The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 31, 1898, Image 3

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    Th3 Dalles Daily Chronicle.
The Desire of the People of the Inland
Empire to Patronise Portland In
dustries Cheap Fares are a
Great inducement. - s
JULY 31, 1898
0 Q
WE ..'
1 : : . i
If We Saw You .
Losing Your Pocket-book
We would not apologize for yelling at you. There
is a chance for your saving mone' money that you
are not saving now and we point it out to you. What
is the difference? When you don't save the money
you could save, you lose money, do 3rou not?
We honestly believe you can save money BY
TRADING WITH US and do not apologize for yell
ing the fact. v -
"All sufferers from High Pricss cured here."
E. C. Blanks, of Lewisvtlle, Texas,
.writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is worth $50 to him. It cared
his piles of ten years standing, tie ad
vises others to try it. It also cares ec
zema, skin diseases and obstinate sores.
For sale hy the Snipe9-Kinersly, Drng
Cash in 1? our Checks.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to July 12, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after July 7,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
To Care a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the
teeth.. tf
Ileal Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acreage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at the office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
Thousands of persons Lave been cured
of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures ec
zema and all skin diseases. It gives im
mediate relief. For sale by the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Loolc Oat.
All persons using the city water for ir
rigating purposes are warned that any
infringement of the rules will be strictly
enforced. J. B. Crossen, Supt.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
That Is what It wu made lor.
Monkey Braud Soap.
Monkey Brand Soap. . -
Monkey Brand Soap.
See it displayed in Maier & Benton's
window. july27-lw
Fruit jars gnd cans at Mays & Crowe's,
Sewing machines, four-drawer cabi
net, $25, at Mays & Crowe's. 3t
Now ia the time to spray with Paris
Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong
est you can get. tf
Crushed vioiets, the latest flavor for
ice cream soda at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give it a trial. tf
There will be no service at the Con
gregational church today. Sunday
school at the usual time.
Furnished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap-
ly to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf
The first grapes of the season were
brought to the city by T. A. Fleck, hav
ing been raised on his farm a short dis
tance from the citv. -
. .trains jnos. 3 anu 4 will carry excur
sion parties from Dalles to Oneonta
Gorge or Multnomah Falls and return
on Sundays for 50 cents.
Foss Beardsley has been elected a
teacher in the Arlington public school
to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of H. M. Clay. Mr. Meal was re-elected
principal, and Mr. CrosB and Miss Hnr
burt were re elected teachers..
The attraction at Bonneville park for
next Sunday, July 31st, will be the en
gagement of DeBoe, the aerial wonder,
late from Hammerstein'e, Olympic and
Koster & Bial'e, New York City, with
other . attractions. DeBoe's perform
ances are beyond belief, except to eye
witnesses. Fare only 50 cents for round
trip from Dalles.
Thousands of men who left California
expecting to get work at harvesting in
the Inland Empire, are strung along the
lines of railroads from The Dalles to the
Idaho line, both in Oregon and Wash
ington, and besides being unable to get'
work, are out of funds, and it is becom
ing a serious question with them bow
they are going to subsist.
Last evening the oil painting of Mt.
Hood, taken from the Clackamas river,
which is the work of Prof. W. W. Arm
strong, of Oakland, was raffled at Blake
ley & Houghton's drugstore. The win
ning number, 13, was held by Joseph
Kohler. We understand Mr. Kohler
contemplates going into housekeeping
in the near future, and a more beautiful
decoration for his new home could not
be found any where.
W. D. Graves was attacked by a foot
pad on the railroad track in La Grande,
Wednesday night. The footpad struck
at him with a club, but missed his a'm.
Mr. Graves etrnck his assailant on the
head with a heavy stone and felled him
to the- earth and proceeded to jump on
him. Just then another footpad came
running toward the scene of the fight,
and Mr. Graves concluding he bad had
enough fighting for one night, took to
li is heels. The footpads escaped.
Claud Branton, charged with the mur
der of John Linn, will be given a pre
liminary examination in Eugene, Mon
day. Linn, who was about 50 years old,
was shot through the bead and instantly
killed at Alder springs, 80 miles east of
Eugene, on the McKenzie riyer, Jane 15,
his body being afterward cremated to
hide all traces of the crime. Two men
were at the camp at the timaof the
murder Courtland Green and Claud
Branton. Green charged Branton with
the crime. Branton was arrested in
Eugene a few days ago. Linn was a
well-known Gilliam county etockraiser.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
There is at present one error in which
our townspeople are likely to be led by
the cheap transportation rates offered
between this place and Portland. The
transportation companies advertise rateB
which are certainly cheap, while oh the
other hand the Portland merchants
claim that by buying from them the
people of this city can "feave much
money. To this statement an exception
must be made. 'While the passenger
rates between here and Portland are
very cheap, the freight rates on account
of competition are cheap in proportion,
which enables our merchants to get
their goods delivered in the 'city almost
as reasonable as they are unloaded from
the cars in Portland. Our city has an
abundance of stores which are selling
goods as reasonably as they can be sold
anywhere. Our business men are pros
perous and can easily afford, owing to
large patronage they enjoy, to sell at a
small margin so that the prices of goods
in this city are equally reasonable as in
any town on the coast.
While it will, be well for our people to
go to Portland and investigate, we sin
cerely hope that they will not blindly
purchase goods away from home, think
ing they are geltine a bargain while
they can do much better here at home.
It is plain that the people of Easter
Oregon cannot do better in Portland
than at home if they consider the freight
paid on goods from there here and the.
other expenses involved in such a trip
Therefore we exhort our people once
more to look before they desert home
1 y f
5 im
"We have just received a shipment of Gents' Victors
The name is sufficient guarantee of quality.
K. Lyle, of Cross Keys, is in the
of Nansene, is in the
Teachers' Examination.
I Rach .Fargher,
pity on business..
S. O' Coffin, of Antelope, is registered
at the Umatilla Hoube.
Miss M. M. Murphy, of Goldendale,
spent yesterday in the city.
Johnnie Stevens, of Dufur, was in the
c'ty yesterday attending to business.
Carl Nickelsen returned last evening
from Salem, whera he has Bpent several
Justice LjB. Thomas, of Dufur, was
among the guests at the Umatilla House
G. N. Cornell, the new contractor for
the Antelope, Mitchell and Prineville
industry to deal with people of a strange stage route, is in the city.
town. - " Thomas and William Bolton, of
- Kingsley, returned last night from a
(I business trip to the Willamette valley.
Notice is hereby given that for the .Miss Emma Davenport, who has been
. , . . . ,. visiting relatives in this city and the
purpose of making examination of all Wiiianette valley, returned to her home
persons who may offer themselves as An Colfax last evening. ;
candidates for teachers of the schools of, Miaa Fenton who haa been vi8itiriK
this county, the county school superirf her sister, Mrs. Leon Curtiss. for several
tendent thereof will ho'd a public exl weeks, left on the early morning train
amination at The Dalles, Oregon, betodav for her home in Portland,
ginning Wednesday, August 10, 1898, at ' Miss Anna Lang returned from Port
1 o'clock p.m. C.L.Gilbert, land Friday evening, where she took
o i. o u i o i. the civil service examination for a clerk
Connty School Supt., I ehip 5n the United Statea iand office
' . j .i oi . i t ii'on!'' James Slater, an old time resident of
Dated this Sist day cf July, 1898. Crook countyj ;'8 in tbe city en route to
: Colvilld, Wash., to join his son, who is
a child enjoys one of "tbe leading attorneys of that
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and pJace-
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when) Boe Grimes returned yesterday from
in need of a laxative, and if the father! a business trip in the interior. Today he
or mother be costive or bilious. theV leavea Ior u iam county, wnere ne win
most gratifying results follow its use ; so
that it is the best family remedy known
and every family should have" a bottle,
Manufactured by the California Fl
Syrup Co,
For Kent.
r- A four-room house, located on Federal
street, near Ward & Robertson's stable.
Apply to Mrs. C. W. Stone, at the Co
lumbia Candy Factory.
nnrphflRfl RtnW for thft TTninn Meaf fin.
pt Portland.
Cow for Sale.
Milch cow for eale at
on 5-mile.
H. Miller's,
bicycles for $40 at
Mays &
One heaping teaspoon
ful of Schillings Best bak
ing powder to a quart of
flour is enough.
Schillings Best
tea baking powder
; coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
are all money-back right
For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
Frank BarthoTef: cashier of the Ya
kima National bank, who has been vis
iting Mr. Scbsnno's family in this city,
and has also bad an outing at the beach,
left for their home yesterday.
Phil. Ditter, of Ditter Bros, of North
Yakima, who has for several daj a been
visiting Dalles friends and taking an
outing at Clatsop beach, returned to his
home in North Yakima yesterday.
Don't Make a Mistake.
The" Telegram excursion to Portland
and return to The Dalles, which will take
place next Wednesday, is the only one
which the Telegram will give to the
people of The Dalles at the low figure
offered two dollars. Trains will leave
The Dalles on Wednesday at 8 o'clock
a. m., and returning leave Portland at
7:30 p. in. Tickets will be on sale-commencing
Tuesday, Aug. 2, at the O. R.
& N. office.
Large crowds of excursionists are tak
ing advantage of the low Sunday excur
sions via the O. R. & N. to Hood River,
Cascade Locks and Bonneville. The
fare being only 50 cents for the round
trip to these points, this arrangement
affords the cheapest and most enjoyable
outing within reach of Dallesites, who
are not slow to take advantage of it.
1 quart 50c doz
2 quart 65c doz.
(Ilasoii Fniit Jais.
Pints.. 60c doz
Quarts 15c doz
2 quarts ....$1.00 doz.
Vacunx Frait Jars.
Pints .90c doz.
Quarts ....$1.00 doz.
2 quarts $1.25 doz.
TV ' ! ft VI J.
mninr V unninn
167 Second St. THE DALLES, URL
Fine Business House lu that Greats
Stock Center Offered at a Great.
Sacrifice. .
For sale, on easy terms, a large 2-storir"
business house, 24x40 feet in size,' ir
Antelope, Wasco bounty, Oregon, on ,
55x100-foot lot cn the west side of Maim
street in the hear of town ; built in 1893 ;
sealed throughoufr-with finely seasoned
3 inch lumber, rustic outside, with larga
glass front. Ground floor at present
used for printing office and residence,
and upper story for A. O. U. W. lodge
hall. With little work can be converted
1 11 tl DbUID, UUUUtllJC, 11UICI Ul Btl
loon. Will take $700 less than it cost
me. Address ' E. M. Shutt, ''
Heppner, Oregon.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it wu dde tor.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
Tbe famous liitle pilis.
Clarke & Falk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
TEbe Evening telegram 1Ratlroa& Excursion-
August 3d, 1898.
Hound Trip Rate, Only $2.00.
The Evening Telegram, of Portland, invites the people of The Dalles and vicinity to visit Portland, August 3rd, and in order to make it possible for everybody to do so,
has secured a special train and put the fare within reach of all. The Telegram wants the citizens of Wasco County to become better acquainted with the people of Portland.
The Telegram special will run into the heart of city and land you on Fourth street, between Stark and Morrison
TICKETS ON SALE AT O. R. & N. TICKET OFFICE. Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon.