The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 26, 1898, Image 1

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NO 113
the food pare,
wholesome and dellclea.
The Question of the Powers Con
cerning the Possession of the Phil
ippines is Being Considered.
WASHINGTON, July 25. The powers have
embarrassed McKinley and his advisers by their
formal inquiries as the this government's intentions
in the matter ol the. disposal of the Philippines.
The fact that all foreign embassadors should
suddenl7 cut their summer vacations short in order
to reiterate their assurance of distinguished consid
eration at the White House, is considered most significant.
Charles Sating Killed by Frank Miller
Trouble Arose Over a Pool Game
Miller Placed in Jail.
Susanviixe, Calif., July 25. Frank
Miller shot and killed Charles F.aling at
Aniedee, Lassen county, Sunday after
noon. Saling and a man named Chap
man had some trouble over a pool game
and Saling threatened to kill Chapman.
He procured a piatol and returned with
the intention of carrying out his threat.
Miller, who had been watching them,
went to his cart and getting his shot
gun, loaded it, and returning fired
through the screen doors of the barroom
at Saling. The first shot took effect in
the right breast, the second in the lower
part of the face.
Miller was arrested and brought to
Susan ville today and placed in jail.
Both men are strangers here.
The Charles Nelson Arrives From
Alaska With that Amount in Dust
and Nuggets and 173 Passengers
Some Rich Strikes Reported.
Seattle, July 25. The steamship
Charles Neleon arrived from St. Mich
aels today with 173 Klcndikers and a
minion an 1 a nait in treasure. Only a
few of the 'passengers were without gold
m some form. The largest holding was
that of Prof. F. S. Lippy, a well-known
educator, who went into Klondike two
years ago. He brought from claim num
ber 16, on Eldorado, over a ton of dust,
valued at over $300,000. The claim is
not for sale.
Mora Disorder la Spain.
Paris, July 25. Private letters from
Madrid dated July 23d say international
disorder in the Spanish provinces still
Telegram Has Been Received From
General Shatter Requesting that
Gold and Paper Money Alone Be
Sent to Santiago.
Washington, July 25. Major Sniffin,
accompanied by three paymasters, will
leave New York tomorrow for Santiago,
to pay Shafter's army, and then proceed
to Porto Rico to pay Miles' forces.
A telegram has been received from
Shafter requesting that gold -and paper
be sent to Santiago, as tradesmen re
fuse to accept Amarican silver dollars
at par value, and rate them at fifty cents
011 the dollar. Considerable indignation
is expressed that the American money
is discounted, and the suggestion has
been made to to the secretary of war
that any tradesman who refuees to ac
cept United States money of any kind at
100 cents on the dollar should be re
moved from the territory over which the
Absolutely Pure
American flag floats.
The supposition is that the refusal to
accept silver dollars is the result of the
long use of silver in Mexico and South
American countries which has never
passed for more than half its face value.
Fatal Fire at Sea.
San Fbancisco, July 25. A private
dispatch here says the ship Kenil worth,
bound from Ililo, Hawaii, for New York,
with a cargo of sugar, has put into Val
paraiso on fire. The captain and mate
are reported dead.
Will Leave Today to Reinforce the
First Expedition Will be Five
Days En Route.
TAMPA, Juiy 26. General Broke, who will be
second in command to Miles, will start today with
a considerable number of troops to reinforce the
first expedition now disembarking at Porto Rico.
It is said that Brooke's troops will reach the
point at which they are to land within five days.
Mm Mat as
ReiM in lairi
The Spaniards Say Our Army Has
Been RepulsedLittle Stock Taken
in the Rumor by Either Amer
icans or Spaniards.
MADRID, July. 25. The American troops are
disembarking on the southern coast of Porto Rico,
near Ponce. The usual reports of Spanish victory
are being circulated. It is said that the official re
ports state that the Americans were repulsed with
considerable loss while attempting to effect a land
ing at Bahia Honda. The people have been fooled
so often recently by reports of this character that the
news has created but little excitement.
Steamer Edward Smith No. 2 Runs Into
the Schooner Aurora and is Dashed
Into the Sunken Lake Steamer St
Clair With Such Force as to Sink
the Smith.
Detroit, Joly 25. The steamer Ed
ward Smith No. 2 was run into the
sunken lake eteamer St. Clair ner the
fiats by the schooner Aurania, in tow of
the Aurora. The steamer Smith was
bound np to load and without a . con
sort, while the Aurora and Aurania were
bound down. Another large propeller
was also bound down near the town, and
it is supposed the man in charge of the
Smith got the propeller and the tow
mixed in bis mind, and in dodging the
propeiler dashed into the Aurora, which
was making in the neighborhood of sev
enteen miles an hour.
The force of the blow sent the Smith
over to the west side of the channel and
sank her. The Aurora was badiy dam
aged about the bow. The crew and a
pleasure party on board the Smith were
rescued without accident and sent to the
Old Club.
The Smith is owned by John Smith.of
Cleveland, and valued at $65,000. The
Aurania is the property of Corrigan, of
Cleveland, and valued at $150,000.
' Details are very- meager none of the
crew having arrived here yet.
To Be Published Today.
-Washington, July 26. The official
reports concerning the naval operations
culminating in the destruction of Cer
vera's fleet will be published tonight-.
Try Again !
Before getting your money
back (if you don't like Schil
lings Best tea) try another
flavor. If you don't like that,
try another.
Keep on trying until you
hare tried all five. Then's
the time for money-back.
Cloudy Weather Pveferved for Sittings.
Chapman Block.
The War Department Has No Doubt
That the Miles Expedition is Now
On the Way to Porto Rico.
Washington, July 25. GeneralBrooke
commanding the First army corps, will
today on the St. Louis from Newport
News to join General Miles. The St.
Louis will be accompanied on the run
by the St. Paul. The war department
has no doubt General Miles is now on
bis way to Porto Rico, and all his troops
will be ashore . before'- the end of the
Probably Bound for. Manila.
London, Jnly 25. A special from
Shanghai says that four Russian men-of-war
have left Port Arthur, and that
it Is, supposed their destination is the
Philippine islands. ' '-. '
Work of Restoring Order Has Been Re
tarded by Their Coarse Span
- iards Quietly Accept the Situation.
" New Yokk, July 25. Dispatches to
the World from Santiago say :
The Cuban insurgents are retarding;
the work of the military ''governor in re
storing order in the city.; . They 'still are
disgruntled because the town is not de-slivered
over to them. ' The Spaniards
are accepting the change of government
in Santiago with a good grace. Garcia'a
forces have left the American camp and.
gone into the interior. They have beer
warned, under threat ot extreme penal
ty, not to molest Spanish ' resident or
return to the old system of brigandage.