o VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1898. NO 114 DEWEY AND MILES REPORTED BUSY Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. sPecmit pjiD-sUmcQEi Gleamnee is Si to Sale MM The Story Lacks Confirmation But Everything Points, to the Truth of the Report. NEW YORK, July 26. The Journal has a dis patch from Hong Kong stating that Manila has fall en into the hands of the Americans. Confirmation is wanting but it is known that the president has received information, the character of which cannot be learned tonight. TWO MORE DEATHS REPORTED Bodies of Two Dead Iowa Volunteers To Be Shipped Home for Burial Health of the Army at San Fran cisco Continues Bad. San Francisco, July 26. Priyate W. H. Dubbs, of company K, Seventh Cali fornia, died at the marine hospital of pneumonia on Monday. Private Lyon Hull, of company D, First South Dako ta, died at the division hospital of ca tarrhal pneumonia. Funeral services haye been held over the remains of Corporal Daniel New- some, of company D, and Private De- Witt C. Tucker, of company L, both of the Fifty-first Iowa, who died on Sat urday last of pneumonia. The bodies will be sent to Des Moines and Council Bluffs respectively. Private Mulligan, of company K, Twenty-tbird infantry, Who died Sun day night at the marine hospital, was buried in the Presidio cemetary by his comrades. The Seventh California sent five cases of measles to the field hospital Monday Two of the victims, Privates Marke and Hount, of company G, were in a dan gerous condition. A TRAGEDY AT SPOKANE John Murphy, Alias "Virginia Slim," Killed by James Leecy Both Were Intoxicated at the Time. Spokan. Jjily 26. John Murphy, alias "Virginia Slim," and numerous other aliases, was shot and almost in stantly' killed by James Leecy, on Mill street, about 1 :30 this afternoon. Both men were intoxicated at the time, and the deed was the result of a drunken row, in which they engaged. The mur I ;;i in i ii In luil derer was captured a few moments after the commission of the crime, and is now in jail. The deed was committed on Mill street, near Front avenue, the men having been standing near one of the cribs on the south side of the street for some time and apparently engaged in a quarrel. Few people noticed the drunk en dispute. Suddenly there was a re port of a shot. The larger of the two men staggered and fell to the ground, while the other started to run, but was soon captnred. in Fears Trouble is Expected When the Peo ple Learn the True State of Affairs in Spain. MADRID, July 26. Fears of a Carlist uprising so soon as the truth of Spain's utter ruin becomes known to the people, are uppermost in the minds of Sagasta and other members of the Cabinet. It is understood that in view of the bitterness toward the party in power, likely to follow the knowledge of the tiuth, the launching of the military regime will occur before the end of the week. It Is Confidently Believed that Both Commanders Are Actively En gaged No Official Reports Re ceived as Yet. Washington, July 27. Department officials have been greatly stirred up by the receipt of the news from Dewey and Miles telling of great activity in both Manila and Porto Rico, and further ad vices are being anxiously awaited. Brief dispatches received contained no particulars, but it is confidently be lieved that operations against the Span iards at the capital of the Philippines has commenced. While iittle is known of the condition of affairs at Port Guanica, where Miles' forces have landed, there is little denbt that the reported activity refers to the capture of the railroad ten miles from the point of disembarkation, which Miles set out to take on landing, and the dispatch would indicate that some opposition bad been encountered. The Dixie Fires on a British Ship. New Yobk,- July 26. A dispatch to the Herald from Turks island says that the British schooner Zeta, which ar rived here today, Monday, from Jamai ca, reports Laving seen last Friday four teen ships of the United States expedi tion to Porto Rico. The Zeta was fired upon by the .iJTxie and was allowed to proceed after an officer from the Dixie had insoected her. farm for Sale. A good farm for sale four and a half miles from town, consisting of 420 acres good land, 120 being in grain, four horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs, Also a good dwelling house and barn. The land will produce anything grown in Wasco county. A good echool within a quarter of a mile of the farm. No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address Beth Mobqan, july2-lm-w The Dalles, Or. SSI POWDER Absolutely pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. - EUROPEAN WAR IN THE FUTURE Prof. Andrews Says the United States Will Be Drawn Into It Whether Willing or Not, and Forced to Take Part in the Settlement of the East ern Question. Madison, Wis., July 6. E. Benjamin Andrews, recently elected superintend ent of the echools of Chicago in his ad dress before the Monona lake assembly, spoke on the subject of "European Poli tics." He predicted a great European war in the near future into which the United States would be dragged if it did not go in of its own accord. He de scribed the great strengthening of forti fications and preparations for war in every country in Europe. "You may ask what forces in Europe preserve peace in Europe," he said. This peace force is the moey power, the great financiers whose interests are entirely opposed to war. There are large numbers of people, intelligent, thought ful people, who believe that a general war would kill off enough of the labor ing population to temporarily solve the labor question. Those who were left could be paid higher wages and live on a higher plane. "It is interesting to consider which nation of Europe would benefit most by a general European war. That nation undoubtedly would be Great Britain. She has the navy and the men and the money. England is far better situated in a financial way for a war than any other European power. The present friendliness of England toward the Unit ed States I believe to be sincere and not expressed for the purpose of making capital out of us. We should respond to the sentiment. Besides ties of blood, we would be wise to have a powerful ally in case of friction with any other European power. "We shall probably be compelled to take a place in the settlement of the Eastern question. There are many people who insist that we shall keep up the role of the hermit nation. In my judgment there is no choice before the American nation. Whether we wish to or not, we must take our place among the powers of the world. The United States may be dragged into the company of the powers by the heels, or take its place voluntarily and call to the world, 'Here is Jonathan ; he is six leet two; he has come to stay ; he waits to be counted; you must reckon with him.' " CAM BON'S PRO POSALS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY Seems to Be Endeavoring to Find Out What Terms the United States -Will Make. Washington, July 26. The note pre sented to President McKinley by Am bassador Cambon, incorporating Spain's official proposal for peace, is not at all satisfactory. It contains no definite proposition, but rather conveys the im- Buying made doubly profitable now. Liberal re ductions made on clean and desirable merchandise. Goods must be sold, however, in order to make the necessary room for fall goods soon to come. - Wash. Goods. All dimities, lawns, m ulls, and organdies, either plain colors or figures reduced. Good selling heretofore at 6c reduced now to . . : . 4a 6e reduced now to 5c S)c " , " ....6c 10c " 7c 12c " " " 9c 15c " " " 11c 16c " ' " 12c 20c " " " ....14c 25c 30c " 40c " 50c " t CC f f s I .17c .19c .27c .34c Goods the most desirable in cluded in the above. No trouble to show you. Silks. General clearance sale of silks now in progress. With but one or two exceptions our entire line is being offered at prices to close. Truly the silk opportunity oi the season. A bint on prices, past and present. 75c silks reduced to 59c 1.00 " . " . ,69 and 79c 1.15 " " " 89c 1.25 .S9 and 99c 1.50 " " 99c and $1.08 Brocade moire, velours, plaids and stripes chiefly compose this lot. No trouble to show you. Handkerchiefs. We mention but two items here; more equally as good on our counters. Ladies' handker chiefs, pure white lawn, J4 inch hem, a pretty equare of lace open work in each corner. Good Kr value at 10c. Clearance price Ov Gentlemen's hemstitched cam bric handkerchiefs, and 1 inch hems, superior quality at $2.00 per dozen. Special 10j each or $1.00 per dozen. Suspenders. Special values in Suspenders. Men's suspenders at 10c, 15c and 25c. When buying your next pair consider the merits of the "Chester" Improved Suspenders. We also sell the "Crown." fl.jLlflKlS ff CO. Cloudy Weathet Piref egged iov Sittings. MY WORK Chapman Block. pfression that it is intended ti find out just what terms the United States is willing to make to bring about peace. In view of the persistent inquiries of the powers within the past few days re garding the disposition we may make of the Philippines it is believed Spain's latest effort may have been inspired. At any rate the president is said to have intimated to the Fiench ambassador that he would not consider any propo sition that would not give direct evi dence of honest intent. '" THE END IS EXPECTED SOON Everything at Present Points Towards a Speedy Termination of War Spain May Object to Terms. New Yobk, Jnly 26. It looks tonight as though war' might be near its end. Through the , French ambassador at Washington Spain today sent formal Neckwear. Call and see what we are offer ing at the special price of 25c in tecks, puffs, band bows, clubs and four-in-hands. Ties ranging in regular price from 35 to 60c. In order to make room for our very elegant and extensive line of Fall Ties, these must go. Choice 25c Blankets. A vf ry eatiefactory business in blanket selling in mid-summer can only be attained by having, good blankets at very low prices'. We have bad all three. Still a choice lot left from which to make jour selections 50c to $7.45. Wrappers. We can truthfully say that we show the largest and best assort ment ot wrappers to be seen in this territory. Wrappers at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 made up in the newest and most becoming way form part of the attractions. Others np to $3.50. No trouble to show yon, whether you wish to buy or not. . Dress Skirts. Checked Skirts at 95c Figured Black Skirts at $1.00 Plain Black Skirts at $1.50 The above are - priced to meet the demand for a low priced Sum mer article, and we can recom mend tbem as special values at prices quoted. Tailor-Made Suits. What few numbers in Ladies' Blouse Suits we still have can be bought at prices greatly below their respective values. Suits which were $11.95 now $7.95 Suits which were $16.00 now $10.95 Suits which were $18.00 now $13.90 No trouble to show these. Men'SpBoys' Clothing ' Our entire stock of men's and boy's Summer Suits reduced from 20 to 30 per cent. Consider the price difference in your favor and then come and see us. . MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR. notice that that government had been licked by Uncle Sam and would be glad to hear of terms that would be ac ceptable to this government. It is un derstood Spain is only willing to ac knowlddge the independence of Cuba and possibly the cession of Porto K'co as the price of indemnity for the war. It is said by one close to the president that McKinley'B terms are the cession. of Porto Rico, the Caroline and La drone islands to the United States ; the independence of Cuba under Atnericen suzerainty, and a coaling etation in the Philippines, together with extensive re forms for those islands. Klondike Steamers Arrive. Seattle, July 26. The steamers Ros alie and Athenian arrived today from Skagway, bringing a number of Klon dikers and about $200,000 in gold. The ' men came op the Yukon and the lakes and out over the passes.- You be the doctor for a little while and make a critical examination of a bundle of our laundry work and see if you cannot conscientiously recommend the Dalles Steam Laundry, Telephone No. 341. , J '"