o o WE SAVE YOU MONEY. ' '. ll If We Saw You Losing Your Pocket-book We would not apologize for yelling at you. There is a chance for your saving mone' money that you are not saving now and we point it out to you. What is the difference? AVhen you don't save the money you could save, you lose money, do you not? We honestly believe you can save money BY TRADING WITH US and do not apologize for yell ing the fact. PEASE & MAYS. "All sufferers from. High. Fricss cured here." ANTELOPE PROPERTY. A Fine Business House In that Great Stock Center Offered at a Great Sacrifice. For sale, on easy terms, a large 2-story business house, 24x40 feet in size, in Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon, on a 55x100 foot lot on the west side of Main streel in the heart of town ; built in 1893 ; sealed throughout with finely seasoned 3 inch lumber, rustic outside, with large glass front. Gronnd floor at present used for printing office and residence, and np'per story for A. O. TJ. VV. lodge hall. With little work can be converted into a store, bank building, hotel or sa loon. Will take $700 less than it cost me. Address E. M. Shutt, Htppner, Oregon. Farm for Sale. A good farm for sale four and a half miles from town, consisting, of 420 acres good land, 120 being in grain, four horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs. Also a good dwelling house and barn. The land will produce anything g-own in Wasco county. A good school within a quarter of a mile of the farm. No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address ' Sbth Morgan, july2-lm-w The Dalles, Or. NOTICE. Ail dogs running at large, without a license tag, after the 1st of August, will be impounded. . Chas. F. Later, City Marshal. Business Chance. I expect to go away next week. What will you give me for my lodging house near the depot. Mrs. Hughes. Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offering, Call and see our '93 models. Maier & lien ton. Clarke & Falk have the pnrest and ar.rnnrvA&f. "Pnrla dravn in thA mnrb-Af. One Minute Cough Cure, cured. That is what it was m-de for. Use Clarke & Falk'a Rosofoam for the teeth. ' - tf DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. O Of Course You Are n mo1dk uit 3rd. B to Portland on Aug ine popular exc krsion to .Portland August 3rd, inngara fed by the Evening Telegram, promises to be the event of the season. The fa at the exceedingly 1 round trip, and as t has been placed w price of $2 for the s train leaves The the morning and Dalles at 7 o'clock if Portland at 7:30 o'flock in the evening, it will afford people l nice long visit to are going to join that city. Hundreds this excursion party. Kobbed the Orave. A Btartlmg incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject ib narrated by him as follows : I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me np. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my lite and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them ATTENTION. A special meeting of Azalea Rebekah lodge, No. 99, 1. O. O. F., will be held Friday, Jnly J29th, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of initiation and such other business aB may come before it. By order of Lulu D. Cbandall, N. G. Alice Lyle, Sec. Cash In Sour Cheeks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after July 7, 1898. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Bob Moore, ot La Fayette, Ind., says that for constipation be has found De Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for liver and stomach troubles. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. H. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at Jacobsen's. . - " tf DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous liill? pills. Tb3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY JULY 29, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Monkey Brand Soap. Monkey Brand Soap. . Monkey Brand Soap. See it displayed in Maier & Benton's window. july27-lw Frnit jars and cans at Mays & Crowe's, Sewing machines, four-drawer cabi net, $25, at Mays & Crowe's. 3t Situation wanted by a girl as waitresp, chambermaid, or cook. Apply at Mrs. E. Julian's. Now is the time to spray with Paris Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong est you can get. tf Crushed violets, the latest flavor for ice cream soda at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give it a trial. tf Furniehed rooms to rent, also suites of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf Trains Nos. 3 and 4 will carry excur sion parties from Dalles to Oneonta Gorge or Multnomah Falls and return on Sundays for 50 cents. The ladies of the Christian church will give a . moonlight social at the church on Friday evening. Ice cream and cake will be served. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia. Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge sccials and ice cream festi vals solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are the beet in thecity. Patriotic music, home melodies, class ical productions, everything musical that is good, will be heard at the Oregon In dustrial Exposition this autumn, for the best band west of Chicago has been en gaged for the full month. Supt. Baker is actively engaged, and every committee ditto, arranging for a most excellent display of all Northwest ern products at the Oregon Industrial Exposition Sept. 22d to Aug. 22d. No part of the Northern Pacific coast will be neglected. . Graders on the C. S. Ry. extension are now in Moro finishing np the work for 1898, followed by the track layers. The length of the new portion will be seven teen miles. Mr. Lvtle states that trains will be running from Biggs to Moro by the first of October. The attraction at Bonneville park for next Sunday, July 31st, will be the en gagement of DeBoe, the aerial wonder, late from Hammerstein's, Olympic and Koster & Bial's, New York City, with other attractions. DeBoe's perform ances are beyond belief, except to eye witnesses. Fare only 50 cents for round trip from Dalles. Large crowds of excursionists are tak ing advantage of the low Sunday excur sions via the O. R. & N. to Hood River, Cascade Locks and Bonneville. The fare being only 50 cents for the round trip to these points, this arrangement affords the cheapest and most enjoyable outing within reach ot Dallesites, who are not slow to take advantage of it. Yesterday Mrs. Price, of Hood River, was examined by Judge Mays and Dr. Shaw and pronounced insane. She will be committed to the insane asylum. Mrs. Price is well known in the city and is a highly esteemed lady. She has served as teacher'in the public schools and ia a lady of culture and refinement. Her many friends will be grieved to hear of her misfortune. Watkins cave, so named last week for the discoverer, Frank Watkins, is situ ated in Pine Hollow, thirty-five miles from Moro. The discoverer and Art Barnaul entered it and found the first room as c rid as ice, about feet ceiling, 12x12. They had no appliances for de finite observations, but from what seen and felt they are quite enre that an abundance of ice may be secured there. Charles Young, while attempting to climb between two cars at Wallulu Sunday night, fell nnder the wheels, and his right foot was badly crushed. He was taken to Walla Walla Monday evening, and had to lie at the O. R. & N. depot several hours before medical attention could be secured. He was finally removed to St. Mary's hospital There will be an excursion train leave The Dalles about 7 a. m., August 3rd, for Portland, returning train will leave Portland about 7 p. m. same day, Special tickets will be sold at The Dalles for $2.00 for the round trip to Portland, good going and returning on this excur sion train only. Passengers will not be carried on any other train on these tickets. This will give the passengers about nine hours in Portland. aug3 Yesterday morning the case of the State of Oregon vs. Thomas Diasender fer was tried in Justice Bayard's court. Dissenderfer was charged with assault and battery, the action Jgrowmg oat of an accident that occurred on Mill creek last Sunday, in which the defendant drove into the carriage of John Filloon, occupied by him and his wife. Dissen derfer was dismissed on a demurrer to the complaint. A. A. Jayne appeared for the state, while N. J. Sinnott was the attorney for the defense. Headers are rnnning at full blast in the interior, and by next week much of the crop between The Dalles and Dufur will be in the stack and ready to thresh Owners of threshers are getting them in shape for a big eeaaon'a run, and by next Monday their busy ham will be heard at variouB points in the interior, while in Sherman county the massive combines will be uti'issd to cot and thresh the rich harvest as rapidly as possible. Although the weather is ex tremely warm, it is fine for harvesting, and the farmers will take advantage of it to get their grain under cover. The Salem Statesman says : We learn from a private source that there ia some danger that the new beet sugar factory at Union will not be able to handle all the beets raised thereabouts to supply it. The acreage was based on the pro duction of Utah lands ; and the Grande Ronde valley lands are eo rich and so well adapted to the cultivation of sngar beets that there may be a eurplun, a tonnage beyond the capacity of the fac tory." Prof. C. V. Piper, botanist of the Pull man agricultnral college, after having carefully estimated the coast gives' it as his opinion that it will necessitate the expenditure of $10,000 to eradicate the Russian thistle from the wheat fields of Umatilla county. If the matter is post poned two years $100,000 would not bo enough to do what the expenditures of $10,000 would accomplish next spring. This is a serious matter to the owners of wheat land throughout the entire In land Empire. Yesterday morning Dr. Doane re ported to the city anthoritiea a family residing in the pines on the hill, eouth of I. J. Norman's property, that was afflicted with scarlet fever. The fami ly was promptly quarantined,. The par ties afflicted are named Eastbarn, and live in a small house where they have no means of caring for the eick, though as yet the disease has not appeared in a malignant form. Every precaution will be taken to isolate them from others, and there is little danger of the disease spreading. On Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week the people of Hood River and Cascade Locks will have a musical treat, as the instrumental quartet of the Alpha Mandolin and Guitar Club of this city . will play in these towns on the evenings stated. The quartet consists of the well-known musicians, Prof. Ryan, J. R. Reese, Irwin Parkins and Clinton Alden. The playing of the young men in this city baa delighted all who have heard them, and that they will please the public in other places as well as here, cannot be doubted. They will be at Hood River Monday evening, the 1st, and at the Locks on Tuesday, the 2d inst. Colonel Robert W. Mitchell started Wedneeday evening from Portland on his annual trip of inspection over the Willamette valley and Cascade mount ain wagon road. At Salem he expects to be joined by "By" Geer, and at Leb anon the start by wagon will be made. At Fish lake Colonel Mitchell will camp several days in the fragrant hay that grows rank on the trees there, and will see if any of the trout he and Colonel Jackson rubber-stamped their initials on have 'returned from South America to again snap horse flies on their old grazing ground. Colonel Mitchell will traverse the entire length of the road, passing Prineville and winding up at Ontaria, on the mystic Malheur, from which point he will return by rail. RED MEN ELECT OFFICERS. John Michell. of The Dalles, Is the Kcv Oreat Sachem. The most important business before the great council of Oregon, Improved Order of Red, which was held in Port land Wednesday, was the election of chiefs, which resulted as follows : Great sachem, John Michell, of The Dalles; great senior, J. H. Howard, of Oregon City ; great junior, A. B. Cherry, of La Grande ; great prophet. Otto Schu mann, of Portland ; great chief of rec ords, W. C. A. Pohl, of Astoria ; great keeper of wampum, J. H. Griebel, of Portland. John Michell was also elected great representative to the great council of the United States, which meets in In dianapolis in September. There are now two great representatives, Fred H. Saylor, who wa3 elected at the last great council, being the other. Pendleton will probably be chosen as the place of holding the next great council The speeches of the great chiefs were read and referred to the proper com mittees. The reports of the great chief of rec ords and the great keeper of wampum Bhow the Oregon reservation to lie in a very prosperous condition. There are now 15 tribes in the state, an increase of six over last year. In membership the increase is about 500. The receipts for the year were $10,127.65, and dis bursements, $9,507.45. Of the latter sum, $3,000 was for relief and funeral benefits. .. The report of Great Representative Saylor showed that the membership of the order in the United States is nearly 160,000, and that over $1,500,000 waa ex pended during the last great snn for re lief. . The degree of Pocohontaa was also re ported to be in a flourishing condition. There is only one council in this reser vation, but it is expected to institute one each in Astoria, Baker City, The Dalles and Pendleton during the next great sun. . ' tflll Si, We have just received a shipment of Gents' Victors. The name is sufficient guarantee of quality. Cloudy Weather Preferred fov Sittings. MY WORK Chapman Block. FEB 8 ON At SIESItO.V, Miss Catrie Jeffers, of Goldeudale, is in the city. Mayor Nolan is spending a few days at Clatsop beach. J. B. Crossfield and wife are in the city from Portland. H. D. Parkins returned last evening from a trip to Bridal Veil. Dr. Frazier went to Moffatt yesterday to spend a days with his family. Mrs. C. N. Hess, of Goldendale, is registered at the Umatilla House. Z. T. Key a and son, of Antelope, are in the city on a short business trip. v Rev. L. Grey returned on the Dixon last evening from a trip down the riyer. Miss May Cushing was among the passengers who came up on the Dixon last evening. T. S. Houghton, of Crook county, who is a leading wool-grower of that county, is in thecity attending to his wool sales. Vlrs. M. Parkins was a passenger on the boat last evening from Bridal Veil, where she attended the Hoskins-Arm-6trong wedding. M. R. Elliot and wile, of Prineville, returned on the night train from Port land, and are among the guests at the Umatilla House. John Summerville, of the Baldwin Sheep and Land Co., lett for his home at Hay Creek yesterday, he having been to Portland on business. Bert Phelps, of Heppner, Is in thecity on his way to Moffatt Springs, where he will spend a week in company with his eister, Mre. Dr. Frazier. Fred Houghton and wile returned last evening from a ten days outing at Glen- wood, Wash. They report having bad a splendid time, the only disagreeable fea ture being the shortness of their stay. A PLEASANT WEDDING. Rev. W. II. Uoskiiis United In Marriage to Hiss Berttio Armstrong at Bridul Wll, Or. A pretty weeding took place at Bridal Veil at 8:30 Wednesday evening. The contracting parties were Rev. W. H. Hoskins and Miss Bertha Armstrong, the ceremong being performed by Rev. J. W. Rale, of the M. E. church of Van couver. The bridal march was played by Mrs. Jarvia. Miss Bertha Palmer acted as bride's maid, while G. W. Arm strong, brother of the bride, acted as best man, the bride being given away by A. A. Palmer. The echoolhouse in which the cere mony was performed was gaily deco rated with cedar boughs and a profu sion of flowers, while above the bridal couple hung a bell of moss decorated with roses. There were over one hundred guests present, among those from other cities being Mrs. Falsley, of Spokane; Mrs. L. E. Hall and Miss Mae Hall, of Van couver; Mrs. M. E. Wade and Mrs. C. Bailer, of Cascade Locks ; Mrs. M. Par kins, H. D. Parkins and Mae Cashing, of The Dalles. After the ceremony congratulations were showered npon the bappy couple, and many beautiful presents were re ceived by them. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins left on yester day morning's train for Portland and the coast. D. ' Start the day right with Schilling's Best coffee. It has an unusually charm ing aroma and flavor. Schilling's Best tea. -baking-powder coffee " flavoring extracts -" . soda and spices are all money-back right m acre. 103 For sale by L. Rorden & Company f7S MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR. Fruit Caas. 1 quart 50c doz. 2 quart .. 65c doz. jflasQix Fruit Jars. Pints 60c doz. Qiiarts.. 75c doz 2 quarts $1.00 doz. Yacuiii Fruit Jars. Pints 90c doz. Quarts $1.00 doz. 2 quarts $1.25 doz. FOB SALE BY ...piaieifileiilii! ..THE tffiflDWRUE DEaiiElJS- 167 Seconi St. THE DALLES, OR. The Pocket Kozy Camera It measures l?ix4JL&ii Inches when closed. Strictly a film camera. Pictures 41-1x3. NO GLASS PLATES, PLATE HOLDERS OR DARK ROOM. Loaded la broad sun-light for 12 T!cturc nX a loading. Clear fi oder, three stops and time or instaa- taneous exposure catalogue tree on application-. M. Z. DONNELL, DRUGGIST, THE DALLES, OREGON. $2.50 The Lightest and Simplest of Plate Cameras. Eastmans No. 2 Eureka Jr. Makes Pictures 314314 inches; weighs 125 n. THE SNIPES-KINERSLY DRUG CO. Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies. THE DALLES, - - - OBEGOS. Send for Catalogue-. S2.50 . C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas. writes that one box of DeWitt'a Titeb Hazel Salve is worth (50 to him. It cared bis piles of ten years standing. Us ad vises others to try it. jfr also core ec- . zema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. For Bale by the Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Company.. - You be the doctor for a little vrltil and make a critical, examination of a bundle of onr laundry work anl see if you cannot conscientiously recommend the Dalles Steam Laundry, Telephone No. 341. Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion fo sunburn and wind chafing. ti