The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1898, Image 3

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    Fruit Gaas.
In Uur Lorner Window f
1 quart 50c doz.
2 quart t 65c doz.
You will find displayed a line of
M fi H
Summer & Fall Weight
Woolen Dress Goods.
40 Cents
We are satisfied with
Small Profits.
Tfca Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 12, 1898
Fruit jars and cans at Mays & Crowe'e,
Today Salt water fish, salmon, crab,
lobsters, at Bonn Bros.' Market.
Now is the time to spray with Paris
Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong
est you can get. tf
Crushed vioiets, the latest flavor for
ice cream soda at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give it a trial. tf
Bound trip rate from The Dalies to
Bonneville or Multnomah Falls for the
excursion is only 50 cents.
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf
One of the main features at Bonne
ville Sunday, August 14th, will be a
genuine, old fashioned, Rhode Island
clam-bake. Round trip fare only 50
The Salem police do not spare sex or
age in the enforcement of the bicycle
ordinance. Monday night a young
woman was arrested for not having a
light on her bic3Tcle.
Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the
Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur
nish lodge socials and ice cream festi
vals solicited. Don't forget that our
ice cream sodas are the best in thecity.
TheO. R. & N. Company will run a
special coach between this point and
Bonneville Sunday, August 14th, for the
accommodation of excursionists, going
on the 6:55 a. m. train and returning
from Bonneville at 3 :30 p. m.
Sunday, August 14ih, will undoubted
ly be the banner day of the season for J
Bonneville excursionists. There will be
several new features in the entertain
ment on that date. Round trip fare
from The Dalles only 50 cents.
The heavy clouds of smoke which
seem to be enveloping the country in
the vicinity of Mt. Hood, it is reported
are caused by immense forest fires
which are raging about fifteen miles
from the mountain to the Bouthwest.
A party of tourists came up on the
Dalles City last evening. Among them
were Mrs. A. D. Sharon and Miss Sharon
of San Francisco, and H. H. Tetault of
New York. They spent last evening in
viewing the city, and we trust were fav
orably impressed.
Anyone having relatives among the
fifty-seven volunteers from this place,
may have an opportunity to address the
rosters which are to be kept for them
until their return, by calling at Mrs.
Phillips' millinery store between the
hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. today and
The preliminary hearing of Curley
Keith was held before Recorder Gates
last evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Keith, who
was accused of stealing $23 from the
steward of the Dalles City, waived ex
amination and waa bound over to await
the action ot the grand jury at the next
term of court.
Reports from Dufur yesterday after
noon state that the atmosphere is lull of
smoke, caused by forest fires In that vi
cinity. We, too, are beginning to notice
the effect of these dreaded fires, which
not only destroy our forests, but obscure
offer you these goods
per yard
"A word to the wise is sufficient."
the view of touristB and mountain-climb
ers and make the air oppressive as well
as unbearable.
Every day the warehouses are being
cleared of the wool clips consigned to
them, the prevailing price seeming to be
from 13)i to 14c.
In the fire which occurred Sunday at
Goldendale when the hotue of C. W.
Hess was destroyed, B. W. Gilmore, an
aged man and a member of the Gilmore
family 60 well known in Oregon and
Washington, was Eeriously burned.
Tuesday evening the old gentleman died
from the effect of the injuries receiyed.
It may have been extremely hot in
this city and neighborhood ; we will not
dispute the fact. However, while in
every exchange we peruse is mentioned
the fact that people in cities, and har
vest hands as well, are overcome by the
heat and prostrated, we have yet to
chronicle the first instance of such a:
occurrence having taken place here.
Next Saturday evening the fruit
growers and shippers of this vicinity wil
have an opportunity to hear somelhin
which will be to their advantage. On
that occasion a meeting will be held at
the council chambers, which will be ad
dressed by Wm. Weathered, who is an
expert in handling fruit. Parties who
are interested will no doubt be pleased
with the opportunity to hear him
And now Baker City is becoming
alarmed over the Ecarcity of the water
supply, and the water committee has
prohibited lawn and street sprinkling.
Dalles people have much to be thankful
for. While many cities in Eastern Ore
gon have the same cataetrophe confront
ing them, we are blessed with a good
supply of water and the broad Columbia
flows by our doors, so that-we are sure
of a never-failing supply.
One of the features which makes The
Dalles such a beautiful little -city is its
trees. However, the.e is a great enemy
of the poplar tree, especially, abroad in
our city, and its effects are very notice
able in the withered branches. It is a
species of the caterpillar which attaches
to the branches and weaves a web about
itself, gradually enlarging it until the
entire tree is enveloped. This might be
prevented were the owners careful to
keep a sharp lookout for the slightest
appearance of the destruclivo insect,
when the branch could be cat off and
thus prevent them spreading.
The Antelope Herald, which for sev
eral months has been edited by M. E.
Miller, son of G. W. Miller, of this city,
has changed bands and will now be
owned and edited by Mr. Fred N. Wal
lace, who for some time has been a resi
dent of Mitchell, but who was brought
up in Antelope. Fred is a bright, ener
getic yonng man, and his friends in The
Dalles wish him success in his new un
dertaking, while the members of the
newspaper fraternity welcome him to
that field of labor, and have nothing bu t
the best wishes for his future prosper
ity. Wednesday was the hottest in the his
tory of Pendleton. At 11 o'clock the
thermometer stood at 111 degrees. In
the afternoon it reached 119 degrees at
the voluntary observer's office. Other
thermometers about town read from 114
to 122 degrees. Some attribute 2 or 3
degrees of the heat to the fires in the
wheat fields four miles east of the citv
they last.
Business was quiet and people haunted
cool places. The woolen mills shut
down in the middle of the afternoon on
account of the heat. There were no
prostrations in the city, but a number of
horses and men were overcome in the
wheat fields.
The yield of grain at Olex, in Gilliam
county, is remarkably large. There is
hardly an acre that does not produce
from 22 to 27 bushels, and in places the
latter figure is exceeded. The farmers
will make a big profit if they can get
enough men and machines to harvest
and thresh the crop. At present thresh
ing machines are scarce, and farmers
who failed to engage them beforehand
will have to take their turns in the wait
ing lines. The farmers say a few years
ago machines could be had at any time,
but this year they are comparatively few
in proportion to the acreage, and they
'command a good figure.
Fj-oin the amount of fruit boxes which
are daily piled up in front of the Pacific
Express Co.'s for shipment one would
suppose that little would be left for the
needs of the local trade. But the sup
ply is inexhaustible and there is plenty
and to spare. However, is it not the
case that in many instances the best is
shipped and that which is second best
kept at home? We have heard many
complaints to that effect; but have con
cluded that as "the proof of the puddin'
s in eating it" the Chronicle force will
ave no opportunity to refute the charge
nless some of our friends who have
ruit farms afford us a chance to test the
atter and the fruit aB well.
Residents of this city had begun to
think that the promise of cooler wea
ther, given by Observer Pague, was
never to be fulfilled, when yesterday the
thermometer dropped several degrees
and stood at about the 90 mark. While
this would not be considered anything
but very warm at another time, to peo
ple who have been sweltering for about
three weeks it was a decided relief. Mr.
Pague's latest report says : The area of
high barometric preesure continues off
the Northern California coast, slowly
moving northward. From this, "high"
cooler weather ia expected to prevail
Friday and Saturday over the Pacific
Northwest. Accompanying the fall in
temperature will be clouds and probably
rain along the coast. The current warm
period east of the Cascades is pbenome'
Fire started at 2 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon in Edward Linsler's field, four
miles east of Pendleton, between the
Umatilla river and Wildborse creek. It
destroyed three settings of wheat from
140 acres, being about 2700 buBhels
Desperate fighting by Mr. Linsler, as
sisted by his men, saved two other set
tings, which had been given up for Inst.
The flames spread and destroyed SO
acres of barley, or 3200 bushels, and 80
acres of wheat, or 2000 bushels, belong'
ing to Earhart Bros. Peter Tecalo lost
3000 bushels of wheat, which had been
threshed and covered, ready for hauling
to Pendleton. Linsler's and Earhart's
grain was headed, but not threshed.
Linsler's wheat was not insured. Fire
destroyed wheat fields between Adams
and Athena. Names and amounts are
not obtainable.
DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles Scalds, Burns. .
jnasoa Fruit Jars.
Pints 60c doz.
Quarts 75c doz.
2 quarts $1.00 doz.
VaciMi Fruit Jars.
Pints. . 90c doz.
Quarts $1.00 doz.
2 quarts $1.25 doz.
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
New Snake River Steamer.
The O. R. & N. Co. has commenced
work at Riparia on what is intended to
be the finest and fastest steamer that
ever ran on the upper Snake river. The
new boat will be named the Spokane,
and will have a third more power than
the Lewiston, which was a big improve
ment on the boats which preceded her.
The Spokane will be 160 feet long, with
35 foot beam and 4n foot hold. Her en
gines will be 18-inch cylinders, 7-foot
stroke, and the boiler will carry 180
pounds of steam. On account of burn
ing coal, there will be more room tor
freight, and she will easily carry 5000
sacks of wheat. She will be lighted by
electricity, and have all the modern im
provements. The cost will be about $25,-
000. On account of not being able to
get hSr boiler before December 10th, it
will be the middle of December before
she wilt be completed. The new boat
will have the speed and power, with
light draught, to more easily navigate
the upper Clearwater than the company
has been heretofore ablo to do with the
Better Than the Filter.
Dr. Martin of the New York board of
health says that a sure safeguard against
ill effects from contaminated water, and
especially nseful in the country, or at
summer reBorts, is the addition of five
drops of peroxide of hydrogen to a glass
of water a few minutes before drinking
it. The liquid is obtainable at any drug
store, it costs but a few cents, is abso
lutely harmless, tasteless and colorless.
Its addition to the water only breaks it
up into active oxygen and water, the
former killing whatever germs or disease
may be present in the water.
In purifying water in quantity, add 15
drops to the quart. This matter is
equally effacacious and much more con
venient than the ordinary way of boil
ing water to destroy possible germs. If
a few drops of solution of sugar are
placed in a glass oi suspected water, and
the glass is covered, if it is contami
nated, will beome cloudy and deposit a
sediment after a few hours.
The Library.
Have you taken a membership in the
circulating library? If not, you cannot
realize how much you ate missing
Twenty-five cents a month is such a
small sum for the privilege of access to
so many good books. While a person
can keep a book no longer than two
weeks without paying a cent a day extra
for it, even the busiest people can finish
reading a story in that time, while many
take three or four in that interval.
Since obtaining extra funds for the pur
chase of books, many late publications
have been added to an already choice
selection ; and every day the best of ad
ditions are made. Everyone should
take advantage of this opportunity to
secure good reading matter.
Look Out.
All persons using the city water for ir
rigating purposes are warned that any
infringement of the rules will be strictly
enforced. J. B. Ckossen, Supt.
Truth wears well. People have
learned that DeWitfs Little - Early
Risers are reliable little pills for regu
lating the bowels, curing constipation
and sick' headache. They don't gripe.
Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co.
We have just received a shipment of Gents' Victors.
The name is sufficient guarantee of quality.
Mays c&5
J)( frry Doctor
has to be satisfied with a small variety
of medicines, but the practictioner in
civil life and the sick have the entire col
lection of drugs known to science at
their command. We have a full and
complete stock of
of great purity ani efficacious because
fresh and in perfect condition.
We detire to impress this fact because
so many drugs become worthless through
To Cleanse the System
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
billions, or when the blood is impure or
sluggish, to permanently overcome ha
bitual constipation, to awaken the kid
neys and liyer to a healthy activity,
without irritating or weakening them,
to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use
Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
320 acres of land, estate of W. J.
Meins, 10 miles south of The Dalles, 200
acres of which ia good level tillable land,
balance pasture with living water;
Small bouse, good stables and barns.
Will be sold at -a bargain; one-third
cash, balance credit. Enquire of J. C.
Meins or W. H. Wilson, attorney.
J. C. Meins,
Administrator Estate of W. J. Meins.
augl3 lmo d-w
Teachers Examination.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making examination of all
persons who may oiler themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will ho'd a public ex
amination at The Dalles, Oregon, be
ginning Wednesday, August 10, 1898, at
1 o'clock p. m. C. L. Gilbert,
County School Supt.,
Wasco Co., Or.
Dated this 31st day of July, 1898.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results. When
taken early it prevents consumption,
and in later stages it furnishes prompt
relief. For sale by the Snipes-Kinerely
Drug Co.
Bob Moore, ot La Fayette, Ind., says
that for constipation he has found De
Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for liver
and stomach troubles. For sale by the
Snipes-Kinerely Drng Co.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tLe money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Clarke & Falk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market. ,
We pay the grocer, , the
grocer pays you, what you
have paid him for Schil
ling's Best
bakitic Dowder
conee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
if they are not satisfactory
to vou.
flavoring; extracts
to you.
For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
Office over French & Co.'s Bank
Attorn ey-at-Law.
Collections a Specialty.
3eeond Btreet, THE DALLES, OSXOOJT
With Dr, 8. H. Frailer, Dentist.
Plates: Partlals, $5: frill upper or lower, T.5H.
Office 'phone 276. Umatilla House, S7.
Rooms 1 and 2, Chapman Block.
Physicians and Surgeons, .
Speclnl attention given to surgery
Booms 21 and 22. Tel. 32S Vogt BSoefe
Office otrt First Nat. Bank.
Oflice over First Nat. B-tnk.
The Pocket Kozy Camera
It measures Ix4x5?i Inches when dosed.
Strictly e film camera. Pictures 3x3.
Loaded in broad sun-light for 12 pictures al
a loading.
Clear liudcr, three stops and time or inrtaa
taneous exposure.
' Catalogue free on application.
The Lightest
and Simplest
Plate Cameras.
Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jr.
Makes Pictures fyis&A inches; weigh 12fox
Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies.
Bend for Catalogue.
Letters of Credit issued available in tbe
Eastern States.
Sight Ev chance and Teleerspni
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago.
bt. lxmis, Han Urancieco, Portland t
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various poasite
. - i rir i - i
Collections ma Je at ail points on taT-
orable terms.
All freight for points east of Tti&
Da1 lea must be delivered at tbe O. K
& N. depot by 3:30 p. m. in order to go
forward the same day. All freight for
points west of The Dalles tnuet bede
liverde at the depot before 5 p. ro. to g
forward on train No. 23, leaving at 7:45
next morning, except perishable freight
which will be received from 7 aria, un
til 7:15 a. rxr. on tbe date the traJa
leaves. Jab. Ireland, Agent.
4 33A
Cleveland wheels are selling in ppite
of all the cheap wheels that are offeriny.
Call and see our '98 models. Mart? &
lien ton.
Give Us a Rest.
Gallery closed till August 22nJ. 3
will pay yon to wait for Giffoxix.