C U j VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1898. NO 120 J La iza U tl illL' u IF P pa IF m si On goods of -which you are in present need. Ton might fare -worse by making your purchases elsewhere. We guarantee each sale satisfactory to the purchaser or money refunded. Only a few items mentioned here. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Good-bye to former low prices. Good-bjTe to the balance of our Men's and Boys' Fine Summer Suits. We have decided to lose money rather than carry over next season such suits as are deemed Summer Suits. And realizing that low prices is the surest outlet, we will, com mencing to-morrow morning, place on sale our entire stock of Men's Summer Suits at the fol lowing reductions: $10.00 suits reduced to . .$ 7.00 12.50 " " " 9.15 13.75 " " " 9.75 15 00 " " - " 10.50 16.50 " " 11.65 17.50 " " " 12.15 18.00 " " '.... 13.00 20.00 " " " 13.90 Boya' tiuits at proportionate redactions. We cannot guarantee your size in all styles, but assure you that the variety is so large that you are bound to make a good selection and receive your cor rect size. We will exercise our usual care in the meas uring and fit of these garments. Be on hand and grasp the golden opportunity. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Substantial recognition has been paid our SUM MER WASH GOODS SALE the past week, due to the very special values we are offering. Styles espec ially designed for Waists, in Organdies, Mulls and Dimities, are to be found in great variety, together with others preferable for dresses complete. Note the reductions: - 5c reduced now to 4c 6Jc reduced now to 5c 8Jc ' . " 6c 10c . " " 7c 12Kc " " " 9c 15c" " " ' ..11c 16;'c redac'd now to. 20c ' " " . 25c " . 30c " ' . 40c " . 50c " - "' " . ..12c ..14c ..17c ..19c . .27c ..34c All of our 5c Calicoes, including Columbia Indi gos, Hamilton Turkey Reds and Garner's Black and Whites, reduced .to 4c per yard. SPECIALTIES. Percales, 32 and 36 inches wide 7, 8 and 10c Shirtings. 25 and 27 inches wide 5 and 6c Muslins, bleached -. ;5c Muslins, unbleached :. . . . .4c House Lining, per yard 2c SILKS. General clearance sale of Fancy Silks. 75c Silks reduced to 69c $1.00 . " " . .69 and 79c 1.15 " ' 89c 1.25 Silks reduced to . .89 and 99c 1.50 " " "99c and $1.03 Possibly the piece you so much admired but deemed too high-priced earlier in the season is still in stock. You might see. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies' Lace or Button Shoe, Dongola Kid, pat ent tips, Goodyear welt, coin toe; C and D widths, from 2 to 6. This is our regular $2.75 Shoe. Clear ance sale price, $1.89. Ladies' Turn-sole, Dongola Kid, Lace or Button shoe, patent tip and a stylish Coin toe, sizes 3 to 6, D and E widths. Our regular price 42.50. Clearance sale price $ 1 . 78. Extra Special. Our golden brown chrome Kid Lace Shoe, worth $4.00 for $3.15. This ehoe has a fancy Bilk vesting top, soft plia ble coles, the correct Coin toe, and has been one of the season's favorite styles. Only about a dozen pair left. Clear ance sale price $3. 15. Ladies' Low Shoes, 95c and 98c; former prices from $1.85 to $2.75 per pair. These two lots consist of tans and blacks, and although not all sizes are represented in each partic ular style, enough st3'les are . shown to offer a full line of sizes. Therefore SUMMER SHOES OP QUALITY at a ridiculously low price, ask for your inspection. Numerous attractions. Only a very few can be mentioned here. Store closes at 8 o'clock P. M. PEACE PROPOSALS W ERE ACCEPTED It is Said that Spain's Answer is Now En Route to Washington NEW RORK, Aug. Z. -A special cable to the Journal from Madrid says: Spain has accepted the peace proposals of the United States and her reply is now on its way to Washington. AN EXPEDITION CALLED FOR If the Government Fails to Send Aid the Greatest Tragedy of the Arctic Will BeEnacted. - Kanaimo. B. C, Aug. 2. The steam ebip Oregon arrived tonight from Orca with ft large number of heartsick miners from tho Copper river country. Tbey report that fully 5000 men are making every effort to get over Valdes glacier and homeward bound. All have curses for the men who deceived them into the belief that there was gold in the Cop per river region. .The highest pan ever washed oat was twenty cents. Hun dred a of those returning are throwing away costly outfits, so eager are they to make progress. Late in Jnne a young miner from Chi cago named Goodwin fell into a crevasse 200 feet deep wt.ile bound for home. His body was crashed to palp. The returned prospectors state that if the government fails to send relief to Copper river the greatest tragedy of the Arctic will be enacted, as hundreds will die of starvation if succor does not come. . TERMS OF PEACE AS OFFERED SPAIN BT M'KINLEY Our Demands Include all the Spanish Possessions ia the West Indies, Excepting Cuba. Washington, Aug. 2. Following is an official statement ven out by au thority of the president today as to the der Spanish sovereignty in the West Indies and like cession of an island in th&Ladrones. "The United States will occupy and hold the city, bay and harbor of Manila, pending a conclusion of a treaty of peace, which shall determine the con trol, disposition and government of the Philippines. If these terms are accept ed by Spain in their entirety, commis sioners will be named by the United States to meet commissioners on the part of Spain for the purpose of con cluding a treaty of peace on the basis above indicated." Corbett Makes a Deposit. New York, Aug, 2. Corbett today put up $2500 to cover deposit made by Fitzimmons, accompanying it with a demand for a match after bis meeting with McCoy. In tbe event of Fitz re- liast Chaneel THE EVENING- TELEGRAM EXCURSION train -will "be held until 8 o'clock, come. See "Uncle Rube." Everybody terms of peace offered by the United States: "'In order to remove any misappre hension in regard to .the negotiations as to peace between the United States and Spain it is deemed proper to say that the terms offered by tbe United States Hn the note handed to the' Frencb am bassador on Saturday last are in sub stance as follows : "The president does not now put for ward any claim for pecuniary indemni ty, but requires relinquishment ' of all claim of sovereignty over or' title to the island of Cuba, as well as evacuation by Spain of tbe island : cession to tbe United States and immediate evacua tion of Porto Rico and other islands un- fusing to accept Corbett's challenge, tbe latter says he will fight Jeffries. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, - Pa., savs DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills be ever used in his family during forty years of house keeping. Tbey curse constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ' Win your battles againBt disease by acting promptly.' . One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption, and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. For sale by tbe Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. HUE TROOPS HQVE HHftlVED HOIOLULU Transports Pern and City of PnetJla Ar . riied in Port oa Jiily 23fl. With, Nearly all in Good Health, THE MEN FEASTED ON ARRIVAL American Forces are Frequently Under Fire, But Thus Far Have Never Replied Insurgents Render No Assistance to the American Army. San Francisco, Aug 2. The steamer Doric, which arrived from Yokahama and Hong Kong via Honolulu today, brings the following advices from Hono lulu, under date of July 26th : Tbe transports Peru and City of Pu ebla arrived from San Francisco early on the morning of tbe 23d. The voyage down wae eventful. There were no deaths and but little sickness among tbe men. Three men with typhoid fever were removed from the ships to the lo cal Red Cross boppital. Since the vessel a arrived the men have been allowed shore liberties. Today the troops will he feasted on the grounds of the executive building. President Dole, Royal make the food pare, wholesome and delicious. mm FOVDEn Absolutely pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. with his cabinet and Minister Hatch, received Major-General Otis and his -taffatthe government bnilding yester day morning. The garrison and band turned out in honor of the visitors. The reception was of an extremely cordial nature. General Otis is uncertain as to his stay here. It is understood he has discretion in the event of no orders to the contrary to prooceed to MaDila without waiting for Admiral Miller, of the Philadelphia, and if the other transports arrive within a day or two as expected, it is not likely General Otis will wait for. the warahip, much as he and his force would like to see tbe flag go up. According to Otis, Hawaii will have no military governor. Colonel Barber will be post commander as long as bis regiment remains there; that is all. Minister Sewall has received no word of what action President McKinley will take with regard to the temporary ad ministration of the islands. , Admiral Miller, ho has been officially informed, will bring ' full instructions as to the formalities which will be observed in effecting the change of sovereignty. General Otis does not look for the arri val of tbe Philadelphia carrying tbe ad- mlral, until the 3d or 4th of August. ' Sewall thinks the trasports due here shortly will very likely bring news of the determination reached by tbe president for tbe government of fie islands.