The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1898, Image 3

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A dull store (empty aisles)
High Prices.
Bus,., in only one aisle
A few prices to attract.
Busy on trashy goods
High prices for regular stock.
Busy in all sections
Low prices and full assortments.
That's so,
"We are busy everywhere.
lbs Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 28, 1898
Our Great Clearance Sale Still On....
And we are offering bargains worthy of the name.
We have made this sale a grand success by doing just
as we agreed to making a cut on everything in our
store. We have sold lots of goods in the last three
weeks, and still we have bargains for you.
"Originators and Promoters of LOW PRICES."
Monkey Braud Soap.
Monkey Brand Soap.
Monkey Brand Soap. -
See it displayed in Maier &Benton's
window. july27-lw
Fruit jara and cans at Maya & Crowe'e,
Victor bicycles for $40 at Mays &
Crowe's. 21 3t
Sewing machines, four-drawer cabi
net, $25, at Maya & Crowe'e. St
Now ia the time to epray with Paria
Green. Clarke & Falk Lave the strong
est you can get. ' " tf
Crushed violets, the latest flavor for
ice cream soda at the Columbia Candv
Factory. Give it a trial. tf
Famished rooms to rent, also suites
of rooms euitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. tf
The ladies of the Christian church
will give a moonlight social at the
church on Friday evening. Ice cream
and cake will be served.
Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the
Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur
nish lodge socials and ice cream festi
vals solicited. Don't forget that our
ice cream sodas are the best in thecity.
A meeting of the Emergency Corps
will be held at the K. of P. hall this
evening. A large attendance is request
ed as there is much business to be tran-
acted and more work to be given out.
Phil Brogan returned Tuesday evening
from a business trip to Antelope. He
reports harvesting in full blast in that
section. Rye and meadow bay are short
this year, while alfalfa yielded an un
cnueually large crop.
Producers will please remember that
their exhibits will be taken to the Ore
gon Industrial Exposition free of charge.
For shipping tags and information drop
a card to Secretary Industrial Exposi
tion, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. A. Detrich, of Dufur, being in
need of rest, will for the next three
months turn over bis practice to Dr. H.
C. Dobbs, ef Wisconsin. Dr. Dobba ia a
graduate of the Detroit Medical College,
and comes highly recommended. Dr.
Detrich intends returning in the fall
and continuing his practice at Dufur.
"Large crowds of excursionists are tak
ing advantage of the low Sunday excur
sions via the O. K. & N. to Hood River,
Cascade Locks and Bonneville. The
fare being only 50 centa for the round
trip to these points, this arrangement
affords the cheapest and most enjoyable
outing within reach oi Dallesitea, who
e not slow to take advantage of it.
We note thatiPortland ia advertising
California meloi s for the last week.
Thia ia nothing worthy of mention,
since the people c f The Dalles have bad
l an abundance o
A Flue Business House In that Ureat
Stock Center Offered at a Great
For sale, on easy terms, a large 2-story
business house, 24x40 feet in size, in
Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon, on a
55x100- foot lot on the west side of Main
street in the heart of town ; built in 1893 ;
aealed throughout with finely seasoned
3 inch lumber, rustic outside, with large
glass front. Ground floor at present
used for printing office and residence,
and upper story for A. O. D. W. lodge
hall. With little work can be converted
into a store, bank building, hotel or Ea
loon. Will take $700 less than it cost
me. .Address E. M. Shdtt,
Heppner, Oregon.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve .
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
Farm for Sale.
A good farm for sale four and a half
miles from town, consisting of 420 acres
good land, 120 being in grain, four
horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs.
Also a good dwelling houae and barn.
The land will produce anything grown
in Waeco county. A good echool within
a quarter of a mile of the farm. No
mortgage or land agent in the way. Call
on or address Seth Morgan,
juli-2-lm-w The Dalles, Or.
the last week which were raised not in
California, but
county. In fact
and common at d
watermelons during
ight here in Wasco
they are so plentiful
resent that the largest
Ail dogs running at large, without a
license tag, after the 1st of August, will
be impounded. Chas. F. Laueb,
City Marshal.
Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
in the market retail for 25 centa each.
There will be an excursion train leave
The Dalles about 7 a. m., August 3rd,
for Portland, returning train will leave
Portland about 7 p. m. same day..
Special ticketa will be sold at The Dalles
for $2.00 for the round trip to Portland,
good going and returning on thia excur
sion train only. Passengers will not be
carried on any other train on these
ticketa. Thia will give the passengers
about nine hours in Portland. aug3
The home office of the Caledonian In
surance Company, at Edinburgh, Scot
land, bave requested ua to ascertain, if
possible, the whereabouts of one Robert
Edwards, who was born in Staffordshire,
England, in April, 1856, and who haa a
brother, Albert Edwards, now living in
London. Mr. Edwards waa last heard
of in thia country in April, 1895, since
I .
which time no trace of him can be
found. Should oar readers bave any
knowledge of euch party, any informa
tion which they may be able to convey
to ua will be highly appreciated.
Yesterday waa the hottest day of the
season in The Dalles. During the after
noon the thermometer stood' at 95 until
about 5 o'clock it rose one degree higher.
From the manner that everyone noticed
the heat yesterday it ia plain -that 96 de
grees ia plenty hot and if the thermom
eter runa much higher the city will be
deserted, aa all kinds of tiireats of leav
ing for the eea coast or mountains could
be heard yesterday.
The admirers of fine arts should not
fail to see the two oil paintinga which
are on exhibition at Blakeley & Hough
ton a drug store, one of which ia a
view of Mt. Hood, while the other ia the
familiar scene of Trout Lake with Mt.
Adams in the background. They are
the work of W. W. Armstrong, of Oak
land, California. Mr. Armstrong; who
is well known by many of our towns
people since hie last trip to the city, is
second to none as a painter, aa his work
ehows too plainly. The painting of Mt.
Hood will be raffled this week, while
the picture of Trout Lake will be sold.
One of the last steps in the settlement
oi the affairs of the estate of Henry L.
Yealer, the father of Seattle, waa taken
in Seattle Monday, when an order was
presented, signed by Judge Moore, and
filed confirming the last of a Beriea of
sales, at which the real property belong
ing to the estate haa been disposed of to
pay the debts of the estate and claims of
the dead pioneer's heirs.' The Bales
were forced Bales, the creditora having
united in demanding that the estate be
closed up at once, on the ground that
the expenses of the administration were
each year greater than the income, and
would ultimately eat up the entire
On Monday and Tuesday evenings
of next week the people of Hood River
and Cascade Locks will have a musical
treat, as the instrumental quartet of the
Alpha Mandolin and Guitar Club of this
city will play in these towns on the
evenings stated. The quartet consists
of the well-known musicians, Prof.
Ryan, J. R.Reese, Irwin Parkins and
Clinton Alden. The playing of the
young men in thia city has delighted all
who have heard them, and that they
will please the public in other places as
well aa here, cannot be doubted. They
will be at Hood River Monday evening,
the 1st, and at the Locks on Tuesday,
the 2d inst.
A. lstg Excursion 'With a Bound Trip
Kate of S2.00.
The Evening Telegram, which ia be
coming noted for its great enterprise and
bold strokes, will run a special excur
sion from The Dalles to Portland on
August 3d. The round trip fare will be
but $2. The train will leave The Dalles
at 7 a. m,, and Portland on the return
ing at 7 :30. It will afford nearly an en
tire day in the metropolis. The excur
sion ia intended to afford the people of
this seccion a chance to become acquaint
ed with the people of Portland. The
train will land people on Fourth street,
right in the heart of the city.
A special meeting of Azalea Rebekah
lodge, No. 99, I. O. O. F., will be held
Friday, July 29th, at 8 p. m., for the
purpose of initiation and such other
business as may come before it.
By order of
Lulu D. Crandaix.'N. G.
Alice I.yle, Sec.
Business Chance.
I expect to go away next week. What
will you give me for my lodging house
near the depot, " Mrs. Hughes.
We have just received a shipment of Gents' Victors.
The name is Mimcient guarantee of quality. '
JhLLsr cSj Crowe.
Uarle Is Unfaithful to Her Holdler Boy.
In publishing the following touching
poem we would advise the young ladies
of The Dalles to be more cautious in
their choice oi hiding places for the
numerous epistlea which -they may
in the future receive. However we are
loath to believe that any of our brave
boys have bad occasion to pen,- such
lines to a Dalles girl, for they are ever
constant (although among the boys was
a poet ot no mean ability.) If any
young lady visiting our city recognizes
the poem, she can obtain the original
manuscript by calling at this office:
I am Ijing In my tent, sweet Marie,
And my soul with rage is pent, up in G,
For I know almighty well you Lave caught all
ot ner xeii., -And
your thoughts no longer dwell love with
When we kissed a last good-bye, tearfully,
"Von but worked a girlish guy off on me.
Oh, you sweet, bewitching jade, what a clever
game you piayeti, '
For your tears were ready made, Sweet Marie.
Sweet Marie, list to me; list to me, Sweet Marie,
While I whisper to the winds you're N..G.
You were loyal, ycu were true, I was all the
woria 10 you,
When my cash for you I blew, Sweet Marie.
When I donned the soldier blue, Sweet Marie,
Like a picnic wood tuck you stuck to me;
And the smile you used to wear was as full of
gleaming glare
As a sunbeam on a tear, Sweet Marie.
How you're cunning head you'd lay, lovingly,
On Vinfinm wHilA tAn'd rhv thfncrs to me:
There you'd rest in loving pose, right beneath
Swiping buttons from my clothes, Sweet Marie.
To the Philippines I go, Sweet Marie,
Where the tropic sun will glow over me;
And I'll wander thro' the dells with the brown
Manila belles, -Who
are dressed in beads and shells, scantily.
There your face I'll soon forget, Sweet Marie;
I'll be frisky, you can bet, as a flea;
I'll be giddy, I'll be gay, I'll sing the hours away,
Ta-ra-ra-ra boom de-ay, Hully gee.
1 quart .'. 50c doz.
2 quart 65c doz.
A. Talk on Real Estate.
Large appearing matters when ana
lvzed often prove to be much smaller
" - I
than they seem. Thia iefmore especial
ly true in the real- estate business, aa
people eometimea think
an advertisement ot
aale," that the price is
property offered. Thi,
well founded in some
hen they read
real estate for
rger than the
supposition is
cases, but it has
no existence in fact whin you read the
advertisements of an agent so reliable
aa Old Dad Butts. Hating kept quiet
for the past few weekeJwhich haa been
due to a pressure of business, be takes
this method today of Announcing to you
that he is still in the Iswim and every
The money-backing of
Schilling's Best
baking powder
flavoring extracts
and spices
means business fairness
and trustworthy goods
For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
(flason Fruit Jars.
Pints 60c doz.
Quarts.... 75c doz.
2 quarts $1.00 doz.
WW "mm a v
vaourn huh jais.
Pinto QArt Anv f
jl. vij. . . . nj vivj -
Quarts $1.00 doz.
2 quarts ...$1.25 doz.
..THE flflOTil!E DEflliEHS..
167 Seuona St. THE DALLES, GR.
day opening up new packages of genuine)
snaps. He haa A couple of remnants
left as follows :
fine land on 15-M
good house, two
meadow growing
hay, and 200 acre
the small sum of
dont want to be al
a one acre tract,!
four room cottaga,
Qne thousand acres oi
le creek, all fenced",
barns, 350 acres of
he finest of timothy
of grain land, all for
5500. However if yon
farmer he will sell yen
all fenced with good
a good well of water
and located witBin two blocks of tbe
public echool in
city, for the ama
these propositions are both large in point
real estate and e
in fact they are
jiall in point of price
6 to 1. Plenty more
of all the cheap
Call and see our
Ihe eastern part of tho
1 sum of $550. Both of
just euch enapa fcft. If you don't believe
it toot your horif and Butts will do the
Cleveland whls are selling in spits
heels that are offering.
98 models. Maier &
Clarke & FaB: bave the pureet anil
strongest Paris (Ireen in the market.
une minute uugn vure, cures.,
- That is what it was mde for.
Use Clarke & Falk'a Rosofoam for the
teeth. tf
Ztbe Evening telegram IRailroab Excursion
flagast 3d, 18$B.
Roand Trip Rate, Only $2.00.
The Evening Telegram, of Portland, invites the people of The Dalles and vicinity to visit Portland, August 3rd, and in order to make it possible for everybody to do so,
has secured a special train and put the fare within reach of all. The Telegram wants the citizens of Wasco County to become better acquainted with the people of Portland.
The Telegram special will run into the heart of city and land you on Fourth street, between Stark and Morrison
TICKETS ON SALE AT O. R. & N. TICKET OFFICE. ' : 1 . Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon. 05m!