wonderingly on the - ruins. Then diegustedly he turned and walked across the street, climbed up on the old ruins of the Fitz Gerald building and epent most of the day. Much sympathy ia expressed for Mr. Comini in hia loss, he and hia fam ily barely escaping with their lives, and having no insurance whatever on their gooda. To Cleanse the System Effectually yet gently, when costive or billious, or when the blood ia Impure or aluggiBh, to permanently overcome ha bitual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and-liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, uBe Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. NOTICE. All persona are hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any billa con tracted by my wife. Joseph Kohlek. The Dalles, Aug. 13. . ; lw DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve haa the largest sale of any salve in the world Tbia fact and ita merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempta to deceive you when you call for DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.- Crowe. PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Cc's Bank Phone 6, THE DALLES, OBEGOIT J) AN ROBERTS, Attorn ey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. 3eeond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. TILLMAN CARLSON, D. D. With Dr, S. H. Frazier, Dentist. Plflfpn Pnrti'nlH K5' fnll nnm.n.lA.. t an . - . " . . u.. " l ('V 1 V 1 1 W " L J I ,(7U. Office 'phone 276. Umatilla House, 37. Booms 1 and 2, Chapman Block. pjRS-GKISESDORFFER 4 BCIDI, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 82S Vogt Block B 8 HUNTINGTON H 8 WILSOJi HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOUNEYS AT LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON Office oynr First Nat. Bank. - FEED. W.WILFON, " ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON. Office ovei First Sat. B-iuk. The Pocket Kozy Camera Tt measures lx-lxKi inches when closed 8trictly a film camera. Fictures 3!x3. NO GLASS PLATES, PLATE HOLDERS OR DARK ROOM. Loaded In broad -sun-light for 12 pictures at a loading. Clear tiuder, three stops and time or Instan taneous exposure. Catalogue free on application.' - M. Z. DONNELL, DRUGGIST, THE DALLES, OREGON.- $2.50 TheJ.ightest and Simplest of , Piste Cameras. $2.50 Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jr. Makes Pictures 3x3 inches; weighs 12 o. THE SNIPES-KINERSLY DRUG CO. Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies. . THE DALLES, - - - OBEGON. Send for Catalogue. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENERALBANKING BUS1NE3- Letters of Credit iesued available in the Eastern States. Sight. Exchange and TelesrraDhia Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, at. .Louis, Ban Francisco, Jfortland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointa in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointa on fav orable terms. NOTICE. All freight for points east of The Da'les must be delivered at the O. K. & N. depot by 3:30 p. m. in order to go forward the same day. All freight for pointa west of The Dalles must be de li verde at the depot before 5 p. m. to go forward on train No. 23, leaving at 7 :45 next morning, except perishable freight which will be received from 7 a. m. un til 7:15 a. m. on the date the train' leaves. Jab.' Ireland, Agent. . . a4 30d Cleveland wheela are Belling in spite of all the cheap wheela that are offering.. Call and see our '98 . models. Maier & tsenton. . GItb Vm at Rest. Gallery closed till August 22nd. Ifc will pay you to wait for ' Gifpord.