The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 31, 1898, Image 1

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Increases daity. We are turning the usually quiet summer months into a busy season by reducing the prices on good, seasonable merchandise to-a point which de
mands the attention and satisfies the instincts of every economical buyer. Reductions in every department. Summer goods must go, and will go at our quick-step prices.
Men's Suits.
Men's Suits, summer cloths and pat
terns; no exceptions made, but every
summer suit included at following re
ductions :
$10.00 suits reduced to $ 7.85 '
12.50 " " 8.75
13.75 " " 10.50
15 00 " " " 11.45
16.50 " " " 12.00
17.50 ' " 12.50
18.00 " " " 13.00
23.00 " " 14.25
We guarantee every reduction genuine.
Boys' Suits.
No disappointment for our Boys' Suit
customers. We please any and all who
call in answer to our advertisements.
An almost endless variety from which
to oelect. Note reductions :
$1.50 knee pant suits, now $1.15
200 " " ' 1.35
2.50 " " " ' 1.68
3.00 " " " " 2.12
3.50 " ' " 2.78
4.00 " " ' " 3.25
5.00 " " ' 3.95
Boys' Long Pant Suits.
$4 00 suits reduced to $3.25
5.00 " " ' 4.15
7.50 " " 5.87
10.00 " " " 7. 7.95
Only exception to above reductions
Black Clay Worsteds.
Men's Shirts.
We have selected a lot of ten dozen
men's nellgee shirts, ranging in price
from 60c to $1.00 and have marked them
choice 50c. .
Another attractive lot of men's white
shirts with colored bosoms, colored
laundered shirts, golf shirts and percale
shirts worth $1.03 and $1.25. Your
choice 75c.
Men's Neckwear.
Missing onr neckwear sale is just like
passing silver dollars on the street. Ex
ceptional offerings. Desirable patterns
in puffs, tecks. bandbows, clubs and
- four-in-hands. Values from 35c to 65c
your choice 25c.
Our regular 25c Tecks and Bandbows
are reduced to I Sc.
Everything mentioned here is conven
iently displayed.
See our two specials. ' Ladies' white
lawn handkerchiefs with openwork cor
ners, hemstitched. Good value at IOj.
Sale price 5c. .
Men's hemstitched fine cambric hand
kerchiefs, 2 and inch hems, ready for
nse. Good value at $2.00 a dozen Sale
price 10c, or $1.00 a dozen.
Try our men's summer underwear at
25c a garment. You'll say it's the best
you ever saw at the price.
Special values in Suspenders.
Men's suspenders at 10c, .15c and 25c.
When buying your next pair consider
the merits of the "Chester" Improved
Suspenders. We also sell the "Crown,"
Leather Belts.
Oar regular 50c leather belt now 39c
Our regular 75c leather belt now 59c
Oar regular $1.00 leather belt now. . .79c
All metal Belts at o price.
Roller Window Shades complete.
Special at I83, 25c, and 45c each
Straw Hats.
In our Hat department (upper floor?
we are showing a lot of men's, boys' and
misses' straw hats, worth, from 35c to
50c. Yonr choice 25c.
Wash Goods.
All summer wash goods reduced
Dimities, lawns, mulls and organdies.
No reserve, all styles and patterns in
cluded. 5c reduced now to 4c
6Jc reduced now to .: . . 5c '
8c " " 6c
10c " 7c
12c " " " 9c
15c " " " 11c
16c . ; ..12c
20c " " " .14c
25c " ' " " 17c
30c ' ' 19c
40c " " ..27c
50c ' " " 34c
General clearance sale of Silks now
in progress. With but one 6r two excep
tions our entire line is being offered at
prices to close. Truly the silk oppor
tunity of the season. A hint on prices,
past and present. .
75c Bilks reduced to 5!)c
$1.00 ' " .'.69 and 79c
1.15 " " " 89c
1.25 " " :. 89 and 99c
1.50 .' " " 99c and $1.08
Brocade moire, velours, plaids and
stripes chiefly compose this lot. No.
trouble to show you.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits.
What few numbers in Ladies' Blouse
Suits we still hare "can be bought at
prices greatly below their respective val
ues. Suits which were $11.95 now $ 7 95
Suits which were $16.00 now $10.95
Suits which were $18.00 now $13.90
- No trouble to show these.
Columbia Indigoes, per yard 4c-
Kenwood Greys,, per yard 4c
Lawrence Black and White,' per yard. 4c
Turkey Red and Claret, figured 4c
Lombard Fancies, per yard . .4c
Pacific Cheviots, per yard 4c
Percales. - Y-
32-inch Black-ground Polka Dots ... 7c
32-inch Louisiana Percale , 8c
36-inch Percale . .10c
25-inch Paramount Shirting.- ,5c
27-inch Riverside Shirting ; . ,6c
36-inch Bleached Mualin ........ 5c
36-inch Unbleached Muslin . . . .'. . . 4c '
36 inch Unbleached Muslin 5c
Make a Note of These.
Cotton Towelling, per yard. . . ... .... 3c
Bleached Toweis, per dozen 36c
Ladies' Black Hose, per pair 5c
Apron Ginghams, per yard. . ...... 4c
Outing Flannel, per yard. . 4c
Straw licking, per yard 6c
Turkey Red Table Linen. . . . 20c
White Table Linen 25c
Silk Ribbons, No. 3 to 9, per yard ... 3c
Ladies' Linen Collars. .10c
A 40-inch mixed Linen Crash Smting
for ekirts, per yard ...... 124
We can truthfully say that we show
the largest and best assortment ot wrap
pers to be seen in this territory. Wrap
pers at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50, made up in
the newest and. moat becoming way ,form
part of the attractions. Others np to
$3.50. No trouble to show you, whether
you wish to buy or not.-
Blanket selling in July is made profit
able by. our extra special prices. Wo
have sold a hundred pair or more in the
past two weeks and still have a few pairs
left to accommodate lato customers.
White or Colored ; Cotton or Wool
Blankets. See our 11-4 Tornado, all
wool Blanket at $3.75. The regular price
is $5.
Dress Skirts.
Checked Skirts at 95c
Figured Black Skirtsat $1.00
Plain Black Skirts at .$1.50
- The above are priced to meet the de
mand for a low priced Summer article,
and we can recommend them as' special
values at prices quoted.
We've just a few too many of the fol
lowing, that's why we make such offer
ings: J
Ladies' Lace or Button shoe, Dongola
kid, patent tips, Goodyear Welt, Coin
toe, C and D widths, from 2 to 6. This
is our regular $2.75 shoe. Clearance
eale price $ 1 .89.
Ladies' Torn-sole, Dongola Kid, Lace
or Button shoe, patent tip and a sty
lish Coin toe, sizes 3 to 6, D and
widths. Our regular price $2.50. Clear
ance sale price I . 78.
Extra Special.
Our golden brown chrome Kid Lace
Shoe, worth $4.00 for $3.15. This shoe
has a fancy silk vesting top, soft pliable
soles, the correct Coin toe, and has been
one of the season's favorite styles. Only
about a dczen pair left. Clearance sale
price $3. 15. -
Our 95c Counter
Holds some extra good 'things in Ladies'
Black Kid Oxfords, in opera and narrow
square toes, assorted sizes and widths
the balance of our regular $1.85 line.
Clearance sale price, 95c. .
Our 93c Counter
Of Tan Oxfords has been well patronized
the past week. About two dozen pairs
left. Some in needle, others narrow
square toeB. Were worth from $2.25 to
$2.75 per pair; clearance sale' price
only 8c.
Hemarkable Scenes
Witnessed in Porto Hieo.
CHICAGO, July 30. A special cable to the Inter
Ocean from Ponce, Porto Rico, says:
The most remarkable scenes were enacted at the capture
of that town by General Miles. Before the entrance of the
American troops the Spanish soldiers became wild with fear
and ransacked the town for pillows, rags or any old thing
that they could stuff under the backs of their uniforms to
act as protection from Yankee bullets. The flight of the
Spanish forces from the town looked like a burlesque act of
lot of circus clowns.
The American troops are being treated like conquering
heroes, who came with the gospel of justice and 'equality.
The transition of the city from a staid old Spanish town
into a lively American center of business activity, is one of
the wonders of the Spanish-American war..
All the Troops Available Will be Or
dered to the Far East The Arizona
and Scandia Will leave as Soon
as Possible.
San Francisco, July 33. Dispatches
received by General Merriam from Gen
eral Merritt today created no little ex
citement in military circles and every
officer new here believes from the tenor
of these dispatches that every man now
Appointed to the expeditionory foices
will soon be ordered to the Philippines
for active service. - Generals Merriam
and Miller are very reticent in regard to
the contents ot the dispatches, bat have
admitted to members of personal staffs
that thousands more troops than those
already here will probably be ordered to
the far east. An officer who saw dis
patches said it could not be doubted
General Merritt had -found the situation'
in Manila very grave, and would apprise
Washington of the necessity of a large
body of troops thore.
Preparations for dispatching the big
steamships Arizona and Scandia are
being pushed to the limit. Both vessels
are scheduled to sail August 10, but the
Arizona may have to go alone as the
Scandia cannot possibly be gotten ready
inside of two weeka. -
- Battery A Being Outfitted.
Vancouver, Jnly 30. The men of
battery A have received their knapsacks,
haversacks and canteens, and have been
measured for uniforms. They expect to
get away from this post Bhortly, aa their
goods and horses have already been
shipped to San Francisco
The Latest Version of McKinley's Terms
Cambon instructed to Accept
Any Terms that are Honorable
War Appears Practically Ended.
New York, July 30. Peace will in all
probability have been attained between
the .United States and Spain within a
week. It was learned by the Journal's
Washington correspondent from the
very best authority after meeting of the
Cabinet Counsel today that Cambon,
French minister to Washington, had
been made envoy extraordinary to ar
ange peace details for Spain with the
United States. Terms will probably De
the cession of Porto Rico to the United
States, independence of Cuba under
American jurisdiction qntll Cubans have
manifeeted their ability to form a stable
government, evacuation by Spain of all
other islands in the West Indies and
commission to settle disposition of con
quered Spanish islands in the Orient.
This will not mean evacuation of the
Philipinea, Ladrones and Carolines by
American troops, at least not until after
the question of coaling stations in those
places for the United States is settled by
the Commission. Cambon is instructed
to accept almost any terms that are
Attack on Manila Delayed Until the
Arrival of the Monterey Aguin
aldo Shows His Fangs Provi
sions Scarce at Manila.
Cavitb, Philippine Islands, Ja'y 26.
General ' Wesley Merritt, governor-gen
eral of the Philippine Islands, is now
here and in command of all the Ameri
can troops now encamped - about the
defenses of Manila. General Merritt
arrived on the transport Newport yes
terday. The other vessels of the expe
dition Morgan City, City of Para, Ohio
and Valencia are expected in a few
days. The vessels all left Honolulu to
gether; but an accident occurred to the
Ohio, and all-the transports, except the
Newport, turned back.
General Merritt has sent an import
ant cable to Washington and to Gener
als Merriam and Miller at San Francisco,
but the contents have not been made
public here.
General Merritt believes that the
monitor Monterey is now-at Guam isl
and, one of - the Ladronne group, and
expects her along in a few days.
The General has had an extended
con flab with Admiral Dewey, and in his
letter said they would rather wait for
the arrival of the Monterey before mak
ing an attack on Manila.
Captain-General Angustin still enter
tains false hopes of relief by the Spanish
There' are all kinds of rumors afloat.
Agoinaldo, the insurgent leader, is
showing his fangs to the Yankees. He
has done everything in his power to de
lay and . harrass the Americans, and
there is no doubt that Admiral Dewey
would enjoy a crack at the impudent,
ungrateful, self-styled dictator as much
as he enjoyed the downfall ofMontojo's
Owing to the blockade, provisions in
Manila are eelling'at enormous pricep.
The belief is growing that the Spanish
will surrender upon the demand from
Contractors Unable Promptly to Fill
AU Their Orders.
Chicago, July 30. Iron and Steel to
day says : '
Whatever may be the trade in Amer
ican iron and steel and that question
is now a most vital one -there can be
no uncertainty about the domestic con
sumption. Within the past week con
ditions among some of the. sellers, who
weeks or months ago booked many or
ders for future delivery, have been
growing more serious. ' The buyers
wanted the material tbey had bargained
for; they, in many instances, wanted it
in even larger quantities than they had
arranged to receive it; and when in re
ply to their specifications they were
favored with explanations, excuses and
promises, their business became more
or less deranged.
It is remarkable that quite a number
of the large consumers of iron and steel
are now running their works day and
night. Their surplus product has been
Royal nakea the food pare, -
, wholesome and dellclooa.
Absolutely Pure
cleaued out, their stocks are bare, and
although the season :s ordinarily ended
at this time, they are making strenuous
efforts to fill an urgent demand that
California Town Burned.
Reno, Nev., July 30. The town of
Beckwith, Cal., having a population of
about 500, on the Sierra Valley railroad.
35 miles north of here, was almost wiped
off the map yesterday afternoon by fire. .
Loss. 140,000.
Begin to-day to use
pure tea.
Schillings Best is at
your grocer S;