O r VOL. XI ' THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1898. . '" NO 119 l ' ' ' T " ' : . : r-. PI ill IbLElkMiiliE MILE W mrnmimM BOWA FIDE BAGlCAiWS! GEMUIME II era iiiyiiyil& EOUCTSOMS On goods of which you are in present need. Yon might fare -worse "by makingvyonr purchases elsewhere. We guarantee each sale satisfactory to the purchaser or money refunded. Only a few items mentioned here. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. mm Wm'w Good-bye to former low prices. Good-bye to the balance of our Men's and Boys' Fine Summer Suits. We have decided to lose money rather than cany over next season such suits as are deemed Summer Suits. And realizing that low prices is the surest outlet, we will, com mencing to-morrow morning, place on sale our entire stock of Men's Summer Suits at the fol lowing reductions: $10.00 6uit9 reduced to 7.00 12 50 ' " " 9.15 13.75 ' " " 9.75 15 00 " " " 10.50 16 50 " " " 11.65 17.50 " " 12.15 18 00 " " 13.00 20.00 " " ' 13.90 Boys' Suits at proportionate redactions. We cannot guarantee your size in all styles, but assure you that the variety is so large that you are bound to make a good selection and receive your cor rect size. We will exercise our usual care in the meas uring and fit of these garments. Be on hand and grasp the golden opportunity. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Substantial recognition has been paid our SUM MER WASH GOODS SALE the past week, due to the very special values we are offering. Styles espec ially designed for Waists, in Organdies, Mulls and Dimities, are to be found in great variety, together with others preferable for dresses complete. Note the reductions: 5c reduced now to 4c 6Jc reduced now to . . . 5c 8Mc " " " 6c 10c " " " 7c 123c " ' ...9c 15c " " lie 163'c redue'd now to 12c 20c " " 14c 25c " " " 17c 30c " 19c 40c " " 27o 60c " " ' 34c All of our 5c Calicoes, including Columbia Indi gos, Hamilton Turkey Reds and Garner's Black and Whites, reduced to 4c per yard. SPECIALTIES. Percales, 32 and 36 inches wide 7, 8 and 10c Shirtings. 25 and 27 inches wide. 5 and 6o Muslins, bleached 5q Muslins, unbleached. 4C House Lining, per yard. . . . .2c SILKS. General clearance sale :6f Fancy Silks. loTSilks reduced to . .89 and 99c 1.50 " " "99c and $1.08 75c Silks reduced to ...59c $1.00 " " . .69 and 79c 1.15 " " " 8'Jc Possibly the piece you so much admired but deemed too high-priced earlier in the season is stilL in stock. You might see. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies' Lace or Button Shoe, Dongola Kid, pat ent tips, Goodyear welt, coin toe; C and D widths, from 2 to 6. This is our regular $2.75 Shoe. Clear ance sale price, $1.89. Ladies' Turn-sole, Dongola Kid, Lace or Button shoe, patent tip and a stylish Coin toe, sizes 3 to 6, D and E widthe. Our regular price $2.50. Clearance sale price $ 1 . 78. Etra Special. Our golden brown chrome Kid Lace Shoe, worth $4.00 for $3.15. This shoe has a fancy eilk vesting top, soft plia ble soles, the correct Coin toe, and has been one of the season's favorite styles. Only about a dozen pair left. Clear ance sale price $3. 1 5. Ladies' Low Shoes, 95c and 98c; former prices from $1.85 to $2.75 per pair. These two lots consist of tans and blacks, and although not all sizes are represented in each partic ular style, enough stjdes are shown to offer a full line of sizes. Therefore SUMMER SHOES OP QUALITY at a ridiculously low price, ask for your inspection. Numerous attractions, mentioned here. Only a very few can be Store closes at 8 o'clock P. M. M. m.. St COW PM NY. to icBnt Terms Unless a Change is. Made Regarding the Phil ippines -A Sharp Diplomatic Move. MADRID, Aug. 1. It is the general belief, founded on official gossip, that the Spanish .government will not accept the peace terms offered by President McKinley, unless some change is made regarding the Philippine amendment, which is regarded as a sharp diplomatic move on the part of the American government. THET IGHT DE: CIDED A DRAW After Twenty-five Rounds of Hard Fight ing the Referee Decides the Honors are Even.. . Nkw Yobk, August 1. Solly Smith, of Los Angeles, and Tommy White, of Chicago, went through twenty-five rounds of the fastest kind of fighting at the Coney Island Athletic Club tonight. At the end the referee decided that the honors were even. Smith made an aggressive battle throughout and ad ministered some very heavy punishment to his clever antagonist,but the later was able to stand off his rushes in the early part and by husbanding his strength made a sufficient showing in the last four rounds to win the draw decision. Smith took desperate chances in the last round, going in hammer and tongs fashion, but his work was wild, and while he managed to land several effect ive punches, at the conclusion ' of the boat White hsl a badly damaged eye and Smith had a nose much like a blood-soaked sponge. TWO DESPERATE CROOKS CAPTURED Both Have a Reputation in Chicago as Professional Pickpockets Give the Officers a Lively Chase. San Francisco, Aug. 1. Jack Peck ett or "Piggott," brother of the well known jockey, Joe Piggott, now riding for Millionaire H. L. Frank at Butte, Mont., is in jail here for picking pock ets. Piggott and a young fellow named Thomas Madcen, a crook well known in Chicago, so the police here say, were ar rested at the ferry last night while operating on the boat, thickly crowded with retnrning picnickers. The thieves spotted the police just as the latter spotted them, and after a lively chase on shore, were captured in the Water Front saloon. Both Piggott and Mad den treated the arrest as a hugh joke and openly bragged they had a pnll and would soon be free. There eeems to be considerable ground for boasting, as both Piggott and Madden have been ar rested a number of times lately for petty crimes ; but no conviction has yet been obtained. FITZSIMM0NS ON THE WAR-PATH to meet any one of the five disputants for championship, as soon as they de cide among themselves who is the bet ter man. In view of the fact that Jef fries is the only one ot the big men he has not met, Fits makes in his proposi ti stipulation that the fight come off before October. CLOSING IN ON MANILA Trouble Impending Between Americans and Insurgents Aguinaldo Get ting Insolent to the Yankees Merritt Awaits the Arrival of the Other Trausports. New YoEK.Aug.l. Cable from Manila July 29th says that serious trouble is impending betweecjthe American troops and the Insurgents under Aguinaldo. The Americans are gradually closing in on Manila and "have replaced Aguinal- Will Meet Anyone of the Five Aspirants for the Championship. New York, Aug.l. Fitzslmmons hi tired of being badgered for fight, and to day issued a signed statement offering Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. mi Fsvoin Absolutely Pure KOVM. SAK1NO POWOEft CO., NEW YOftN. (housea in Inieresi i tie Nicaragua Scneme A Conference Held With the President in Re gard to the Matter. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Warner Miller had a confer ence with the president, as a result of which he expressed confidence that at the next session of congress a bill would be passed authorizing the completion of the Nicaragua canal. The present war has demonstrated the pressing r ecessity of a waterway between the oceans, which in addition to the pressure of commercial interests, will, Miller thinks, make the canal an assured fact within five years. do's forces in many of the trenches near the enemy's line. Aguinaldo has sent a note to General Anderson, in com mand of the American troops, saying that unless the Yankees withdrew from the trenches, he would order his forces to fire upon tbem. The can tempt of the Americans for Costs More to use Schilling's Best tea because yju drink more. . 2S the motley horde of rebels, beaded by the bribe-taker, Aguinaldo, is becoming; more intense hourly, and no doubt the Americans would welcome any excuse for turning their guns upon the inso lent Aguinaldo. . 1 . The situation is regarded as most critical, and Merritt, governor-general, awaita with anxiety the arrival of the other transports now en route for Manila. TYGH VALLEY ROLLER MILL. ' At all times flour equal to the' best for sale at Tygh Valley Boiler Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.' W. BI. McCobkmc, Prop. mchlS 6m -