The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 06, 1898, Image 1

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NO 123
Spiu is Mi
Sagasta will Probably Resign and
Cause Further Delay.
MADRID, Aug. 5. The present indications are
that Spain has welshed in peace negotiations and
is seeking better terms. . Sagasta and the other lea
ders of the government have been conferring on the
matter for thirty-six 'hours. Robledo is the strong
est for peace at McKinley's terms. . It is rumored
that Sagasta may resign soon, and thus cause delay
and involve further negotiations.
Shaffer's Men Will be Brought Back
From Santiago as Rapidly ; as
Possible. '
Santiago ds Cuba, Aug. 5. General
Shatter has received orders to move his
entire army north. Six transports here
will take the first shipments, and the
embarkation will begin tomorrow.
Santiago ds Cuba, Aug. 4 4 p. m.
(Delayed in transmission.) From the
moment Secretary Alger's message was
received this morning ordering the in
stant removal of the army north, every
thing has been bustle and activity at
headquarters. The transports here, six
in number, have been ordered to dis
charge their cargoes and get ready with
out loss of time, to take on board the
first shipments for borne.
Shatter's orders for the movement
provide the following programme: The
embarkation of the Third and Sixth
regular cavalry and then the First regu-
The Gravity of the Situation in the Far
East Causes Uneasiness on all
Sides in Great Britain.
London, Aog. 5. There is a great un
easiness on all Bides in regard to the
Chinese situation, which is regarded as
bringing an open conflict between Rus
sia and Great Britain within measurable
distance, and it is universally felt that
the Marquis of Sallisbury, in yielding to
Russian agressiveness, is responsible for
a dangerous complication which can
only be overcome by a prompt and firm
intimation that Russia's open opposi
tion to Great Britain's commercial con
" cessions must cease.
In this connection a story is current
that the Princess of Wales' hurried de
parture from England was in response
to a dispatch from her sister, the dow
ager empress of Russia, bearing upon
Anglo-Russian relations. It is well
known that the dowager emprese is
strenuously working to oonclude a def
inite understanding regarding Anglo
Russian interests in the Far East, and it
is said that great importance attaches to
the meeting of the two sisters at Copenhagen.
Every Available Transport will be
Pressed Into Service to Take the
Army From the Reach of the Yel
low Fever.
Washington. Aug.5. The most im
portant matter engaging the war depart
ment today was the removal of Shat
ter's troops from Santiago. The morale
of the soldiers was destroyed by the
presence of disease and their fighting
value is lessened. Every available
transport will be used to move the army
to Montauk Point.
The Porto Rico campaign is to be
slighted if necessary to save Shatter's
army from the yellow jack.
Tin tali are
W Mil Ml
They Fear that the United States 'Will
Abandon the Islands.
HONG KONG, Aug. 5. The insurgents are in
consternation that the Americans intended to aban
don the Philippines. Aguinaldo has made an ab
ject appeal to Consul Wildman, who reassured him
in qualified terms. .
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Armstrong Outclassed at the Lenox
Club The Winner Brakes a Bone
in His Left Hand.
New Yokk, Aug.-5. Jim Jeffries,
aspirant for " the championship honors
in the heavy-weight division, undertook
S Not Ciillffllifit!
She Has Nothing Whatever to do
'With the Anglo-Russian Row.
LONDON, Aug. 5. It is denied in court and
political circles that the Princess of Wales is in any
way concerned in the row between England and
Russia over the Chinese question. She entirely
lacks the ability to intrigue, and therefore keeps out
of politics.
lar cavalry and rough riders. These
regiments have been ordered to be ready
to go on board ship day after tomorrow.
For th3 present the Ninth and Tenth
cavalry will remain in camp. All the
tents will be left standing, and worn
bedding and extra clothes which may be
possibly infected will be destroyed. The
first brigade cf Lawton's division, nnder
General Chaffee, will go next. All, the
men that are suffering fromTyellow fever
or infectious diseases will be left here.
No tenting or surplus baggage will be
taken back to the United States.
Portland Electrolysis Company.
Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all
facial blemishes removed permanently.
Chkopoaist work skillfully done. Head
quarters over land office in the Chapman
block. julyltf
Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header.
They are the best, and the prices are
the lowest. Mays & Crowe. tf
We said .
" it costs more to use Schil
lings Best than other tea,
because you drink more."
No ; we forgot doctor bills.
See our Show Window.
The entire balance of our Summer Wash Goods -without
reserve is being offered at very liberal reductions.
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
Wash Goods reduced to 4c
Wash Goods reduced to 5c
"Wash Goods reduced to 6c
Wash Goods reduced to 7c
Wash Goods reduced to ........'..;............. 9c
Wash Goods reduced to lie
Wash Goods reduced to 12c
Wash Goods reduced to 14c
Wash Goods reduced to 17c
Wash Goods reduced to 19c
Wash Goods reduced to ., 27c.
Wash Goods reduced to ...i.34c
Also specialties in every other department. All
Summer Goods greatly reduced.
A. 1 wlLLI AiriS & 00. 1
to defeat Steve CVDonnell and Bob Arm
strong, two well-known third-raters, to
uigbt at the Lenox Club, but was only
able to carry out half his contract, as he
shattered the bone in one -of bis hands
daring the first enzagement. It was ar
ranged that he should t his huskier
opponent, Armstrong, first.. The latter
found early in the fight that he had all
he could do to stay on bis feet, and was
accordingly cautious in the first rounds.
Toward the end he tried taking a hand
in aggressive work, and delivered a
ehower of swings and upper cuts about
his head that several times dazed him.
He showed pluck, however, and despite
the hammering that he received, maa-
aged to last out ten rounds, although in
the last he only saved himself from a
knock-out by sprinting. Armstrong
was clearly outclassed, and the referee
awarded the fight to Jefferies, with the
evidtnt approval of the spectators. 7
At the end of the contest it was an
nounced that Jefferies had broken a
bone in his left hand during the first
round, and although he was anxious to
CO on with 0'DonnlI. epite his injuries,
officials would nut permit it.
From the showing he made with the
colored giant, it wan the op n'on of the
sports that O'Donnwli would not have
lasted two rounds with the Los Angeles
boy. - ' ;
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Piles. Scalds. Burns.
He Says the United States Should De
clare Its Intentions Before Asking
.the Insurgents to State Theirs.
New York, Aug. 5. The Journal
prints a cablegram from Hons Kong,
purporting to give the text of a message
sent by Aeuinaldo to Consul-General
Wildman. The message is dated Cavite,
July 30th, and in it Aguinaldo says it
has been reported that he "is getting
the big liead and not behaving as he
promised Wildman." In reply, Agui
naldo says: '
"I ask why should America expect me
to outline my policy, present and future,
and fight blindly for ber interests when
America will not be frank with me?
Tell me this: Am I fighting for
annexation,, protection, or independ
ence? "It is for . America ' to
say, not for me. I can take Manila
as I have done everywhere else, bnt
what would be the use? If America
takes Manila I can save my men and
arms for what the futnre baa in store for
me. Now, good friends, believe me, I
am not both a fool and a rogue. The in
terests of my people are as sacred to me
as are the Interests of your people to
you." - .
New York, Aug. 5. The Merritt
Chapman wrecking tug; Win. E. Chap
man, and the Central Railroad of New
Jersey's ocean-going tug Plymouth,
which has been chartered, are at the
Staplcton dock of the company ready to
proceed to Cuba with the pontoons from,
Boston, which are to be used in an effort
to save the Cristobal Colon.
The pontoons arrived in the harbor by
way of Hell Gate last night, and the
fleet started this morning. As it leaves
here it consists of the Chapman, Puly -mouth,
two platoons and the barge F.
E. Sharp. The latter is loaded with
diving snd wrecking aparatus. Much of
the aparatus baa never left the Sharp
since it was loaded on her last spring
prior to tbe etart for Havana.
Deafness Cannot De. Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the dieeaeed portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is bv constitntional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of tbe mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or.
imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless tbe inflammation ean betaken-:
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; ninecass out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any caBe of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
. F. J. Chknkt & Co.. Toledo, O.
CSTSold by Druggists, 75c. 6-lCk