The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 16, 1898, Image 1

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    aalf imirifirifif
NO 131
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
And Still the
Sale Goes On...
Our Triumphant irmy
LONDON, Aug. 15. Manila has fallen and the American forces are in full
So says a report from a London business house to the Westminster Gazette.
HONG KONG, Aug. 15. Delayed information from Manila is to the effect that
there has been renewed activity on the part of the Spaniards of late, due to the belief that
American resources have been exhausted and that McKinley is sueing for peace. Accord
ing to the same authority the insurgents throughout the island of Visayas are reported to
have signified their intention of joining Aguinaldo. The German cruiser Kaiaerin Au
gusta has arrived here, having left Manila yesterdaj-. She reports the situation there un
changed, but her officers are extremely reticent.
A Washougal Teacher Loses Her Life
Amid the Breakers at Seaside, on
Clatsop Beach.
Seaside, Or., Aug. 15. Miss Percy
Wing, a young lady about 20 years old,
and a teacher in Washougal schools, was
today at 11 o'clock bathing with a crowd
in front of Grimes' hotel when the un
dertow earried her out beyond the help
ot her companions, and she was
Frank Russell, son of a wealthy Clark
county fruitgrower, to whom Mies Wing
was engaged, went half a mile for a boat,
and although this took half an hour,
succeeded in reaching her before ehe
Bank. Drs. O. B. Estes, of Astoria, and
II. R. Littlefield, of Portland, after
working on the unconscious form for
about two hours, gave her up. Young
Russell and his friends worked half an
hour longer before they realized that she
was beyond help. Russell, who recently
returned from Skagway, expected eoon
to marry Miss .Wing, and is beside him
eelf with grief.
The deceased leaves a widowed moth
er, with whom she was camping here in
the grove.
From the fact that the body did not
eink for nearly half an hour, Dr. E9tes
expresses the opinion that Miss Wing
died from heart shock and not from
drowning. The body will be shipped to
Washougal for burial..
Americans Held Their Position Of
ficials Anxious as Regards the Oc
currence Precaution Taken to In
form Dewey and Merritt.
WASHiKGTONAug. 15. U-itil Manila
is in closer touch with the rest of the
world than it has been during the last
three and a halt months, officials here
will be harassed by gravest anxiety re
garding the ocenrrences in that vicinity
The last news from Manila was dated
ten days ago, and deecribed the fierce
fighting of the Malate on J uly 31et,when
the Americans held their position, which
had been assaulted. Aug 3d there was
cannonading all day. The Monterey
arrived August 4th with the troops of
the third expedition, and at the time
the dispatch vessel left, preparations
were being made for an immediate as-
is Now in Full Possession of the Entire City-
A Complete Capitulation.
sault upon the city. It was known that
General Merritt was only awaiting these
reinforcements to demand its surrender
and to give notice of a naval bombard
ment. Under the cirourn?tances every pre
caution was taken last Friday to inform
Admiral Dewey and General Merritt
with the least possible delay of the in
formal signing of the protocol and the
suspension of hostilities.
Secretary Alger is confident that the
Spanish general will welcome tne news
and cheerfully obey the instructions ca
bled to him from Madrid to lay down
his arms, and no eerions complication
is expected to arise with the insurgents
at present. The chief alarm relates to
the sacrifice of life which may have
taken place since August 3th, and to the
possibility that Agninaldo and his sol
diers may have entered the city from a
point on the north while the Spaniards
were fighting with the Americans on
the 8outb. In that case it is feared
wholesale slaughter may have taken
place and much valuable property have
been deatroyei.
Mnch Damage, Done Seven Killed, the
Crops Damaged and Buildings De
stroyed. Cakby, Minn., Aug. 15. A tornado
last night struck twelve miles north of
this place, killed seven people, destroyed
many buildings, and did great damage
to crops. The entire family of Joseph
Hutchinson, including his wife and four
children, were killed. The storm was
not wide in extent, but very violent.
Seven people are missing, and some of
them are supposed to be killed.
Much Damage Done to Crops- Cyclone
at Hamilton, 111. Child Dies of
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 15. Severe hail
and rain storms occurred in Southeastern
Iowa and Western Illinois yesterday and
last night. Much damage was done to
crops. Cornfields and melon crops were
destroyed and railway bridges washed
out in Iowa. The storm became a cy
clone at Hamilton, II!., and buildings
were blown to pieces. At McComb,
Horace Ad cock, 12 years old, died of
j fright. At Carrollton trees and tele
phone wires were prostrated. The dam
age ia heavy.
Spaniards Receive Notice of the End of
the Fighting Fears are Expressed
that Spaniards May Terrorize the
Natives During Period of Nego
tiations. Poxce, Porto Rico, Aug. 15. On Sat
urday General Miles notified General
Macias, at San Juan, by cable of the
signing of the protocol, and today he
received from Macias an acknowledg
ment of the receipt of the notification.
General Miles also sent Captain Mick
ler, under a flag of truce, to communi
cate the intelligence to the Spanish
commander at Aibonito.
General' Miles says Aibonito would
have been-his within four days, bad not
the protocol been signed.
General Miles is uncertain whether he
will remain here during the period of
the negotiations for the peace, but the
four army columns will remain where
they are nntil the negotiations are com
pleted. Fears are expressed by the natives
that duriDg the period of the treaty ne
gotiations the Spanish troops may be
given free license within their lines to
terrorize the inhabitants. If it should
be the case, Miles says the Americans
would be powerless to interfere.
Sailed from Santiago with Four Big
Battleships and Two Armored
Cruisers Schley Accompanying
Them on the Brooklyo.
Washington, Aug. 15. Sampson with
four big battleships and two armored
cruisers of the fleet, is now on his way
north, having sailed yesterday morning
from Santiago. Schley is; on the cruiser
Brooklyn, accompanying the fleet.
The ships are expected at New York the
last of the week.
The navy department is considering
the project of a naval review in New
York harbor next Sunday, when the
Dattiesmps ana cruisers under Sampso
will arrive there. Efforts have hnan
made to induce the department to have
It is probable that the final decision
will be to nave the war vessels come uf
the river to Grant's tomb at Rivnrsldn
and there fire a salute. Tne trin to thn
tomb wi'l afford the public a sufficient
opportunity to view the ships without
tiring tne sailors or a iana procession.
Absolutely Pure
Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers.
The delinqent taxes of Wasco county,
as shown on the rolls now in the hands
of the sheriff are $60,000. an amount al
most equat to the indebtedness of the
county. Every citizen will doubtless
admit that this state of affairs should
not exist, and that all taxes should be
collected. On account of hard times
in the past the county court Las shown
leniency to taxpayers, but that leniency
has reached the limit, and the court
cannot wait longer on delinquents to
make settlements. For this reason a
warrant has been attached to each de
linquent roll commanding the sheriff to
collect all taxes by seizure and sale of
property. With a bountiful ctop now
in eight, there can no longer be any rea
sonable excuse for the non-payment of
taxes. The sheriff la bonnd by oath to
comply with the terms ef the warrants
attached to the tax rolls for the collec
tion thereof, and has no option in the
matter. Delinquent taxpayers can 6a ve
the cost of seizure and sale of property
by settling their taxes at onoe.
Eobbbt Keely,
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Wasco
Dated, August 4, 1898.
Persona troubled with diarboea will
be interested in the experience of W. M.
Bush, clerk of the hotel Dorrance, Prov
idence, R. I. He eaye : "For several
years I have been almost a constant suf
ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at
tacks completely prostrating me and
rendering me unfit for my duty at this
hotel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly gave me a am all bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarhoea Eemedy. Mnch to my ear
priee and delight its effects were imme
diate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the
disease I would fortify myself against
the attack with a few doses of this val
ueabla remedy. The res alt has been
very satisfactory and almost complete
relief from the affliction." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Truth wears well. People have
learned that DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are reliable little pills for regu
lating the bowels, curing constipation
and sick headache. They don't gripe.
Snlpee-Kinerely Drag Co.
More than twenty million free samples
of DaWiU'8 Witch Hazel Salve have
been distributed by the manufacturers.
What better proof of their confidence in
it's merits do yon want? It cares piles.
barns, scalds, sores, in the shortest
space ot time. Snipes-Kinerely Drug
Came to my place on o-Mile over a
year ago, a bright bay mare ; weight
about 1000 pounds; two white hind feet;
no visible brand; scar on right hip.
Owner can have the same by paying for
this notice. Wk. Plotd.
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little
pills. They cure constipation and sick
headache just as sere as you take them
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Now is the time to spray with Paris
Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong
est yon can get. tf
wants money back for Schil
ling 's Best tea?
Only a few-no, that's too
Nobody no, that's too
few. .
Almost nobody 'ys,
that's right,
All light 75c Wrappers reduced to 60c.
Organdy Wrappers worth $1.00 re- 7C
duced to f -V
Dainty Dimltv Wrappers worthdjl O K
$1.50 reduced to .. ipi.SO
Wrappers made of Sheer Organdies, nice
ly trimmed, worth $1.90 and J- Cf
$2.00 reduced to ipA.OU
Organdy Wrappers,, beautiful colorings,
elaborately trimmed In Lace tbo e"
or embroideries, worth $3.50 P3.JJ
At Half Price.
Going like toe on a hot day. Batter come
so cent Waists now ....... ,28c
78 " " .
$1.00" " ..500
$1.50" " " ,,, ,.. 750
ft V 't v 1
The best salve in the world for crate,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hand a, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cm Aft piiee, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mcuey refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale try Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Oar baby has been continually troub
led with colic and cholera infantum since
his birth, and all that we could do lor
him did not seem to give more than
temporary relief, nntil we tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Since giving that remedy be
has not been troubled.' We want to
give yon this testimonial as an evidence
of our gratitude not that yon need it to
advertise your meritorious remedy. G.
M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For- sale by
Blakeley & Heughton.
A lilac bush in bloom at this season
of the year is something of an oddity,
J. . Miller has one of the sbrnbs in his
yard in North Pendleton which ceased
blooming for the first crop of flowers
about Decoration day. Mr. Miller then
put his scheme into effect and forced a
second growth of blossoms, with which
the bush is now covered. lie says lilac
bushes can be made to bloom twice each
year if a person only knows bow to
go about it. Many interested in the
cultivation of flowers liaTe visited this
rare specimen of August-blooming lilac,
and Mr. Miller has been compelled to
give away more than half of the bios
soma. East Oregonian.
-' Beat Batata Sale.
Tbe Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near Tbe
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acreage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at tbe office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Lapohun.
Speeial Barons in
Ladies' Itoia Shoes
Blouse Suits
..Half Price..
$16.00 Suits -now.. . $8.00
$18.00 Suits now !..$9.00
lien's and
Boys' Sum
mer Suits
Daafaes caanat pa:Cmree
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to care deafness,
and that ie by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed eon
dition of tbe mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube ia in
flamed you bare a rambling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when St Is ea
tirely eloeed, Deafness is the mult, and
unless the inflammation can betaken
out and this tube restored to its norma)
condition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing bat an in
flamed condition of tbe mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars ; free.
F. J. Chjsxkt & Co., Toledo, O-
Sold by Druggists, 75c 6-10
Farm for Saia.
A good farm for Bale four and a half
miles from town, consisting of 420 acrea-
good land, 120 being in grain, fonr
horses, 10 head of eattle and 6 of hogs.
Also a good dwelling bouse and barn.
The land will produce anything grown
in Wasco county. A good school within
a quarter of a mile ot the farm. No
mortgage or land agent in tne way. Call
en or address Sbth Uouak,
july2-lm-w Tbe Dalles, Or.
Tbe Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock
bridge, Ga., while attending to bis pas
toral duties at Ellenwood, that state,
was attacked by cholera morbus. He
says: "By chance I happened to get
hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I
think It was tbe means of saving my
life. It relieved me at onoe." For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton. ,