Tb Dalles Bafly Gbrcmt-Ia as DALLES, OBEQUN TEB EXCEIENCE OF SYKCP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svatrp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original . remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fia Stbtjp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other p&t lies. The high standing of the Cali Utobnia Fig Sritup Co. with the medi--cal profession, and the satisfaction 'which the genuine Syrup of Figs has Sriven to millions of families, makes he name of the Company a guaranty 'Of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it aets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken- " : ing them, and it does not gripe nor - nauseate. In order to get its beneficial -effects, please j-eicember the name of fthe Company CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL IrfCI8TIl.LE, Kj. NEW TORE, X. T. .JRKRS'JiSAL MENTION. X. E. Meere, of White Salmon, ia in the city. (M. A. Thotboorn iting Dalles friends. of Kingsiey, is vis- Mr. A. S. Mac AMister returned last evening from a business trip to Portland. fc. l. Judd, president of the Pendle ton woolen Mills, was in the city Yea teniae Ur. and Mrs. ;F. M. Shaw, of Hood Tllver, 'are registered at the Umatilla ttiouee. .oiiro uiixcg r?rarnei last 'even ne . T . . .. rum jroriiana, wnere lie iiaa been on a euoit business trip. Miss Benton, of Portland, is visiting ai cue residence ot tier sister, Mrs. Leon uruse, at (jrand jJalles. A. E. Thompson returned last night rfroin Clatsop beach, where hia familv i.are spending the summer. TB.T. Laughlin left yesterday to join liia family at Glen wood where they are camping for the summer. iMiBsvJassie Ihorbourne, of Kingaley, arrived in the city on tlifc night train last night from a yieit to friends at Ger- ii55f. and Mrs. Fred Houghton left yes ierday on the Dixon for Camas Prairie, -where 4hey will epend their summer va cation. Dr. .'Livingston, of Denver, Colorado, 1. I. .. . . 1 l. ing Dr. Sutherland, left yesterday for 1u'b home. ' Tiev.'G B.'.Vac water, who during the past week has 'been visiting Rev. Job. DeForeet in this city, returned yester day morning to resume hia labors as rector of St. David's church in Portland. KKsa Emma Davenport, who lias been nAing relatives at Saiem, Silverton snd other valley points, returned last vesiiig and is visiting with the family of iter uncle, B. G. ISavenport, in this aty. Fritz Rader, eon of 5eorge Rader, a wealthy stock man, living a few milea north of Loni? Creek, -Grant County, came hear loosing his life while riding alter stock .Thoreday afternoon. His Iiorse stepped into badger hole while eoing at lull-speed and fell, the young rider being violently thrown to the cround. The force of the fall rendered tiiui anconscious for some time. His in juries were serious though not necessar ily fatal. "Gov. Lord's .proclamation against forest fires, while made in the beat oi faith, will continue to be observed about as much as are aome of the defunct laws iow on our statute books," says the ileppner Times. "The Portland dudes who come up here-every year to fish and hnntimthe ones aost responsible for v, r!f Rtrnotion -of our forests by fire, and until moro -vigorous means are in etituted to jput stop to such outrages, .the practice mill be continued. a. shooting scrape took place near the Arlington depot last Wednesday after noon, T. H. Waason firing two shots at Jjika Harvey,, neither of which took ' direct. The former waa fined $30, which lie paid. The trouble was caused by Harvey, who is a gambler, having Alienated the affections of . Wesson's wife at Boise not long ago, and when the two men met, Wasaon went after the other fellow with blood In bis eye, but the distance between the gun and its mark prevented a more serious result. ... TYGH VALLEY ROLLER MILL At all times flour equal to the best for eaia at Tygh Valley Boiler Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoekle, Prop. mchl6-6tn the people's progress OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION WILL SHOW IT. I Tliore Will Be fllirtb, Music and a Great Gathering of People In Port land on That Occaaton. Lovera of good music and they are plentiful everywhere will be glad to know that the coming Oregon Industrial Exposition ia going to treat the people to the very best music that it is possi ble to procure. The committee has en gaged Bennett's Military Band for the entire length of the term of the exposi tion, and that is sufficient assurance that the music will be of the best. It will not only be classical but will abound with old time melodies and every-day tunea that everyone understands and appreciates. Superintendent Baker, of the Oregon Industrial Exposition, has made a trip to Omaha and Inspected the Trane-Mis-sissippie Exposition and saw how tilings are done there, and acquired ideas on modern fairs, which he will intronace and improye on here. Every new, at tractive and useful feature of lairs will be introduced at the coming Oregon Ex position and the surroundings will be so pleasant and agreeable that all will be glad they came. People will come from all parts of the Northwest, and full descriptions of the things they exhibit will go to all parts of the sonntrv and man? caitaofthe world, and the result will be a large in flux of new people tc the Northwest and a corresponding-incre?e of wealth, and everybody will be benefited, Ia the great exposition building, or rather group of building?, a?e to be gath ered the product of the field", forest, or chard, mine and factory, and the food Harvest ot the eea, and combined with their exhibition will be music. Sowers. fine arts and amusements, combined wiuth instruction?, all in daily install ments. It is an opportunity for useful amsee tnent and eight-seeing which is placed within reach of all." Few can afford to miss it, and excursion rates are very reasonable. The producers of the Northwest are invited to send samples of their fruits, grains, grasses.dairy and other products, i; and all such exhibits wil! be given very prominent places and the beet care taken of them. Robbed tSte 6rre. A etartlmg incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia,, was tie sobject is narrated by hits as follows: I vraa in a most dreadful condition. My frkin waa almost yellow,, eyes tunkeny tongue coated, pain- continual in baeft and sides, no- appetSe gradually showing weaker Jay by day. Three pbysieiana had giver me up. FbrlMiatey, friend advised trying 'Electric Betters," td to my great joy and sarprisey the first bot tle made decided improvement con- tinned their use for three weeks, at) am now a wen- man. Lknow they saved my lite and' robbed the grve of another victim." Iks-one saoulafaoii totrytbem. Ib IMKOo-ry. oris 4y- Aug J. BOgel, tfce leadiofi druggist of Shreveport La.r saysv "Dr. King's New Diecovery i the only thing that cares my oaght. aad- it is the beet seller I haye." J. F. CtwsapbeJl merchant of Safford, Ari&., w riixjH Dr. King's New Discovery is all ttaa i ctatmed for it;. it never fails, and? is a eww core for con 8nm ptioo,. coughs-a-ndi eolds. I cannot say enough for fta meiits." Dr. KinK?"S New Liisoovery for Co&samption, CoUl3 and Coaghs ia a an experiment. It has bean tried for a Quarter of a centary, andi today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Eiake ley & Hoaghton's. A CHILD ENJOYS The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effects of Syrup of Fuss, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or motuer oe costive or oiiious, ttce most gratifying results folir.w its use ; so that it is the best family remedy known and every familv should have a bottle Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, - Win your battles against diseass by acting promptly. One Minute Congb Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption, and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. For Bale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.: E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is worth $50 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He ad vises others to try it. It also cures ec zema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. For sale by the Snipes-Kinerely, Drug Company. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf Bicycles and tandems rented by Mays & Crowe. ; . 21-3t Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the teeth. - - - tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures. - That I what It wu nde for. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam tor the teeth. - 3333333333333 hin "Wfcere the Blood loses its intense red grows thin and jj watery, as in anemia, there is - g k a constant zeeuncr of exhaus tion, a lack of energy vitality $ j and tne spirits depressed. Mllll III I IIIJIII- ,.IH!gBBMB v a of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- & jg phosphites of Lime and Soda $ $ is peculiarly adapted to correct S this condition. The cod-liver $ jg oil, emulsified to an exquisite & fineness, enters the blood direct ! m and feeds its every corpuscle, m u .1 t 1 eivino- vitality to the whole system The hypophosphites m 5? reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strength- j $ ening; and beneficial effect. 2 If the roses havs left your cheeks, if vou are crowinc ? A thin and exhausted from over- work, or if age is beginning $ j to telL use SCOTT'S Emul- i sion. (v 1 Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. S ' All druggists; Joe. and f i. oo. j i, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Jg PROFESSIONALS. STUHDEVANT, Dentist. Office tct French & Co.'s Bank Phonic 6, THE DALLE 3, OREGOtf J)AN ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Steontf Street, TUB DA I.VES, OitEG ON. TILLMAN CARLSOW,, D. D. Wilfc IT, B. II.rrazte,-Dontit, P?stot::; PartiIs.?5; full npp?iorl6w, $7.50, Dljwe pnon-7. cmauna t souse, At. Koouib-lanet 2; fjliapman Blot-ii- Physiias and Surgeons,. Spsoial atteattort siren to surgery. Booms 21 aod'22; Tel. S2S Kos Block: -Ht7imTOTO- H STTIIXSOM- TrmNTINefTOV- & -SHi.9t. XX iHTfOKJTfYS AT LAW. THE. 1ALLE8, 03ESON- CttStwover Ktst'Nat; lank. IrsasD. w.'ir:oT UfSeKOvet Flist Nat Snolfc- TBsere is iaore Catarrh in this eeatron of Sbe-couTitiy-thani ali otbe- diseases-put together, aiai until the last few ysars-wasappos-3i to ber inowable. For' a great many-jeara doators- pronounced) it a Ideal d and! prescribed I'sea-l reaoedies, ad4y- osogtao-Sij failing; to-cere-with lasraU treimeri6r pronoucoetl' it incapable- Sbiena-ha fryen catan-b-tcita a con&ljiotionai'disesse-, and thare fore requirae- constitutional treatment., nttll's Catsrrah Grjest ma.rafactured by Bt J: Cheneiyi&.Go.'DbletBo-, Ohio, is ttie ooly constitntionai anro-iMs the mariat-. It 18 takea internally. iuAises from tu drops to aiteaBoooafal. It acts directly on the b-Vood'and muooos surfaces of the- syetem. They o&r on hundred doSar for any ease it fails- tx etire. Send for olrculaas-andi testimonial's. Address.. Bi J. Caiay & Co., Toledo, Ov C&Sold; by Druggists, 75c. 7T tun. for rale. Agoodfaraa. for sale four and a half miles from. town, consisting of 42$jacres good, land,. 120 being in grata, four bursas, 10- bead oS cattle and 6 o.' bogs. Also a goadt dwelling house and? barn. The land will produce anything; grown in Waeco county. A good Echo J witbin a quarter of a mile of the ' faaca. No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address Setii Mscgan, uly2lm-w The Dalles, Or. Our baby has been continually troub led with colic and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that w could do lor him did not seem to give more tbast temporary relief, until we tried Chaca berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy be has not been troubled. We waat to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. G M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our '98 models. Maier & Benton. DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve Cure Piles. Scalds. Burns. ONE FOR A DOSE. HAULS .jvm, A ViA tl J .11. DIUVtll - Gore HeAdache and DwMDSik. A movement of the bowels each day ia nacesaatr for health. Thei 'neither grip dot sicken. To eon nnoe too. we will mail aampl e free, or full box for a Soldbdruggljta. OR. BOSANKO CO. Phils. Pa. Blood I M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist, Agent. Window Glass Sflfges-Kinerely Drog Co 129 Second Street, THE? DAIiLiES", OREGON Just "What Voa eaant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sncb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion cre ton efieets at ordinary prices. Good c apers fc cheap paper prices. Elegant designs tasteful colorings,. yours for a en all price,, at our store on Third 8r-et. : Also a full line of house paints. IX W. VATJSE, Third St. Ts ike Voup at the Clarendon fcstaata.nt. JOHN DONOHUE, Pjrop. e. Clucndon Is the best Basiaurant in The Dalles. JVIeals at fill Hoaits. Seeo&d St. The Dalles, Ok. THecoliiEiiilapaGKingCQ., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANTJFACTUlJK8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages. . Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)R!ED BEEF. KTC. .Thousands oi persons Lave been cared of piles by using DeWitt'n Witch Hazel Salve. It beals promptly and cures ec zema and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. For sale by the Snipes. KinerBly Drug Co. ff- Kk 1 ...MKGKZINE... (6 VCLO M IE CAM E RA Revolutionize Amatuer Photography. 12 PICTURES IN 12 SECONDS. ONE TURN OF THE BUTTON DOES IT. Superior Lens, Universal Focus, "Automatic Bhutter. Always Set. This camera makes 12 pictures with out reloading. : Wasco war Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi v 11 kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, oPmT" Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton Flour This Flour is manufactured expressly for family . . " use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. GrafidallcS Battel DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS rf EMBALMERS Trr Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies IOVAL-. NOTICE. J;, H- CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posfoffice, where he will be- pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new. ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &cy your orders will; receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices-- Call and see him M.Z.DONNELL, PlESGtlPTIOrl DUGGIS TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal. Streets.. Special Attention to Feeding Tra nsienfc Stock. m Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DJULES. OR. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tyillipery parlor Under the management of Mrs. W. G.-Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand. . B. BCHIKE, President. H.M. Cashier First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A general Banking BuHineaa transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York. San Francisco ani Port land. ' DIBKOTOR3. D. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. Scbxkck. Ed. M. Wtil-UHS, ' Qo. 4, IdSB. H. M. Bkali,. Easy to Work. Simple of Oontsmo tion. Moderate in Price. No Extras. ..Made in Three Sizes... No. 1 For pictures 2 x 2H- 2 " " ZH x 4. 3 " " 4x5 . $3.50 . .00 .$10.00- Call and see samples or Write for Catalogue. ehouse Oompany Hobes, Burial Shoes, Etc.' THE DALLE S OR Horse Shoeing a Specialty. . Second Strreet. i FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TBANSACTA EKEEALBANKINQ BUE1NE3 Letters ot Credit issned available in the Eastern States. ' Sight Ea change and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Lonia, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at &U points on fav orabie terms. GENERAL aj GiacKsmiilis j ...AND... ' 3 VanomnaKers