The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 19, 1898, Image 1

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The kind of weather
calling for a cool, neat
Summer. Suit, finds us
offering jnst what is
wanted at from twenty
to thirty-five per cent
below the regular price.
Therefore, to eee is to
buy our
Regular $10.00 suits
now at $7.75
Regular $12.50 euits
now at $10.00
Regular $15.00 suits
now at $11.25
Regular $18.00 euits
now at $13.75
Regular $20.00 suits
now at $14.50
Above reductions on
summer weights and
etyles only.
...Boys Suits...
' "Dalles Mothers' hare learned
to believe in the Boys Clothing we
sell. They fiad that iu the -
brand, true merit exists. That's
why we continue to eell to the
same people, and explains the
steady growth of our
Extra Induce
ments Just Now:
$2 and $2.25 Boys Knee, Pants
Suits.... '. $1 50
$2.75 and $3.00 Boys Knee
Pants Suits -. 2 25
$3.50 and $4.00 Boys Knee
Pants Suits 3 00
right through the line, with ex
ception of Black Clays,
Ladies' Oxford Ties
Every merchant likes to open a new season wilb a
clean stock and as little of the .departed season's goods
as possible, therefore, wo say '
On more than one hundred and fifty pairs cxtord
ties and long shoes. Easy buying when prices rcn such
as these: . -
Tnn Oxfords worth $3.50 .for 98o
Chocolate Oxfords worth $3 00 for $2.00
Oxblood Oxfords worth $3 50 '. for $2.35
Black Kid Oxfords worth $30)0 for $1.85
Black Kid Oxfords worth $1.85 for 95c
4th Annual Sale of
. An important event in pur store. Some people
argue that this is the wrong, season to buy blanketB,
that is, until they eee our great
Special Price Offerings
which inevitably converts them iDto eager and
satisfied -buyers. Cheap, mediuia and fine blankets.
Blankets from
30c to $10.00 per pair.
White or Colored Blankets.' Cotton or Wool Blankets
. TVS.. WI
at IB
man iiu
s Renoned S
A Rumor States That the German War
ship Has Been' Sunk.
NEW YORK, July 19. A well defined rumor
was afloat at midnight to the effect that the German
Gunboat Irene had been sunk by Admiral Dewey,
while attempting to run the blockade in Manila bay.
She had been previously warned, as this was not her
first interference.
Manila Has Been Completely Blockaded Insurgents are
Anxious to Begin the Attack Second American
Expedition Has Not Yet Arrived.
Hong Kong, July 18.- Beports brought
from Manila by steamer state that as a
result of a correspondence between
Dewey and the admiral of the German
squadron, growing out of the incident
in Subig bay, the actions of the Ger
mans are now such as to greatly lessen
the tension which their conduct created
among the American fleet.
General Anderson has had several
companies out traversing the country in
the vicinity of Augusti'a garrisons, fa
miliarizing the men with the character
of the country and getting them accus
tomed to the conditions under which
the Insurgents are fighting.
A complete blockade is in force, and
supplies in the besieged city are grow
ing alarmingly scarce. Agninaldo sent
one of his aides to August! Friday with
the proposition that the captain-general
surrender or he would bombard the city.
Augusti was told that it was only by
the exercise of the severest discipline
that the insurgents were held in re
straint, ' and if a general, attack were
commenced Aguinaldo would not be re
sponsible for any acts committed by his
A proposition was made to submit the
question of the independence of the
Philippines to the powers, after sur
render, under republican form of gov
ernment. Augusti'a reply is alleged to
have been the statement that he would
have to fight, no matter what the conse
quences. The insurgents are bringing alt their
artillery from various parts of the
island and placing their guns in the
most advantageous positions about Ma?
nilla. The insurgents are becoming
very impatient over the delay in order
ing an attack on Manila, and fighting is
now expected to begin at any moment.
The Second American expedition has
not arrived yet, and it may be decided
to await the coming of General Merritt
before beginning operations.
When the steamer left Manila a Span
ish ship had just been brought in by the
insurgents, on which a Chinese crew
bad mutinied. All the Spanish officers
had been killed.
' An incident which shows the kind of
timber of which Admiral Dewey is made
had just occurred. The German gun
boat Irene attempted to pass the block
ade, and, on being hailed, paid no 'at
tention whatever to the warning. A
shot was fired across her " bow and a'
small boat from one of the American
warships went -aboard to inquire as to
what were her intentions. The Ger
man admiral protested that warships
had a right of free entry, which Dewey
informed him would not be entertained.
It is reported that the admiral in
quired of the of the British captains
what he would do if the Germans had
trouble in the harbor. The reply of the
Britisher is said to have been, "Only
Dewey and myself know."
Hundreds of Miners Will Stare on the
Copper River if Steps Are Not
Taken to Aid Them.
Seattle, July 18. Captain .Amber
crombia, U. S. A., recently returned
from Valdes, Copper river, has filed an
official report 'saying that hundreds of
miners are stranded on Copper river
and will starve or freeze to death the
coming winter if the government toils to
send a relief expedition. The men have
lost their outfits trying to navigate
Copper river, or in the terrible ava
lanches at Valdes glacier. '
The DIseoTery of tbe Day.
Aug' J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I haye." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
SafFord, Ariz., writes : Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed for it;
it never fails, and is a sure cure for con
sumption, coughs and colds. I cannot
say enough for its merits.'' Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Colds
and Couichs is not an experiment. It
has been tried for a quarter of a century,
and today stands at the head. It never
disappoints. -Trial bottles free at Blake
ley & Houghton's. '
Coast Lights Extinguished.
Algiers, July IS. The Spanish au
thorities in the Balearic islands have
extinguished tbe coast lights there un
til further orders.
Russia, Germany, France and Austria
Intimate that Peace Must Be
Made Soon.
Madrid, July 18. Russia, France,
Germany and Austria have forcibly in
timated to tbe Spanish queen and her
ministere that Spain must eecure an
early peace to save the country from lit
eral ruin. The government is pursuing
its high-banded policy with Cortes, and
the people deem it necessary to secure
peace quickly and prevent uprising.
McCoy Gets Off Easily.
Portland, July 18. George W. Mc
Coy, the Klondike transportation
schemes promoter, recently found guilty
by a jury ; in the United States district
court upon an indictment charging him
with using the United States mails for
fraudulent purposes, was this morning
fined $100 by Judge Bellinger.
As this is the minimum penalty in a
crime of this kind, the friends of Mc
Coy consider bim lucky. McCoy skir
mished out to raise the amount of his
fine upon receiving eentence.
Firm for Sale.
A good farm for sale four and a half
miles from town, consisting of 420 acres
good land, 120 being in grain, four
horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs.
Also a good dwelling house and barn.
The land will produce anything grown
in Wasco county. A good rchool within
a quarter of a mile of tbe farm.- No
mortgage or land agent in the way. Call
on or address Seth Morgan,
july2-lrarw The Dalles, Or.
The Somers Family appeared at the
Columbia last night and presented a
pleasing program. It' consisted of a
concert first part, while tbe second part
was devoted to specialties, most of
which were very cleyer. The smaller
children are born comedians, and tbey
kept the audience convulsed with laugh
ter, Miss Nellie Somers - possesses a
voice of rare sweetness and remarkable
range, and her einging completely cap
tivated the audience. Boise Statesman.
They play at the Baldwin opera house,
in this city, Thursday evening, July 21st.
Can't pay trie price of Schil
ling's Best tea?.
How, then, can you pay
.full tea-price for. adulterated
Royal make the food pure,
wholesome and delicious. .
1 ava
Absolutely Pure
She Brings About 400,000 in Dust and
Nuggets Report that but one of
the River Boats Reached its Desti
nation. -
. Seattle, July 18. The steam schoon
er Samoa reached here late tonight with
38 Klondikers who had between $300,
000 and f 400, C00 in dust acd nuggets.
She brings the report that only one of
the great fleet of river boats and barges
that started for the Yukon have ever
reached St. Michael, the others having
gone to the. bottom of the sea.
Tbe official estimates place tbe output
from the Klondike not more than ten
million dollars. Moat of the treasure
fleet is now on the way from St.
Michaels. Hundreds of disgusted min
ers are at St. Michaels eager for an op
portunity to get back to civilization.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what It was mado f Jr.
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam tor the
Kobbed the Urave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject
is narrated by him as follows : I was in
a most dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, nain nnnlinnallv In VtnMr anH
sides, uo appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to
my great joy and Burprise, the first bot
tle made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man.- I know they saved
my Hie and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
The Pocket Koiy camera.
The Kozy measures l3xb inch
es when closed. It is strictly a film
camera and takes pictures S4x3
inches. No glass plates, plate-holders
or dark room required. Can be loaded
in troad sunlight for twelve pictures at
each loading. Clear finder, three stops,
and time of instantaneous pictures.
Catalogue free on application to
M. Z. Donmell, Druggiet.
Thousands of pereons have been cured
of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It heals promptly and cures ec
zema and all skin diseases. It gives im
mediate relief. For sale by the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
C. E.
Next door to
- Purity Soda Works.
Candies, Nuts,
Soda Water;
Ice Cream Soda,
and Tobacco.
All kinds of Soft Ciders
and Summer Drinks.
w as co warehouse 0
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain 01? 11 kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 'Sued
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack ia guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.