Ths Dalles Dally Chrcaislfc IHI DALLES, OKKUON TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also "to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes Itnown to the California Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon a.11 the importance of purchasing the "true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will .assist ona in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing1 of the Cali fornia Fjo Svkup Co. with the medi al profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, s it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels withoiit irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of "the Company CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN FUANCISOO, Cal. XOriSVILt.E. Kr NF.WTORC1T.T. AT MANILA Dalles From Merritt Say That tie In surgents are Acting Lite Garcia's Cubans at Santiago do Cnba. SURRENDER OF THE CITY WILL SOON BE DEMANDED Uerritt Will Co-operate With Dewey Twelve Thousand American Troops Have Reached Cavite rMerritt's Advices Cause Concern at Wash ington. Washington, August 1. Gen. Merritt tias again cabled the war department as t the situation at Manila, which be sfinda very unsatisfactory and dangerous owing to the attitude of the insurgents. Jn the opinion of Merritt, the attitude of the insurgents there is similar to that -assumed by Garcia's Cubans at Santi ago. Upon the question of their right to enter and possess themselves of the city it is thought in this case the insur gents are a very much more formidable element, but not only more numerous but better armed, and filled with arro gance growing out ot their numerous victories over their Spanish foes. Mer ritt, however, indicates that he will do liis utmost to protect the citizens from the eavagry of the insurgents, though the task is a delicate and difficult one, because of the fact that lie must, while fighting the Spaniards, be ready at any moment to repel ths insurgents. The general gave notice that he was About to combine with Dewey in a joint demand lor the eurrender of the city, thus forestalling the insurgents, and this movement may cause a rupture. It is possible, in view of the fact that .MerriH'e cablegram was sent from Cav ate last Thursday, that this movement 4ias been made already by the combined American military and naval forces, al though there- is some doubt on this point on account of a statement from .Merritt that he will receive all his sol ders before attacking. It is possible the demand will be made without being followed by an attack, which may be deferred until all the troops have reached Cuvite. Up to the date of the report Merritt bad with him 12,000 eoldiers. In all, SERIOUS SITUATION seven expeditions have left San Fran cisco and it is the intention to furnish Merritt with at least 8000 men more than hie present force. If he delays his attack until all these have reached him, Manila will not be taken before Septem ber, for the last troops have not jet started from San Francisco. Alger and Long are in conference with the president over the serious situation in the Philippines. They have import ant dispatches from both Merritt and Dewey. Alger admitted the significance of these dispatches, but declined to state their exact nature. - THREE KILLED AND FOURTEEN ' BADLY INJURED Record of Casulties Attending an Early Morning Blaze in a Lodging-House in Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 1. Three killed anJ fourteen injured, is the record of a fire that broke out at 2 :30 this afternoon in the Berwin Hotel, North State Street. Starting in a bicyle repair ehop adjoin ing the hotel, flames spread to the base ment of the hostlery and then, eating its way to both the front and rear stair ways, cut off escape to nearly a dozen guests. Some in the panic that ensued jumped to the sidewalk and sustained broken legs and arms ; others waited in their apartments and were reecued, w hile most of the guests made their way out of the building by means cf the fire escape leading to an alley. The dead are : H. A. Tiedman, musician, residence California, dropped from a window on the fifth floor and was instantly killed. Anna Paulin, 25 years of age, home in Ozake couhty, Minn., burned to death on the fifth floor. Unidentified man, remains burned beyond recognition. The injured : Two men, names unknown, jumped from an upper floor and are at the hos pital unconscious. Edward Seaman, proprietor of cigar store at the Palmer House, jumped from the third floor of building, seriously in jured. E. S. Hill, seriously injured. J. V. Dolson, badly bruised. H. C. McCIeary, overcome by smoke while hanging on window ledge, dropped to the street below and is probably fatal ly hurt. Catharine Murphy, jumped from sec ond story, right ankle broken. Dr. Belknap, burned slightly. Mrs. E. H. Twight and baby, over come by smoke, rescued by firemen. Mies Marie Kennedy, prostrated from excitement. Miss Emma Sharkey, housekeeper at the hotel, jumped from second story, ankle sprained. Fred Siemen jumped from bedroom, both rists broken and internally injur ed. When the fire was discovered it was burning fiercely on the first floor. Pe destrians raised a cry of warning, which arroused the guests, and they appeared at the windows of the hotel In their night attire. Below them roared the fire with gradually increasing futr, and of smoke made uncertain the extent of the flames. OREGON MEN WILL NOT GO THIS WEEK Next Transports to Sail for Manila Wednesday New York Regiment and a Battalion of Engineers Will Be on Board. San Fbaxcisco, Aug. 1. During this week neaily all of the first New York regiment and a battalion of engineers under Major Langfitt will leave this port for Manila. One vessel or more will sail on Wednesday, and all the troops named will be afloat by Angust 6th. The United States commissioners who are to prepare a code of laws for Hawaii will sail on the Mariposa Angust 10th. The First Tennessee and the Twenti eth Kansas regiments will move from Camp Merritt to the Presidio within a few days. General Miller will establish his headquarters at the Presidio next Sat urday. The Seventh California, the third bat talions of the Eighteenth and Twenty third infantry and the recruits for the Tenth Pennsylvania, First Nebraska, Second Oregon and First Colorado, will UU Ufl II yub i $ ft to '$ s s 6) ffc S m ay e s s e o e S es & Do you come to the close of tfcedaythorouglilyexliattsted? Does this continue day after day, possibly week, alter week? Perhaps you are even too ex hausted to sleep.- Then some thing is wrong. All these things indicate that you are suffering from nervous ex haustion Your nerves need feeding and your blood en riching. , Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver OiL with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda, contains just the remedies to meet these wants. The cod liver oil gives the- needed strength, enriches the blood, feeds the nerves, and the hy pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. tt AH druggists ; 50c nd $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. constitute the force at Camp Merritt after this week. There are now 320 patients at the post and field hospitals, but only a few cases are serious. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge socials and- ice cream festi vals solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are the beBt in thecity. Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what it w snde for. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Tile fsinous ti t!? pHs. Clarke & Falk have the purest and strongest Paris Green in the market. Everybody reads The Chronicle. PROFESSIONALS. H. A. STUSDEVANT, J)eiitist. Office over French & Co.'s Bauk Phone 6, THE DALLE 3, OREGON J)AN ROBERTS, Attorn ey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. 3eeond Street, THK DALLES, OREGON TILLMAN CARLSON. D. D. With Dr, S. H. Frazter, Dentist. Plates: Partials,5; full upper or lower, $7.50. Oltice 'phone 276. Umatilla House, 87. Rooms 1 and 2, Chapman Block. J-JR9- GEISBNDORFFER & liUEDT, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. S2S Vogt Block B 8 HONTINGTON H tWIL802( HUNTIHGTON & WILSON, ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON Office over First Nat Bank. FRED. W.WILRON, ATTORN ET-AT- LAW. THE DALLES, OREGON. OfUce ovei First Nat. Bins. Ue flre Doiqq Jfeat apd prtstiG )' For Reasonable priees.sJ We Print Anything in the Printing Line. (Jive 05 a trial. 5(?rori;! pub. ho. IP .ill ' v i J M.Z. DON NELL, Druggist, Agent. llftipS Window Glass ipes-Kinersly Drag Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON Just "What You rjaant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a Bingle stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at oar store on Third 8 tree t. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Take Voup . JVTeals at the Clarendon t?estaafant. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. be Clarendon is the best Restaurant in The Dalles. JVIeals at fill Hoars.. Seeond St. The Dalies, Or. . Ttie GQiiimfiia PacRing oo.9 PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTDHKE8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)R!ED BEEF, ETC. BsoIUD'f nno BStlve. The beet salve in the world for cnte, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cm ea piles, or no pay. . required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion . or money refunded. Price 25 cents per . box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. So ...MHGKZINE... CYCLONE CARA ERAS' Revolutionize Amatuer Photography. 12 PICTURES IN 12 SECONDS. ONE TURN OF THE BUTTON DOES IT. C Superior Lens,"" Universal Focus Automatic Shatter. Always Set lnis camera makes 12 pictures with oat reloading. fasGoWarehooseConpny Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 5? 11 kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. TTfifl HmiCi-frfVPC! -fVvr Pwn G1inrfct and all kinds mvuiuuuxuuiu JLV'J. JJl Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour N-uee: every Wa sell our goods lower tban any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat. Barley and Oats. Crandall - DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posloffice, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Cascade 'Springs Hotel Board and room. $7.00 and $8.50 per week; $1.25 per day Baths .. .25c each Camping on the grounds 50c to $1.00 per week For particulars address aT HTfTT'T7 1. ' I 'T'j jaly26-lm . 274 Taylor Street, Portland, Oregon. CITY LIVERY -AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillir;ery parlor$ Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Mise Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand. J. B. BCHBMK, President. H. M. Be A I. , . Uaahiei First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Ueneral Banking Business transacted - - Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and ort- .- - - - land. . . DIRECTORS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schkhck. Eb. M. Wiixiakb, Gso. A. Lixbb. - H. M. Bball. Easy to Work. Simple of Contsruc tion. Moderate in Price. No Extras. ...Made in Three Sizes... No. 1 For pictures x 24 $3.50 .4 2 . 3)Ji4k.. $6.00 3 " 4 x 5 .$10.00 . Call and Eee samples or Write for Catalogue. UiJkA bO, of MILL FEED 19 manufactured expressly for family sack is RuarauteoU to give satisfaction. & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. WAL GTOYBC I &HQS. 5 GENERAL BlacKsmiins AND. is. Wagon and Carriage Work. -Fish Brothers' Wagon. fViinil nrtH Tnffnnnnn TJhnnn 1 Cfl K llillll QUU JuliOldUlli fllUUO IJ FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENERALBANKIN9 BU8INK3 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. .. Sight Exchange . and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various point in Oregon and Washington. ; Collections made at all points on far orable terms. . liorsesiioe