The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 13, 1898, Image 4

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    fc3 Dalles Daily eimIs.
is due not only to the originality and
implicity of the combination, but also
"to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
inown to the California. Fiq SrBtrp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
"true and original remedy. As the
:genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
2y the California Fio Smtrp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other pa
"ties. The high standing of the Cali
jtobnia Fro Sykcp Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
Sfiven to millions of families, make3
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
:ffar in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
"fcowels without irritating or weaken
ing1 them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
Sects, please remember the name of
the Company
Miss Bess Isenberg is in the city from
Hood River.
Mr. I. Herman was a passenger on the
5:20 train last evening.
Mrs. C. M. Aldon j lined the campers
t Moffett Springs yesterday.
Mr. Dan French leaves todav tor Lorn?
Aieaen wuere ne will join bis tamily.
Elder Jenkins came up from Hood
Hiver on yesterday afternoon's train.
flev. Joseph DeForest left yesterday
anorning for a two-weeks' outing at
Trout Like.
J. M. Huntington and family were
among the first of the campers from
Stevenson to return home.
A. D. McCnliy, of Pease & Mays dry
oods store, will return this morning
after a visit to relatives at S.ilem.
Mrs. W. II. II. Dufur and MisB
Blanche, spent yesterday in the city,
r returning to Dufur in the evening.
Dick Hinton and family, who have
I fjeea enjoying a week's vacation in The
1 . Dalles, leave for their Bakeoven home
y to day.
rJIrs. Emery Oliver and little eon,
-Xiraydon, are up from Portland, visiting Oliver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
'. JS. Sylvester.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Groat, accompan
raed by Mr. Groat's mother, went down,
on the hoat yesterday morning, bound .Springs.
"""Sirs. Chas. Allison, formerly a resi
dent of this city, but now living in Cali
. fornid, came up on the 5:20 train last
evening to visit friends here.
H. E. Rarasaur, clerk at the Warm
Springs agency, was in the city yester
day afternoon on his way to tho agencv
mfter a month's vacation spent at
Mrs. Wilson, of the Wilson Millinery
3?rlors, will today accompany Mr.
Grimes to their camp at Stevenson,
waerosne wm vieu Mrs. urimes for a
f few days.
scho have been visiting their hmihor n'
-S3. Palttnarshe, in this city, were pas
engers on the boat yesterday, bound for
"' copc-nvo nuuic9 in Australia ana
British Columbia.
C XT Curl airirvUt W TTM1 O TI
Jreen, E. B. DuSV.'and J. M. Russell.
h-wooi" men, started yesterday af
ternoon to visit both Clatsop and Ilwaco
teaches. They were intent npon makinc
. - uiuoi ui a tow uaya trip.
8unday, August 14th. will undoubted
ly be the banner day of the season for
Bonneville excursionists. There will 1 e
several new features in the entertain
ment on that date. Round trip fare
irom The Dalles only 50 cents.
To Cure at Cold in One Day.
'Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Yea invite disappointment when you
xperiment. DeWitt's Little Early
- SLisers are pleasant, easy, thorough little
Ziilis. They cure constipation and eick
headache just as sere as you take them.
;Saipe8-Kinersly Drug Co.
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the
(teeth. ; tf
.DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
'CUrke & Falk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Kotice Is hereby given that an order has been
n wwo'n aay 01 JUiy, 188, cnanglne the name
of tbeunder lgned from Konrad Lohrli toKonrad
U.ohrii Uuuser, and that sn application will be
urawJo to said Court on Wednesday, the 7th day
f teptember, 1898, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
Sy, lor a certificate of fcnch change of name, to
toe issued and t rovided by law.
! " d this 15th day of Jnlv. 189S.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloffice at The Dalles un
called for August 13, 1S9S. Persons
calling for the Eame will give date on
which they were advertised :
Anderson, Harry Jackson, H F
Anderson, H P
Kerr, ri U
Brown, L 11
Barns, Thos P
Bery, Otto
Bujhey, Frank
Coop, A
Camer, W
Coad, J
Chesuaan, II S
Dickers, L P
Dickenson, V
Ellis, Mime
Fllerd, Matilda
Ford, W H
Frants, E D
Fulton, David
Fox, Lucy
Gotfrey, Emma
Grenger, Andrew
Gilpin, B
Gasson, Ed
Henirici, R E
Huleman, C W 2
Hood, Mary E
Hinlach, Stella
Havdon, E A
Hollett, Geo
Hanna, Lillie
Hamilton, W S
Liggett, H
Leanord. Clide 2
La pier, Frank
Mitchell, W G
Milgger, Herman
Morton, Emma
Miller, J H
Patterson, L S
Perry, Clare
Roberts, J A
Remensinder, Ada
Richards, H L
Rein, J A
Robenson, B H
Scott, E H
Sterns, H N 2
Washburn, S D
Welealf, J
Write, F W
Weigelt, A
Wise, O E
Woodman, W
Wood, J II
William?, F
Ward, G A
Wagner, C D
Waltz, Arthur
Wilbutn, Allie
J. A. Ckossen.
320 acre3 of land, estate of W. J.
Meins, 10 miles south of The Dalles, 200
acres of which is good level tillable land,
balance f pasture with living water ;
Small touse, good stables and barns.
Will bo sold at a bargain; one-third
cash, balance credit. Enquire of J. C.
Meins or W. II. Wilson, attorney.
J. C. Meins,
Administrator Estate ol W. J. Meins.
augl3-lmo d-w
About one month ago my child, which
is fifteen months old, had an attack of
diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I
gave it such remedies as are usuallv
given in such cases, but as nothing gave
relief, we sent for a physician and it was
under his care for a week. At this time
the child had been sick for about ten
days and was having about twenty-five
operations of the bowels every twelve
hours, and wo were convinced that un
less it eoon obtained relief it would not
live. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended,
and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a
change for the better; by its conticued
use a complete cure was brought about
and it is now perfectly healthy. C. L.
Boggs, Sturaptown, Gilmer Co., W. Va.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Pereons troubled with diarhoea will
he interested in the experience of W. M.
Bush, clerk of the hotel Dorrance, Prov
idence, R. I. He says: "For several
years 1 have been almost a constant Euf
ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at
tacks completely prostrating me and
rendering me unfit for my duty at this
hotel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly gave me a small bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarhoea Remedy. Much to my sur
prise and delight its effects were imme
diate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the
disease I would fortify myself against
the attack with a few doses of this val
ueabla remedy. The result has been
very satisfactory and almost complete
relief from the affliction." For sale by
Biakeley & Houghton.
A Marrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken
with a bad cold which eettled on my
lungs ; cough set in and finally termin
ated in Consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my
Savior, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to get" Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight
bottles. It has cured me, and thank
God I am saved and now a well and
healthy woman." Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store.
Regular size 50o and $1.00. Guaranteed
or price refunded. l
Came to my place on 5-Mile over a
year ago, a bright bay mare; weight
about 1000 pounds; two white hind feet;
no visible brand; scar on right hip.
Owner can have the eame by paying for
this notice. Wm. Floyd.
One brownish bay mare, branded .TN.
(connected) on left 6hou!der, and split
iu icn, car. Day mare,
branded L on left shoulder and left hip.
Both work horses, weizhiocr each ahnnt
1250 lbs. The above reward will h
paid for.their return to
James Ekglish,
jyl6 2w Hood River, Or.
, Lan!1 OfficerWashington, D. C, May 27,
183. Notice is hereby given of the following
Executive Order, restoring certain lands In the
Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and
entry: "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington,
D. C. April 29, 1898. In accordance with the
provisions of the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat..
86), upon the recommendation ol the Secretary
of the Interior, the west half of Township one
8.uth, of Range ten Eat, Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, within the limits of the Cascade Range
Forest Reserve, is hereby ordcied restored to the
public domaln.after sixty day notice hereof, by
publication, as required by appearing that
said tract is better adapted to agricultural than
forest purposes. WILLIAM McKINLE Y.'
The above land will be subject to entry at the
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
ou and after October 17, 1898.
Binger Hermann, Commissioner.
General Debility
and Loss of Flesh
Scott's Emulsion has been the
standard remedy for nearly a
quarter of a century. Physicians
readily admit that they obtain re
sults from it that they cannot get
from any other flesh-forming food.
There are many other prepara
tions on the market that pretend
to do what
does, but they fail to perform it.
The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil
made into a delightful dream, skill
fully blended with the Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda, which
are such valuable tonics,
makes this preparation an
ideal one and checks the
wasting tendency, and the
atient almost immediate
y commences to put on
flesh and gain a strength
which surprises them.
Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the
man and fish are on the wrapper.
50c and $1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon, for Wabco County.
H. S. Wilson, Receiver of The Dalles National
Bunk of Dalles City, Oregon, a corporation,
Vlaintiir, vh.
Allan Grant, Ellen Grant ana Anne Grant
Fraser, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order of
sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the
Circuit Court of the State of Orefson, for the
County of Wasco, to me directed, and date 1 the
12th duy of July, 189S, upon a decree for the fore
closure of certain mortgages, and judgment ren
dered and entered in said court on the 14th d iy
of Juue, 1SUS. in the above entitled cause, in fa
vor of ttie vlaintitt" and nguin&t the defendant
Allan Grunt, as judgment debtor, in the sum of
$5933.96, aud interest thereon at 10 per cent, per
annum from June 11, 198, and lSQ.i0 attorney
fees and costs and a':ciu:ng costs, and 1569.40,
Him luieresi inereou irom me I4tn aay ot June,
1-9S, at the rate of 10 tier cunt, ner annum, and
the further sum ol JW.00 as attorney's fees, and
commanding me to make sale of the real prop-
ci.j iruiuiau in suuu ueriw uj loreciosure ana
heieiua:ter described, I will, on the
13th day of August, 1S98.
nt the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of s.iirl
duy, and at the front doer of the county court
nuuse in ual es i ity, Yt asco County, orceon
sell at public auction to the highest bidder for
ensu 111 nana, an ine ngnt, title ana interest
which the defendants Allan Grant, KUen Graut
a-id Anne Grant Fraser, or either of them, had
011 the 14th day of June, 198, the date of the de
cree herein, or which such defendants or nnv of
the defendants herein have since acquired, or
now nave 111 aim to ine zouowing aescnoej real
prepeity, situate and being iu Wasco County,
Oregon, to-wit;
The north half of the southwest quarter, and
the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter,
and the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of Soetion 6, l'ownsuip 8 south, Range
18 east; aud the south half of the northeast
quarter, and the northwest Quarter of the south
east quarter, and the liorlheatt quarter of the
south, Range 17 east; and the west half of the
southeast quarter of Section 10, Township 8
south, Kange 17 east, W. M. ; or so much of said
property as will satisfy said judgment and de
cree, with costs and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 12th day of
July, 189S.
julil6-ii ROBERT KEUV.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon, lor Wasco County.
Anne Grant Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Catharine
McGiegor. Donald McGregor, Margaret Mcin
tosh, Hugh Mcintosh, Ellen Resd and Charles
Rted, Plaintiffs, vs.
Allan Graut and Ellen Grant, Defendants.
By virtue of a decree of partition ma le and en
tered in the above entitled court aud cause on
the 17th day of January, 1S96, and ia pursuance
of a decree made and entered in the above enti
tled court on the 14th day of June, 189s, iu a suit
then pending therein wherein H. 8. Wilson, Re
ceiver of The Dalles National Bank of Dalles
City, Oregon, a corporation, is plniutifT, and said
Anne Grant Eraser and said Allan Graut and
Eilen Grant are defendants, appointing me Ref
eree to sell the lauds heretnaitet described and
to divide the proceeds thereof, I wl.l on
Saturday, the 13th aay r August, 189S,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, sell to the highest bidder fiT cash in hand,
all of tho following described real property, to
wit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of Section twenty-seven, the southeast quar
ter of the southeast quarcer of Section twenty
eight, the north half of the northeast quarter of
Section thirty-three, and the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of Section six
teen, and the east half of the southeast quarrer
of Section sixteen, all in Township eight south,
Range seventeen east, W. M., and the south half
of the northwest quarter of Section four, Town
nine south, Range seventeen east, W. M.
Dated at The Dalies, Oreeon, July 12th, 1S98.
jul16-ii D. H. ROBERTS, Referee.
IN THE COUNTY COURT of the 8tate of Ore
gon, for the County of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of Thomas Olesen.
deceased Citation.
To Sidsel Olesdatter, Mrs. C. W. Taylor and Fred
... , noun, muj an persons lnicrcstea in tue
ttuuvu uuiueu estate, greeting:
In the name of tho Stive of Oregon, you are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
uuui.y vjoun 01 toe state of Oregon -for the
County of Wasco, at tho court room thereof, at
iulles City, in the County of Wasco, on Monday,
ine sin aay of September, 1898,
at 2 o'clock In 1 he afternoon of thntitar hn
rand there to show cause, if any there be, why an
w" Kia mux tro iuqiic auiUUIilIJJJ HIIC1 Ul-
"B eAwuwr 01 saia eataie to sell all real
to-wit: The east half of tho N
5, and NEk of BVV'J of the 8W
Witness the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the
skal.1 County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Wasco, with the seal of said
Court affixed this 14th day of July, A. D. 1898
Attest: A. M. KELSAY, Clerk,
Administrators Final Notice.
Jotieeis hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of tne estate of Henry A. Baker,
deceased, has filed his final account in the
county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
county, and the court has fixed ana appointed
Monday, the 6th day of September, 1898, at 10
o clock a. m., atr the. county court room In the
court house in Dalles City, Oregon, as the time
and place for the hearing and settlement there
of. Any heir, creditor or other person interested
in the estate Is hereby required to appear on or
before said day and file his objections thereto or
to any particular item thereof.
Dalles City, Oregon, August 4, 1898. '
Ug6-U C, W. DIET2EL, Administrator.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That 13 what it was made for.
Window Glass
ipes-Kinersly Drug Co
129 Second Street,
Just What
You cjuatit.
.1 ?Cr
! 'Voir y I
New iJea6 in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety aa we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion creton effect a at ordinary priceB.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designe, tasteful colorings, youre
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a fall line of boose paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
IlfnnfrAmiTn 4
9 Wagon and Carriage Werk. -jj
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I TM ana JeffsrsoH. Phone 159
Ue fire Doiijg
ffeat apd
For feasorpable
"VVe Print Anything in
the Printing Line.
(Jive us a trial,
tyropicj pub. $o.
mi! a
o , . AH M Wk.
Purler the Blood, U I R B a
Oua HMduhaudDnpemu. m
fXjSfJ?10' bowels noli ta la amaun
for health. Tbe neither gtirOTaJokenTToI
KcSoldbydragrt DR. BO8ANK0 OOVPaiui ll
Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header.
They are the best, and the prices are
the lowest. Maya & Crowe. tf
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to tho Posf office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him. ' -'
fill kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies1
Wasco W
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, l?
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
Wa sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats.
Cascade la
Board and room $7.00 and
Camping on the grounds
For particulars address JCm TV l-t'Ti1!"!"
jaly26-lm 274 Taylor Street, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets.
Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock.
Closed Hack Day or Night.
Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR.
J. 8. BCHSItK,
. President.
H. M. Bbai. ,
First flational Bank.
A tteneral Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenci.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbk.
H. M. Be all.
Take Vouir
Meals at the
be Clarendon is the best Restaurant
in Tne Dalles.
Meals at
H11 oxxva.
Seeond St. The Dalles, Op.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
- That is what it was medc far.
& Burget
Burial Shoes,
arehouse Company
This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
in) Springs
$8.50 per week; $1.25 per day
25c each
50c to $1.00 per week
guOTg & Hociqviflfl,
Iron, Steel, Coal, Wheels, Axles
- and Blacksmiths' Supplies.
Special attention will be given to all
classes of work.
Wagon Shop In connection.
THg CoiumDia Packing Co..
Fine Lard and. Sausages.
Carers of BR AND
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in my family for years and al
ways with good results," says W. B.
Cooper, of El Rio, Cal. "For small
children we find it especially effective."
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.