LET US TRY IT. o Eternal Vigilance is the P MCG When you give up your money you give up what it costs your life to get. How important it is, there fore, that in spending your moneT you get the hest value obtainable. Hence we say, don't take our word; don't take anybody's word. Investigate for yourself. "We lay before you an abundant spread of good things at prices that court comparison and investigation. Our Grand Clearance Sale Is Still On. During the month of August our store will close promptly at 8 o'clock P. M. - PEASE & MAYS. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Tb3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUNDAY AUGUST 7, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Fruit jars and cans at Mays & Crowe's, Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf NecktieH worth 65 cents, selling now at 25 cents at A. M. Williams & Co. Now is the time to spray with Paris , Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong est you can get. tf Crushed violets, the latest flavor for ice cream soda at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give it a trial. tf Wanted, a girl to do general house work. Apply at H. L. Kuck's residence corner 4th and Laughlin streets. Famished rooms to rent, also suites of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf Enjoy yourselves in the cool woods at Bonneville today. Everyone should take advantage of the cheap rates to es cape the heat. Wanted All the laundry in The Dalles. All ladies who desire work in the steam laundry ebould apply to Fred, the laundry man. Until farther notice the boats of the D. T. & A. N. Co. will leave The Dalles for Portland at 8 o'clock in place of 7, the present time of leaving. A small Bible was brought to this of fice yesterday, on tha fly-leaf of which waB written the same of Laura Roan. The young lady can obtain the same by calling at this office. Pendleton is experiencing a water famine. The supply in the reservoir is too low to fight fire with and they haver abandoned the sprinkling of streets. Iff is evidently pretty dusty at Pendleton Baker City people can now chat witrl residents in very nearly every important! I city and town in Oregon, Washington welcome gladly tSeir new minister. It and Idaho. The line of the Inland! is to be hoped thai Mr. Polling is, as he Telephone Company made connection Iseems to be, the very man for the place. with that city Thursday. ' - Word was received 7n this city last evening that John A. Ginn, of Moro, had died at Walla Walla yesterday morning. No particulars were given of his death. The deceased was a brother rO of o of E. J. Ginn, of Moro, and a man wl"0 was well respected by all who knew him. There will be no services in the Con gregational church today. Sunday school at the usual hour. The services at the Methodist church today will be held in the basement, where it is much cooler and pleasanter than in the main audience room. Mr. G. W. Ferguson is at present con fined to his bed, being threatened with an attack of fever. He is at the home of Mr, J, Schooling. It is hoped he will soon be able to be be around again. John L. Henderson, of Hood River, swam the Columbia Saturday and again on Monday. The distance to where he landed is about one and a half miles. The feat was never before accomplished in the memory cf the oldest inhabitant of Hood River. The friends of Mrs. J. H. Wood, who for two weeks past has been confined in the Portland hospital, having undergone a serious surgical operation, will be pleased to know, that in spite of thai warm weather, which it was feared would seriously affect her, she is steadi ly improving. Yesterday Rev. Wood re ceived a letter written by her, which is proof of her improved condition. - The Hood River Glacier says: The Glacier drugstore is owned by Mr. J. H, Cradlebaugb, Mr. H. A. York having sold to him his entire interest. Mr. Chas. Clark, of The Dalles, a thoroughly reliable and competent druggist, will have charge of the store. Mrs. Cradle baugb has returned to Hood River and will make her home here and look after her husband's business interests. itev. roiling, of Albany, who was recently called tdf the pastorate of ttie Congregational clfarch in this city, bas accepted and wil take up his duties about the first of Lctober. This church has been without, a pastor for several months, and no dfeabt its members will The O. R. & N. offer you a day's out ing in the mountains Sunday for almost nothing. Round-trip excursion tickets 50 cents. Yon will spend twice as much in the city and be not half as satisfied and cool. Tickets to Hood River, Cas Fruit Cats. 1 quart ................ 50c doz 2 quart 65c doz jnasoa Fruit Jars. Pints 60c doz Quarts . 75e doz 2 quarts.... $1.00 doz VaeiHD Fruit Jars. V Pints ......90c doz. Quarts .'. $1.00 doz. 2 quarts...... $1.25 doz. FOK 8ALK BY ...piaiei&Benlon ..THE flfiitfWH.HE DEflltEtyS.. 167 Second SL THE DALLES, OR. cade Locks, Bonneville and Multnomah Falls will be sold for the 3 :20 and 7 o'clock trains, which can be used on the return trip on the 5:20 or 11:40 trains. No one can afford to remain in the city this warm weather when they can spend the day at some resort for the small amount of 50 cents. Some difficulty having arisen over the ground on which the lair has heretofore been held, Dalles people had about made up their minds that the pleasure which it has afforded must be given up. How ever, we are very glad to say that all arrangements have been completed, and Mr. A. S. Mac Allister informs us that the tenth annual meeting of the Second Eastern Oregon District Agricul tural Society will convene in this city on the 18th of October, lasting five days. This will be good news, and eomethipg to look forward to. Yesterday just after leaving Portland the Sarah Dixon broke one of the chains which supports the cylinder timbers, and in consequence came up only as far as Bonneville and returned to Portland for repairs. The Dalles City met her at that place and a transfer of passengers and freight was made, the latter steam er returning to this city. On account of the immense amount of freight which the Dalles City carried, the delay trans ferring caused her to be very late last night, reaching here about 11 o'clock. The injury to the Dixon was slight and she will be ready to make her usual trip Monday. Although numbers of oar citizens hie themselves to various resorts every summer to escape the heated term, this year seems to be an exceptional one in that regard, and the mania for escaping to the woods bas reached fever heat. This is as it should be. After a year's hard work at the desk, the counter, or tbe bench, with nothing to tary the monotony of the continual grind, what can be more pleasant to contemplate than a few weeks rest beside some mountain stream ortistening to the roar of the ocean and bathing in its surf? Let none who can possibly get away, if only for a few days, miss the opportuni ty of recuperating. THE CHURCHES. There will be no services at the Lu theran church today. Sunday school at the usual hour. On account of the indisposition of the pastor, Rev. O. D. Taylor, there will be no services at the First Baptist Church until the second Sunday in August. St. Paul's Episcopal church, on Fifth and Union streets, Rev. Jos. DeForest rector Early communion this morning at 7 o'clock; Sunday school at 12 o'clock ; no other service. Methodist church, corner Fifth and Washington streets, J. H. Wood pastor Class meeting this morning at 10. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Sun day school at 12:20. Junior League at 4 p.m. At the Calvary Baptist chnrch, corner Seventh and Union streets, services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m., Elder W. S. Wilburn, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock and Young People's Society at 6 :30 in tbe evening. All are cordially invited. Bneuen't Arincm aalTe. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine, corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively . cui ea piles, or no pay required It is- guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Honghton, druggists. . - DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. ScMd". (Utpi, Perhaps We May Aid Oar Friends In Keeping Cool. For over a week the residents of The Dalles that is, those who are left here have been patiently enduring the ex cessive heat, with the thermometer on its highest horse, vainly hoping that a breeze from "Greenland's icy moan tains," or some place nearer home, would take compassion on us. We are about discouraged. But still there is a selfish consolation in knowing that others are'in the "same boat," or a worse one. Every exchange, which we have occasion to peruse, relates the same tale of woe. Not only are the towns in Eastern Oregon and Washington veri table sweat-boxes, but Willamette val ley as well is suffering from tbe same malady. We have heard much in later years of the influence of mind over matter, and have been led to wonder if the theory might not be applied with profit to our condition at present. On every hand are we reminded of the intense heat, which is tbe one topic of conversation at present, and as we meet our friends the first greeting is, "Is it warm enough for you?" "Isn't it terrible?" ani so on, until one who was really comfortable when he started out, is fairly sweltering before -a half-dozen friends have been met. - ' Let us give this experiment a trial at least, and though we ourselves may be ."toasted," refrain from mentioning it to our neighbors; but as we meet them in stead of putting the customary question "Is it warm enough for you?" because we have nothing else to say, give them, as the "slanguist" would say, the "icy stare," or the "cold frost." Perhaps it would aid in cooling the atmosphere. FLOWERS FROM PALESTINE. Valuable as Souvenirs or Rewards for Sunday School Workers. We have been banded the following communication from Mrs. J. B. Haver ly, of Boyd, who is a prominent Sunday school worker in that vicinity, and pub lish it with the hope that other workers mad be aided in finding souvenirs to give as rewards in their work. With the communication were letters of reference, signed by the U. S. consul at Jerusalem, as to the character of the missionary who bas taken this means of obtaining financial aid in his work Also samples of the pressed flowers were sent, among which was the. "Rose of Sharon." They are indeed beautiful, and would be .valued souvenirs, comiDg from a pluce so famous in sacred history and beloved because of its hallowed memories: 'Pressed flowers from Palestine, mounted on cards, may be ordered di rectly from Mr. f. Th. Altaresky, Jeru salem, Palestine, Turkey. They make beautiful souvenirs for Sunday school workers or scholars. Mr. Altaresky, who makes a specilty of preparing such flowers, claims that they will retain the freshness, color and beauty that char acterize them in a remarkable degree, because they are gathered and preseed in a special way. Mr. Altaresky and wife are Hebrew Christians, and work among the Jews at Jerusalem, and will be most grateful to any cne who will assist them in earning an honest living by purchasing their goods. The prices of the cards are as follows : Size 4x6, 80c per doz; smaller size, 3x4, 40c per dozen. Mrs. A. Haverly." FROM A MANILA LETTER. D. C. Allard. Formerly of Boyd, Writes to Dls Mother. The following extracts are from a letter written by D. C. Allard, who was formerly a teacher at Boyd, to his mother at Troutdale. Mr. Allard is a member of company L, and the letter was written at Manila : ''The boys who went ashore in small boats and captured the Ladrones were wet to the skin by the rain storm. ' All the officers went ashore and brought back lots of fruit. The islands are cov ered with tropical vegetation, even more than the Hawaiian islands. Life on board ship is very monotonous, and quarters are so cramped. Everybody was vaccinated, and I have been very sick from tbe effects of mine, and still have a very bad arm. A good many are having the measles. "It was terribly rough on the China sea, and even after thirty-seven days on ship many of the boys were sick again. A good many natives visited the boat this morning here in Manila harbor, with vegetables, fruit, eggs and poultry to sell, but as our pocketbooks are very nearly empty, no rushing business is being done. "Tbe islands here seem to be very mountainous, though there is much level land. Manila looks beautiful from hetfi, five miles distant. The weather is very warm, though it rains every day. After leaving Honolulu we bad only two meals a day," with cofiVse in tbe morning at 7. Perhaps that accounts for the ill-health on board." Cows For Hale. - Fresh Jersey cows for sale. These are thoroughbreds and are gentle. Inquire I nt thi? pfRcp. pi?10-lmo fa) L, vSrS" 'S'r 'rS'i' We have just received a shipment of Gents' Victors. The name is sufficient guarantee of quality. To Cleanse the System Effectually yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently overcome ha bitual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liyer to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. - The Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock bridge, Ga., while attending to his pas toral duties at Ellenwood, that state, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chambeilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think it was tbe means of saving my life. .It relieved me at once." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. LOST. A silver-mounted cigar case, contain ing receipts, either in The Dalles or be tween Grand Dalles and Crawford's place, in Klickitat county. Finder will please return to French & Co. bankers and receive reward. 4 3t-lw Arthur Woods. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption, and :n later stages it furnishes prompt relief. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Keal Estate Sale. The Laughlin estate offers for Eale all their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Laughlin. Cash In lour Checks. All conntv warrants registered prior to July 12, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after July 7, 1898. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. NOTICE. All persons are requested to take no tice that I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. 5-lw Ma. H. Johnson. For Kent. A four-room house, located on Federal street, near Ward & Robertson's stable. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Stone, at tbe Co lumbia Candy Factory. , Monkey Brand Soap. Monkey Brand Soap. Monkey Brand Soap. See it displayed in Maier & Benton's window. - july27-lw Look Oat. All persons using the city water for ir rigating purposes are warned that any infringement of the rules will be strictly enforced. ' J. B. Ceosben. Supt. To Care m Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to care. 25c. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge socials and ice cream festi vals solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are tbe. best in tbecity. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for tbe teeth. tf Clarke & Falk have the purest and strongest Paris Green in the market. ' Everybody reads Tbi Chronicle. Schilling's Best baking powder is only a little bet ter than two or three others! but . Schilling's Best tea is twice as good as usual tea. In either case, your gro cer returns your money in full if you'd rather have some other. 15 For saie by L. Rorden ft Company PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STUfiDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Co.'s Bank ' Phone C, THE DAIXE3, OREGOJS J)AN ROBERTS, A t torn ey-at-Law. . 4 Collections a Specialty. Second Street, THIS DALLE3, OitEGCCf. TILLMAN CARLSON, D. D. With Dr, 8. H. Frazler, Dentist. Plates: Fartials, $5: full upper or lower, 33, Office 'phone 276. Umatilla House, ST. -Rooms 1 and 2, Chapman Block. JKS- OEI9ESBORFFEB Bl'IDV, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 ' Vogt Bteefe B 8 HUNTINGTON a 8 vrasoea HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON Office over First Nat. Bank. FRED. W.WILKON, . ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, THE DALLES, OREGOX. Office ovei First Nat. B-ins. . The Pocket Kozy Camera It measures l?i4x!ri inches wherr erased. Strictly a film camera. Hctures 4Jx3. NO GLASS PLATES, PLATE HOLDERS OR DARK ROOM. Loaded in broad sun-light for 12 picture at a loading. Clear lluder, three stops and time or instan taneous exposure. Catalogue free on application. M. Z. DONNELL, . DRUGGIST, - THE DALLES, OREGON. $2.50 The Lightest and Simplest of Plate Cameras. $2.50 Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jr. Makes Pictures Sx34 Inches; weighs 12 ok. THE SNIPES-KINERSLY DRUG CO. Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies. THE DALLES, . - - , - OREGCCT. Send for Catalogue. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEBAL BANKING BUS1X2S Letters of Credit issned available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telesreetac Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, bt. .Lotus, ban if rancisco, .Portland Ore- ?on, Seattle Wash,, and various pcinta n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points oa fsrr orable terms. NOTICE. All freight for points- east of Tbe Da' lea must be delivered at the O. It & N. depot by 3:30 p. m. in order to gt forward the same day. All freight Jar points west of The Dalles mast be de li verde at the depot before 5 p. m. iogx forward on train No. 23, leaving at 7 :45 next morning, except perishable freight which will be received from 7 a. r. un til 7:15 a. m. on tbe date tbe train leaves. J as. Ikelam, Agent. - a4 9M Cleveland wheels are selling in , spits of all the cheap wheels that are ofieriBg. Call and see oar '98 models. Mater . & lien ton. Give V a Rest. Gallery closed till AnguEt 22ntJ. II will ron fr voif f'ip (TrroT.T