The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 07, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 124
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
'ill'; ;I
They Will Attempt to Prevent Shatter's
Army Staying at Montauk Point
A Legal Contest Likely.
Nicw Yoke, Aug. 6. The Times says:
There is a likelihood of a legal contest
growing out of the establishment of the
new camp at Montauk Point. Scott and
Treadwell, of this city, attorneys for
the Montauk tribe of Indians, has eerved
notice on United States attorney Griggs
that they. claim ownership of the land,
and protest against dealings for posses
sion of the point by the United States
government with the Long Island Kail
way Company.
FormerJudgeScott eaid last night that
the notice was served because his clients
did not wish to be held guilty of laches
by Tailure to assert their right at all
times whon their rights were ignored.
"If the United States government
fails to recognize the rights of the In
dians," Judge Scott said, "proper pro
ceedings will bo lnetituted to compel it
to do so. The railroad has no title to
this land, has been from the beginning
a trespasser, and so will be the govern
ment also if it occupies any part of Mon
tauk Point covered by the claim of the
Indians, unless the occupancy is author
ized bv the Montauk tribe."
The Disease is Now Under Control at
Camp Alger.
Washington, Aug. 6. The regimental
surgeous at Camp Alger teport that the
typhoid epidemic is now well nnder
control. There were only 16 new cases
The campaign in Poi to R!co is pro
greying and conditions at Santiago are
improving. There will be little surprise
here if cu'mioation of peace arrange
ment brines about a change in the
Spanish cabinet by concerted movement
among ladera to institute a cabinet
representing all elements, capaDle of
taking responsibilty before the country
of acceptance of tbe American terms.
Five Companies of New York Volun
teers En Route to Honolulu Man
itoba Carries Artillery and Mail
for Porto Rico.
San Francisco, Aug. 6. The trans
port steamers Laktne and Charles G.
Nelson, bearing five companies of tbe
First New York volunteers, and Second
United States volunteers, weighed
anchor and eteamed out for Honolulu
Newport News, Aug. 6. The trans
port Manitoba, with Pennsylvania cav
alry, artillery and mail for Porto Rico,
has sailed. The remainder of Grant's
expedition is still waiting for transports.
Portland Electrolysis Company.
Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all
facial blemishes removed permanently.
Chiiapoaist work skillfully done. Head
quarters over land office in the Chapman
block. julyltf
Sailed Yesterday.
Santiago, Aug. 7. The United States
transport, Gate City, sailed yesterday
afternoon for Long Island loaded with
cavalrymen. Today the transports
Miami and Mattewan will leave.
Harry West Drowned While Bathing
Near Roseberg Yesterday.
Eosebueg, Aug. 6. About 3 :30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon Harry West was
drowned while bathing in the river at the
edge of town. lie crossed the river once
and bad started back, when he called
for help. Pittman, his partner, reached
him and held him up for a time, but
coald not save him. Cash Traek, who
has saved a number of lives near the
same place, was sent for and recovered
WeBt'a body after a half hour had
elapsed. Everything possible was dor.e
to resuscitate him, but without avail.
The Spanish Cabinet
WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. Spain's answer to America's terms of peace has been ex
pected at any moment today. Dispatches from Madrid say. that the answer is likely to be
one of acceptance. .Everything is in a state of expectancy, as no direct information as to
the answer has been received. " A report from Madrid said that the cabinet council would
go over the reply today,
All reports indicate that
mennts through their leaders.
that he may mold sentiment
West was aged about 24. He was a mu
sician, playing and singing about town.
His family resided in Oakland, Cal.
One of the most destructive fires in
tbe Inland Empire in many years oc
curred at Dayton, Wash., yesterday
morning, when six large warehouses,
containing 90,000 bushels of grain, five
loaded cars of wheat and 75,000 empty
sacks were consumed. The total loss
amounted to over $90,000, and the in
surance was but $10,000. The Hamilton-
Rourke Warehouse system was the
heaviest loser, its loss being two ware
houses, 16,000 bushels of wheat and
50,000 empty sacks. The W. & C. R.
lost 50,000 bushels of grain and one
warehouse, 'and A. Engle two ware
houses, 12,000 bushels of wheat and
17,000 Backs. It is not known how the
fire started,abut it soon got beyond the
fire company's control, although it was
on the ground without delay.
ScMllin s's
Prospecting Party Brings News of Great
Suffering on the New Foundland
and Labrador Coasts.
Halifax, N. S., Aug. 7. A prospect
ing party which arrived on the schooner
Cambridge tells of the starvation which
they encountered on the Newfoundland
and Labrador coasts. Among the party
was Dr. Morris, whose services were
required at Lewis inlet night and day to
give relief to persons sick and dying from
starvation. Large quantities of provis
ions were distributed from the vessel.
The same condition of affairs exists all
along the coast. There are 1000 pereons
Discusses the Terms --Sagasta Das His Hands
Molding Political Sentiment.
Sagasta is trying to reconcile the different political ele-
Doubtless officials will give him time for this difficult work
up to an acceptance of our demands.
similarly situated, and immediate re
lief is necessary.
It is said by them that their sufferings
will probably be intensified as the fish
eries there have failed.
Americans Carry Most of the
Into the. Yukon Report
Gold Output Exaggerated.
of the
Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 6. Captain Con
stantine, who has been in charge of the
Absolutely Pure
Northwestern mounted police in the
Yukon for the past four years, returned
here today. He is preparing an official
report and refuses to speak regarding
mining regulations and other matters of
a similar kind which affect Yukon pop-
ulation. He considers reports of the gold
output grossly exaggerated. Americans
seem to. have almost a monopoly of
carrying traffic into the Yukon.
Supplies for the Troops.
i , Philadelphia, Aug. 6. The steam
yacht May, carrying 60 tons of supplies,
medicines, surgical instruments, etc.,
sent by the National Relief Association
to the army at Porto Rico, sailed today.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander VanRensselaer
placed the yacht at the disposal of the
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when
in need of a laxative, and if the father
or mother be costive or bilious, the
most gratifying results follow its use ; so
that it is the best family remedy known
and every family should have a bottle.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co, ,. ,
See our Show
The entire balance of our Summer Wash Goods
without reserve is being offered at very liberal reduction??"
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Wash Goods
Also specialties in every other department. All
Summer Goods greatly reduced.
The Iowa Volunteers Have Assurance
' That They Will Soon be Sent to
San Francisco. Aug. 6. Colonel J.
C. lioper, of the Fifty-first Iowa volun
teers, has received a telegram from Con
gressman Hume, of that state, advising
him that his regiment weald certainly
reduced to 4c
reduced to 5c
reduced to 6c
reduced to 7c
reduced to 9c'
reduced to lie
reduced to 12c
reduced to 14c
reduced to 17c
reduced to ; 19c
reduced to 27c
reduced to 34c
be sent ti Manila. As soon as the newt
was communicated to his command,
the band paraded through the streets of
tbe camp.
Brigadier-General King will sail with,
the troops on the transport Arizona,
which he expects will ba ready next
Deafness Cannot ba.Cared
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; ninecasis out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars foe
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be' cured by Hall's CatarrU
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
CS?Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Farm for Sale.
A good farm for sale four and a half;
miles from town, consisting of 420 acres
good land; 120 being in grain, four
horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs.
Also a good dwelling house and barn.
The land will produce anything grown
in Wasco county. A good echool within,
a quarter of a mile of the farm. No
mortgage or land agent in the way. Call
on or address Seth Mobqan,
july2-lm-w The Dalles, Or.
Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header.
They are the best, and 'the prices are
the lowest. Mays & Crowe. . tt